Friday, November 25, 2011

Ross Hunter proposes billion dollar levy changes to K-12 funding

K-12 Funding Proposal – Local Levy Swap
"I’m stepping outside my role as Ways and Means chairman to put out a personal proposal for comment. The idea described below is a big one, moving around about a billion dollars in property taxes that are used for the support of public schools."  Read More >>
Excerpts from Ross's proposal: 
  • "would no longer need “levy equalization”;  hundreds of millions that we use to correct for the fact that some districts don’t have the property base to collect similar amounts of levies. These districts will be better served by increased state funding and less reliance on levies."
  • "we should make local school levies more reliable, since they are likely to be a significant part of school funding well into the future. Instead of voting to renew levies every 4 years we should amend the constitution to allow voters to approve levies that would stay in place until the district wants to increase them." 
Comments?  Comment here or on Ross's blog

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