Showing posts with label international. Show all posts
Showing posts with label international. Show all posts

Friday, September 28, 2012

Microsoft offering millions to hire more foreign workers

Microsoft offering millions to hire more foreign workers

Microsoft Corp. said it will offer millions of dollars so it can hire more foreign workers using H-1B temporary visas.

The Seattle Times reports Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) has thousands of high-tech job openings that it can't fill, and by expanding the H-1B program and by greatly increasing the fees charged for those visas, the country could use that money to train Americans to eventually fill those jobs.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

What Bikram Yoga has taught me about baking, By Kimm Moore

By Kimm Moore
cupcakes and cookware

When I am not working, baking, blogging, or tweeting, I am practicing Bikram's (pronounced "Beek-Rim") yoga. Now, exactly what is Bikram yoga and how does it differ from other types of yoga? Answer: Bikram is a guy. A hardcore yoga guy who created a series of 26 set postures and 2 breathing exercises.

Bikram yoga is a type of Hatha yoga (Buddish origins), also known as hot yoga. Yes, it is always done in a hot, heated, and humid practice room. Why? Heat helps your muscles relax, therefore you can stretch better, and it makes you sweat.....buckets. Sweating is a naturally way for your body to cool itself down and detox any nasty stuff that is inside your body. Bikram's yoga tends to be more difficult, disciplined, and well, harder than other types of yoga out there today. (Now, don't be scared to try it! There are many life dedicated Bikram yogis in the community. Remember you are never too old, too sick, or too injured to START.)

Time for the lessons...

When I am taking class, the teacher always speaks the same dialogue...over and over again. Really? How can taking the same class teach me anything new?

Welcome to lesson number one:

I must try and never give up. Giving up lasts forever, trying does not.

In life, especially in baking, we need to do things over and over again until we have mastered them. Did my first brioche loaf turn out golden and delicious? Nope. How about my chocolate chiffon cake? Nah. Even my first attempt at French buttercream turned into a sweet, soupy mess. See, in life, we learn by attempts, fails, and mistakes. Yoga taught me if I fall out of a posture, I must grab my leg again and try, and try, and try.....

Every day is different. What affects my daily class? The weather, season, class size, teacher, how much water I drank, time of day, what I ate throughout the day, etc. The list goes on and on.

This brings me to lesson number two:

I am unable to change what I cannot. I may not be able to change the environment or situation I am presently in, but I can change my mind about it.

If I forget to order a special ingredient, prep my pans properly, buy enough cupcake wrappers, or preheat the oven correctly, there is not much I can do to 'un-do' my mistake. But, I can adjust my actions accordingly and make sure it comes out a sweet success. Yoga taught me if I can change my mind, I can change my life.   Read More >>

Saturday, June 23, 2012

A Preview of "Ananda Mela": Joyful Festival of India

Preview of "Ananda Mela": Joyful Festival of India

   By Latha P. Sambamurti, Artistic Director

Ananda Mela is the largest festival in the Pacific Northwest showcasing the art and culture of India. The free outdoor summer festival will take place at the Redmond City Hall campus during the last weekend of July (July 27th- July 29th, 2012). The festival has grown phenomenally since its first edition in 2010, and promises to attract a large number of audiences from far and wide to converge at the Redmond City Hall campus this summer for a memorable weekend of joy, conviviality and cultural experiences that are exuberantly Indian.

India is well-known for its amazing diversity of classical, folk and popular dance traditions. Through distinctive footwork, movement, emotional expression, costumes, and rhythm, unique to each tradition and region, the dances of India, be they classical, folk or popular, express eloquently the joie de vivre, ethos, values and life experiences of its people. Naturally, we chose Dances of India as the theme pervading much of Ananda Mela’s offerings this year. Read More >>

Monday, June 18, 2012

Lots of entertainment and fun at MAPS "Art and Culture Day"

Plenty of good art and entertainment at Saturday's MAPS "Art and Culture Day"
Last Saturday was an excellent day to connect with the Muslim residents and some of the culture of greater Redmond.  This is a photo of  some visitors to the "Arts and Culture Day" held the mosque in SE Redmond.  (Their dress can be art it itself). We were fortunate to run into Hyder Ali in the morning who told us exciting news that the Mayor of Bellevue and Redmond Police Chief Gibson had already stopped by. 

Hyder is a resident of greater Redmond, works at Microsoft and is President of MAPS (Muslim Ass'n of Puget Sound), the sponsoring organization.  The event was held in a SE Redmond Muslim mosque named "Maasjid Ar-Rahmah," which is also a gathering place for the cultural community.  We enjoyed a brief visit with Hyder's son.The Event was very entertaining and fun with dancing and singing and we learned a lot about the cultures of Syria, Libya, Pakistan, Palestine, and Turkey at their art exhibits.  Hopefully, a slide show to follow.  Please send in your pictures!

Read more about Hyder Ali and how to connect with the cultural center and mosque  Read More >>

Monday, May 21, 2012

EDITORIAL: Reaching out to our neighbors, sharing our cultures

Japanese tour guide translates for
PCC-Redmond grocery store manager, Celeste
Photo credit / Yoder
thanks to BJ Eliason for his help with the tiny churches, co-owner Discover Yoga

EDITORIAL (updated):  One of my goals for this blog is to acknowledge and value Redmond international residents and the wealth of culture, business and grace they bring to our fair city and neighborhoods.  Since Redmond's founding a hundred years ago, the city has moved far beyond it's native American - pioneer horse culture.  Today, Microsoft and many other Greater Redmond tech companies expand our cultural and international diversity exponentially by hiring globally.

The 2010 census figures for Redmond, WA  puts a handle on it:    
  • Redmond residents:  61% white not Hispanic, 1.7% black, 25% Asian, 8% Hispanic or Latino, 4% mixed-race, and 0.6% American or Alaskan Indian/islander.    
  • Other tidbits:  Redmond's Asian population is 4 times larger than the average WA population.  Of the Asian race, almost 12% are East Indian; percent of Arab nations are unknown. 
  • Foreign born persons living in Redmond are 29% of households. 
  • Language other than English spoken at home in 33% of households. (age 5+)
  • Redmond business:  Asian-owned firms (2007) 13%.  Hispanic owned firms (2007) 3% 
  • Median household income (2006-2010):  $88,194.  
  • Population:  54,155 (non-working hours),  20% increase last 10 years.
Foreign-born often residents often find company and  "neighborhood" in their church and community centers. The Vedic Cultural Center of Sammamish (Hindu) and  MAPS Community Center of Redmond (Muslim) are grand, open gathering-places.  The newer Buddist Temple, Lwat Atam on Redmond-Woodinville Rd.  On the smallest scale, Read More >>

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Call to Artists for: "Day of Art and Culture"

Masjid Ar-Rahmah in Redmond, WA.
Call to Artists: Day of Art & Culture

The "Muslim Association of Puget Sound" (MAPS) is pleased to announce a Call to Artists for a show case of artwork to be displayed at "Day of Art & Culture" on June 16th, 2012.

Art and Culture Day aims to promote creativity among Washington Muslims and to share the diversity of Islamic heritage with Muslims and Non-Muslims alike.

Events for that day include an art exhibit, country booths, youth and children activities, performances, and food. The Day of Art & Culture will be held at the Masjid Ar-Rahmah in Redmond.

This Call to Artists is open to all Washington artists, including high school and college art students. Submissions are due by May 11, 2012, with the accepted artwork to be announced May 18, 2012. Showcased artists will need to set up artwork for display on June 15th and artwork can be for sale.

To apply, submit a short bio, photos of your work and a link to your website or Facebook page to .

Contact for more information and official guidelines.

By:  Koloud 'Kay' Tarapolsi

A Crafty Arab (please note new website address)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

LETTER: Lake Washington Institute of Technology relies on international students.

LETTER:  In the face of higher education budget cut decisions due out of Olympia before the end of the month, this is an ideal opportunity to highlight the value of our higher education institutions not only to residents, but also our economic partners abroad. Our schools rely on a balance of international students.

Three percent of Lake Washington Institute of Technology's (LWIT) students are international students, who each pay three times the resident tuition.  Five international students provide the funding to add an additional class to our programs that can serve 25 students, and for every $1 in tuition an international student pays, they contribute $7 to the local economy in room, board, travel, expenses, entertainment, etc. What’s more, these international partnerships allow us to send faculty abroad (thus saving a job) when budget cuts dictate elimination of faculty positions at the school.

--By Jen Boyer, Communications Specialist, LWIT

Monday, November 14, 2011

Chinese Vice Minister of Education to Visit Lake Washington Institute of Technology

Chinese Vice Minister of Education to Visit Lake Washington Institute of Technology, Kirkland, WA:

Dr. Xin Lu, China’s Vice Minister of Education for the country, will visit Lake Washington Institute of Technology (LWIT) tomorrow morning, Nov. 15, 2011, 8 AM with a Chinese delegation to research workforce and technical training programs for use in China.

“This is an extreme honor for the school, and our region on a whole,” said Lin Zhou, associate dean of extended learning at LWIT who helped arrange the visit. “LWIT is the only school Dr. Lu is visiting on this trip to the United States and it is the policy her department creates that dictates higher education structure throughout China. What she learns here could have significant bearing on how the Chinese provide workforce and job skills training.”  Read More >>

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Muslim mosque community center opens in Redmond

Mayor John Marchione and other dignitaries were on hand last week to dedicate the opening of  the new Muslim Community Center and mosque in Redmond called "MAPS" for  "Muslim Association of Puget Sound" (MAPS).

Hyder Ali, the president of MAPS and manager in the communications department at Microsoft (in this video) calls the mosque a hub or community asset "not only for Muslims but for the communities they live in."  The mosque is located in a 35,000+ square foot commercial neighborhood building at 17550 NE 67th Court, Redmond, WA,  due east of the Marymoor Park Velodrome (see map ).

The MAPS Center places much emphasis on welcoming and enriching their youth.  Women membership is addressed in the By-Laws.  One lady in the video said she "appreciates the relatively progressive approach to women."   One man in the video described the Center as a mosque for prayer and center for social activities. 
It's a "hub" where, on your way to work,  you stop at the Center, pray, exercise, go to work, come back and pray with family and socialize. 
The Center hosts two lounges with computers and Internet, a library and education center.  The 3,000 square foot prayer area is expandable to 11,000 square feet.  Two gyms for exercise, one for each sex; and two daycare rooms (age 1-4 and 4-7) are available.

View Larger Map

Reported by Yoder
Video and Source:   MAPS website:

Monday, September 26, 2011

LETTER: City of Redmond delighted to have HCL become a part of the community

from the desk of Jane Christenson, Deputy City Administrator, City of Redmond, WA...

Hi Bob, Just a quick follow-up on this with a few more details. HCL held its Inauguration Ceremony last Wednesday. As is customary, the business organized the logistics and publicity, including press release, for its opening event. As a major international company, with offices in Redmond, as well as in Raleigh, NC and Rochester, NY, the company’s growing presence in the United States has been a national success story for its innovation and its capacity for job creation. In addition to your blog and the Seattle Times, HCL’s move to Redmond was announced in the Wall Street Journal, Puget Sound Business Journal’s Tech Flash, Redmond Patch and numerous other media venues. The City is delighted to have HCL become part of the community and looks forward to a long and thriving relationship. On your last question, HCL located at 14980 NE 31st Street, Suite 300, here in Redmond. I hope this is helpful.
Jane Christenson, 9/26
Deputy City Administrator
Blog post on HCL-Redmond

Sunday, September 25, 2011

HCL Technologies, Indian Outsourcing Company Opens in Redmond, WA to Significantly Expand its North American Operations

Internet photo
REDMOND NEIGHBORHOOD BLOG COMMENT:  The HCL-Redmond office building is on Northeast 31st Street, near the Azteca restaurant alongside Highway 520. 
HCL is a 'near-shore' ET software development company, mostly working for Microsoft.-India.  HCL-Redmond is working close to clients Microsoft (and Boeing) where they can provide direct support and collaboration.  Microsoft and HCL expect to benefit from one or more of the following dimensions of proximity: geographic, temporal (time zone), cultural, linguistic, economic, political, or historical linkages."  

HCL Technologies Opens its Collaborative Engineering Hub in Redmond, WA to Significantly Expand its North American Operations

PRESS RELEASE, September 21, 2011 -- HCL Technologies Opens its Collaborative Engineering Hub in Redmond, WA to Significantly Expand its North American Operations

HCL to Create More Than 400 Jobs in the Greater Seattle Area

"Sunnyvale, Calif. and Redmond, Wash., September 21st, 2011 – HCL Technologies, a leading global IT services company, announced the grand opening of a new state-of-the-art Global Delivery Center in Redmond, Washington. The initial investment of $4 million will create more than 400 jobs in the Seattle area over the next two years. The new center will support HCL's continued global expansion and increased focus on business innovation in software product development, test engineering and business critical platform development.

The Collaborative Engineering Hub will be a strong focal point for HCL’s nearshore complex engineering programs. The opening was inaugurated by the Washington State Director of the Department of Commerce, Rogers Weed, in the presence of Shami Khorana, President of HCL Americas and special guests John Marchione, Mayor of the City of Redmond and Rich Kaplan, Corporate Vice President, Customer and Partner Advocacy at Microsoft. During the event, HCL announced Microsoft as its first official enterprise customer and Director Weed pledged $200,000 from the Workforce Investment Act Fund to HCL to assist with the training of future employees from the Seattle area.  Read More >>

Thursday, September 22, 2011

HCL Tech opens delivery centre in Redmond

Business Line : Industry & Economy / Info-tech : HCL Tech opens delivery centre in Redmond:

New Delhi, Sept 22: Indian IT [outsourcing ]services company HCL Technologies has opened a new global delivery centre in Redmond, Washington.

The initial investment of $4 million will create more than 400 jobs in the Seattle area over the next two years, an HCL statement said.

With a 350-seat capacity, the ‘Collaborative Engineering Hub' will be a focal point for HCL's near-shore engineering programs and will provide both engineering and product development services in the areas of internationalisation and mobility.

The centre was inaugurated by the Washington State Director of the Department of Commerce, Mr Rogers Weed, in the presence of officials from HCL and Microsoft.

HCL also announced Microsoft as its first official enterprise customer, and Mr Weed pledged $200,000 from the Workforce Investment Act Fund to HCL to assist with the training of future employees from the Seattle area.

In addition, HCL will work closely with several local universities to recruit graduates, including the University of Washington, University of Washington-Bothell Campus, University of Washington-Tacoma, Seattle University, and Seattle Pacific University.

Internet photo

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

UPDATED: Singapore American School website lauds Dr. Chip Kimball as their 12th Superintendent, effective July, 2012

Singapore American School
 Dr. Chip Kimball appointed Superintendent of Singapore American School (SAS) 

Twelfth Superintendent of Singapore American School "largest single-campus international school in the world, with 3,878 students, 353 faculty members, and 222 support staff"

SINGAPORE, September 15, 2011 - Dr. Chip Kimball, Superintendent of Lake Washington School District in Redmond, Washington, has been appointed the twelfth Superintendent of Singapore American School by the school's Board of Governors. Rudy Muller, Chair of the SAS Board of Governors, announced the appointment today in a letter to the SAS community.

Dr. Kimball, 47, will take office on July 1, 2012 and succeeds Dr. Brent Mutsch who previously announced that he is stepping down in June 2012 after five years as Superintendent of SAS.

"Dr. Kimball is a respected and proven educational leader with the depth and breadth of knowledge to enhance student learning through 21st century best practices," Mr. Muller said. "Dr Kimball will bring innovative leadership to Singapore American School and he embodies the ideals of academic rigor, professional excellence, extraordinary care of students, creativity, and community building that lie at the heart of our mission."  Read More >>

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Notes on "Ashes to Hope Observance of 9/11" - Bridge-building to another's culture

Kirkland Performance Center - "Ashes to Hope" Observance
OPINION:  Today is 9/11.   I was in Anchorage when it happened 10 years ago.   I decided to observe the anniversary.

I left our garage sale early to drive to Kirkland's "Ashes to Hope" Observance of 9/11 in the Kirkland Performance Center.  I'm not a big church go-er but found this service deeply moving.    

The Observance was hosted by the Northlake Unitarian Universalist Church and the IMAN Center.  IMAN is a regional non-profit Muslim organization "fostering the development of socially responsible and spiritually mature individuals."  They do a lot more for the community, too.  Their music is beautiful!   A standing room only audience of over 400 witnessed an Islamic  "Noon prayer"..... an experience to remember.

Clergy from many religions of the world preached, talked, sang and emoted.   One expressively "danced with his hands" while singing a rich, prayerful song.   His name is Rabbi James Mirel of Temple B'nai Torah.

One of the more 'awakening' moments was a roll call given for every nation that lost loved ones.   As each country was called, their citizen rose holding a sign and "the number."   Scores stood.  Clearly, 9/11 struck at the heart of the world.  Read More >>

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Kris Bennett organizes scavenger hunt on Education Hill for exchange students

Josep Pau Ballart "We hope the "gorilla" doesn't
 travel to Spain!"  (Kris on right)

Program manager and parent Kris Bennett organized a competitive scavenger hunt on Education Hill as a culminating event to her summer Spanish exchange program.  Here's how Kris describes it in Facebook: 
We had a group of 40 or so Spanish exchange students and host siblings divided into 5 groups roaming the neighborhoods of Education Hill on a scavenger hunt. They each started with a ball point pen and were suppose to knock on doors, use their English skills, and explain they were in a competition to "trade up" for the best object. They had an hour to return and then we voted on who got the best item(s). Look on my Facebook at the pictures of what they brought back (in my second album). Your trophy was traded for the winning gigantic gorilla. Other interesting and close finishers were: a team with a Razor Scooter and X-Box (no cords or controller brought it out of first place), a bag with a bunch of colorful bras, and a Dirt Devil vacuum and CD/DVD Player. It was a great chance for the students to use their English AND see how friendly Redmond residence are. This is just one more activity that leaves them always saying, "I can't believe how friendly and open Americans are! This is not what I expected!" Thanks for participating!
Did they ring your doorbell?

Parents and students wishing to host a family next summer:  Contact Kris at or call the EF Educational Homestay nonprofit organization at:  800-521-0083.  The program also hosts high school girls.

By Kris Bennett
Education Hill parent
Program Manager for Redmond Boy's Exchange Student Program
Published with permission from Facebook. 

Friday, July 22, 2011

UPDATED: Cultural growth spurt: Ananda Mela festival in Redmond to celebrate Indian culture, July 29 -30

PREVIEW the Anando Mela Festival
By Latha Sambamurti
2010 Anando Mela - Photo by Bob Yoder
Cultural growth spurt: Annual festival in Redmond to celebrate Indian culture - Redmond Reporter:

By Samantha Pak
Redmond Reporter

"Pat Pattabhiraman and his wife [Latha Sambamurti] moved to Redmond almost 10 years ago from Vancouver, British Columbia.
He was hired by a small local technology company and back then, the area's Indian landscape was a lot different: There were only a few Indian restaurants and grocery stores and even fewer cultural events and entertainment opportunities.
In 2011, things have changed."   Read More >> 
From The Joy of India Festival
Photos by Bob Yoder, 2010

Friday, June 24, 2011

Rotary Club of Redmond awards Jerome Jin "Community Partner of the Year".

from the desk of Pam Mauk, Executive Director, Together Center....
City of Redmond's Jerome Jin receives award
 from Rotory Club of Redmond's David Markley
City of Redmond’s Jerome Jin receives first-ever
Community Partner Award from Rotary Club of Redmond

The City of Redmond’s Jerome Jin received Rotary Club of Redmond’s Community Partner of the Year Award at Thursday’s club meeting. President David Markley made the presentation.

Rotary Club of Redmond established the award this year to recognize a non-Rotarian who partners with the club to leverage the goals and ideals of Rotary in the community.

David Markley said,
 “For eight years, Jerome Jin, Program Administrator in the Public Works Department, has been our partner to further our work at Redmond’s Recycle Day. Everything from computers to old tires, light bulbs to scrap metal, and tons of other discarded items are recycled that would most likely end up at the solid waste facility or on the side of the road, without this program. Yearly, we obtain bicycles that our club refurbishes for children locally and people around the world. Working with Jerome Jin’s help, Redmond Rotary refurbishes and then gives bikes to Eastside Baby Corner, Bikes for Humanity (which go to various African locations), and Bikes for Ghana.”  Read more >>

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cyber-bullying: Abuse takes its toll on a new generation of American youth. 

Northwest Asian Weekly Cyber-bullying: Abuse takes its toll on a new generation of American youth :

"The state of Washington presumes that children from age 8 to 11 cannot commit crimes.

Think again. On April 23, two sixth grade girls in the Issaquah School District were charged by King County Juvenile Court for cyber-stalking. They hacked into the Facebook account of Leslie Cote, a classmate and former friend. The girls posted sexually explicit pictures and, using Cote’s name, solicited boys for sex".


Reported By Sarah Yee
Northwest Asian Weekly, 5/19
Photo By Johnny Bui, NWAW