Top Foods on Redmond Way is closing on Sunday. What a bummer. Today, one of our blog readers emailed they are giving 25% off on everything this weekend. It was a good excuse & reminder to visit the store for the last time. Top Foods is special from the rest. The short-order restaurant atrium - with it's garage doors - will be a sorely missed gathering place. Sports teams and parents would meet-up before, and after. Families. Business workers. I loved to bike the Bear Creek Trail, snack and rest-up. Quite a few visited the Creek - you can see the Cottonwoods - from here. (photo)

I'll miss this place: it was more than a grocer. I wonder what will replace it?
By Bob Yoder
IPhone photo
Apparently they've been doing the 25 off for a few days now... don't know what's going in there. workers i talked to said the city wouldn't allow signage so they had trouble letting people know they were there... they said another food store certainly won't go there.
Maybe they can open a big box electronics store there, such as Best Buy. That's definitely the type of store that's missing from the area.
Too was a nice place. Sad to see so many Redmond businesses closing up.
I believe it was just too much competition in the area. You have a QFC, Fred Meyers, Trader Joes, Safeway, Whole Foods and a Target that sells food all within a mile of each other.
Good point, Carla. Why was Top Food the first to go. The others must be struggling, too. Top Food is well-mangaged -- based out of Bellingham for years.
2013: I read in the Redmond Reporter an athletic/gym fitness center is going in there..
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