Showing posts with label culture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label culture. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

New Anderson Park Community Gardens Sold Out



Start date: Tuesday, April 1 2025.


 Every day, 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM,

 Open:  April 1, 2025 until October 31, 2025,

 Anderson Park Community Gardens,

Resource person: Cindy Johnson, Redmond Parks and Recreation

Location: Anderson Park Community Gardens | 7802 168th Avenue Northeast, Redmond, WA, 98052


(Ages 18+) Do you love to garden, but need a space to call your own? You’re in luck purchase a plot at a community garden! Having a garden plot is a great way to meet your neighbors, beautify our community, and harvest fresh food. All community gardens are open to the public to enjoy.

Anderson Garden Map

Note - Plots 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, and 6A are all Accessible Raised Beds and you should only register for one of these beds if you need a raised bed or if no other plots are available. These plots are not eligible to renew for multiple years.

Garden Requirements:

  • Attend the Mandatory Kickoff Meeting on Thursday, April 10, 2025 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at the "Redmond Community Center at Marymoor Village."

  • Contribute a minimum of 8 service hours towards the common areas of the garden

  • Practice only organic gardening

  • Actively garden plot beginning April 15 and put plot to bed by October 31

Friday, January 3, 2025

Senior Center Art And Activities

Alice Groaski
Watercolor on paper, Japanese  
woodblock print  26x20
$250 206-612-3260

Monthly Senior ENCORE Newsletter. - a must read - online or in print.  

Register for Senior Center Activities and Special Events HERE  ("Winter Whimsey" tickets are going fast.) 

Community Centers 

The Front Desk will help you sign up for activities. 
OR contact Karen Phillips, 425-556-2388, for assistance OR email

- Yoder

Sunday, October 13, 2024

National Indigenous Peoples Day For Eastside Youth

A Proclamation On Indigenous Peoples' Day, by Joseph R. Biden,
October 7th, 2022

Indigenous Peoples were forcibly removed from ancestral lands, displaced, assimilated, and banned from worshiping or performing many sacred ceremonies.  Yet today, they remain some of our greatest environmental stewards.  They maintain strong religious beliefs that still feed the soul of our Nation.  And they have chosen to serve in the United States Armed Forces at a higher rate than any other group.  Native peoples challenge us to confront our past and do better, and their contributions to scholarship, law, the arts, public service, and more continue to guide us forward.

                       "Am I Enough?" celebration at Lake Washington High

 Am I enough to be seen as an indigenous person?  Watch a short video HERE of students celebrating "Am I Enough." 

Mary Wilber, Program Coordinator of the Eastside Native American Indian Association organizes events for our Salish Sea indigenous youth.  She invites indigenous students from three school districts to her Monday evening classes at Lake Washignton High.  

Pam and I celebrated with the Eastside Native American families at Lake Washington High and in a Pow Wow at Juanita High.  Both ceremonies touched our hearts.  School Board members Siri Bliesner and Mark Stuart participated in the Lake Washington festivities.

Posted by Yoder

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Derby Days / Council Perspective

In a council meeting Councilmember (CM) Stuart was surprised the city commissioners wouldn't be "on the porch" with Council to converse with the public at Derby Days.  She asked a city Director why the commissioners weren't included and learned it was the Executive Department -- run the mayor -- who decided against it, preferring staff be immediately on hand.   

Commissioners are--vital city volunteers with expertise in:  Parks & Recreation, Arts & Culture, and Growth Planning.  They serve four year terms, giving recommendations and guidance to council after in-depth deliberations. 

CM Stuart asked for a Derby event in the downtown park, saying it is our "Town Square."  The idea was rejected for the second year.  

Side-note:  If you listened to the Mayor's Derby Day video, a "Diaper Parade" is in the line-up. Diapers are needed up to 4-years of age.  Baby carriages?  Sounds cute, but unfortunately, diapers are unaffordable and for some families and they must be subsidized.

-- Bob Yoder,  7/10/24

Derby Days


Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Downtown Park Receives Canadian Award of Excellence

Credit:  CSLA's Awards Atlas.

 REDMOND, WA - The City’s Downtown Park earned the prestigious Award of Excellence for Small-Scale Public Landscapes from the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects (CSLA). The award recognizes the innovative design and thoughtful planning behind this tech-savvy urban space.

Designed by PFS Studio, a leading planning, urban design, and landscape architecture firm based in Vancouver, BC, Redmond Downtown Park is a testament to visionary design's power in reinvigorating urban spaces. The park, located in the heart of Redmond, is a vibrant gathering place for community engagement and cultural activities.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Cinco de Mayo Celebration, Redmond Downtown Park


Centro Cultural Mexicano invites you to join us at our annual Cinco de Mayo event at Redmond Downtown Park! This free, family-friendly cultural celebration highlights traditional Mexican culture, music, and food through seven hours of entertainment. We welcome you to be part of our event this year!

When:  Sunday, May 5 
11 a.m.- 6 p.m.
Where:  Downtown Park

Monday, April 22, 2024

Critical Area Ordinance, Public Hearing

 Great Blue Heron 
"Species of Local Importance"  
Sammamish River, Redmond, WA.   

Hello Planning Commissioners:

"I only caught part of your meeting last night, but it sounds like the State is requiring updates to the Critical Area Ordinance? 

As a college educated biologist -- similar to Mayor Angela Birney -- Critical Areas are important to me.   In the Ives Administration, I made "Species of Local Importance" and "Habitat of Local Importance" comments to the Planning Commission chaired by Mr. Snodgrass.  After much discussion, the commission decided on the Great Blue Heron (GBH) and Riparian habitat, in which it lives.   

Monday, April 8, 2024

"Bicycling in Redmond" -- Historical Society Speaker Series

A YouTube Video of the Meeting!

Saturday Speaker Series - Bicycling in Redmond – Past, Present, and Future

Time & Location

Apr 13, 2024, 10:30 AM

Old Redmond Schoolhouse, 16600 NE 80th St, Redmond

Redmond is home to the headquarters of several major bike manufacturers. However, there’s not one thing that makes Redmond a great place for cycling, but many things put together that has earned Redmond the designation of "Bicycle Capital of the Northwest"―from Derby Days races to “Ride Around Mount Rainier in One Day” (RAMROD) to the Jerry Baker Memorial Velodrome at Marymoor Park. Joe Matthews, President of the Redmond Cycling Club, will give a short history of that organization.

Speaker bio:

Joe Matthews only got into long-distance cycling after his brother challenged him to complete the Seattle to Portland (STP) bike ride in the 1990s. Matthews couldn’t back down, of course. After STP, the Redmond resident wanted more, so he embarked on the Ride Around Mount Rainier in One Day (RAMROD―a single-day event that celebrates the beauty of Mount Rainier National Park and features a challenging course of 150 miles and 10,000 feet of climb. He was hooked. Since then, Matthews has cycled in myriad races and challenges and now serves as president of the Redmond Cycling Club (RCC). RCC was founded in 1978 amid increasing popularity of cycling in the U.S. The club began from a core group of friends who were riding regularly. Within a few years, RAMROD founder John Dixon brought the RAMROD cycling event to RCC, which it now stewards.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

"Beat the Bunny" Event Was a Hopping Success


Pat Vache' (orange vest) working the water station / credit Pam Yoder

The City of Redmond's 8th Annual "Beat the Bunny" 5k Run/Walk was a hip-hip hopping success.  

There's Pat Vache' -- on the right -- working the water station at mile 3.  Pat's the Founder of the Redmond Kiwanis Club (and renowned, past City Council President).  The Kiwanians exhibited and volunteered at various stations along the Marymoor Trail.  

Over a hundred must have turned out at the Marymoor Community Center for the start, with many families, young children and athletes "competing." Several sights along the way ...  the Marymoor Park climbing peak, a cricket game, a goose nest high above, a light rail segment and of course, construction. 

-- B. Yoder, 3/30/24

Thursday, March 14, 2024

UPDATED: Redmond Branded "Space District" - Video Presentation

Hosted by John Oftebro, President of the Redmond Historical Society, Saturday Speaker Series.

Lisa Rich discusses her commercial space company Xplore, designed to collect infinite streams of proprietary data from the XCRAFT®, its next-generation satellite. Speaker bio: Lisa Rich is a successful serial entrepreneur, investor and thought-leader who entered the space industry in 2014 to accelerate sustainable business that positively impact the environment, education, national security, and advance the $1T space economy.

She is Founder and Chief Operating Officer of Xplore, a commercial space services company using its multi-sensor platform to store and transmit data, achieve data fusion, on orbit processing.

Ms. Rich is also Founder of Hemisphere Ventures, a top space sector VC that has invested in 37 outstanding commercial space companies including Axiom Space, Umbra and Lynk. She presents at conferences, engages Fortune 500 think tanks to discuss space strategy and the landscape for space investment.

Ms. Rich was nominated to the National Space Council User Advisory Group led by Vice President Kamala Harris; she played a pivotal role in establishing the Redmond Space District in Washington State. Media appearances include Bloomberg and CNBC.

-- Posted by Yoder, 3/14/2024

Monday, January 29, 2024

UPDATED 1/29/24: Pearce PRD Deforestation Rivals the Devastation of Group Health's Tree Habitat

A Bobcat's "last stand" in Sigmund and Werner's backyard / credit Sigmund

In 2007, I made two trips to Sigmund and Werner's house to commiserate with them about their severe loss of a forest bordering their property.   Losing a neighborhood forest and it's wildlife is close to losing and mourning the loss of a dear friend. It hurts and it takes time. I know this from the Education Hill Perrigo Heights clear-cut. Sigmonde showed their pictures and I listened. She took me on hurried walk through the forest before the clear-cut. It was all over in just a few days.

The photograph of this urban Bobcat was taken by Werner & Sigmund. Their home borders on a North Redmond 18-acre forest.  Over 300 mature trees were cleared for 76 single-family homes with lot sizes ***4000 - 22,000 SF, according city documents. The project (178th Ct. NE & NE 116th St.) is known as "Pearce PRD" and is one of many environmentally sensitive projects in Redmond developed by Eric Campbell's Camwest Development, Inc. of Kirkland, WA.

According to a "Wildlife Study Report" filed by wetland , wildlife, and forest consultant Chad Armour, LLC on January 20, 2007 "the site may have the potential to support as many as 68 different species of wildlife". Sigmund has also observed coyotes and deer in her backyard and there have been neighborhood reports of *black bear. Where will they go?

Camwest paid an arborist for a tree preservation plan required by city permit. The arborist reported that 294 significant trees were clear-cut. That's 54% of the 489 significant trees on the project. 39 Landmark trees were presumed removed.  Landmark trees are supposed to get special protections. (see Councilwoman Kim Allen's statement, below).

Chad Armour made two brief site visits. Among Mr. Armour's qualifications, he is a "certified wetland delineator" and has a certificate in commercial real estate. He was hired by Camwest to write environmental reports for the city land use permit. 

Mr. Armour reported: nine wetlands and 20 State Priority habitat tree snags, ideal for Pileated Woodpecker nesting. He identified a foraging P. Woodpecker, and a Great Blue Heron "in the vicinity". The Great Blue Heron is valued by the State and Redmond as a Priority Species of Local Importance. Nesting P. Woodpeckers are potentially endangered and have protections when nests are present. I was told by a resident Armour spent only several hours during each of his two visits to the site.

Mr. Armour stated a heron rookery is located about one mile SE of the site. City planner Cathy Beam indicated months ago these eastern rookery nests were vacated. Mr. Armour also noted a stream map indicating coho salmon migrate to within a few hundred feet of the project site. A tributary to Bear Creek and two ponds are present.   

Obviously, significant and devastating deforestation of  "urban open space" has occurred. Habitat destruction was far more extensive than Camwest's Tyler's Creek and Perrigo Heights developments. Fortunately, Camwest does a good job restoring and enhancing their streams, wetlands, and forest buffers. However, according to the neighbors, the development will be setback only 20 feet from their properties and exposed neighborhood trees will be endangered by resultant high winds.

Councilwoman Kim Allen is to be commended for speaking up for the neighborhood during Werner's Landmark Tree Exception appeal. Councilman Richard Cole appeared insensitive during reconsideration of the Landmark Tree appeal stating Werner was slowing down the project. Ms. Allen is a qualified lawyer and is a strong council advocate for "green" protections and standards. ** Ms. Allen's statement urging amendments to city tree preservation standards are below. The city is holding a Community Meeting on Thursday, 7/28 to ask for ideas on how to improve Residential Development permitting. Contact Jeff Churchill for more information by emailing:

*** The City Neighborhood Map and Notice of Application quote different lot size ranges.

**'Councilmember Allen read a written request to the staff as follows, 'Tree retention is an expressed value of the citizens of Redmond articulated in the Comprehensive Plan, Neighborhood Plans, and community meetings. Redmond’s tree retention law reflects that a detailed and thoughtful analysis by the Administrator of what should be a detailed and written account of extraordinary circumstances is required to justify the felling of any landmark tree or drastically reducing our declining canopy. In this case there is no record of that detailed analysis by staff which does both the staff and the citizens a disservice. Our Code Administrators should begin to provide a written and detailed analysis of their reasoning on all of these exceptions to our Tree Retention Ordinance and that the code should be amended to provide notice to adjacent property owners when such a request is made.' - contributed by Werner


QUESTIONS:  Was off-site mitigation required?  It not, how where were they replaced? PRD' appeals are Quasi-Judicial. Was there adequate notice?  Tom Hinman, a respected planning commissioner, influenced the city years later to map significant and landmark trees on the Notice of Application. Why did it take so long?   In 2022, Tree Regulations were updated to protect/preserve Redmond's remaining trees on private properties.  It's 2024 and the updated tree regulations still haven't been implemented owing to legal issues Kirkland is facing. No comment.   

Opinion and report by Bob Yoder, ~ 2007, updated 1/29/2024  

Additional "land use" articles are found using the blog search engine.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

UPDATED: Redmond Lights Festivities, No rain, Good Times!

Saturday, December 2nd 4-8 p.m. Kick-off Event downtown

Yay, it didn't rain!  no wind or cold!  For us, the best part of Redmond Lights were the unannounced musical performances in Redmond Town Center.  

We were fortunate to find a few of them.  By far, our favorite were the Hrailmore Ukrainian carolers!...beautiful people, happy and heartwarming music...singing and dancing in authentic Ukrainian dress.  Watch them perform on their Facebook site here!  And, watch a short performance here!  

The Ukrainian carolers at Redmond Town Center

Underneath the RTC Christmas Tree
Merry Christmas from Bob, Pam and Zoey Yoder!

Four years from now when RTC is fully redeveloped I hope Fairbourne (the RTC owner) will commission performances at the Center every month.  It would be good for the retailers and the community.

-- Bob Yoder, 12/3/2023 

Monday, November 27, 2023

Emotions fly at LWSD Board Meeting

The Board members of the Lake Washington School District held a very emotional public meeting on November 20th in their chambers.  

  • Superintendent Holmen gave Board member Siri Bliesner high praise, gratitude and recognition for her 11 years of community service on the Board.  
  • During Public Comment over eight parents gave very emotional talks about the Israelis - Palestinian tension at LWSD and in their families.  
It's definitely worth a listen:

Jon Holmen is interviewing for a new job as superintendent in an Arizona district.  His recognition speech for Siri was extremely well done and I hope they were listening.  

-- Bob Yoder, 11/27/2023

Redmond Lights Holiday Haiku - Michael Dylan Welch

By Michael Dylan Welch:  Holiday Haiku features 30 haiku and senryu poems celebrating both the warmth and the cold of the holiday and winter season. These poems offer reminders of common experiences you may have had in December or later during the winter. Take a moment to dwell in each poem and feel the personal moment presented in the poem, responding with a smile or a nod of understanding.  

Michael Dylan Welch was Redmond's Poet Laureate for two years.   


Redmond Lights Kick-Off Event Schedule, December 2, 4 - 8 p.m.

 Getting Around Redmond Lights 2023

Redmond Lights Kick-Off Event Schedule

Bundle up and bring the entire family for an evening of winter fun at the Redmond Lights Kick-Off Event this Saturday, Dec. 2. From 4 – 8 p.m., the luminary trail will connect Downtown Park and Redmond Town Center by way of the Redmond Central Connector. Both sites will host ongoing performances, craft activities, and more!  

Saturday, Dec. 2, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

City Hall Protest: "Bring Them Home Now."

Bob, Around noon today, I was on my way to River Trail Roasters for a cup of coffee, when I spotted a demonstration in front of Redmond City Hall, just across the street.  I quickly crossed the street and fished out my cell phone camera and discretely snapped a few photos.

The demonstrators were evidently a local Jewish group, as there were quite a number of planted signs on display, each one showing the photo of someone currently being held hostage by Hamas after the October 7th attack.  Based on a partial count, I estimated the number of attendees as perhaps 50 to 60. Many were carrying Israeli and American flags. 

While I was there, a woman was at the loudspeaker atop the city hall steps, calling out the names of individual hostages for the audience to silently acknowledge.  A large sign mounted at the entrance proclaimed: Kidnapped by Hamas / #BringThemHomeNow. (See first attached photo.)

My sympathies were certainly with them.

-- John Reinke, 11/17/2023

Reader comment:  Mayor Birney needs to proclaim an anti-Semitism Day after her daughter’s deplorable behavior at USC.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Homeless Hotel Will House 35-65% Adults With Local Community Ties

Redmond Silver Cloud Homeless Hotel
 credit Kirkland Reporter

King County is partnered with Redmond to provide emergency and permanent housing for up to 100 individuals experiencing, or at risk of chronic homelessness. Redmond's "Homeless Hotel"
 will open in early Winter 2024 after ramping down its temporary use for the refugee resettlement project. 

The Salvation Army was selected as operator in September 2023.  They will develop a gradual, phased approach for housing up to 100 individuals at this site. 

Q: Who will be considered to live in the building? 

A: The target population is adults whose income is at or below 30% of the area median and who are experiencing or at risk of chronic homelessness. 35-65% of units are prioritized for individuals with local community ties. 

Q: Will the building have 24/7 staffing? 

A: All Health Through Housing buildings have 24/7 on-site support staff and comprehensive, wraparound services, including: • Employment navigators • Behavioral health services available on-site • Connection to physical and behavioral health care • Assistance in enrolling in Apple Health and other public benefits 

Q: Will The Salvation Army provide these services? 

A: The Salvation Army will provide property management and 24/7 support staffing services in-house. The Salvation Army will also partner with King County’s Department of Community and Human Services and local service providers to provide the wraparound services. 

Q: Will there be security? 

A: The Redmond Homeless Hotel will have experienced, 24/7 on-site staff who are trained in trauma-informed care, crisis support, and de-escalation techniques. As an evidence-based model, permanent supportive housing does not feature security guard services, but it does call for clinically trained staff to be on-site and on-duty around the clock. Further, The Salvation Army will be responsible for developing a Safety and Security Plan as required by Redmond Zoning Code