Monday, December 13, 2010

La Nina Storms Into Redmond's Bear Creek Flood Plain

Bear Creek has been raging over its banks into a wide flood plain just east of Avondale Road adjacent the PSE powerline corridor.  This short video was taken this afternoon (12/13) after the torrential La Nina storm momentarily let up.  Puget Sound Energy had done some extensive clearing this summer for a new transmission line and I was observing it's impact and their wetland enhancements.  While checking out the site, I ran into two professional environmental consultants inspecting the flood plain.  They were hired by the clearing contractor to evaluate PSE's three mile widening project.  They were friendly and and patient with my questions.

The last part of the embedded video is cut off as it shows a section of the road that had flooded over. The second video date is incorrect.  Both were filmed on December 13.
Report and Videos by Bob Yoder

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