Monday, December 20, 2010

Maintenance To Avondale Bio-swale Improves Stormwater Treatment at Bear Creek.

2009 - Bio-Swale After Maintenance (Avondale on right)

2007 - Bio-Swale Before Maintenance (from NE 104th St )

 This bio-swale is particularly important because it treats stormwater flowing into salmon-bearing, Bear Cr.

2010 - After 12/13 storm - (looking south to NE 104th St.)
The left photo shows the swale after a winter downpour in 2007.  The soil is filled with debris and chemical contaminants. The inlet pipes are clogged and one is buried.  Dirty stormwater from Avondale Road and NE 104th Street isn't treated according to design.  This bio-swale is in serious need of maintenance and was reported by RNB to city stormwater
engineers. During heavy storms, water was cascading over the swale.   
The above right photo was taken in December, 2009.   According to a city stormwater engineer, the bio-swale is back to it's original "wetland pond" shape.  The soils contaminated with heavy metals and chemicals are removed.  The inlet pipe at the "elbow" of the swale is unplugged, visible and servicing Avondale run-off according to plan.

Have you seen this stormwater facility?

Reported by Bob Yoder
Photos by Yoder

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Google opens world's forests for all to see

Google opens world's forests for all to see -

A new Google tool (Earth Engine) will allow users to explore woodland conditions, monitor degradation.
With Google's new Earth Engine, anyone will be able to view forest conditions worldwide. When it launches next year, the online tool will provide satellite imagery of forests and will reveal where these woodlands have been razed or degraded by logging.

With Earth Engine, small nations, nonprofit groups, independent researchers and everyone else will be able to assess an environmental crisis of growing magnitude: deforestation".... Read more

By Suzanne Bohan
Contra Costa Times 12/13/2010

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Bing grabs search share, rolls out new features amid Google fight

Bing grabs search share, rolls out new features amid Google fight:

Bing remains engaged in a serious battle with Google. And there's some new research indicating that Microsoft's search engine is making a bit of headway -- both in terms of market share and new innovative features.

Bing accounted for 25.27 percent of U.S. Internet searches for the four week period ended November 27th"... Read more

By John Cook
Tech Flash - Todd Bishop's Microsoft Blog
"bing" link added by Yoder

Friday, December 17, 2010

Superintendent Chip Kimball Will Chat With Mayor At Senior Center

Dr. Chip Kimball
School Superintendent Will Chat With Mayor Marchione on January 10
Redmond, WA – The Redmond Senior Center (RSC) will host a conversation between Lake Washington School District (LWSD) Superintendent Chip Kimball and Redmond Mayor John Marchione on Monday, January 10 at 12:15pm in the Multi-Purpose Room of the RSC, 8703 160th Avenue NE.
Mr. Kimball will discuss the state of LWSD schools and answer questions about the Capital Projects Levy on the February ballot. This measure, if passed, authorizes a six-year levy totaling $65.4 million to build classroom additions and expand core facilities at Redmond High School and Eastlake High School and to construct a new secondary school.
Registration for the conversation is not necessary; however, lunch will be available at $3.00 for those over 60 and $5.75 for all others. Reservations are recommended. For additional information or reservations, call 425-556-2314.
City Press Release
RNB Editor's Note:  Several Weeks Ago, thc City Council voted 6-1 (David Carson) to support the L.W. School District 2011 Capital Projects Levy.    

Lots of people are walking the innovative NE 36th Street Bridge sidewalks -- Driving the Roundabout

Walking the NE 36th Street Bridge is an opportunity to get outside, socialize, exercise and de-stress

Clip of Redmond's First Roundabout In-Action! 
Have you walked the bridge, yet?   Do you have something to say about it?  

Report, Photo, and Video By Bob Yoder
Photos on 12/15 - 2nd day

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Redmond Rousers Rotary "Embraces Kids" !

Rouser Pres. Kelly Kyle with Don Gregory, Past District Governor 
This short clip features "energy bunny" President Kelly Kyle of the Redmond  Rousers Rotary at a holiday party "for kids". She is describing the Rouser's 16th Annual "REK" Holiday Event, named "Rotary Embraces Kids". Over 65 elementary school-aged kids from Redmond El and Einstein celebrated Christmas with parents in a large hall donated by Fairwinds Manor of Avondale. Kelly describes the generous gifts from Fred Meyer. In addition, the kids received home-made pillow cases, winter coats, food, music, and a hug from Santa!  12/14

The Redmond Rousers Rotary meet at FAIRWINDS on 9988 Avondale Road N.E.every Tuesday, 5;30 - 7PM. Dinner is open to the public. Membership questions?  Email Kelly or call 425-880-4452.

Report, Video & Slide Show
By Bob Yoder

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Safety (Red Light) Camera Pilot Program Begins in January

Safety (Red Light) Camera
Update: ON 12/23 CITY CHANGED THE START DATE TO FEBRUARY 1ST.  Safety (Red Light) Camera Pilot Program Begins in February.

Redmond, WA – The City of Redmond’s new Safety Camera Pilot Program begins on FEBRUARY 1 with three red-light cameras and one school-zone camera. Redmond Police will issue warning tickets through January. Citations with fines will begin on February 1. The fine for a safety camera violation is $124.  (Read more....)


Thirty LW Teachers Achieve National Board Certification

Superintendent Chip Kimball
Thirty Lake Washington Teachers Achieve National Board Certification

170 National Board Certified teachers in districtRedmond, Wash. – Thirty teachers in the Lake Washington School District achieved National Board Certification®, as announced today by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. There are now 170 National Board Certified Teachers (NBCT) working full-time in the district’s schools.  (Read more and read the list of teachers)


Marchione Administration Proposes Job and Population Growth Targets

President Richard Cole
UPDATED:  Redmond City Council reviewed the Administration's proposed 2030 growth targets last week.   Council was told most new residential and job growth is planned for the Overlake and Downtown Urban Centers. SE Redmond is targeted for the most new employers.  Residential growth in the neighborhoods will be heaviest in North Redmond and Willows-Rose Hill.

Councillor Hank Margeson rattled off the Administration's plans for 6,000 new residents in eight years; that's 750 new residents/year with 1,075 new jobs by 2011.  Margeson asked staff:  "are we on course"?  Councillor Hank Myers said "it's clear to me we have capacity (for growth) without degrading lifestyle or quality of life."   Read more...

Read More

Announcements of Community Holiday Giving Updated Here

Free Christmas Trees

The Redmond Mustang boys basketball team will be at the Swedish/Redmond ER public open house this Saturday, December 18 to help with the Christmas tree maze. 18100 Union Hill Road.

After the open house ends at 2 p.m., Swedish/Redmond is giving away the trees used to build the tree maze – potentially up to 500 trees that were purchased to build it. Swedish has Hopelink and Together Center: Family Resource Center – on board. They and will be getting the word to their clients.

Between 2-3 p.m., it’s open only to the charities. After 3 p.m. on Saturday if the demand is not there, we will flip a sign that says ‘Free Christmas Trees’ that will then be open to anyone driving by. 18100 Union Hill Road in Redmond,  By Ed Boyle, Swedish
Give Warmth --  Coat Drive

To help local youth and families in need this winter, Carolann Joy Salon is teaming up with Friends of Youth in Redmond with a ‘Give Warmth Coat Drive’ at its Redmond, Washington salon.  (Read More)

Drop off location until is:  The salon at 8336 164th Ave NE next to the 7-Eleven near downtown Redmond. This location will be open for donations until January 22.  Givers receive a 5% Salon service discount. (Read More)

UPDATED: Children with Autism, LWSD PTSA events

from the desk of Julie Shalaby....

UPDATED, 12/15. 3:30 PM
i-Pads are presently out of stock :{  Julie sends her regrets.

I hope you all are enjoying this busy time of year! Below is an opportunity for a free iPad. I’ve attached the application. There are a few other events I’ve added that are going on in the next week.

Happy Holidays,
Julie Shalaby
LWSD PTSA Special Needs Group Chairperson

*Free iPad for Children with Autism*  (OUT OF STOCK, REGRETS)
Application due by December 31st, 2010 (Application Attached - "Read More")

*Free Fun Event for Youth*
All 17-24 year olds
are invited to come together for free fun!
…for pizza, dancing and learning about disabilities of all kinds
Join us Saturday, December 18, 2010
7:00 p.m. – 10 p.m., in North Kent

Read More for details....

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

November Insider Local Real Estate Report, by Redfin

Redfin is delivering our holiday bag of agent insights and proprietary numbers on what’s going on with the Seattle and Eastside area market.

There are a few lumps of coal in there: November sales volume is down for King County by 22.3%, and inventory is continuing to be pulled off the market for winter at a quick pace. Of the homes withdrawn from the market, only 40% of them sold while the remaining 60% de-listed to wait out the winter.

On the bright side, at least if you’re a home-seller: prices dropped by only 2.6%. The median price of homes is holding pretty steady at a time when most of the rest of the country is down. Interest rates are starting to rise and home-buyers are getting antsy.

Once again inventory is down across the board. Unfortunately, this doesn’t mean that homes have been selling, it’s because 60% of the homes no longer for sale were pulled off the market to wait out the winter

Read  Redmond and Kirkland November housing statistics


By Michelle Broderick
Marketing Director
Redfin Blog

Evergreen CEO Bob Malte starts talks with LWSD on "children's wellness & health" initiative.

Evergreen CEO Bob Malte
The Evergreen Hospital Board Study Session (12/7) proved fertile ground again for hospital news.  Commission meetings are open to the public and once a month they will listen to you.

CEO Bob Malte announced a "wellness and children's health" initiative to put additional levy tax-dollars to work towards community health service. He's already met with Dr. Chip Kimball of LWSD. North Shore and Riverside School districts may require different programs. Do you have creative community health service ideas for Mr. Malte or Commissioner Greenfield? Please send them to: Ms. Burton:   Commissioner-at-large Jeanette Greenfield, Board Secretary, sits on the Standing Levy Committee.

President Terrance Pheifer, MD and CEO Bob Malte described a revised "Compensation Committee".  Mr. Malte and Dr. Pheifer addressed the "199" document which lays out "who is authorized to spend unbudgeted funds besides the CEO".  A new policy was made to give the Commission oversight of unbudgeted funds when certain thresholds are met.  Read more...


Monday, December 13, 2010

La Nina Storms Into Redmond's Bear Creek Flood Plain

Bear Creek has been raging over its banks into a wide flood plain just east of Avondale Road adjacent the PSE powerline corridor.  This short video was taken this afternoon (12/13) after the torrential La Nina storm momentarily let up.  Puget Sound Energy had done some extensive clearing this summer for a new transmission line and I was observing it's impact and their wetland enhancements.  While checking out the site, I ran into two professional environmental consultants inspecting the flood plain.  They were hired by the clearing contractor to evaluate PSE's three mile widening project.  They were friendly and and patient with my questions.

The last part of the embedded video is cut off as it shows a section of the road that had flooded over. The second video date is incorrect.  Both were filmed on December 13.
Report and Videos by Bob Yoder

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Calm Before The Storm

Rainbow covers Redmond before El Nina strikes 
I was leaving the QFC at Bella Bottega Wednesday afternoon only to discover this lovely rainbow arching across the sky!  The rainbow was already starting to fade when I snapped this picture. (click rainbow to enlarge). It wasn't raining in the immediate area but, just enough humid air to create this beautiful effect!

It soon vanished, reminding me to savor life in the moment.

Story and Photo By John Reinke
(See all of  John's work)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Redmond Mustang Boys Blackout Eastlake, 73-51

Zach Klein Hits 3 In The Last Play Of  The Game - Band And Super Fans Gone Wild!
Redmond Mustang Boys Basketball Website

Just in time for the holidays: Bing rolls out maps for 22 malls,

Just in time for the holidays: Bing rolls out maps for 22 malls

Just in time for the holidays: Bing rolls out maps for 22 malls
--BY John Cook on Friday, December 10, 2010

Bing's new mall map for Lincoln Square >>>

Holiday shoppers who need to find their way around Bellevue Square, Redmond Town Center, Pacific Place and few other Seattle area malls now have a new online tool to use. Bing this week rolled out a new service which pinpoints store locations within malls, telling shoppers exactly where they can find Macy's at Northgate Mall or Crate & Barrel at University Village.

At this point, Bing has unveiled maps for 19 malls in Washington state, two in New York and one in Massachusetts.  Read more...


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Looking for Holiday Night Life in Redmond?

Watercress Asian Bistro on Redmond Way...

"Night life in Redmond is so rare! We love this friendly Bistro, so close to home...happy, vibrant, with great food and music!" Bob & Pam Yoder, Education Hill

Bring Your Friends & CELEBRATE  THE NEW YEAR with owners Carrie and Lily!
Friday December 31, 9PM ------
DJ MUSIC from the 70's, 80's, 90's and Salsa!
Appetizer Special before 8PM
Drink Specials, Party Favors
$5.00 cover
Lunch and Dinner
Mainly Asian-Chinese Cuisine
Live Piano Music 6-9 Fridays
Happy Hour Everyday :  F-S 9:00 to Midnight and M - F, 4:30 to 6:30 PM
1/2 PRICE BOTTLE OF WINE - at the Wine Bar - Tuesdays and Sundays (Just Say "RNB"! )
15405 Redmond Way, 425-284-3188

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

"The Nutcracker" at Meydenbauer Center! December 10 - 23

The International Ballet Theater's 10th anniversary season continues with The Nutcracker.  St. Petersburg, Russia is the birthplace of this holiday classic. IBT's production glows with tradition: costumes, sets, guest principals, choreography and direction all originate from St. Petersburg. Sure to please the purist and thrill the rest; experience the true Nutcracker! 
December 10th - 23rd
Meydenbauer Theatre

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

NE 36th Street Bridge to Open December 15

NE 36th Street Bridge to Open December 15

Redmond, WA – The NE 36th Street Bridge will open for traffic after the grand opening ceremony to be held on Wednesday, December 15 on the south side of the bridge (NE 31st Street) beginning at 12 noon. The public is invited to join local, state, federal and business representatives in the opening celebrations.

The bridge is constructed over State Route 520 and will better connect the Overlake Neighborhood, including the Microsoft Campus. It will also help alleviate the projected population and employment growth in the Overlake area, which without the new bridge, was expected to overwhelm the existing 40th Street connection over SR 520.

Redmond PTSA "Community Digest"


TEEN NIGHT OUT AT THE SEATTLE ART MUSEUM. On Friday, December 10 from 6-10 pm, join the staff from the Old Fire House Teen Center for a field trip to the SAM for live music, art making, open mic, and tours of the museum including Picasso! E-mail Samantha Smith for more info and to reserve your spot! Location: Seattle Art Museum 1300 First Avenue / Seattle, WA 98101-2003 Fee: FREE

EASTLAKE BENEFIT FOR INVISIBLE CHILDREN. Stop by the Old Firehouse Teen Center on Friday, December 10 from 7-10 pm and join the Eastlake Invisible Children's club to benefit children in war-torn Uganda and give access to fresh drinking water, education and other basic necessities. Featuring acoustic solo artists Maryanne, Cathleen, James and bands Cage and Banquet of Heroes. Tickets: $8

CAN YOU HELP TOYS FOR TOTS? Toys for Tots will be collecting unwrapped toys for needy children on December 11th from 11:00-2:00 at the Coldwell Banker Bain at Bella Bottega. Help brighten a child's holiday season!

HOLIDAY BASH: UGLY SWEATER PARTY! On Friday, December 17th at 8 PM, come to the Old Firehouse Teen Center to celebrate the holidays in your ugliest sweater! TICKET PRICE: $7
OPEN MIC NIGHT! Saturday, December 18 at 7 pm at the Old Firehouse Teen Center. Check out the new Glee Club and Holiday sing-alongs and debut of local new talent. Don't miss this one! Tickets: FREE!

KIDSTAGE VILLAGE THEATRE. Winter classes begin in January.
EVERGREEN FAMILY THEATRE. Winter and spring classes begin in early 2011.

FACING FAMILY PROBLEMS? The Sammamish Plateau Parent Networking Group was formed to help address family concerns and challenges. This year, they are working with family coach, Bill Dean, who will design monthly workshops around parents' concerns. The group's next meeting will be held on Monday, December 13th at the Sammamish Public Library next to Sammamish City Hall at 11:30-1:30 and also at 425 East Lake Sammamish Parkway at 7:00-9:00 PM. For more information contact Cherry O'Neill.

Posted in "MUSTANG NEWS"

Monday, December 6, 2010

ALERT UPDATE: The New City Website Will Launch On December 8 With Some Twists

Attention Users of City of Redmond Website    After emailing Ms. Gronlund, City Communications Manager last night, I learned the city will launch their new site this Wednesday morning, 12/8.  Be advised, old Bookmarks will be lost .   Though Marta addressed Redmond Neighborhood Blog specifically, it appears Media will lose links to the new city website.  No city press release on the launch date was issued.
From: Marta Gronlund
Date: Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 10:59 PM
Subject: RE: Focus website index page feedback
Yes the (Winter Lights)  festival was wonderful.
Yes, the new site, while still to the outside world is completely different on the back end (database driven). So all links will be different - no old bookmarks will work and content is now organized functionally rather than by department. So for those who use it frequently, it will be a little frustrating for awhile.
If you have links to content on your blog now, please send them to me and I will get you the new links to the same content as soon as I have them. We launch the new site Wed. AM. (12/8)
Thanks, Marta Gronlund
City Communications Program Manager
Sent from my Windows Mobile phone   
When, and if, I receive the new website links from City Communications, I'll update RNB links. 
It's my understanding the new city website link is

Redmond Neighborhood Blog (RNB) reports on Open Government and links extensively to the city website to provide proof sources for my research; and important city information RNB provides could be compromised. 

RNB is the oldest, ongoing hyper-local media site in Redmond.  A plethora of city website links going back over four years are momentarily disabled.  However, the majority of RNB readers rarely click on  links, so little will be truly lost to your reading enjoyment!  And, Redmond's repairing their end. 

OPINION and Report By Bob Yoder.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Advertising Is Ramping Up At "Evergreen Redmond Medical Plaza" and "Swedish/Redmond ER and Outpatient Center"

Shopping Cart Advertisement at Bella Bottega 
UPDATED:  For several months now Evergreen has been successfully advertising Evergreen Redmond Medical Plaza scheduled to open sometime in March of next year.  This shopping cart ad at QFC Bella Bottega  is very effective.  Have you seen these cart ads in other grocery stores?

This ad hits on four key features of Evergreen Redmond Medical Plaza:
  1. Primary Care
  2. ER Department
  3. Specialty Care
  4. Specialty Care Imaging & Lab Services
Several months ago, I attended an Evergreen Hospital Commission Meeting and listened to their marketing consultant recommend cart advertising, theatre spot ads, road signage and other ideas.  The Medical building is speaking for itself  by it's presence and attractive brick features.  Once the signage is up Redmond travelers won't miss the location for accessible, fast, comprehensive medical treatment.

One of Evergreen's competitors in Redmond is "Swedish/Redmond: ER and Outpatient Center" on Union Hill Road across from United Parcel Post.  Swedish/Redmond is celebrating their December opening with a "holiday housewarming" event on Saturday, December 18, 10-2.  Their ER Opens Dec. 21st.  Have you seen any of their advertising?  Read more....

At the Friday night Redmond Mustang boys basketball game, a light-blue "Swedish/Redmond" banner hung on the gym wall, and a full-page color "Swedish Medical Center/Redmond" ad took the program inside cover. The tag-line:  "Now there's an ER right in your neighborhood".  Were you one of the many hundreds attending "Redmond Lights" last night?  Swedish was sponsoring it and passing out hand-warmers.  Read more....


Friday, December 3, 2010

Mustangs Tower Over Shoreline In Exhibition Game Opener!

Redmond Mustangs win their first game of the season at home tonight!  Leslie Ellis hits a 3...
The super fans, band, cheerleaders and dance were awesome!  It's going to be fun this year!

2nd Video of  Season's First Tip-Off - SUPER FAN ACTION AND CHEERING
Videos by B.Y.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Youth Eastside Services (YES) Counselor Describes Drug Trends

On Saturday, November 20, some 45 people gathered at YES for a workshop on Drug Awareness and Prevention. "The best prevention is being involved with your kid and educated about what drugs they may come across," said Noble Erickson, a substance abuse counselor at YES and the workshop leader. "It's equally important to let your kids know you won't tolerate alcohol or substance abuse of any kind and set clear consequences," she added.

Following are some drug trends Noble shared at the class:  Read more...


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

LW District Students Selected for All-State Honor Music Ensembles

String Jam at Juanita High - violinists
District Students Selected for All-State Honor Music Ensembles

Fifty-seven district students have been selected by taped audition for this year’s All-State and All-Northwest honor music ensembles. Twenty-one students were selected for All-Northwest music ensembles, and 36 were selected as All-State music ensemble members.  Read the list of student honorees...


Safe School Buses

Lake Washington District School Buses Are Safe

Congratulations to our District Bus Technicians Trini Vigil, Mike Kurtz, David Philips, Tracy Wolgamott, Ben Hiller and Tom Spellman, shop supervisor, for an excellent job during our annual surprise inspection. Washington State Patrol arrived unannounced November 16 to inspect 25 percent of the district’s school buses.
Inspections statewide for the current year list 8.5 percent of buses as out of service, our team had 0 percent – meaning no out of service buses. This team rarely has the opportunity to interact directly with students, however, they work daily to ensure every student, staff and driver on a Lake Washington school bus has the safest possible ride to and from school and activities. Thank you, technicians!  -  LWSD release.

Finance Chair Hank Margeson Explains Why "Budgeting by Priorities" Works

I have a high very high opinion of Hank Margeson:  Councilmember Hank Margeson is presently Chair of the Public Administration and Finance Committee, with councilmembers Hank Myers and Kim Allen.  Hank presided in over 10 Budget meetings, and three Hearings.  In 2008 - 2009  Margeson Chaired the challenging Planning & Public Works Committee.  In addition, Hank holds the prestigious position as the city's Suburban Cities representative.  Hank lives with his wife Patti and their family on Education Hill, works full time in the insurance business, "lives to umpire!", and occasionally joins the Mayor and Parks & Trails Chair in a ball game.   Hank's letter is written in response to an email about the budget's cost-of-living adjustment.  Bob Yoder 
Finance Chair Hank Margeson

Dear Bob,

Thank you for your continued interest in the Budgeting for Outcomes (or Budgeting by Priorities) process. During the process of reviewing each of the citizen's priorities it was clear that in spite of challenging economic times, the City of Redmond's process was working. First, the budget offers were well prepared with an improved level of detail that enabled the results teams to rank offers. Second, the leadership team made some very difficult decisions while staying focused on the outcomes provided by each offer. The key to the BP process is to look for an outcome and then select or scale an offer to achieve the desired outcome.

Every budget offer was reviewed for scalability and where appropriate the offer was reduced to ensure a balanced budget was presented to Council. I can't say enough about how difficult this was as each department had positions eliminated. Read more....

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Random Act of Kindness Is Witnessed At The Redmond Family Pancake House

In these austere economic times, kudos goes out to a random act of kindness we witnessed while eating  at the Redmond Family Pancake House.  An unidentified couple out of the blue, randomly paid for the dinners of two families!  When's the last time you've witnessed kindness like this? - Pam Yoder

2.5M Kinect units sold in 25 days, By John Cook

Microsoft Blog/John Cook
 2.5M Kinect units sold in 25 days

 Microsoft may just have a holiday hit on its hands -- and it is called Kinect. The company announced today that the Xbox 360 accessory, which allows users to control game play through body motion and voice commands, has sold more than 2.5 million units since its launch 25 days ago.

That's a pretty good start, with the company reaffirming in today's press release that it is on track to hit the holiday goal of five million units sold. In fact, Marshall Kirkpatrick at ReadWriteWeb notes that it took Apple twice as long (two months) to sell two million iPads.    Read More. ...

By John Cook
Microsoft Blog, 11/29

Monday, November 29, 2010

Redmond Historical Society (RHS) is approaching 100 meetings

RHS Past President Judy Lang & Current President, ex-Mayor Chris Himes (right)
“Did you know that we are approaching 100 general meetings,” our website guru Richard Morris asks?  He
knows because thanks to Nao Hardy’s work we have an online list of meetings showing who spoke at each one and when.  To find the list go to

By Miguel Llanos
Editor, Redmond Historical Society Newsletter

Richard Morris is my neighbor and the original contributor to Redmond Neighborhood Blog (RNB).  You can find his stories and posts here.  B. Yoder

Ex-Mayor Chris Himes spoke at the August 6 "First Friday Coffee Chat" sponsored by the Senior Center.  Read the Redmond Reporter article on Mayor Himes talk.  B. Yoder

RHS Founder Naomi Hardy "Redmond Reflections - from settlers to software"  is available on Amazon, the library, and all local bookstores.  B. Yoder

UPDATED: Redmond Council To Hold Special Meeting on Budget

President Richard Cole (3rd from left)
UPDATED:  This evening, 11/30,  the Mayor is asking Council to review and possibly vote on the proposed budget and the Tax and Fee increases that are budgeted for the next two years (2011 -2012).  You may comment by email.

>  1% assessed property tax increase of $291,777
>  $2,980,533 Salary, Wages, Benefits increase includes 1% ($680,015) cost-of-living increase.
> 10% Water Rate increase for city
> 14% Water Rate increase for Novelty Hill Service Area
> 28% Wastewater Rate increase for Novelty Hill Service Area (2011 only)
> 4% Wastewater Rate increase for city.
> $240,000 Business License Fee increase (BITI)
> Stormwater Capital Impervious Unit Charges increase to: $8,539 (Overlake) and $5,435 (Downtown)
> Stormwater Capital Impervious Unit Charge for developers increase to $958/unit.
> Impact Fees on LWSD and private developers 1.64% (FIRE), 1.24% (PARKS)
> 50% reduction in the Flower Pot Program (open for reconsideration tomorrow)  Read More.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

PTSA Community Digest

COMMUNITY DIGEST, Compliments of RHS PTSA "Mustang Weekly"

REDMOND LIGHTS. City Hall Plaza, Redmond Town Center, and the Sammamish River Trail will be alight with luminaries and decorations on Saturday, December 4th for Redmond Lights.

EASTSIDE SYMPHONY HOLIDAY CONCERT. The Eastside Symphony's Holiday Concert - featuring two local youth soloists - will be held on Sunday, December 5th at 3:00 PM at the RHS PAC.

CAN YOU HELP TOYS FOR TOTS? Toys for Tots will be collecting unwrapped toys for needy children on December 11th from 11:00-2:00 at the Coldwell Banker Bain at Bella Bottega. Help brighten a child's holiday season!

HOLIDAY BASH: UGLY SWEATER PARTY! On Friday, December 17th at 8 PM, come to the Old Firehouse Teen Center to celebrate the holidays in your ugliest sweater! TICKET PRICE: $7

BOYS' RUGBY! The Eastside Lions Youth Rugby season begins in January! Rugby is a safe, exciting, fun sport that will challenge athletes both mentally and physically. We provide opportunities for kids, ages 7-18 via our mini's (u12), u14, u16 and u19 teams. Sign up today! Be a part of the Lions family and become Rugby Strong. Our season runs from January to May. Practice begins Tuesday, January 12th. Questions? Contact Josh Young.


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Mayor's Vision Is To Ensure Redmond Becomes A Complete City

Letter from  the Mayor

"As the summer comes to a close and our thoughts turn to fall, here at the City we are preparing for our biennial budget review with the City Council. While economic times are tight, I am pleased to report that we have worked hard to manage our current budget within available resources. Looking ahead to the FY 11-12 budget, as your Mayor, I remain committed to delivering a budget which continues to focus on citizen service priorities in the most cost-effective and efficient manner possible.

In October I submitted my second budget to the City Council for review and approval. I cannot help but to reflect upon the first budget and all that the City has accomplished in the past two years.  Read more...


Friday, November 26, 2010

Think Redmond, Go Local, Buy Local!


Don't forget Small Business Saturday!

Interview with Chris Hoffmann, CEO & President, Greater Redmond Chamber of Commerce  
by InfusionRE

NEWS FLASH:   LWSD Dr. Chip Kimball has joined the Greater Redmond Chamber of Commerce Board of Trustees

Monday, November 22, 2010

UPDATED EDITORIAL: City Staff Reins In Council on Salary Decisions.

UPDATED EDITORIAL ON 11/29:  One thing I've learned about city council is their dependence on staff  for the information they need.  The influence staff  has over Council can make a councillor's job run smoothly and with respect, or run rough.

So, it doesn't take a new councillor long  to accept the bridle on salary decisions.  (66% of the general operating fund pays for Staff compensation expenditures)


Friday, November 19, 2010

UPDATED: The Public Needs Fair Notice of Evergreen's Budget Hearings

EDITORIAL:   Evergreen Hospital held a Public Budget Hearing on November 12 and only one citizen showed up for it.

Could it be just apathy, or something else?


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Joyce Teshima recognized as regional distinguished principal

Redmond Elementary is a proud recipient of the Washington Achievement Award as a top performing school in the category of Overall Excellence. This spring, four teacher representatives and I attended the Washington Achievement Awards Ceremony to be honored by the state. Superintendent Dr. Kimball proudly joined the schools in LWSD that received the award on the stage. It was a very memorable moment for us all!  - Joyce Teshima, Prinipal

Joyce Teshima recognized as regional distinguished principal

Joyce Teshima, the principal at Redmond Elementary, was honored by the Elementary School Principals’ Association of Washington with a regional Distinguished Principal award. This award is presented to principals as a tribute to their deep and professional commitment to the children of their school. Additionally, it represents the pride and admiration of their colleagues for efforts in promoting positive school-community relations, for implementing instructional programs leading to academic excellence, and for active participation in strengthening local, state and national professional principals’ associations. Joyce was one of 18 principals selected for regional awards around the state. She represents the East King region. Joyce will now be considered as a candidate for the statewide award. Joyce received the award at her school on November 10.

LWSD Press Release
Redmond El website

"Redmond Citizen Corps Council" bundles city emergency preparedness services

Visit the new Redmond Citizen Corps Council (RCCC) site!

With the November winds, downpours and flooding already upon us, thoughts are turning to "emergency preparedness" for our families, neighbors, and businesses.

During this week's Council meeting, a citizen asked Council for assurances that fire department resources would be secure for the "Community Emergency Response Team" (C.E.R.T.) program.  In addition, during yesterday's Redmond Chamber of Commerce Meeting, Evergreen CEO Bob Malte announced an Evegreen Hospital  "emergency preparedness" program.

The city works with the "Redmond Citizen Corps Council" (RCCC) to bundle emergency services under the RCCC website.   RCCC's mission is:
"to harness the power of every individual through education, training and volunteer service to make communities safer, stronger and better prepared to respond to the threats of terrorism, crime, public health issues and disasters of all kinds."
The Redmond Citizen Corps Council (RCCC) creates the following emergency response volunteer opportunities:
  • C.E.R.T. training - contact Janeen Olson for the next class at 
  • Neighborhood Watch and Mapping - contact Police Community Laison Jim Bove, 
  • V.P.S - Volunteers for Police Service - Substation Volunteers at the Redmond Town Center are needed.  Contact:  
  • A.R.E.S - Amateur Radio Emergency Services.  Contact Jim Oates, 425-417-5864
  • C.O.A.D. - Community Organizations Active in Disaster, 425-556-2251
Visit the R.C.C.C. website for details and updates.

By Bob Yoder
RCCC website source:  Brian Dennis
Special thanks to neighbor Brian Dennis for announcing the RCCC website at the Council meeting.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

"Artists In Residence"

Redmond Skate Park Graffiti Wall Art
 "Artists in Residence" 

Monday, November 15, 2010

LETTER: Citizen Petitions U.S. Transportation Board to Reconnect 'Redmond Spur' to National Rail System.

Redmond Spur Trestle - Sammamish River
Redmond Spur Slide Show  

The following letter was mailed by Redmond Resident Ernest F. Wilson, PLS to the U.S. Surface Transportation BOARD, Washington, DC. on October 20, 2010  (It does not necessarily represent the views of RNB)

"As a citizen of Redmond, Washington, I am very much in favor of immediate reactivation of the so-called 'Redmond Spur' rail line, along with the related and connected portion of the “Woodinville Subdivision” rail line.

At present, the former BNSF Issaquah Branch (aka Redmond Spur) line is inactive. However, the roadbed and rail are still intact all the way from Woodinville south through downtown Redmond to its intersection with Washington highway SR 520 on the easterly side of Redmond. This remaining rail line provides the opportunity for Redmond and the adjacent unincorporated area to once again be connected to the national rail system. The potential economic and environmental benefit from this connection is nearly incalculable. On the other hand, the value of the alternative use, i.e., additional trails within Redmond, is minimal. Nonetheless, shared use of some of the right-of-way may be feasible. I see three major potential benefits to reactivation of this rail line.

READ MORE (below) >>

Bek Wiltbank, LWSD Occupational Therapist, Offering Autism Spectrum Workshops.

from the desk of Julie Shalaby, Chair, LWSD PTSA Special Needs

Autism Spectrum Disorders - def.

*The Magical One: Therapy for Kids*
Bek Wiltbank
Kenmore, WA (near Bothell Way)

At the magical ones, we offer pediatric therapy services, including: sensory integration, fine and gross motor therapy, cranio sacral therapy (Insurance billing is available). Bek Wiltbank is an Occupational Therapist, and has worked with special needs kids for 8 years. She has particular interest and skills with kids with sensory differences. Currently, she is a therapist in the Lake Washington School District, in the K-1 school integration program for kids on the Autism Spectrum. Bek's philosophy that acceptance and love are the foundation for growth has allowed her to have many warm and successful relationships with all kinds of special needs children, and their parents. She has a passion for sharing her knowledge and skills with parents and educators, so that the children can have joyful childhoods steeped in learning.

*Understanding Special Education Assessments*
Seattle University School of Law is presenting a half-day training on“Understanding Special Education Assessments”

Saturday, November 20, 2010
9:00 am-12:00 pm
The trainer is Wendy B. Marlowe, Ph.D., ABPP-CN, a board certified clinical neuropsychologist

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Windows Phone 7 outlasts iPhone, Android ... on a BBQ

Windows Phone 7 outlasts iPhone, Android ... on a BBQ:

"Not sure if this will factor into anyone's purchasing decisions, but it looks like Windows Phone 7 is the smartphone for you -- at least if you have a habit of leaving your smartphone unattended on a flaming grill.

EZ Grill, a Bellevue-based disposable BBQ company, worked with Seattle-based social media agency Banyan Branch to pit a new HTC Surround, running the Microsoft operating system, against the Android G2 and iPhone 4 in a test of endurance on the grill. As you can see in the video above, Windows Phone won easily.

No doubt this will soon be added to the list of official specs, right next to battery life.

By Todd Bishop
Tech Flash

Editor's Note:  This post was picked up by KIRO 7 on their "Daily Double Shot" to fun and interesting links.

Redmond Pool is Open for Swimming!

The Redmond Pool is Open for Swimming!
Redmond Pool is Open for Swimming

The Redmond Pool at Hartman Park is open for swimming according to Tyson Wellock of WAVE Aquatics, the City's pool operator.

The pool has been filled with water, all the systems are restarted and pool chemicals balanced.
WAVE Aquatic's first priority is to begin lap swimming and the Swim Teams. Following that will be a variety of programs for the community. WAVE is very familiar with community pools and currently operates the Juanita Pool.

Residents are encouraged to call WAVE directly for updates. The number is 425-883-4422. For additional information, visit

By Bob Yoder
Sources:  COR and WAVE websites
Photo:  WAVE website, 11/14

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Evergreen Hospital CEO to speak at Redmond Chamber Luncheon this week

"Greater Redmond Chamber Membership Luncheon"
Wednesday, November 17th, 2010
at Matts' Rotisserie - Redmond Town Center
11:30 to 1:00 pm

Presentation by Robert Malte, CEO of Evergreen Medical Center
“Exceptional Care Close to Home”

Bob will share stories about Evergreen’s commitment to quality, safety, improved access and present an overview of Evergreen’s future plans for growth and how Evergreen Healthcare will be taking a leading role in healthcare reform in our own community.

 Evergreen CEO Bob Malte
Robert (Bob) Malte was named Evergreen's Chief Executive Officer in April 2010, and is responsible for  oversight and direction of all aspects of Evergreen Hospital's operations.

Malte most recently was president and CEO at Exempla Lutheran Medical Center in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Prior to that he served as senior vice president at ThedaCare and COO at Touchpoint Health Plan in Appleton, Wisconsin. He earned a Master of Business Administration at The University of Chicago Graduate School of Business in 1982 and bachelors degree in economics at Ripon College in Wisconsin.

To get to know Mr. Malte now.... read this excellent 'Kirkland Reporter" interview!

RSVP to Carla:
$30 Members $40 non-Members

Payment accepted at the door by cash, check or credit card.

Time: 11:30 to 1:00 pm
Location: Matts' Rotisserie
16551 NE 74th Street
Redmond WA 98052

Source:  Redmond Chamber of Commerce website
Photo from Woodinville Weekly, 6/28/2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Will The Evergreen Hospital Commission Allocate Levy-Dollars for Obesity?

OPINION:  Updated: Ms. Michaela Jellicoe clarified, King County Public Health, did not submitt this information on obesity in response to a story on the Evergreen Hospital Property Tax Levy.  Obesity in youth contributes to high blood pressure, osteoporosis, diabetes, and tooth decay. Each year, King County spends $500 million for costs related to obesity.  It's hopeful the Evergreen Commission will acknowledge a need for community care and awareness of this chronic condition with levy-dollar funding.

Thanksgiving and the December holidays are fast-approaching. During the holiday season, kids and grown-ups typically consume more candy and desserts. Many parents are concerned about how many sweets their children may eat in the upcoming months.

Few parents realize that, in addition to baked goods and candy, sugar-loaded beverages such as soda, sports beverages, energy drinks and sweetened fruit drinks also pose hidden health risks for kids. These risks include contributing to being overweight or obese, Type 2 diabetes, tooth decay and high blood pressure.

Children who drink two or more sugar-loaded beverages a day are more likely to be overweight than kids who consume healthier alternatives such as low-fat milk or water. A 20-ounce bottle of soda has more than 15 teaspoons of sugar and 240 calories. It is no wonder that one in three children in middle and high school locally is overweight or obese — and the number is growing.

Over the years, sugar-loaded beverages have become easily available to kids. Since the mid-1990s, the consumption of sugared beverages for 2-18 year olds has surpassed milk — putting youth at risk for osteoporosis and brittle bones. Each year, King County spends $500 million for costs related to obesity.

Opinion by Bob Yoder
Michaela Jellicoe
on Behalf of Public Health – Seattle & King County
(206) 462-6385

Dr. Chip Kimball responds to criticism of Kirkland school modernization scheduling

Superintendent Chip Kimball
UPDATED  (Read More)

To the Editor:

Last week Matt Gregory wrote a letter to the editor regarding Lake Washington School District plans to place a capital projects levy on the February ballot, and specifically criticized intentions related to Juanita High School. Unfortunately his letter failed to address the overcrowding problem in the district, did not accurately reflect the community feedback solicited by the board, and failed to mention the significant investment Lake Washington has made, and continues to make, in Kirkland schools.

Lake Washington serves over 24,000 students across 50 schools in 4 municipalities. The school board and district leadership work very hard to ensure that EVERY part of the LWSD community receives a high quality education with up to date facilities. At any given time some facilities are older than others. But over time, all parts of the district are served, and all parts of the community are needed to support that service.

Lake Washington has in place a long term plan to modernize every school in the district by 2030. All schools have been evaluated and were placed into one of four phases based on their condition. Out of the 22 schools either modernized in the first phase (1998-2006) or in the process of being modernized in the second phase (2006-2014), sixteen (16) were in Kirkland or the annexation area. These decisions were made by an objective evaluation of facility condition. Almost three quarters of the over $600 million in construction projects since 1998 are in Kirkland. Turn our back on Kirkland….Not a chance!


Tom Hardy, Redmond city's stream specialist leads citizens on Willows Creek tour

Tom explains woody debris placement on Willows Creek 
 "These photos were taken on Monday during a hike up Willows Creek, that was conducted by Redmond City stream specialist Tom Hardy.  The aim was to learn how water flow in the creek has been restored to a more natural state by careful placement of logs and other natural materials in the stream bed."

Full story with more photos by John Reinke, Bob Yoder, and Tom Hardy will be published soon.
Narrative and photos by John Reinke
Redmond neighbor

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Evergreen Hospital's Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (S.A.N.E.)

UPDATED OPINION:  During last week's Evergreen Hospital's Board meeting, staff presented their "Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners' (S.A.N.E.) program.  S.A.N.E. was established three years ago to provide advocacy for Evergreen's Level III Trauma Center patients. 

Evergreen now has 12 active members on the SANE team, each having undergone 40 hours of training.  In 2010 they've advocated  almost 4 cases/month.  In 2009 they had 42 cases.

Several Commissioners talked about expanding the program beyond the Hospital to include high schools within Lake Washington, North Shore, and Riverview School Districts.  Commissioners also considered serving District-based city police departments with SANE services.

The District high schools are presently served with trained counselors to assist physical, emotional, and sexual assault victims.  For example, District high schools contract with Youth Eastside Services (Y.E.S.) for professional counselors.  If SANE hospital trauma care is required, assault victims can be referred to Evergreen. 

The Commission never suggested or implied that SANE receive levy-dollar funding for outreach services.  The Administration later informed me S.A.N.E. is not levy-funded.

Opinion by Bob Yoder


Requesting Unmet Community Health Services Is a GOOD Reason To Go To Evergreen's Hearing on 11/12

OPINION:  Do you know Evergreen Hospital has a Net Gain of $12,158,589 in their 2011 Budget?  That's not counting an operating gain of $2,940,851 transfered to the Capital Fund.  Yet, Evergreen is still allowed by law to collect property tax levy-dollars.
Evergreen's website describes the two ways Evergreen spends our levy tax dollars:
  1. Debt Repayment
  2. Much Needed Community Health Services
THE BUDGET PROCESS:  A "Levy Committee" is formed to offer proposals to the Commission for Levy money allocations.  The levy allocation process isn't complete until the annual November Budget Hearing, at which time the Public has an opportunity to present their own offers and requests of the Commission.

Do you have any requests for community health services that are widely needed but not currently provided by the Hospital with levy monies?  If so, and you feel strongly about it, attend the Budget Hearing this Friday morning and make your request of the Commissioners. 

Obesity prevention and care is a large unmet need in our community.  I'll be requesting levy funding for obesity at the Hearing.  The Obesity Research Journal estimates only 1/3 of the community is in a healthy weight range.  It's estimated that at current trend levels, by 2030, 86.3% of adults will be overweight or obese.  Bring as much research about your community health care offer as possible.

"Open Government Report" on Evergreen Hospital Operations and Governance

The following information is posted permanently on the Header of RNB blog as "Evergreen (Public) Hospital   

  • Evergreen's 2010 report on how taxpayer levy funds are spent.
  • 2010 Hospital Levy review.  
  • 2008 Executive Compensation and Benefits
  • See changes CEO Bob Malte has made since his start in April
  • Public Access and Notification procedures identified.
  • Letters from Washington State Assistant Attorney General documenting public right to recording and photographing meetings and obtaining current Minutes.
Some of this information was acquired from Evergreen's Public Record Request Officer, Laurene H. Burton. and by attending Regular and Study Session Public Meetings.

Click link to read the report:

Research and report by Bob Yoder