Wednesday, November 23, 2011

LETTER: Lake Washington Institute of Technology relies on international students.

LETTER:  In the face of higher education budget cut decisions due out of Olympia before the end of the month, this is an ideal opportunity to highlight the value of our higher education institutions not only to residents, but also our economic partners abroad. Our schools rely on a balance of international students.

Three percent of Lake Washington Institute of Technology's (LWIT) students are international students, who each pay three times the resident tuition.  Five international students provide the funding to add an additional class to our programs that can serve 25 students, and for every $1 in tuition an international student pays, they contribute $7 to the local economy in room, board, travel, expenses, entertainment, etc. What’s more, these international partnerships allow us to send faculty abroad (thus saving a job) when budget cuts dictate elimination of faculty positions at the school.

--By Jen Boyer, Communications Specialist, LWIT

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