Friday, May 18, 2012

Lower Bear Creek Natural Area by Avondale Rd. adds 1.6 acres

Lower Bear Creek "ox-bow" / BY
 (Look for the small  Hartman Pool sign by the sidewalk on Avondale Road)
The Lower Bear Creek Natural Area
Grows by 1.6 Acres
Driving north on Avondale, it's possible you noticed the blue sign “Lower Bear Creek Natural Area” on the east side of the road.  This natural area is about 13 acres and includes what is known as the Grandfather Grove of large second growth trees on the east side of Bear Creek.  It is about four miles upstream from Redmond Town Center and the Sammamish River.    Read More >>

Click map
The first protected property is part of Fairwinds Retirement Center.  The City of Redmond owns a conservation easement on the restored portion of this property adjacent to Bear Creek.  Heading upstream, the next protected property is the King County Lower Bear Creek Natural Area.  Continuing upstream is the new home of Little Bit Therapeutic Riding Center where some of the buffer along Bear Creek is being restored.
Mackey Creek flows into Bear Creek on the next property north.  This is the recent King County acquisition of 1.6 acres.  It is on both sides of Bear Creek and will allow the confluence of Mackey Creek to be restored.  Mackey Creek headwaters in the Redmond Watershed, flows through Ferrill McWhirter Park and then on to its confluence with Bear Creek.  King County will be adding large wood to create pools and resting places for salmon and restoring the mouth of Mackey Creek.
Another interesting fact about this growing natural area is that it defines the urban growth boundary.  Avondale to 124th is the Urban Growth line.  The east side is rural and the west side is the City of Redmond.  This natural area provides a green buffer between the rural and urban areas as well as protecting Bear Creek.

Report and Map By Terry Lavender

This King County land acquisition is new so please respect the transition.  For more information call Terry Lavender (Water Tenders) 425 788 2304 or Tom Beavers (King County Bear Creek Basin Steward) at 206 205 5620.  

...a short story of the salmon fry released into Mackey Creek years past, by Mr. Sheridan and his Horace Mann students.

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