Showing posts with label Arts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arts. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Redmond's privately developed art initiative

This picture is temporary art placed in the Linear Park during a So. Bazaar event. It was later relocated to the Central Connector trail by Willows Road. I feel we need both temporary and permanent art installations in the Downtown Park. Temporary art installations are flexible and would provide the most variety. Of course, performing arts will enhance the Downtown experience.

This video is narrated by Carolyn J.Hope, City Parks Planning and Cultural Arts manager. As you'll see, the City is working hard to improve privately developed public art.  It was promulgated by development of the Marymoor Village urban center. The City went out of their way to engage the public. Their "look and feel" Visual Preference survey is the best I've ever seen in my 41 years. If you'd like to give feedback on privately developed public art (or art in general) contact Chris Weber. Chris is Administrator of the influential Arts & Culture Commission.

 -- Bob Yoder, opinion

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Redmond's "ERRATIC" Outdoor Art installation Will Be Relocated

Below are two pictures of Redmond's Centennial "ERRATIC" art installation.  It was constructed with railroad plates to recognize Redmond's status as a railroad town.  It's called ERRATIC to recognize that glaciers shaped Redmond.  Erratics are huge boulders left behind by glaciers.  

At the January 8th Council meeting Staff announced owing to light rail impacts the ERRATIC wil be moved from it's present location on 166th near Redmond Town Center to "Gilman Landing" south of the Matador near Leary Way.  Sound Transit will pay $576,000 towards its re-location.  The City will move it....a laborious job. The original cost to the City for the art was $115,000.  

A public record request in December, 2019 revealed the total estimated cost for relocation is $616,300 - though, the exact relocation cost won't be known until it's completion in June of 2020. The  request also revealed part of the relocation $40,000 will be funded by Redmond Parks CIP.  Rumors have it the total relocation cost to the city will be close to $1M. 

Bob Yoder

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Sidewalk Tree Art on The Hill

Walking on the 116th Avenue sidewalk north of 104th you'll come upon some enchanting "sidewalk tree art" covering a diseased row of arborvitae trees. Salmon, water birds, and frogs are painted onto some kind of heavy-duty paper that can withstand the harsh weather while still holding a palette of colors.  Somebody really knew what they were doing. This art is very innovative and makes good use of recycled trees don't you think?   We sure have some creative neighbors on the Hill.  You might want to take a stroll and see it for yourself!  You'll probably find some colorful critters I missed.

B. Yoder

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

"Lodging Tax Advisory Committee" Stimulates Tourism

The community role of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) might be described as a business tourism alliance to "increase heads and beds."  It's funded by a 1% sales tax on participating hotels. 

Dan Angular, General Manager of the Redmond Marriott of Redmond Town Center said LTAC brings Redmond Chambers, Realize Redmond, and Redmond Economic Development Alliance (REDA) together to stimulate tourism.  

Over $337,300 was raised by the LTAC last year from a 1% hotel tax. So far, 50% of the tax revenue pays "Bullseye Creative" to rebrand the "Realize Redmond" website e.g. "Paint the Town" tag was removed. $31,365 pays promoting private and city sponsored events. Councilmember John Stilin recommended allocating more funds towards the events to attract more people and less emphasis on the website. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

New Park Position Approved - Non Union Salaries

As you know, Redmond has many parks and more are in the making.  In the formative stages are the expensive Downtown Park, the controversial Redmond Bike Park and the creative-art focused *Linear Connector Park following the Burlington Northern corridor and the "String of Pearls Parks" of rural SE Redmond.  Any others you can think of?

City Council voted to create a new Park position titled "Parks Planning and Cultural Arts Program Manager" to help carry the load.  The Administration is reclassified a non union Senior Parks Planner to the new position.  It will pay $108,972 at the top tier. HR Director Kerry Seivers wrote: "The duties of the Senior Parks Planner position will be absorbed by the new manager position as well as other Parks positions.  There will not be any additional positions created."   

Last time I checked, Carolyn Hope (Linked-In) was a Senior Parks Planner managing these massive parks projects. She works very hard and is very bright.   Ms. Hope is worth every penny we pay her and perhaps she will be promoted to this new position. 

Council is also glancing at the non union city employees salaries already approved.  Non union city workers are awarded performance incentives and their benefits package average about 30% of their salary. 

City Clerk:  $105,024
Administrative Assist:  $53,616
Communications and Marketing Administrator:  $104,364 

Saturday, June 30, 2012

City Honors 2012 Redmond Arts Awards Recipients

City Honors 2012 Redmond Arts Awards Recipients

Redmond, WA  The "2012 Redmond Arts Awards" event celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Redmond Arts Commission by honoring pioneering volunteers and city employees who established Redmond’s first arts program.  During an event held Friday, June 22, at Redmond Town Center. City Council President Pat Vache' paid tribute to the following individuals:

The First Arts Commissioners: Ceil Church, Gordon Gray, Rick Heier, Dr. Evelyn Kest (posthumous honor), Cheryll Leo-Gwin, Jacqueline Sorensen Pinch and Sam Weirbach.

Melna Skillingstead, Redmond’s first Arts Program Manager

The Honorable Doreen Marchione, former Mayor of Redmond

The Redmond Arts Commission was established in 1987 to champion arts and culture in Redmond. For a quarter century, the commission has been building community through the support of audiences, artists and arts organizations in Redmond.

“Art enhances all our lives by giving a powerful voice and reflection to our humanity. Art inspires innovation and economic vitality, fosters tourism, and gives our children the critical thinking and creative skills they need to lead in a 21st Century workplace.” Said Mayor John Marchione. “This year’s recipients reflect a legacy of creativity in Redmond and our commitment to helping all enjoy and participate in the arts."  Read More >>

Monday, June 18, 2012

Lots of entertainment and fun at MAPS "Art and Culture Day"

Plenty of good art and entertainment at Saturday's MAPS "Art and Culture Day"
Last Saturday was an excellent day to connect with the Muslim residents and some of the culture of greater Redmond.  This is a photo of  some visitors to the "Arts and Culture Day" held the mosque in SE Redmond.  (Their dress can be art it itself). We were fortunate to run into Hyder Ali in the morning who told us exciting news that the Mayor of Bellevue and Redmond Police Chief Gibson had already stopped by. 

Hyder is a resident of greater Redmond, works at Microsoft and is President of MAPS (Muslim Ass'n of Puget Sound), the sponsoring organization.  The event was held in a SE Redmond Muslim mosque named "Maasjid Ar-Rahmah," which is also a gathering place for the cultural community.  We enjoyed a brief visit with Hyder's son.The Event was very entertaining and fun with dancing and singing and we learned a lot about the cultures of Syria, Libya, Pakistan, Palestine, and Turkey at their art exhibits.  Hopefully, a slide show to follow.  Please send in your pictures!

Read more about Hyder Ali and how to connect with the cultural center and mosque  Read More >>

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Call to Artists for: "Day of Art and Culture"

Masjid Ar-Rahmah in Redmond, WA.
Call to Artists: Day of Art & Culture

The "Muslim Association of Puget Sound" (MAPS) is pleased to announce a Call to Artists for a show case of artwork to be displayed at "Day of Art & Culture" on June 16th, 2012.

Art and Culture Day aims to promote creativity among Washington Muslims and to share the diversity of Islamic heritage with Muslims and Non-Muslims alike.

Events for that day include an art exhibit, country booths, youth and children activities, performances, and food. The Day of Art & Culture will be held at the Masjid Ar-Rahmah in Redmond.

This Call to Artists is open to all Washington artists, including high school and college art students. Submissions are due by May 11, 2012, with the accepted artwork to be announced May 18, 2012. Showcased artists will need to set up artwork for display on June 15th and artwork can be for sale.

To apply, submit a short bio, photos of your work and a link to your website or Facebook page to .

Contact for more information and official guidelines.

By:  Koloud 'Kay' Tarapolsi

A Crafty Arab (please note new website address)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tree Sock Art at Anderson Park

Tree Sock Art in Anderson Park
This Tree Sock Art in Anderson Park adds color and excitement on a dreary day.  The question is, how far will the Arts Commission go?    They started off by yarning small trees behind City Hall and from there it's taken off.  The City of Sammamish stitched sock art around topped, dead trees in the corner of a busy intersection. I'm not sure why they'd want to add attention to topped trees.  This art looks pretty good in live park trees.

What do you think?

By Bob Yoder

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Special Benefit concert for Hopelink

Contact:  Jerry Smith,  425-736-8659

You are invited..

Special Benefit concert for HopeLink 
"The Total Experience Gospel Choir"

Saturday afternoon, 3 p.m. February 25th
Redmond United Methodist Church—right across from
the Old Redmond School House Community Center
Redmond United Methodist Church
16540 NE 80th Street

Our experience in 2009 was truly a "total experience"...uplifitng, inspiring, joyously upbeat!   
  - Pam and Bob 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Local author presents at "Friends of Redmond Library" Annual Meeting

Hello Bob,

Louise Marley, local author
I'm a member of the City of Redmond's Library Board of Trustees. I'm also the liaison between that Board and the "Friends of the Redmond Library."  Plus, I live on Education Hill and peruse your blog to stay on top of local happenings in my area!

The Friends Annual Meeting is coming up on February 16, 7:00 p.m. we would be grateful if you were able to post a notice about it on your blog.  At the meeting, local author, Louise Marley will share her story and evolution from the world of opera to award winning Science Fiction and Fantasy. She has written fifteen books. Her latest, The Brahms Deception, was released in August 2011.

You can find the Board of Trustees blog post with all the details here:

Please let me know if you have any questions and thank you in advance if you are also able to publish.

Jaime Weber
City of Redmond's Library Board of Trustees
The Redmond Library Board of Trustees meets on the first Wednesday every month at 7:00 pm at the Redmond Library. The public is invited to attend.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Eastside Symphony performs traditional free Holiday Performance, features LWSD teacher Linda Vogt

Eastside Sympony's Holiday Celebration

Sunday, December 4, 2011, 3:00 p.m.

The Eastside Sympony's holiday performance will be held at the Redmond Performing Arts Center, Redmond High School, 1772 NE 104th Street, Redmond, WA.
Linda Vogt- concertmaster
Teaches for LWSD
Our traditional FREE holiday concert.
  • Haydn: Trumpet Concerto (1st mvt), Mark Baker, trumpet
  • Monti: Czardas, Linda Vogt, violin; concertmaster
  • Tchaikovsky: Excerpts from The Nutcracker and Sleeping Beauty
  • Anderson: The Typewriter
  • Anderson: Festival of Carols (sing-along)
  • Anderson: Sleigh Ride (with Santa)
About Linda Vogt:    In addition to teaching for the LWSD Plateau Orchestra Program and teaching privately, Linda performs with several quartets, freelances, and plays in a contemporary rock/folk group with her husband, Bob. They are the proud parents of two sons, Ryan (23) who is currently attending college while serving in the Marine Corps, and Chris (17) who is a senior at Eastlake High School, and an Issaquah police explorer with hopes of becoming a police officer.

For more informtation, contact:  Valentina Giovannetti, (206) 334-2055

Friday, November 4, 2011

Redmond High School PTSA Presidents' Fall Letter announces "Much Ado About Nothing"

"From the desk of Jan LaFond and Shelley Flores, Presidents' RHS-PTSA"...

Hello to all,

As we move through the fall season, many have settled into school year routines. It's a busy period at Redmond High as students learn to deal with their new academic demands, participate in fall sports, after school clubs, and other creative activities. It's also an exciting time when new friendships begin and students come across old acquaintances from earlier years.

The fall has brought some highlights. Redmond High was involved in the Nick of Time event in early October, a community based screening for heart-related conditions in youth. Your PTSA was involved in the effort, providing food and beverages to the professional volunteers.

RHS students celebrated Homecoming in mid-October with a fabulously fun assembly, a close football game and a wonderful dance the next evening. The Leadership students, in conjunction with the PTSA, put together this great weekend! Many clubs created or contributed unique items for sale at the annual Homecoming Round-up. All funds raised benefit the specific goals of each of these very diverse and committed clubs.

The bands and orchestra have presented their fall concerts. The theater arts production of "Much Ado about Nothing" is right around the corner, beginning in early November.

This is but a sampling of the activity at RHS this fall. We hope it's been a positive and productive time for all RHS students and families!


Jan LaFond and Shelley Flores
Presidents, RHS-PTSA
Mustang Messenger, November 3

Contact us at For more information about the PTSA, please visit our web site at Many thanks to our members and our community partners

Discover Yoga, Roos Orthodontics, Regal Finance Bank are a few of the RHS-PTSA community partners.  B.Y.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Redmond Arts Commission to entertain the art community while collecting ideas.

Oil Paintings by Jeffrey Corson
 Exhibit ends October 24  -- Old Redmond School House
 Items From The Audience Thursday, November 10 7-9 pm Soul Food Books 15748 Redmond Way 

Attention all artists, art professionals, policy makers and art enthusiasts!  “Items From The Audience” is a chance for you to come together and discuss the arts in Redmond.

The evening is presented by the Redmond Arts Commission and will feature entertainment, food and an open mic to lend your voice and help us all create a Redmond filled with arts. It’s also a great way to get to know others in the arts community. 

Not sure you want to get up and speak at a microphone? Don’t worry, there will also be several activities where participants can express their thoughts without getting up in front of the crowd. And for those who
want to speak their ideas aloud there will be plenty of opportunity to do so.

“Items From The Audience” is an effort by the Redmond Arts Commission to collect ideas and feedback from the community in a fun and comfortable way. These ideas and feedback will then be used in future planning and policy making.  Attached is a digital flyer for the event or for more information visit Items From

The Audience on the web or contact Arts Administrator Joshua Heim at 425-556-2316, And don’t forget to follow us on Facebook

Submited by Dr. Pat Raman
Chair, Redmond Arts Commission

Friday, July 22, 2011

UPDATED: Cultural growth spurt: Ananda Mela festival in Redmond to celebrate Indian culture, July 29 -30

PREVIEW the Anando Mela Festival
By Latha Sambamurti
2010 Anando Mela - Photo by Bob Yoder
Cultural growth spurt: Annual festival in Redmond to celebrate Indian culture - Redmond Reporter:

By Samantha Pak
Redmond Reporter

"Pat Pattabhiraman and his wife [Latha Sambamurti] moved to Redmond almost 10 years ago from Vancouver, British Columbia.
He was hired by a small local technology company and back then, the area's Indian landscape was a lot different: There were only a few Indian restaurants and grocery stores and even fewer cultural events and entertainment opportunities.
In 2011, things have changed."   Read More >> 
From The Joy of India Festival
Photos by Bob Yoder, 2010

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Arts in the Park free summer performances at City Hall

The City of Redmond’s Arts in the Parks summer performance series is in full swing at Redmond City Hall, 15670 NE 85th Street. This season showcases a variety of free performances for children and families from rock bands for kids to Shakespeare for the whole family. Tuesdays at noon are reserved for performances specifically for children and caregivers, while Fridays at 7pm are performances for all ages.

Located on the green space behind Redmond City Hall, Arts in the Parks free performances are a great way to celebrate the summer with family, friends and neighbors. Attendees are encouraged to bring a picnic and a low-backed chair or blanket and relax with an entertaining hour of music, theater or dance.   First performance is Tuesday, July 12 at Noon.  Read More >>

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Redmond Town Center - 2nd Annual Sidewalk Sale & Arts Festival!

Redmond Town Center - 2nd Annual Sidewalk Sale & Arts Festival.
Sunday, June 26 is the last day.  11-5
"When the sun is out you can't beat this place! Very lively. Lots of  fun, food, music & people!"  
Musician stations are scattered throughout the Arts Festival.  Luke, the guitarist singing at the fountain, is from Gig Harbor.  On Saturday, we found one musician from Redmond and others from Woodinville, Bellevue and Darien, Wisconsin.
Even the anchor stores pitched tents
By Bob Yoder

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

And the drums beat on for Arts in Redmond

Arts Commissioner Clint McCune "playing the drums" with kids
 The City of Redmond and the Redmond Arts Commission offer a variety of arts experiences for citizens of all ages.   Check out the calendar of upcoming arts happenings.

June - September

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Republished: Lots of News from LW District Schools

Lots of news from LW district schools

*World Affairs Council Essay Contest
*"We Can Change the World Challenge"
*Ensemble Championships
* National History Championships in Maryland
*Robotics World Championships
*State Crime Scene Investigation Championships
*Wilder Reading

Kamiakin, Wilder, Juanita High, Lake Washington High, Redmond High, Redmond JH, International 
Click the blue link to "Read More" about all these activities >>