Brighton Place Pond
I stumbled upon this pond during a walk on Education Hill. It's across from the power line trail adjacent to a long straight road with three 1's. Does anyone know where this is?
A cluster of frogs were jumping about, to the ramp's left, in clear water. Ducks paddled about feeding on abundant pond weed; thick from the phosphates spilling from homes on the rim.
A small rowboat & bamboo poles on shore would have completed my memory. But neither goldfish nor native fish are invited. Brighton Place is a pond for dragon flies and wild crimson roses.
By Bob Yoder
I usually stop by this pond, squint, and pretend that I'm out hiking :D
Lovely, quiet setting. It's refreshing, just to look at.
Too bad it can't (or isn't allowed to) support some fish.
Brighton Pond would support fish but the City forbids them owing to "preservation of the native salmon". Aparently eggs can get washed down the overflow pipe and into the Sammamish Slough. I'm surprised folks could figure out the "the 1's" riddle. The pond is on the south side of NE 111th Street, for those looking.
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