Thursday, December 5, 2024

LWSD Data Reveals Alarming Mental Health Challenges Facing Their Seniors

Recent data from the 2023 LWSD 
Healthy Youth Survey reveals the alarming mental health challenges facing high school seniors: 25% report symptoms of depression, 12% have contemplated suicide, and 26% feel they have no adult to confide in. Additionally, 13% have experienced unwanted sexual contact, and 11% identify as “problem” or “heavy” drinkers. These figures underscore an urgent need for expanded access to mental health care.

“The statistics are alarming, but they also highlight the incredible need for a service like Care Solace,” remarked Katy Philips, LWSF Executive Director. “We are grateful for the opportunity to make mental health care more accessible and to work alongside LWSD and the City of Redmond to support our community’s well-being.”

Care Solace connects individuals with a large network of verified mental health providers, addressing issues such as anxiety, depression, substance use, trauma, and more. The service offers 24/7/365 multilingual support in over 200 languages and is available at no cost to all LWSD students, families, and staff, regardless of insurance status.

By offering a centralized hub for connecting individuals to mental health care providers, Care Solace ensures timely, confidential access to services while relieving school staff of the challenging task of referring students to appropriate care. The platform’s database of over 560,000 providers enables efficient connections and ensures that students, especially those from historically underserved communities, receive the right support.

-- Lake Washington Schools Foundation

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