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Did you know over 155,142 Evergreen District voters from Redmond, Kirkland, Woodinville, Bothell, Kenmore, Sammamish, and Duval elect five commissioners, in part, to oversee the Evergreen budget?
The total operations levy projection is $15,303,191, once approved by the Commission. The Capital budget is $27.2 million. Evergreen's operation levy will increase 18% this year over last year's increase, but don't ask me why. The Commission never once discussed the 2011 Budget or the Levy during their budget "Study Session" last Tuesday evening! I emailed the Commission and the Administration; they never responded.
Did you know, the 2011 budget is for all practical purposes unavailable to the Public unless you stumbled into the Commissioner's November 2 meeting and asked for a copy in advance? The budget's not on Evergreen's website, nor are the Commission meeting or hearing agendas. You might try Ms. Burton, Evergreen Administrative Director. She may refer you to the public notice section of the newspaper - *published once a week for two weeks. But, it wouldn't hurt to ask for a copy. Your best bet is to arrive at this Friday's 11/12 Budget Hearing before sunrise for a quick look before the Hearing starts at 7:30AM. The Hearing is held in the Public Meeting Room / Tan 250.
The Administration and Commission certainly don't appear to want the public around. This old-fashioned belief must end. To quote planners Duany, Zyberk, and Speck: "Citizen participation in the planning process -- a horrifying prospect to some administrators -- has proved to be the most effective way to avoid mistakes (unintended consequences".) - Suburban Nation, 2001.
"Read More" to find the formal Hearing Notice as published in the "Seattle Times" on 11/1. According to State Statute RCW 70.44.060(6), Evergreen's Hearing Notice is flawed since the date and place of the Hearing wasn't published twice in the paper for at least two consecutive weeks prior to the Hearing.. The Public is getting only a 12-day notice of the Hearing. A second Hearing may be required, in fairness to the Public.
I'm sure the Evergreen staff has every good intention to provide the public with the information they need to participate, it's just that they are not used to the process.