Showing posts with label LWSD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LWSD. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Lake Washington School District Budget Earns Award


Eight is great! Lake Washington School District Budget Earns Meritorious Budget Award

Award reflects District’s goal of fiscal responsibility

Redmond, Wash. – Lake Washington School District’s (LWSD’s) 2024-25 Budget has earned the Association of School Business Officials International (ASBO) Meritorious Budget Award (MBA). This award promotes and recognizes excellence in budget development, communication, and presentation in school districts. LWSD has received this award eight years in a row. LWSD is the only district in the state of Washington to receive this award.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

LWSD Data Reveals Alarming Mental Health Challenges Facing Their Seniors

Recent data from the 2023 LWSD 
Healthy Youth Survey reveals the alarming mental health challenges facing high school seniors: 25% report symptoms of depression, 12% have contemplated suicide, and 26% feel they have no adult to confide in. Additionally, 13% have experienced unwanted sexual contact, and 11% identify as “problem” or “heavy” drinkers. These figures underscore an urgent need for expanded access to mental health care.

“The statistics are alarming, but they also highlight the incredible need for a service like Care Solace,” remarked Katy Philips, LWSF Executive Director. “We are grateful for the opportunity to make mental health care more accessible and to work alongside LWSD and the City of Redmond to support our community’s well-being.”

Care Solace connects individuals with a large network of verified mental health providers, addressing issues such as anxiety, depression, substance use, trauma, and more. The service offers 24/7/365 multilingual support in over 200 languages and is available at no cost to all LWSD students, families, and staff, regardless of insurance status.

By offering a centralized hub for connecting individuals to mental health care providers, Care Solace ensures timely, confidential access to services while relieving school staff of the challenging task of referring students to appropriate care. The platform’s database of over 560,000 providers enables efficient connections and ensures that students, especially those from historically underserved communities, receive the right support.

-- Lake Washington Schools Foundation

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Lake Washington Students Make Gains On Assessments

 Lake Washington students continue to make gains on state assessments

Redmond, Wash. – Lake Washington School District (LWSD) students continue to score well above the state average in all areas tested by the Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBA).

“Lake Washington School District is pleased to share the results of our state assessments with our community,” said Dr. Jon Holmen, Superintendent. “We continue to work as an organization to accelerate and support our students’ academic and social growth. Student learning was impacted during the pandemic and we can see recovery in our standardized academic progress. Lake Washington staff strive each day to ensure academic excellence for every student.”

In English Language Arts, the percentage of LWSD students meeting the standard ranged from 74.3 percent in eighth grade to a high of 81.8 percent in 10th grade. At the state level, the percentage of eighth and 10th grade students meeting the standard in English Language Arts was 47.1, and 60.1 respectively.  (See the chart below for scores for each grade level.)

Sunday, October 13, 2024

National Indigenous Peoples Day For Eastside Youth

A Proclamation On Indigenous Peoples' Day, by Joseph R. Biden,
October 7th, 2022

Indigenous Peoples were forcibly removed from ancestral lands, displaced, assimilated, and banned from worshiping or performing many sacred ceremonies.  Yet today, they remain some of our greatest environmental stewards.  They maintain strong religious beliefs that still feed the soul of our Nation.  And they have chosen to serve in the United States Armed Forces at a higher rate than any other group.  Native peoples challenge us to confront our past and do better, and their contributions to scholarship, law, the arts, public service, and more continue to guide us forward.

                       "Am I Enough?" celebration at Lake Washington High

 Am I enough to be seen as an indigenous person?  Watch a short video HERE of students celebrating "Am I Enough." 

Mary Wilber, Program Coordinator of the Eastside Native American Indian Association organizes events for our Salish Sea indigenous youth.  She invites indigenous students from three school districts to her Monday evening classes at Lake Washignton High.  

Pam and I celebrated with the Eastside Native American families at Lake Washington High and in a Pow Wow at Juanita High.  Both ceremonies touched our hearts.  School Board members Siri Bliesner and Mark Stuart participated in the Lake Washington festivities.

Posted by Yoder

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Old Redmond Schoolhouse Early Learning Center

In 2016, Lake Washington School District received a bond approval to begin renovating the original schoolhouse to be the district’s first early learning center. It technically opened in September of 2020, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we were unable to celebrate its opening. Instead, a crowd gathered on February 1, 2023 to mark the delayed opening with a presentation, ribbon cutting and a community open house.

Fun fact: Redmond Coucilmember Osman Sulahuddin is in this video. He always wears clean white sneakers😃. Osman is the youngest member on Council and he represents our youth exceptionally well.

posted by Yoder

Monday, June 3, 2024

2024 State of the City

Some of the leaders and staff I saw in this video:
John Oftebro, President of Redmond Historical Society
Arnie Tomac, retired Council President and co-founder of Redmond Town Center (RTC)
Pat Vache', OneRedmond Foundation Board Treasurer, retired Council President, co-founder of RTC, and Founder of Redmond Kiwanis Club.
Vanessa Kritzer, OneRedmond Board, Council President (and a future Mayor?😇)
Mary Nelson Morrow, OneRedmond Board President, OneRedmond Foundation Board.
Tom Markl, OneRedmond Board, CEO Nelson Legacy Group
Laureen Hamilton, Redmond Parks and Recreation Director
A retired city planning commission chair and LWSD facilities advisor 
Malisa Files, CEO, City of Redmond
Brian Coats, Police Captain
Police Chief Darrrell Lowe
Fire Chief Adrian Sheppard
Siri Bliesner, retired LWSD Board President, Centro Cultural Mexicano Board Vice Chair.
Aspen Richter, LWSD Levy Committee, Facilities Advisory Committee, PTSA Sustainability Chair

This was a Hybrid meeting...

-- Bob Yoder, 6/3/2024

Enrollment Declining At Lake Washington School District

Fewer students in elementary leads to an eventual decline in secondary schools.

The School Board is proposing a $676.9 million, 6-year construction levy this year. If passed, 2 elementary schools and 2 middle schools will be rebuilt and enlarged.

"WHY IS ENROLLMENT DECLINING in our schools even with so much construction going on in the district?  

ANSWER:  "The district is tracking over 9,500 residential units opening within the next 10 years. The majority of the new construction is now multi-family housing (apartments, condominiums, townhomes) rather than single-family. Multi-family housing units do not generate as many students as single family homes do. Multi-family housing generates about seven students for every 100 units vs. a single-family development that generates about 60 students for every 100 homes. This housing growth is certainly offsetting what could be larger enrollment declines. The other reason for the decline is a decline in birth rates. Birth rates are down for Lake Washington area, King County, and across the country. This results in lower kindergarten enrollment and fewer students enrolling at the elementary level. Fewer students in elementary leads to an eventual decline in secondary, even though secondary school enrollment is currently not declining in the same way." 

Source:  LWSD Demographics, FAQ 

Posted by Bob Yoder, 6/3/2024

Friday, May 31, 2024

Redmond Police News Release, Arrest


Redmond High School Counselor Arrested for Having Inappropriate Relationship with a Student.

A Redmond High School counselor was arrested for allegedly having an inappropriate sexual relationship with a student. 

Redmond detectives became aware of the relationship between Derik Detweiler, 35, of Kenmore, and the 17-year-old girl after she came forward on May 22 to Lake Washington School District staff. The school placed Detweiler on administrative leave and notified Redmond police. 

An immediate and thorough investigation developed sufficient evidence to secure a warrant for his arrest. Redmond detectives tracked Detweiler to Wyoming, and on May 30, local authorities took him into custody without incident. He will remain in custody in Wyoming pending extradition back to Washington.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

LWSD Board Proposes $676.9 Million Construction Levy - Passed in 2024

The 2024 levy passed 53% vs. 47%

LWSD proposes a six-year capital construction levy totaling $676.9 million in the November ballot. The annual tax will average $128 million. See the school board and staff's informative, colorful slide presentation here.

Dr. Jon Holmen, LWSD Superintendent says...

"Our community has an opportunity to set the stage for future generations, continuing to make Lake Washington a great place to live, raise a family and educate children,​” said  “Our students deserve educational environments that match the excellence we strive to attain with each of our students.”

Why does the district need a construction levy?

To continue to provide excellence in education for the students of our community, LWSD recommends placing this measure on the ballot. This levy will focus on aging facilities - to rebuild and enlarge the four remaining schools that have not received upgrades or rebuilds since the start of the 1998 modernization program. This levy would allow the district to ensure secure facilities with single entry points, interior hallways, and other features to ensure students continue to learn in a safe environment.

Levy will focus on replacing four aging schools and upgrading/modernizing the fieldhouse and community pool at Juanita High School.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

UPDATED: The Peoples Right To Know


The City of Redmond's lack of good information on Silver Cloud-Redmond homeless housing and Plymouth Housing prompted this post.

Open Government:  The Peoples Right To Know

Redmond has three local governments:  The City of Redmond, Lake Washington School District and EvergreenHealth Public Hospital.  The public has a "right to know" information about their inner workings.  Public Record Request forms usually find the information you need.  When you don't get good information or it's a hassle finding it, you may feel like the bearded guy in the cartoon! 

Below, are helpful links to the Public Record Request forms for each government.  In my investigative reporting, I have some good experience with them and their Public Request Offices.  I've found the public records office of EvergreenHealth the most professional, the City of Redmond a close second with LWSD in the rear. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

LWSD Redirects Levy Funds To Create Space For High Schools

Permanent space will be created for 600 high school students on the east side of the district.

Lake Washington School District (LWSD) has proposed redirecting levy funds from the 2022 Building Excellence Construction Levy. 

LWSD will hold off construction in Sammamish and will redirect the funds to build 12 classroom additions each, at Eastlake High School and Redmond High School.

In addition, core space modifications will create room for students to move throughout the building, eat lunch and congregate. The additions and space modifications will be completed in the same timeline as before. 

-- Shannon Parthemer

   LWSD Communications Director

   Ms. Parthemer's press release, 3/17/2024,  Excerpted and edited.

Posted by Yoder, 3/27/2024

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

LWSD Plans $971 Million Construction Levy

We have good news the King County Assessor is lowering assessed values in 2024 by ~20%. This may give the Lake Washington School District more breathing room for their proposed $971 million levy measure slated for Fall, 2024.  

The LWSD construcion and funding plan

Elementary Schools: Rebuild and expand Alcott Elementary and Smith Elementary, Add a new elementary school in Lake Washington area. 

Middle School: Rebuild or expand Kamiakin Middle School. 

High School:  Build a fifth comprehensive high school.  Other:  Refurbish Juanita fieldhouse/pool, Add space for early learning. High School: Build a fifth comprehensive high school.  

Other:  Refurbish Juanita fieldhouse/pool.


A $705 million "Renewal of Construction" Levy is proposed in 2028.  It will fund school constructions needs for new student space, replacing ageing facilities, and reducing reliance on portables.  

This levy would provide funding to build critical classroom space across our district and addresses aging schools:

Elementary Schools: Rebuild and expand Rockwell Elementary, add two new elementary schools. 

Middle School: Rebuild or expand Evergreen Middle School

High School: Add additional high school capacity to Lake Washington area (TBD). Other: Add space for early learning in Juanita area.


Thursday, November 30, 2023

Dr. Holmen Remains Superintendent at LWSD

Peoria Unified School District interviews:  For Dr. Holmen scroll to 27.10 m for Dr. Kenneth Sommers advance to 40.44 m 

Announcement on the Peoria Unified School District website:  

"On November 29, the Peoria Unified Governing Board voted unanimously to enter into contract negotiations with Dr. Kenneth Christopher Sommers to serve as the district's next superintendent, pending the result of successful contract negotiations and  background check.  The Board is expected to official approve him as superintendent at a future meeting."  

Though Dr. Holmen didn't get what he wanted we are most fortunate to have him and his expertise on board during these challenging times.  -- Bob Yoder, Opinion, 11/30/2023

Monday, November 27, 2023

Emotions fly at LWSD Board Meeting

The Board members of the Lake Washington School District held a very emotional public meeting on November 20th in their chambers.  

  • Superintendent Holmen gave Board member Siri Bliesner high praise, gratitude and recognition for her 11 years of community service on the Board.  
  • During Public Comment over eight parents gave very emotional talks about the Israelis - Palestinian tension at LWSD and in their families.  
It's definitely worth a listen:

Jon Holmen is interviewing for a new job as superintendent in an Arizona district.  His recognition speech for Siri was extremely well done and I hope they were listening.  

-- Bob Yoder, 11/27/2023

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Superintendent Jon Holmen Finalist for Superintendent in Arizona School District

Jon Holmen, Superintendent of LWSD is a finalist in selecting a new superintendent at Peoria Unified in Arizona.  The Peoria School Board will announce their decision on November 29th.  

Arizona ranks 50th out of 50 states for school funding.  Ah ha, so Jon's experience with Bonds and Levies makes him quite attractive.  

Jon's interview begins at 27m.  He is analytical, systematic with focus on stakeholders.  John Carman of Texas interview begins at 16:45m.  He's low key.  Ken Somers from Colorado is expressive, likeable, somewhat wordy with leadership qualities. Though, he may not have the school funding experience Peoria Unified is looking for.  

-- Bob Yoder, Opinion, 11/26 

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Rumble in Redmond Robot Competition

Builders from all over North America brought their robots to Redmond Middle School for an all-out robot clash where innovation and excitement collided. This event will serve as a qualifying event for the Robot Combat League National Championship in May 2024, allowing passionate builders to compete at the highest level of robot combat. 

Competitors unleashed their custom-built remote-controlled armed with hammers, flippers, or blades, delivering stylish and crushing blows to their opponents. Builders invest days, weeks, or even months perfecting their designs for competitions. 

The National Championship was held in Seattle last year.  Three bots from Redmond's league qualified for the tournament.  The Nationals will be held in Seattle again next year.  

Special thanks to OneRedmond for sponsoring this event.  They're hoping for more of them in the years to come.   

-- Post and video by Bob Yoder, 10/23/2023 

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

UPDATED OPINION: Teacher Diversity at LW School District Deserves Study

*Redmond Middle School Certified Teachers (71)  
click image to enlarge

Redmond Middle School - Teacher Demographics (self-reported)
68.8% female / 31.3% male
White:  89.1%
Asian: 6.3%
Hispanic/Latino 1.6%
Two or more races 1.6%

Opportunities for diversity and inclusion are when a teacher retires, quits and moves, is  terminated and enrollment increases.  I'm sure the District is doing the best they can.

*Image may include nurses, counselors and some classified staff

Zakiya Cita is the new LWSD Director of Human Resources Talent Acquisition. 

I met Ms. Cita at a WorkSource Fair, Redmond Library.

Opinion:  Bob Yoder, 10/24/2023

Monday, October 23, 2023

Redmond MS Student Named Finalist In National Science Competition


Advait Badrish

Redmond Middle School eighth grader Advait Badrish is on his way to Washington D.C. as a finalist in the 2023 Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge. This is the nation’s premier STEM research competition for middle school students. Advait was nominated by the Washington State Science and Engineering Fair for his project titled "HeartNN: A High-Accuracy Neural Network for Cardiac Auscultation." Out of nearly 1,500 entries submitted for the national competition, there are now 30 finalists competing for more than $100,000 in prizes. All finalists will receive a $500 cash award. There is also prize money dedicated to some of the finalists’ schools. 

According to the competition’s website, the Thermo Fisher Junior Innovators Challenge, a program of the Society for Science, seeks to inspire young scientists, engineers and innovators who will solve the grand challenges of the future. The finalists in this year’s event will travel to Washington, D.C. from October 28 – November 2 to participate in the Finals Week of the competition. Each student will be judged on both their science research projects as well as their demonstration of collaboration and critical thinking skills during team challenges, emphasizing the importance and value of teamwork in STEM fields. 

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Redmond Middle School Teacher Diversity

(click image to enlarge)

 Photos of teachers (not volunteers) hanging in the Redmond Middle School lobby. My guess is the school district tries hard to diversify their staff and executives.

We saw this composite while leaving the Rumble-In-Redmond Robot Combat Competition event.  

-- Photo and opinion by Bob Yoder, 10/21/2023

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Lake Washington Schools Foundation: An Introduction

Discover the heart and soul of the Lake Washington Schools Foundation in this video.

Did you know that Lake Washington Schools Foundation (LWSF) and Lake Washington School District (LWSD) are two distinctly different organizations?

LWSF is a non-profit organization that works in close partnership with the school district to support the students in our community. We provide direct services through our programs and also fund district initiatives. We are able to do this work only through receiving donations from supporters who share our belief that every student should have the ability to achieve their full potential.

-- posted by Bob Yoder, 10/12/2023