Thursday, July 22, 2010

Report on this week's Evergreen Public Hospital Meeting and CEO Bob Malte.

Several months ago, the Hospital Commission chose Bob Malte as Evergreen’s new CEO.  I met Mr. Malte this Tuesday night during the Commission's Regular Public Meeting.  The following quotations of Malte (in black font) were taken from Deborah Stone's article in the Woodinville Weekly.   

Bob Malte and his family come from Littleton, Colorado where Bob recently served as president and CEO at Exempla Lutheran Medical Center in Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Mr. Malte speaks of the work his staff did at Exempla saying:   "We gained a reputation for providing an incredible patient experience for each person who walked in the door. This was an important goal for us – to make the experience as positive as possible and serve the community to the best of our abilities."   Deborah Stone DS, "Woodinville Weekly"
7/21/10  During Tuesday's Regular Meeting Malte proudly announced positive patient mammorgraphy experiences improved from 77% to 98% this year.  Bob Yoder (BY)
Malte is a student of "lean manufacturing," He explains  "It’s a management philosophy that originates from Toyota.  "It involves looking for and identifying waste within the process and eliminating it in order to create a more reliable and safer environment."  DS
7/21/10 During Tuesday's Regular Meeting, staff presented the cost/benefit of  "Computerized Physician Order Entry" (C.P.O.E.).  This digital system would cost $6.5 million to implement and $700,000/year to operate.  Capital return from the patient benefits of  C.P.O.E  are projected to net $3 million by 2015.   Patient benefits are:  1) 50% fewer medical errors, 2) 20% lower mortality, 3) improved physician and staff accountability, 4) fewer re-admissions, 5) lower legal costs.  BY
He adds, "I also listen a lot because listening leads to understanding." In this vein, he has begun to hold what he calls Town Hall meetings – quarterly forums for all employees to communicate their ideas and opinions. DS
7/21/2010, During the Regular Meeting this Tuesday, Commissioners Jeannette Greenfield and Rebecca Hirt both described the economic pain many of their constituents feel from the depressed economy and challenge of not losing their homes.   I told Mr. Malte and the Commission of my concern for the relative high cost of health care at Evergreen; the extra cost of the levy on top of already egregious independent insurance premiums.  I hope Mr. Malte was listening a lot.  BY

"Being able to afford what we want to do, the financial piece of it, is a big challenge. We have to figure out exactly what we need to do now and in the future on less money."  DS
7/21/10 During Tuesday's Regular Meeting Malte said  "budget season" is coming up and they'll need to look at levy funds.  Malte is all for the levy tax calling the present system a "model".  A public meeting and report  on the levy is planned for September 11.  Mark your calendars!  BY

In regards to Evergreen’s future, Malte sees continued advancement and growth in primary care and community healthcare. He notes that much of the growth will take place outside the hospital where Evergreen will work toward establishing a greater prevalence of primary care in the community.  DS
7/21/10, During Tuesday's Regular Meeting, Tom Martin, CIO, said he is trying to speed up the Evergreen ER Clinic project at Bella Bottega.  In my items talk, I told the commissioners my two blog posts on the clinic didn't draw many comments, possibly indicating a favorable sentiment for the project.  A neighbor Ray Anspach car pooled with me to the meeting. BY
Malte also says he is a student of airline safety and its applications to healthcare, including its focus on communication, standard processes and training through simulation practice. In describing his management style, he uses terms such as "relationship oriented," "visible," "strategic oriented" and "communicative."  DS
Disclaimer:  The Evergreen Hospital Commission presently forbids recording and photography during their public meetings.  The accuracy and comprehensivness of this report is proportional to my memory and my note-taking.  BY
Report and Opinion By Bob Yoder BY
Photo and this interview with Malte is in Woodinville Weekly, 6/28  

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