Saturday, May 26, 2012

Woman crashed car into bear on the Plateau May 24th

This isn't the bear that got hit and it
wasn't taken in Sammamish (see below)
Woman crashes car into bear in Sammamish

A woman crashed her car into a bear at SE 8th Street in Sammamish on Thursday morning.

"The driver was obviously a bit shaken up, but uninjured. And she saw the bear scoot off into the woods," says Sammamish Police Sgt. Jessica Sullivan.

While neither the driver nor the bear were injured, the car was wrecked after the crash.

"There was front-end damage to the vehicle, such that it's not drivable," says Sgt. Sullivan.

In the springtime, it's common for large animals like bears and cougars to wander into suburban areas.
Bears look for food in trash cans near houses after they wake up from hibernating. Most of the time the bears don't pose a threat to humans.

"We have bear sightings fairly frequently in the city this time of year, but car-versus-bear accidents are a bit more uncommon," says Sgt. Sullivan.

Witnesses say the bear was able to run into the woods after the crash and didn't seem to be injured.
Jillian Raftery, Editor

Photo Source:  Google Images "on Honolulu Avenue" / this bear photo was not taken in Sammamish

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