Friday, August 27, 2010

Snoqualmie Indian Tribe restoring critical drainage area on Sammamish River

Just take a bike ride down the Sammamish River Trail and you'll see a lot of environmental restoration work on the river banks - even in this economy.   Here's a picture of Neal Jander, restoration ecologist, evaluating a drainage area adjacent to the Woodinville Village project site.   He works for the Snoqualmie Indian Tribe

Neal, his volunteers, and paid crews have already planted willow trees in the mouth of the drainage to shade out the invasive reed canary grass.  The project is funded by an undisclosed grant to the Tribe.  Today Neal is deciding how to remove the yellow Tansy  plants - by shovel or herbicide.  Tansy are noxious weeds that take over valuable native plants.  Right now, Neal is looking for volunteers to manually remove the weeds; or it he may have to use the herbicide. 

Woodinville Village site
Neal said  "come back in two years and this place will look totally different."  He's planting 100 willow trees to shade out invasive canary grass overtaking the river bank.  The willows will also provide, flood control, stormwater treatment for the Village run-off, and cooler water which spawning salmon love. 

I asked Neal about the high prevalence of weeds growing in the river.  He said the wide variety of aquatic plants are attributable to river boating.  The sod farms are heavily fertilized, indirectly "feeding" the aquatic plants.  The Sammamish River is considered  the major stormwater "pipe" for Redmond's stormwater and contributes additional nutrients and chemicals.  Can you see the plants?

Reported by Bob Yoder
IPhone photos by Yoder
Edited by Reinke

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