Saturday, November 16, 2024

Lake Washington Students Make Gains On Assessments

 Lake Washington students continue to make gains on state assessments

Redmond, Wash. – Lake Washington School District (LWSD) students continue to score well above the state average in all areas tested by the Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBA).

“Lake Washington School District is pleased to share the results of our state assessments with our community,” said Dr. Jon Holmen, Superintendent. “We continue to work as an organization to accelerate and support our students’ academic and social growth. Student learning was impacted during the pandemic and we can see recovery in our standardized academic progress. Lake Washington staff strive each day to ensure academic excellence for every student.”

In English Language Arts, the percentage of LWSD students meeting the standard ranged from 74.3 percent in eighth grade to a high of 81.8 percent in 10th grade. At the state level, the percentage of eighth and 10th grade students meeting the standard in English Language Arts was 47.1, and 60.1 respectively.  (See the chart below for scores for each grade level.)

In grades three through 10 Math, the percentage of LWSD students meeting the standard ranged from 64.1 percent in 10th grade to a high of 78.4 percent in fourth grade. At the state level, the percentage of students meeting the standard in 10th grade and fourth grade was 29.9 and 47.8 respectively.

This year, the greatest gain in math for LWSD was in 10th grade, with an increase of 3.7% over 2023. In ELA, the greatest gain was in sixth grade, with an increase of 1.4% over 2023.

All grades but 11th grade scored above the state average on the Washington State Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS). As a reminder, 11th grade scores are low due to a significant number of students who have refused to test over the past four years. Of the 761 11th grade students who tested, 88.4% met standard.

In LWSD, 80.2 percent of fifth-grade students met the science standard in 2024. At the state level, 55.3 percent of fifth graders met the state science standard.

In eighth grade science, 70.7 percent of LWSD students met the standard. At the state level, 40.2 percent of eighth graders met the state science standard.

-- LWSD Press release

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