Friday, August 20, 2010

NAMI Newsletter announces new Mental Health Court in Issaquah

Preface:   Councilmember Hank Margeson pushed hard for an Eastside  Mental Health Court during his "Leadership Eastside" training project.  I believe John Marchione also worked on this project.   BY

The Issaquah branch of the new King County District Regional Mental Health Court held its grand opening on July 9th. This Court represents an effort to effectively increase cooperation between the mental health treatment system and the criminal justice system — two systems that have traditionally not worked closely together.

The Mental Health Court aims to reduce recidivism (the repeated or habitual relapse into criminal or antisocial behavior patterns) and improve access to public mental health treatment services for persons
with mental illnesses who find themselves in the criminal justice system. By reaching these goals, the
safety of the general public will be improved. 

READ MORE   about the Mental Health Court and  the latest NAMI-Eastside educational and workshop events.

GO HERE  for the Issaquah Press Online article about the Court and Eastside Leadership's involvement.

Submitted By Clark Graves
National Alliance of the Mentally Ill,  NAMI - Eastside
Photo courtesey of Issaquah Press - Commissioner Kathy Lambert and NAMI'S Mike Rynas in photo.

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