Monday, May 21, 2012

EDITORIAL: Reaching out to our neighbors, sharing our cultures

Japanese tour guide translates for
PCC-Redmond grocery store manager, Celeste
Photo credit / Yoder
thanks to BJ Eliason for his help with the tiny churches, co-owner Discover Yoga

EDITORIAL (updated):  One of my goals for this blog is to acknowledge and value Redmond international residents and the wealth of culture, business and grace they bring to our fair city and neighborhoods.  Since Redmond's founding a hundred years ago, the city has moved far beyond it's native American - pioneer horse culture.  Today, Microsoft and many other Greater Redmond tech companies expand our cultural and international diversity exponentially by hiring globally.

The 2010 census figures for Redmond, WA  puts a handle on it:    
  • Redmond residents:  61% white not Hispanic, 1.7% black, 25% Asian, 8% Hispanic or Latino, 4% mixed-race, and 0.6% American or Alaskan Indian/islander.    
  • Other tidbits:  Redmond's Asian population is 4 times larger than the average WA population.  Of the Asian race, almost 12% are East Indian; percent of Arab nations are unknown. 
  • Foreign born persons living in Redmond are 29% of households. 
  • Language other than English spoken at home in 33% of households. (age 5+)
  • Redmond business:  Asian-owned firms (2007) 13%.  Hispanic owned firms (2007) 3% 
  • Median household income (2006-2010):  $88,194.  
  • Population:  54,155 (non-working hours),  20% increase last 10 years.
Foreign-born often residents often find company and  "neighborhood" in their church and community centers. The Vedic Cultural Center of Sammamish (Hindu) and  MAPS Community Center of Redmond (Muslim) are grand, open gathering-places.  The newer Buddist Temple, Lwat Atam on Redmond-Woodinville Rd.  On the smallest scale, Read More >>
Washington Cathedral is a cultural center for five emerging churches, including - a newer Arab-Egyptian Christian Coptic Orthodox church, an established Spanish bilingual church and tiny Korean, Brazilian, and native American churches.  Several Russian/Slavic community churches gather in Overlake business parks.  A quiet neighborhood Buddhist Temple sits close to Lake Sammamish on NE 40th.  Find a  church directory here.  Who did I miss?

We are fortunate, Asians publish an established newspaper in English, "The NW Asian Weekly."   

Editorial and Photo By Bob Yoder

Over 40 international stories are on file on this Redmond blog. 


Kris Norelius, Camp Director said...

I am co-director of Vasa Day Camp, located at Vasa Park on Lake Sammamish. We are a camp for children ages 6 to 12 and we feature programs in Scandinavian dance, drama, art and Swedish language. The beautiful location at Vasa Park lends itself to swimming and other fun outdoor activities. Attached are two flyers and a registration form. We would appreciate it if you could post this information on your website and blog.

Thank you!
Kris Norelius
Vasa Camp Co-Director
360 742-2705

Kris Norelius said...

The camp is open to anyone but members get a bit of a discount. Even without the discount this camp is quite inexpensive. Thanks so much for posting the information.
