By Susan Wilkins, LWSD parent and volunteer
Redmond High School has 1440 students and a staff of 120 who start arriving from all directions in their cars shortly before 7:00AM. Only 230 students ride the bus to school, the rest arrive in cars, either by driving and parking or being dropped off by a parent. Redmond High School attracts nearly 900 cars to the neighborhood between 7:00 and 7:30 AM each weekday morning. As a comparison, this exceeds peak hourly traffic at Costco which attracts about 700 cars per hour.*
Redmond Junior High has 850 students and about 70 staff members. During traffic counts in May, nearly 400 cars dropped off students between 7:25 and 7:50 AM. More than HALF the students at RJH arrived at school in private vehicles. RJH also had 5 buses that dropped off 215 students.
Horace Mann Elementary had 470 students and a staff of about 40. On a typical morning 180 cars dropped off students in the parking lot and another 60 dropped off students at various outer streets, a total of 240 vehicles. Mann had one bus that dropped off 12 Redmond Elementary transfer students.
With 3000 students and staff arriving at 3 schools in 1500+ vehicles, we have a huge traffic mess that's not going to be fixed by telling people to “walk to school”. So, will the school district and the City of Redmond stop telling us that this will solve our traffic problem? Read More.........