The community role of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) might be described as a business tourism alliance to "increase heads and beds." It's funded by a 1% sales tax on participating hotels.
Dan Angular, General Manager of the Redmond Marriott of Redmond Town Center said LTAC brings Redmond Chambers, Realize Redmond, and Redmond Economic Development Alliance (REDA) together to stimulate tourism.
Over $337,300 was raised by the LTAC last year from a 1% hotel tax. So far, 50% of the tax revenue pays "Bullseye Creative" to rebrand the "Realize Redmond" website e.g. "Paint the Town" tag was removed. $31,365 pays promoting private and city sponsored events. Councilmember John Stilin recommended allocating more funds towards the events to attract more people and less emphasis on the website.
Everyone agreed that attracting visitors to stay over an extra night is critical. Miguel Llanos, an editor for MSNBC and second longest LTAC member, recommended expanding current city events into Sunday by developing the richness of events to increase "heads and beds". He suggested a Sunday Derby Days "Bike-Around-the-Lake" event and extending Ananda Mela. Miguel coordinates matching grants for the major cultural, arts, recreation, and heritage events. Dan Angular praised Miguel for growing the matching grants.
John Stilin suggested cultural events scattered throughout the year focusing on Redmond's international cultures, for example, East Indian, Asian, Latino. Others suggested promoting Redmond Arts, Parks, and Recreation (e.g. lacrosse, cricket, Frisbee, Senior Open, soccer, cheer-leading, biking). Angular and Stilin wanted participation from more hotels and restaurants to "increase capacity." Absence of night life is loud and clear.
Councilmember Pat Vache' tipped his hat to the REDA-Realize Redmond-Chamber trio. He said in three months they'll be branded and visible as OneRedmond.
Members of the LTAC are Chris Falco (Redmond CPA of 20 years), Miguel Llanos, Dave Norwood (General Manager, Redmond Inn), Dan Angular, and Scott Scheriff of Hotel Sierra, and Christina Henning or Redmond Town Center. Councilmember Dave Carson facilitated the round-table.
Bob Yoder, Opinion 6/30/2011 Updated and edited, 5/20/2024
History was brought into the limelight three times:
1) During the intros Mayor John Marchione noted his great-grandfather was on Pt. Townsend's first city council (1886).
2) Dan Angular announced the State tourism office was closing this week, making Washington the only state in the nation without a tourism office.
3) This was the first Council meeting with LTAC in the 13 years of its existence.
Hi Bob,
Just a quick correction. Taxpayer funds did not pay Bullseye to rebrand Realize Redmond.
The Taxpayer funds donated to The Redmond Foundation (now Realize Redmond) were used to help the organization get started, create our strategic plan, set up our office (the actual office space is graciously donated by Thinkspace) and staff the organization to allow for fundraising.
The rebranding was paid for through a small portion of the additional fundraising that was generated by the leveraged seed money from the City.
It should also be noted that Bullseye very generously donated over 50% of their services to help our organization create a successful brand.
Jeni Craswell
Executive Director
Realize Redmond
I see. It appears you've already spent the $50,000 in taxpayer seed money on launching "Realize Redmond" and your operating costs are now being funding by private donations.
It will be good to see what percent of your donations over time are spent on administrative costs.
Bob, it's the LTAC (Lodging Tax Advisory Committee), but it's referred to as RTAC in a couple of places in the story.
The Redmond Foundation (REALIZE REDMOND) folded and Jeni Craswell moved onto an nonprofit that raised funds for funding for homeless Vets. (Jeni is the Mayor's campaign manager.)
All the funds Realize Redmond raised and the LTAC raise are now folded into "ONE REDMOND" (which is supposed to include the Chamber now).
This just shows how hard it is to follow the money of non profits founded by taxpayer money. And then most of of them fail - in the absence of significant private sector engagement
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