Thursday, October 28, 2010

Help shape healthcare by volunteering as a Community Advisor

Kirkland, WA - Evergreen Hospital Medical Center needs volunteer Community Advisors to help shape programs and address healthcare issues. Advisors offer input to the Evergreen Board of Commissioners and Administration.

Advisors attend seven educational sessions during the year to learn about healthcare issues facing the community and about Evergreen programs and services. Additionally, they serve on internal hospital task forces and committees and represent Evergreen at regional events.

The 36 advisors serve three-year terms beginning in January. Qualifications include community involvement, professional and/or volunteer experience, strong interpersonal, oral and written skills and an interest in healthcare delivery.

Advisors should be residents in the Evergreen Hospital Medical Center District, which encompasses Bothell, Duvall, Kenmore, Kirkland, Redmond, Sammamish, Woodinville and portions of northeast, unincorporated King County.

Applications are available online at  or by calling 425-899-2664. Applications must be submitted by November 12, 2010.

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-- Evergreen press release

Special Notice:   Evergreen Hospital's Board of Commission public meeting Minutes are now available online!  Go to the Evergreen Leadership Page to read the archived Minutes!  (another public service 'gift' from RNB open-government coverage! see "about us".)

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