Thursday, June 7, 2012

Microsoft, GE complete creation of Caradigm health-care firm

by Puget Sound Business Journal on Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Microsoft Corp. and General Electric Co. said they've completed the creation of their new health-care company — Caradigm — which will be located in City Center Bellevue.

The two companies announced the joint venture late last year, and the company could employ as many as 750 people. Caradigm will be led by CEO Michael Simpson.

The companies announced Wednesday that Lauren Salata has been appointed chief financial officer and Michael Willingham will be quality assurance and regulatory affairs executive. Salata was the CFO at Care Innovations in Roseville, Calif. Willingham worked at Philips Healthcare in Bothell as senior director of quality and regulatory affairs.

--Microsoft Blog, Tech Flash

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Fifth grader approached, grabbed outside of Redmond El - Police seek information on suspect

Fifth grader approached, grabbed outside of school Redmond, WA –

Redmond Police responded to a call about an 11 year old female student being approached at approximately 7:45 a.m. this morning.

The girl was dropped off on the eastside of 166th Avenue NE by Redmond Elementary School. The suspect approached the girl from behind, grabbed her wrist, and asked if she wanted to go with him. She declined, but he continued to pull her in his direction. The student resisted, said no again, and screamed, which is when the suspect let go and ran south towards the corner of 166th Avenue NE and NE 80th Street.

The suspect is described as: Ethnicity: Black, Sex: Male,  Height: Approximately 6-0, Weight: Stocky, build Clothing: Black hat of some sort, dark gray hooded sweatshirt, dirty dark blue jeans, and he had a dark green leather satchel (not a backpack). The age is not known, but the subject is described as an adult.

Anyone with information is asked to call 911.

Jim Bove Redmond Police Department Community Outreach Facilitator 8701 160th Ave NE Redmond, WA 98052(425) 

Superintendent designate Traci Pierce is guest soloist at Dickinson concert

Lake Washington School District Superintendent designate Traci Pierce is guest soloist
The Dickinson Elementary site orchestra, serving kids from Dickinson, Explorer, Alcott, Einstein, Wilder and Rosa Parks, will have a final concert on Thursday, June 7 at 7 p.m. in the Dickinson Elementary School Commons. Their guest soloist will be Dr. Traci Pierce, superintendent designate, who will play the violin.  Rachel Harris is the orchestra teacher who is organizing the event.

UPDATED: The tree snag in Laura's neighborhood garden

Visit Molbak's summer calender of events and gardening workshops....

"The garden is mostly the work of my wife, Laura. As you mentioned she works for Molbak's. She is a Certified Professional Horticulturalist.  My roll is periodic manual labor and design input. If you must use one of our names, by rights it should be called Laura's garden."  - Abbott

This Douglas fir manufactured snag is visible from NE 104th Street near Avondale
UPDATED:  As you drive down 104th Street near Avondale and  look left and you'll see a sidewalk neighborhood planting area affectionately known as "Laura's Garden."   This photo shows Abbott's wife Laura diligently tilling the soil and planting the "seconds" she picks up from her job a Molbaks.  They live adjacent to the planting area on 184th Ave NE and 104th Ave NE.

Last year, "Redmond Blog" (RNB) featured Abbott's Arbor.  This year, the Douglas fir snag has been added to the Abbott collection, mostly by luck and good intentions of the city.  It was classified "hazardous" and manufactured into a snapped-off tree snag.  The trunk is loaded with woodpecker holes.
Do you see the snag?   It has jagged edges on the top   High school science students walking up the hill will tell you this tree snag provides invaluable habitat and foraging for hundreds of species of wildlife and insects.  
So, who in the city do we thank for not stumping this tree to the ground.  Parks?  Department of Natural Resources?  The Street Division,  Planning & Development? (an 11-lot plat is approved down the hill), The city council Ombudsman?  The neighborhood?  My vote's on the Mayor.  He's a good listener; can't you see?   
Opinion and photo by Bob Yoder

Monday, June 4, 2012

"Friends of Redmond Library" launch Centennial photo contest

"West Lake Sammamish Road, circa 1910"
Photo Courtesy of Eastside Heritage Center 
 "This is one of six historic Redmond photographs being featured in the Redmond Library's Then & Now Photo Contest. From June until August 15th residents of every age and background will be vying for a chance to have their photographs be the "Now" representations of six Redmond scenes, including this one. Grand Prize Winners will receive $100."   - Sponsored by "Friends of Redmond Library"

To read the Friends' interpretation of this photo, see all six historic photographs and read the contest rules please visit:    Learn how to be a Friend of Redmond Library here.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Letter To Editor: Theno's Dairy Owner Says Goodbye

Theno's Dairy after 2010 modernization


By Doug Bloor, Theno's Dairy and Ice creamery owner, 5-28-2012

Thank you to all of our customers for your patronage, love and support. Having the chance to serve you what we felt was the best ice cream around for all these years has been a privilege and also a lot of fun.

I have over 20 years of my adult life wrapped up in Theno’s, over 33 years including my childhood, and it is with tremendous sorrow and regret that I must say we are closing for good.  

This has been a very heart wrenching decision that was not arrived at quickly.
The Thenos were like another set of grandparents to me growing up and my family could not have been prouder when they entrusted their legacy to us in 1991.

Many of you knew my mother by sight if not by name as she spent most of the last 27 years behind the worn counter at Theno’s either replenishing your milk supply or serving you an ice cream cone with a smile and some kind words.

On behalf of her and all of the many dedicated, loyal, and beloved employees we had over the years I want to say thank you once again for allowing us be part of your summer evenings, birthday parties, soccer treats, holiday celebrations or even just a Sunday drive.

Many people have asked me why we are closed and the answer is no one thing led to this — rather a combination of factors has created a situation that is now unworkable.

The seemingly constant road construction at our intersection over the past few years, the removal of our back driveway access, the stagnant economy, and the constant rising cost of doing business are some of the factors that contributed to our downfall. 

Our building, which some considered part of our “hole in the wall” charm is also in very poor repair. So much so, that we would have had difficulty assuring the integrity of the ice cream. The costs of these repairs were way beyond my means, especially after the last couple years of bad sales, and unfortunately our landlord, Washington Cathedral, was unable to afford the repairs either.

Please do not assume that the church forced us out of business as has been rumored to be imminent for years. They have been as big an advocate of Theno’s Dairy as anyone and if not for their kindness and patience we would have been gone long ago. Hopefully you all generated as many happy memories as I did of your experiences with Theno’s Dairy.

For now I say goodbye, thank you for all your business and remember to go out of your way to support local businesses whenever possible."

Yours truly,
Doug Bloor
May 28, 2012

The Washington Cathedral unsuccessfully proposed a Senior Center/Grocery/Mixed use development on their remaining 10-acre parcel of land.  Traffic and compatibility issues with the agricultural valley stymied project approvals.

Woodinville Weekly:  "The Woodinville Weekly is the first news publication in Washington state to be on the Internet." 
A short history of the Woodinville Weekly as found in their online edition's "About Us."

The Redmond Neighborhood Blog story:  "Thenos is upgrading it's facility after inspection by the FDA"  

Monday, May 28, 2012

Does downtown Redmond need four liquor stores?

  This Redmond State Liquor Store will close on May 29
with a new name.
UPDATED:  I stopped into Redmond Way's Washington State Liquor Store last Thursday, May 24 and chanced into an  exciting conversation with store manager, Peggy.  Fran said, "I've never seen Thursday so busy before."

The state store’s last day is May 29.

Peggy and Fran are the two state worker staying on with the new proprieters, the Roh brothers.  They plan to re-open the doors in early June, probably "by June 2.”  Peggy wasn’t sure of the exact opening and some online buzz was circulating that the lease with the landowner was still being negotiated.  It’s not cheap.

The QFC’s, a Safeway and two nearby Costco’s are timed to “come up for air” with competitive pricing (for the first time) on June 1, by 5AM.  Who will surface as the local price leader?   Does downtown Redmond need four liquor stores?

Peggy was excited about her new prospective bosses, Jeff and Mike Roh:  Jeff's an orthopedic surgeon and Mike's wife Grace works in Finance with Nordstrom.  The Roh's are Greater Redmond residents, brothers of Korean descent, entrepreneurs and successful bidders of the Redmond Way liquor license and another in Mukilteo where their parents live.

The Roh's are a small fish in the pond compared to the two QFC's and Safeway selling liquor and premium wines nearby.  One QFC is only about 500 feet away. (see map)  I asked Peggy how'd they compete?   She answered that for one, most everyone in Redmond knows where to buy liquor and if they phone in she reminds them it's the old "Underhill’s" store.  For another, they plan to "go Local" on Redmond culture and commerce.  Pointing to the beautiful Redmond Way bay windows of the historic brick building Peggy said they're looking at additional artifacts to dress up the inside.  They will advertise "Premium Wine and Spirits," and have beer and wine tastings, glassware, with food, craft-aged scotch, cigars, local wines, gift boxes, accessories, specialty liquors like Bluewater Vodka, ice coolers, a different LOGO and sign profile changes and contracts with small local distributors.

Loud signs and "best use" are big community issues. Read More >>

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Mayor John Marchione's Downtown Pedestrian Health and "Art Walk" creates lots of talk

Poster Comments on Redmond's first-ever downtown Connector Trail, pedestrian health and
"Art Walk" led by Mayor John Marchione 
Thursday after work, May 24 over 100 turned to hear local artist, John Fleming describe his ideas for downtown park art.  Thousands of comments were made and calories lost during the one hour, one mile lively stroll through the heart of downtown.


Saturday, May 26, 2012

Woman crashed car into bear on the Plateau May 24th

This isn't the bear that got hit and it
wasn't taken in Sammamish (see below)
Woman crashes car into bear in Sammamish

A woman crashed her car into a bear at SE 8th Street in Sammamish on Thursday morning.

"The driver was obviously a bit shaken up, but uninjured. And she saw the bear scoot off into the woods," says Sammamish Police Sgt. Jessica Sullivan.

While neither the driver nor the bear were injured, the car was wrecked after the crash.

"There was front-end damage to the vehicle, such that it's not drivable," says Sgt. Sullivan.

In the springtime, it's common for large animals like bears and cougars to wander into suburban areas.
Bears look for food in trash cans near houses after they wake up from hibernating. Most of the time the bears don't pose a threat to humans.

"We have bear sightings fairly frequently in the city this time of year, but car-versus-bear accidents are a bit more uncommon," says Sgt. Sullivan.

Witnesses say the bear was able to run into the woods after the crash and didn't seem to be injured.
Jillian Raftery, Editor

Photo Source:  Google Images "on Honolulu Avenue" / this bear photo was not taken in Sammamish

To Twitter local news to twit:!/mynorthwest

Explore the Culture and History of Muslim Countries - "Arts and Culture Day," June 16

Everyone is invited to learn about our Redmond neighbors and enjoy time together

Friday, May 25, 2012

UPDATED: Student exhibits shine at "Legacy of Learning" Benefit Luncheon

Ms. Hartford  and four members of her Green Team
with  wetland storm pond restoration 'shovels"
Roger Blier, Lunch Buddy and PASSPORT UNLIMITED "Silver Sponsor" has a new pirq app "to discover instant deals on the go!"

Some incredible numbers are in on the Lake Washington Schools Foundation 7th Annual "Legacy of Learning" Benefit Luncheon.   $180,000 in donations!  That's a 25% increase in giving from last year!  Awesome show of community support, for sure!  The students were there, too.  On the right is a photo of Horace Mann Elementary's "Green Team."  5th Grade teacher Marie Hartford is beaming on the right.  Thanks to the "Foundation," MANN's team got a $200 kick-start to start their "hands on" volunteer work cleaning up the stormwater wetland pond on the school's property.  Go ahead and take a peak over the huricaine fence and you may see ducks and dragonfly's or hear frogs chirp, chirp.  There used to be invasive blackberry brambles blocking the view and suffocating the wetland and wildlife stormwater pond.  Thanks to Marie's green team and their little shovels we have a cleaner Bear Creek, Sammamish River and Puget Sound!

At the foundation of  the MANN "Green Team" is our growing FOUNDATION of community supporters!  Tune in for a short clip of how the FOUNDATION is "Growing Tomorrow's Great Minds TODAY - One Child at a Time"   

Special thanks to sodexo for "Making every day a better day" by providing and serving over 450 warm luncheons!
Story & photo B.Y.  

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Incidence of Whooping Cough in adults and kids is up in King County, Vaccinations recommended. Hear a whooping cough sound here!

Pregnant women and young infants are especially at risk
Pertussis (Whooping Cough)
Whooping cough (pertussis) is at high levels in King County and Washington state and incidence is growing. Get protected!
Whooping cough is a very contagious cough illness. It is spread through droplets from the mouth and nose when a person with pertussis coughs, sneezes, or talks. Young infants are at highest risk for severe illness, hospitalization and death from whooping cough.
Hear a Whooping Cough sound:

Vaccine is the best way to protect yourself and others:
Whooping cough cases and deaths have been reduced by over 90% through widespread use of routine whooping cough vaccination. Despite this success, whooping cough has not been eliminated and has been increasing in recent years, reminding us of the importance of keeping vaccination rates up. Be sure all children, teens & adults are up-to-date with whooping cough vaccine. Older children, teens and adults who aren’'t up-to-date on their vaccine can spread the infection to infants, pregnant women and others.

Where you can get vaccinated:
Whooping cough vaccine is available through many health care providers and pharmacies
Talk to your health care provider to make sure your whooping cough vaccine is up-to-date. Many local pharmacies also offer whooping cough vaccine. A complete list is
available here.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Mustangs come home from state tournament victorious against Kentridge and losing 2nd game to #2 Seed Kentwood

Kent Memorial Park on May 19th proved to be a cruel state tourney site for the Redmond Mustangs once again as Redmond couldn't find a way to win both games in the single elimination state tournament.  But they took one hard fought, thrilling victory with all it's glory back home to Redmond and the fans are joyously celebrating and already looking forward to next year.  Read More >>

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

School Board approves interim construction financing for STEM, Redmond and Eastlake High Schools

Aerial update of STEM Project Site (April, 2012)
UPDATED:  The School board meeting this Monday was better attended by bond salesmen than citizens, as the board held a Hearing to approve two capital bond transactions, keeping STEM, Redmond High, and Eastlake High construction at running at full throttle.

One of the transactions, a $34 million LGO Bond sale, raised cash to cover short-term construction needs until the voter-approved "2012-2017 $65 million Capital Levy" dollars can catch up. The second board action raised $25 million from an aging  "2006 Eight-Year $436 million Capital Bond."  According to Barb Posthumus, district Business Services Manager,  a balance of $11 million remains of the original $436 million Bond.  

LGO's are "Limited Government Obligation" bonds and are non-voter approved.  Read More >>

Monday, May 21, 2012

EDITORIAL: Reaching out to our neighbors, sharing our cultures

Japanese tour guide translates for
PCC-Redmond grocery store manager, Celeste
thanks to BJ Eliason for his help with the tiny churches, co-owner Discover Yoga

EDITORIAL (updated):  One of my goals for this blog is to acknowledge and value Redmond international residents and the wealth of culture, business and grace they bring to our fair city and neighborhoods.  Since Redmond's founding a hundred years ago, the city has moved far beyond it's native American - pioneer horse culture.  Today, Microsoft and many other Greater Redmond tech companies expand our cultural and international diversity exponentially by hiring globally.

The 2010 census figures for Redmond, WA  puts a handle on it:    
  • Redmond residents:  61% white not Hispanic, 1.7% black, 25% Asian, 8% Hispanic or Latino, 4% mixed-race, and 0.6% American or Alaskan Indian/islander.    
  • Other tidbits:  Redmond's Asian population is 4 times larger than the average WA population.  Of the Asian race, almost 12% are East Indian; percent of Arab nations are unknown. 
  • Foreign born persons living in Redmond are 29% of households. 
  • Language other than English spoken at home in 33% of households. (age 5+)
  • Redmond business:  Asian-owned firms (2007) 13%.  Hispanic owned firms (2007) 3% 
  • Median household income (2006-2010):  $88,194.  
  • Population:  54,155 (non-working hours),  20% increase last 10 years.
Foreign-born often residents often find company and  "neighborhood" in their church and community centers. The Vedic Cultural Center of Sammamish (Hindu) and  MAPS Community Center of Redmond (Muslim) are grand, open gathering-places.  The newer Buddist Temple, Lwat Atam on Redmond-Woodinville Rd.  On the smallest scale, Read More >>

Running With Dogs on the Power Line Trail

Richard holding Sadie (2008)
Republished in memory of Richard's dog, Sadie -- 

For the past year or so, I have been running daily with two Australian Shepherds. I have been taking care of my daugther's dog, Scooby, while she is living in the U.K. It is a learning experience for me to watch these herding dogs in action, trying their best to round up squirrels and rabbits that happen to cross our path. These are hard working dogs and love to punch a time clock. Typically, we start out around 7:00 AM, and if possible again at 5:00PM. These hard working dogs mostly sleep all day, but they keep a watch at my living room window. They let me know if any thing unusual happens to walk into our front yard. They have excellent eye sight, and a healthy bark to warn me of any out-of-the-ordinary visitors. Mostly, they know the sound of my car, and of my wife's truck, and stay quiet when we pull into our drive way. Read More >>

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Redmond City Council Member to Seek Superior Court Position

Allen Will Challenge Doug North in August Primary

Redmond City Council Member to Seek Superior Court Position 30

REDMOND, WA. --- Kimberly Allen, 53, twice elected member of the Redmond City Council, announced today that she is running for King County Superior Court, Position 30. Allen has served for seven years on the Council, focusing on smart growth, the environment and regional transit.  Read More >>

Friday, May 18, 2012

Lower Bear Creek Natural Area by Avondale Rd. adds 1.6 acres

Lower Bear Creek "ox-bow" / BY
 (Look for the small  Hartman Pool sign by the sidewalk on Avondale Road)
The Lower Bear Creek Natural Area
Grows by 1.6 Acres
Driving north on Avondale, it's possible you noticed the blue sign “Lower Bear Creek Natural Area” on the east side of the road.  This natural area is about 13 acres and includes what is known as the Grandfather Grove of large second growth trees on the east side of Bear Creek.  It is about four miles upstream from Redmond Town Center and the Sammamish River.    Read More >>

2012 State Lacrosse Girls Championship - Lake Sammamish plays Bainbridge High School

Brought to my attention by lacrosse aficcionado Tom Wehe, American Family Insurance....

Sorry to say  BB won 13 to 11 but it was a really good game.
2012 Washington Lacrosse Girls State
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Eastside Catholic School, Sammamish, Washington
9 a.m. High School All-Star Game
11 a.m. Girls 3rd / 4th Place Game
2 p.m. Girls State Championship Game
SEATTLE — The field is set for Saturday’s Washington Lacrosse Girls State Championship as Bainbridge High School takes on Lake Sammamish in Saturday’s state title game.

The state title matchup, televised On Demand by Comcast, gets underway at 2 p.m. , Saturday, May 19 at the Eastside Catholic School in Sammamish. The state title game is preceded by an 11 a.m. consolation game to determine 3rd / 4th place among the two losing teams in Tuesday’s state semifinals, Lakeside and Mercer Island.

Bainbridge, the defending state champion

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

UPDATED: Jeri Rowe-Curtis to fill new City of Redmond "Communications and Marketing" position

City Selects New Communications and Marketing Administrator

Jeri Rowe-Curtis
UPDATED:  Redmond, WA – The City of Redmond has announced the selection of Ms. Jeri Rowe-Curtis to fill the new position of Communications and Marketing Administrator effective June 1st.

Rowe-Curtis comes to the City with a wealth of communications and marketing expertise working with federal, state, regional and local governments, with news and media outlets and with public-private and philanthropic partners to achieve change. She brings a response driven track record of collaboration to affect change. She joins the City of Redmond after a 14-year career with the federal government as the *Director of Public Affairs for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs  "Puget Sound Health Care System" where she managed high profile news, web, social media and crisis communications programs, shaped internal, external and congressional affairs, and strategic partnership development.

Prior to joining the federal government, Rowe-Curtis managed external affairs programs for the University Of Washington School Of Medicine, for the Sisters of Providence Health Care Corporation, and served as a legislative staff member for the King County Executive, for the Assistant Majority Leader of the Washington State Senate and for the Seattle City Council.

Rowe-Curtis, a 22-year former Redmond resident, has received numerous professional awards

Monday, May 14, 2012

Evergreen Hosts Mental Health Forum: "Resilience - A Forgotten Strength"

This event is free and open to everyone...

NAMI-Eastside Education Forum

  Guest: Greg Schell, M.Ed.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012, 7 PM - 9 PM
Evergreen Hospital,
Physicians and Surgeons Building Suite Tan 100
2303 NE 130th Lane,
Kirkland, WA 98034

Greg Schell, M.Ed., is the Director of the Washington State Fathers Network. For over 30 years he has been a teacher, family trainer, researcher and principal, working with families and young people.

After a review of the research on dads having children with disability, Greg will address “resilience”, one of the amazing strengths all humans possess to deal with the challenges of life. Certain behaviors can increase our ability to manage the difficulties we encounter more successfully.

Please come willing to discuss some of your own resilient successes, as most likely you have something everyone can learn from.

NAMI-Eastside BLOG - new!

UPDATED: Lake Washington Schools Foundation Legacy Luncheon Slated for Success

Please Join Us For...
"Growing Tomorrow's Great Minds TODAY
One Child at a Time"

The Lake Washington Schools Foundation"7th Annual A Legacy for Learning Luncheon"

Featuring Tony Ventralla
Media Host for the Seattle Seahawks and Seattle Sounders

Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Registration starts at 11:00AM
Program runs from 11:30AM to 12:45PM

Lake Washington High School
12033 NE 80th St.  Kirkland, WA.

Lunch is complimentary; Open and reserve seating. The Foundation suggests a $150 per person donation.  MATCHING GIFTS! Guests have the opportunity to impact students further with gifts of $350 and more matched at 100% and $1,000 and more matched at 200% from our challenge pool! The gift-challenge pool of $100,000 is made up personal commitments by the Board of Trustees and those of our Platinum and Gold corporate supporters.  FAQ


Gold Sponsors
Magellan Architects

Silver Sponsors
Baldwin Resource Group (BRG)
D.A. Davidson & Co.
OVERLAKE Hospital Medical Center
PASSPORT Unlimited
Banner Bank
Kiwanis International
This community has contributed over $1.7 million to secure academic excellence and success for all students in the Lake Washington School District. Volunteer, be a table captain, request sponsorship information Contact us now at (425) 936- 1414 or

Saturday, May 12, 2012

UPDATED: Evergreen Healthcare is now EvergreenHealth

from the desk of Bob Malte, CEO...

UPDATED:  As we mark the 40th anniversary of Evergreen, we celebrate all this community has done to help Evergreen grow and expand as our community has grown.

Over the past 40 years, Evergreen has come a very long way under the leadership of our Board of Commissioners and with the talent and dedication of our physicians, staff, volunteers and members of this community.

We began as a small, general hospital in 1972, with only two floors. Today, we are still the deepl y caring hospital this community created then; and we are a sophisticated medical center, using technological advances such as 3D digital mammography and minimally invasive robotic-assisted surgery to ensure that our people on the Eastside receive the best care possible. Our distinguised care and service have been recently recognized by HealthGrades, ranking us in the Top 5% of hospitals in the country for clinical excellence, and the Top 10% for our patient experience.

To better reflect who we have become for you, we've decided this anniversary year to introduce a refreshed brand, name and look for Evergreen that honors our 40-year tradition of exceptional clinical care and community service while more effectively reflecting what we have become and aspire to be—the hospital and medical center that aligns the technology, quality, expertise and service required to deliver breakthrough care for you.

We have much to celebrate this 40th year. We invite you to join us in the celebration.

Chief Executive Officer  
Evergreegn Hospital Website:
Links/ BY

Friday, May 11, 2012

Mustangs Celebrate 2nd Kingco Title in Three Years

On Thursday night at Woodinville High School, the Redmond Mustangs played like champions and defeated the Issaquah Eagles 7-0 to win the Kingco Conference title.

The Mustangs were firing on all cylinders. Leading the charge offensively were Patrick McGrath, Brent Firth, and Cody Beliel. Each had two hits on the night. Beliel scored two runs. Firth drove in three runs. And, McGrath scored two while driving in two.

On the mound, Adam Cline didn't disappoint as he tossed a complete game shutout. Cline, however, didn't do it alone as he had the help of some outstanding defense. No play was more impressive than senior Peyton Lutz robbing a homerun in leftfield in the 4th inning.

Redmond now heads into the state tournament as the 1 seed from Kingco. The first game is Saturday, May 19th at 1 pm at Kent Memorial Stadium. Be there to root on your Mustangs.  Directions

State Bracket -

KingCo Champions: 1972, 1976, 1977, 1991, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2008, 2010
Washington State 4A Champions: 1991, 1993

JF-Photo by Jill - find phenomenal, action packed photos from most Mustang games
SOURCE:  RedmondMustangBaseball

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Eastside Schools Rock, By Ross Hunter

Ross Hunter's Blog, May 8, 2012
By Ross Hunter, State Representative, 48th Legislative District, Chairman of Ways and Means Committee

Eastside Schools Rock

5 of the top 5 high schools in Washington State and 5 of the top 200 high schools in the nation are in either the Bellevue or Lake Washington School District, acording to the annual US News and World Report 2012 ranking. While not an uncontroversial ranking (it doesn’t include Bellevue’s football prowess, for example) it’s a well thought-through system of measuring how well high schools prepare students for success in college, AND how well they work with traditionally underserved populations.  READ MORE >>

Co-President of LWSD-PTSA encourages being a member for life.

"CURRENTS," May 2012 Volume 32, Issue -  15,434 members strong!
Lake Washington PTSA Council Monthly Newsletter, Janitzia Pizarro, News Editor

from the desk of Shelley Flores, co-President, LWSD-PTSA Council 2.8...

What does it really mean to be a member of the PTSA for life? Why would anyone want to support the PTSA after their student has "left the building?"

Wendy DeLong explained her reasons for being in PTA.  (She has been a member of a PTA for 29  years.)  Wendy believes that, "the mission of PTA is universal." PTA is about "caring about children and ensuring their welfare" and this benefits everyone in the community. And it is an "obligation of all generations to be responsible for the education and welfare of children and does not end when one's youngest receives a high school diploma." Sandy Hargraves echoed this thought when he said, "It really does take a community to raise a child. PTSA is a great educational alliance."

After hearing what other long-time members have had to say about staying connected, I realized that this is what I want to do, too. Since most PTA's don't often actively pursue alumni members, it will most likely be up to me to make sure I become a member in the future. I can also become a "Friend of the PTA" through Washington State PTA by calling [425-736-1216], their main office. I like the idea of supporting my community by being a life-time member - even after my son has "left the building."

Shelley Flores co-President
Lake Washington PTSA Council 2.8
Source:  "CURRENTS," May 2012 Volume 32, Issue 9

This piece has been edited for brevity.  Find Shelly's entire letter in the May Issue of CURRENTS
"Like" Redmond Neighborhood Blog on Facebook

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Herons and Dogs?

Nesting herons / KIM CASHON-SMITH
Herons and Dogs?

Kim Cashon-Smith lives on Education Hill.  This Spring she took a rare photo of herons nesting in a tree at Marymoor Dog Park  Do you see the chicks?  The mama and papa?  Double-click-pic for help. 

They're Great Blue Herons.  The city says "Great Blues" are our most important bird.  They used to nest in the evergreens across from Saturday Market.  A few years ago crows and eagles scared them away. 

They moved their homes to Issaquah.  And now they're back.  Do you think they'll stay?

Herons and dogs?

What do you say!

Live video of Great Blue Herons feeding their chicksCornell University’s Sapsucker Woods Pond 

Redmond area families invited to host exchange students.

Liven Up Your July -  Be Connected Forever!
Educational Homestay Program Starts July 12. Sign-Up Today!
Educational Homestay Program (EF), is a non-profit organization  bringing short-term foreign exchange students to our area for many summers ~ perhaps you've met some!
50 high school students from Spain and China will be living in and around Redmond this summer from July 12-31 and we need many host families to take them in. (We can find a filler family if you will be gone part of the time.)
Hosting is super easy and fun since the students will go on daily field trips and to school at RJH each M-F from 9-5 (being taught by the ever-popular Ms. Samppala) . Host family members are welcome to attend field trips and just need to provide meals, transportation to RJH, and a bed.
You can host 1-4 students but most host 2. (Students can share a room with you or each other.) They also bring their own spending $ and are fully insured.
Hosting can often be counted for community service hours. For more info please don't delay in contacting Kris Bennett at  or 425-890-9252 and check out the EF website: 
By Kris Bennett
Education Hill neighbor
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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Washington State Utilities and Transportation Commission approves electric and natural gas rate hikes.

The Washington State Utilities and Transportation Commission orders Puget Sound Energy (PSE) to raise electric rates by 3.2 % and natural gas prices by 1.3%.   The rates are significantly less than originally requested by PSE.  The new rates will take effect on May 14.   
PGE originally requested an 8.1 percent increase for electric service and 3.0 percent increase for natural gas service.  
The commission also approved an increase of about 30 percent in contributions to PSE’s residential electric low-income assistance program. Customer contributions to the program will increase from $.59 to $.76 a month, beginning May 14.
Source:  Letter from WSUTC responding to a public comment.  Read More >>

UPDATED: Redmond Mustangs defeat Newport, On To State

Hot Bats and a Dominant Pitching Lead to a 9-1 Win /
On To State

Plays Issaquah this Thursday for Kingco title game.

Wins for the 14th time in 15 games since a 0-7 record at start of season

From the opening bell, the Redmond Mustangs were ready to go, scoring five runs in the bottom of the first. The big blows came off the bats of a pair of sophomores, Lucas Eliason and Kyle Francis. Eliason lined a two run double down the right-field line while Francis drove a triple in the right-center gap for three RBI of his own. Of the 12 total hits off Mustang bats, senior Patrick McGrath had three, one a two run bomb to left.

That first inning run production was more than enough for starter Peter Hendron. The power-pitching righthander only gave up one hit on the day, a solo homerun to Nate Anderson. The performance by Hendron and the hot bats send the Mustangs off to the state regionals on May 19th.

For more on Hendron and the game, check out the Seattle Times story -

Redmond now prepares for the Kingco title game against the Issaquah Eagles. Be at Woodinville High School on Thursday, 5/10, 7 pm to root on your Mustangs.

Photo collage by Jill Flynn
Source:  Redmond Mustange website,  Dan Pudwill