Friday, July 22, 2011

UPDATED: Cultural growth spurt: Ananda Mela festival in Redmond to celebrate Indian culture, July 29 -30

PREVIEW the Anando Mela Festival
By Latha Sambamurti
2010 Anando Mela - Photo by Bob Yoder
Cultural growth spurt: Annual festival in Redmond to celebrate Indian culture - Redmond Reporter:

By Samantha Pak
Redmond Reporter

"Pat Pattabhiraman and his wife [Latha Sambamurti] moved to Redmond almost 10 years ago from Vancouver, British Columbia.
He was hired by a small local technology company and back then, the area's Indian landscape was a lot different: There were only a few Indian restaurants and grocery stores and even fewer cultural events and entertainment opportunities.
In 2011, things have changed."   Read More >> 
From The Joy of India Festival
Photos by Bob Yoder, 2010

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