Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Windows 7 Phone turns heads but 'gadget hounds' on the fence

Walking around the packed gdgt live event in Seattle last night, we were surprised at the large crowd pushing into Microsoft's booth -- until we realized that the company was demonstrating Windows Phone 7, giving people a glimpse of something they won't see in stores for a few months.
These were hard-core technology users, the types of people that Microsoft would like to win over to help turn around its mobile business. So we took the opportunity to ask for their impressions.
Read More or Click Video
By Todd Bishop & John Cook

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Letter: "Really, this was Derby Days Weekend"?

The 70th Annual Redmond Derby Days expands events, attracts 'larger turnout' (July 19th, 2010 "Redmond Reporter" edition)”

The parade was longer, had more entrants, and had a crowd along the streets present for viewing. However, I was amazed by the number of people I ran into after Derby Days that said “Really, this was Derby Day’s weekend? I had no idea!”

For weeks prior to the Ananda Mela Festival there were signs everywhere. Sandwich boards on streets, signs on cars, flyers in windows. Where were the signs, posters and advertisements regarding Derby Days -- A page on the back of the “Redmond Focus” magazine, a link on the website?

A town I lived in for several years as a teenager had a huge banner at the entrance to the city for everyone coming into the town to see. There was no doubt when our town celebration was held.

Walking around after the parade at the booths I was shocked at how few offerings there were to attract families. Many booth spots were empty. And the carnival on the other side of town (not the first year) was certainly not a draw for families to attend after the parade.

I have lived in Redmond for over 20 years. I am constantly amazed at what the city considers important. This is our town celebration, a SeaFair event, something people should look forward to all year. I’m sure they would if there were any advertising about it.

Once again, the City just doesn’t get “it”

Paige Norman
Education Hill

Photo:  Paige with grandchildren

Monday, July 26, 2010

Abbott's Arbor

Abbott's Arbor
on NE 104th St.
Abbott's art  -- Arts Commissioner
Photo By Yoder

Puget Sound Energy Powerline Project Impacts Trail, Parks and Creek

Puget Powerline Easement (Trail) looking East near the Redmond Watershed Preserve.  A wetland in the foreground is protected by orange fencing.  Three miles of easement X 100 feet wide will be cleared  to make room for a new transmission line needed to accomodate growth. 
"Puget Sound Energy plans to build a new 115 kilovolt transmission line in the Novelty Hill area of unincorporated King County. We will construct the new line within our existing cross-country transmission line corridor between NE Novelty Hill Road and Avondale Road NE. We will not expand the corridor size, but will need to clear some trees to accommodate the new line."  PSE
This project is expected to be completed by the end of September with restoration of a portion of the Bear Creek buffer & the wetlands throughout the year.   Read City or Redmond web announcement.

Posted / Photo by Yoder
A mountain biker tipped me on this story. 

Saturday, July 24, 2010

My Thoughts on the New Evergreen ER Clinic at Bella Bottega, by Ray Anspach

My Thoughts on the New Evergreen ER Clinic at Bella Bottega
by Ray Anspach

When I bought my condo back in 1999, one of the things I really liked about it was the view it had of Mt Rainier. Pretty impressive even at this distance. I took solace in the fact that there was no undeveloped land immediately to the south of me. Instead, there was an essentially completed shopping center—Bella Botega. Why, even the new trees along 90th Street were in the optimum locations to give me a clear view for years to come. What a difference a decade makes!

In November 2009, I received a City Planning notice about a lot line change involving the vacant one-time Gray Barn Nursery building which is right across the street from me. (File No. L090474, dated 11/25/09) The notice called for moving its western lot line 20 ft to the west. Although it mentions demolition of the existing building and replacement with a new one, no specifics are given nor is any reference made to any other file describing the new building. As near as I could tell, by just eyeballing things, it appeared the lot line move would not impact my Rainier view.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

SR 520 Bridge tolling begins Spring, 2011

Camera is North of  SR520 in Redmond.  (Updated every 1.5 minutes)
In the spring of 2011, all-electronic tolling will begin on the SR 520 Bridge to help pay for the construction of a new, safer bridge. Good To Go! electronic tolling uses technology to keep traffic moving with no toll booths, no stopping and no slowing down.
Customers can set up prepaid accounts linked to a Good To Go! Pass installed in the vehicle or linked to the license plate number. By linking the account to a credit card or bank account, it will be automatically replenished to prevent it from running low.

As vehicles drive under electronic sensors on the east high rise of the SR520 Bridge, the toll is automatically deducted from the prepaid account.

If the driver does not have a prepaid account, a photo is taken of the vehicle’s license plate, and a bill is sent to the vehicle’s registered owner in the mail.

WSDOT/Redmond  press release

Report on this week's Evergreen Public Hospital Meeting and CEO Bob Malte.

Several months ago, the Hospital Commission chose Bob Malte as Evergreen’s new CEO.  I met Mr. Malte this Tuesday night during the Commission's Regular Public Meeting.  The following quotations of Malte (in black font) were taken from Deborah Stone's article in the Woodinville Weekly.   

Bob Malte and his family come from Littleton, Colorado where Bob recently served as president and CEO at Exempla Lutheran Medical Center in Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Mr. Malte speaks of the work his staff did at Exempla saying:   "We gained a reputation for providing an incredible patient experience for each person who walked in the door. This was an important goal for us – to make the experience as positive as possible and serve the community to the best of our abilities."   Deborah Stone DS, "Woodinville Weekly"
7/21/10  During Tuesday's Regular Meeting Malte proudly announced positive patient mammorgraphy experiences improved from 77% to 98% this year.  Bob Yoder (BY)
Malte is a student of "lean manufacturing," He explains  "It’s a management philosophy that originates from Toyota.  "It involves looking for and identifying waste within the process and eliminating it in order to create a more reliable and safer environment."  DS
7/21/10 During Tuesday's Regular Meeting, staff presented the cost/benefit of  "Computerized Physician Order Entry" (C.P.O.E.).  This digital system would cost $6.5 million to implement and $700,000/year to operate.  Capital return from the patient benefits of  C.P.O.E  are projected to net $3 million by 2015.   Patient benefits are:  1) 50% fewer medical errors, 2) 20% lower mortality, 3) improved physician and staff accountability, 4) fewer re-admissions, 5) lower legal costs.  BY
He adds, "I also listen a lot because listening leads to understanding." In this vein, he has begun to hold what he calls Town Hall meetings – quarterly forums for all employees to communicate their ideas and opinions. DS
7/21/2010, During the Regular Meeting this Tuesday, Commissioners Jeannette Greenfield and Rebecca Hirt both described the economic pain many of their constituents feel from the depressed economy and challenge of not losing their homes.   I told Mr. Malte and the Commission of my concern for the relative high cost of health care at Evergreen; the extra cost of the levy on top of already egregious independent insurance premiums.  I hope Mr. Malte was listening a lot.  BY

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Brighton Place Pond

Brighton Place Pond
I stumbled upon this pond during a walk on Education Hill.  It's across from the power line trail adjacent to a long straight road with three 1's.  Does anyone know where this is?   
A cluster of frogs were jumping about, to the ramp's left, in clear water.  Ducks paddled about feeding on abundant pond weed; thick from the phosphates spilling from homes on the rim.
A small rowboat & bamboo poles on shore would have completed my memory.  But neither goldfish nor native fish are invited.  Brighton Place is a pond for dragon flies and wild crimson  roses. 

By Bob Yoder

Municipal League Releases 2010 Candidate Ratings

SEATTLE - The Municipal League of King County released its non-partisan evaluations of 122 legislative, judicial and local candidates today. The ratings are available online at .

The non-partisan ratings process is similar to a job interview and investigates each candidate's potential to be effective in the office he or she seeks and to beneficially serve the community. Political affiliations or stances on particular issues are not considered during the League rating process. The Municipal League attempted to contact every candidate in a contested race. Candidates were rated even if they declined to participate.

Legislative District 45, State Rep. Pos. 2
Larry Springer - Outstanding
Mark Isaacs - Not Qualified

Legislative District 45, State Senator
Eric Oemig - Very Good
Andy Hill - Good

Legislative District 48, State Rep. Pos. 1
Diane Tebelius - Very Good
Ross Hunter - Very Good

Legislative District 48, State Rep. Pos. 2
Philip L. Wilson - Not Qualified
Deb Eddy - Very Good

Legislative District 48, State Senator
Rodney Tom - Outstanding
Gregg Bennett - Good

Major Delays This Weekend on SR520 in Redmond

This camera is on the Northside of SR520.   (Upated every 1.5 minutes)
Drivers should plan for long delays and take alternate routes this weekend as crews completely close a portion of eastbound SR 520 in Redmond. From 10 p.m. Friday to 5 a.m. Monday crews will close all lanes of eastbound SR 520 between SR 202 and Avondale Road.
This work begins the final phase of the SR 520 widening project in Redmond. During the closure crews will pave the highway and move barrier to create a new work zone in the median. Until now crews have been working on the north and south sides of the highway.

All eastbound SR 520 traffic will exit at SR 202, take a right onto SR 202, left onto 180th Avenue SE, left onto Union Hill Road to Avondale Road. Drivers headed for the Sammamish Plateau are encouraged to take I-90 to East Lake Sammamish Parkway. Drivers coming from I-405 can use SR 908 to get to downtown Redmond.
WSDOT will be working with the city of Redmond to keep traffic moving as much as possible along the alternate routes.

For more information go to:   .

Released by Mike Murphy, WSDOT on 7/21

Monday, July 19, 2010

Over-prescribing and inadequate disposal of pharmaceuticals hurts our kids

Growing numbers of neighbors, schools, and local governments have serious concerns about the dangers of keeping unused pharmaceuticals in our medicine cabinets and  later flushing them down the toilet.   For one, drugs like estrogen, anti-depressants, ibuprofen, and antibiotics, when flushed, enter our water supply.  They have been found to change the sex of small fish and some can never be removed from our water supply.

An overriding concern is the ready availability of controlled substances like hydrocodone, oxycontine, and demerol -- getting into the hands of children, students, contractors, and even house guests.  According to USA Today "prescription drugs are more accessible to teens than beer". 

My experience shows doctors tend to over-prescribe pain-killers - out of habit, convenience and/or favor to their patients.   Over-prescribing contributes to substance abuse and disposal issues.    Example 1:  An oral surgeon pulled my daughter's four wisdom teeth and  prescribed 20 tabs of Hydrocodone 500M ("Vicodin") and 25 tabs of Ibufrofen 600mg.  But, she only used 10 tabs of the Hydrocodone.  (Some mothers refuse to give their kids any Hydrocodone, but the doctors still prescribe it in advance).  When I called the office nurse about it, she told me "larger adults can take more."  What does that mean? The doctor wouldn't return my call.  

Example 2:  I found 11 tabs remaining of a 20 tab prescription of Vicodin prescribed by an Urgent Care physician for a shoulder pain.  Example 3:  28 of 40 expired Demeral tablets were found.  I lock controlled substances in a safe.  The examples in my house show our doctors prescribed twice as much controlled pain medication as my family needed.

So where do we dispose of these unused pharmaceuticals?   I spent half a day figuring it out.  Not one pharmacy I visited would take back the controlled substances.   Most pharmacies refer you to Bartell Drug at Bridle Trail Village (425-881-5544).  They have excellent service and advice.  Bartell's take your non-addictive pharmaceuticals and incinerate them.  Both Bartell and Group Health (425-882-6150) recommend you to throw controlled substances in the trash, ground up with water and coffee grounds.  Group Health will dispose your non-addictive drugs in a locked container per their "take back program".   I called Evergreen Hospital.  They are looking into it.  

The QFC pharmacist recommended flushing controlled substances like Vicodin and OxyContin down the toilet, per FDA advisory.  She referred me to Redmond's Group Health "take-back" program.    She also recommended pouring both non-addictive and controlled medications into a sealable plastic bag, crushing it and adding water and then add coffee grounds.  I think the best website to visit for advice is .  They don't recommend flushing any pharmaceuticals. 

Redmond Councilman Hank Margeson has a keen interest in this problem and is working on it.  Redmond Councilman Hank Myers is interested.  Perhaps we can help Hank and encourage our State Representatives,  candidates, and health care providers to take action?

Report and Opinion by Bob Yoder

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Comprehensive Update on LWSD Administration and School Board - including salaries, public access, the budget, & elections

School is out for the summer and the Lake Washington School District Board of Directors have suspended their meetings for seven weeks.  But, there is still much to report!
Open This Link to find the following: 
  • Participate at the August 9 Board meeting (7pm) when the Final Budget will be proposed (and approved). 
  • Learn what we pay LWSD administrators - from the Chiefs to the Coordinators. 
  • How do you run for School Board?   Three district terms end in 2011. 
  • and much more... 
Report & opinion by Bob Yoder

Saturday, July 17, 2010

UPDATED, 7/18 Breaking News: Shooting at Lake Sammamish State Park, 7/17, 9:38 AM

KING NEWS, UPDATED 7/18, 7:38 AMVIDEO & ARTICLE:   Shooting at Lake Sammamish State Park

Updated,   Q-13 FOX NEWS7/17 10:03 pm  Lake Sammamish - A beautiful summer evening is shattered when two people were killed and another injured by gunfire at Lake Sammamish State Park tonight.

Sheriff's deputies and other police agencies are investigating and looking for possible suspects.
Investigators are looking for suspects -- who are apparently still on the loose.

We're told this happened inside park boundaries, which is packed with families on a beautiful summer day like today.The state patrol and Issaquah Police are assisting with the search and the investigation.
Updated,  KING 5 NEWS:  ISSAQUAH, Wash. 7/17, 10:05 pm - Two people have been killed in what appears to be a gang-related shooting at Lake Sammamish State Park.
According to the Washington State Patrol, dispatchers received a call from a park ranger about multiple shots fired in the park at around 9 p.m. According to the Patrol shots could be heard during the park ranger's call.
The Patrol says two are dead and there are at least five injured.  The Patrol believes it is gang related.
The park is in lock down, nobody is getting in or out.

MOBILE VIDEO of interview with the Sheriff. 7/17 10:09 pm  -- canine search, some suspects possibly still at large
Updated,   Q13 FOX NEWS:  7/17, 10:48 pm  VIDEO, 2 dead, 4 injured. 

Friday, July 16, 2010

What do you think about the new Evergreen ER Clinic planned for Bella Bottega?

REVISED:   Do you think 16 new acute ER exam rooms and a four-story building are an appropriate land use in Bella Bottega shopping center -- 4 miles from Evergreen Hospital?  In 2007, Evergreen Hospital was awarded a "Certificate of Need" to build 28 new acute care ER rooms and a 10 "rapid assessment" rooms for their hospital.  Why do we need more?   (A "Certificate of Need" is not required for ER Clinics.)   Swedish Medical Center is building an 18-room ER facility on Union Hill.  When you add them all up, Redmond will have 62 ER rooms, when only 28 are certifiably needed. 

Sherry Grindeland, Evergreen Healthcare Media Relations emailed:   "As a Public Hospital District, our mission is to provide outstanding medical care and service to the community."   An Evergreen marketing manager told me free-standing ER clinics are a marketing strategy used throughout the country to attract new patients.  ER clinics provide shorter waiting times, conveniences and emergency care a step-above urgent care.  However, response times may be delayed at ER clinics.  For example, compromised heart patients may drive directly to the ER Clinic only to find they must be rushed to the hospital for critical care.   

An Overlake Hospital manager said Evergreen's original plan was to consolidate three Redmond primary care facilities into a 2-story primary care/urgent care facility in Bella Bottega,  But, when Swedish announced plans for an ER clinic for Union Hill, Evergreen shifted gears and  hurried to push through the comprehensive 4-story ER facility.

Doesn't the "Certificate of Need" awarded to Evergreen Hospital for 28 new 'ER rooms' three years ago (2007) validate we are already getting "outstanding medical care and service"?  Is the Evergreen Bella Bottega facility even necessary?    Do users and taxpayers need more ER beds and millions of dollars of imaging and laboratory equipment with additional staffing when our needs are met?   No doubt patients will benefit from shorter waiting times, other conveniences and certified ER care.  But, according to Overlake Medical Clinic, the cost for sewing 10 stitches in a stand-alone ER is about 3 times the cost at their Urgent Care facility in SW Redmond. 

What are the best and highest uses of our medical resources....and our tax dollars?   The City needs a new downtown park, community pool and a fire station.  LWSD needs two new elementary schools, a modernized Juanita High School, and expanded Redmond and Eastside Highs.   Hospitals must pay for indigents.  How do you rank your priorities?   Does our Public Health District really need 62 ER rooms servicing Redmond?

Last year property taxes for the City of Redmond increased 1%. But not much media attention was given to the 1.7% increase levied by our Evergreen Hospital District Board of Commissioners in 2010. The 2010 Property Tax increased $280,056 to $14,914,002 - that's almost the amount needed to fund Evergreen's new $15M Redmond ER Medical Clinic building in Bella Bottega. Any thoughts on this?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sammamish Rowing Association granted boathouse permit; will break ground this month

By Marcy Chartier, SRA Director

SRA was granted our final building permit this month, after a seven-year process. This project has been extremely challenging to get permitted, since the new boathouse is in the wetland buffer that surrounds our current location. We are now completely permitted by the City of Redmond, which allows us to begin construction.

We are breaking ground this month!! Construction on Phase I of the New Boathouse Project will begin in July. Classes will continue as usual throughout this phase of construction, and more information will be sent regularly as we begin this eagerly anticipated project. For more details on construction phasing, building plans and more, click here.

2010 Construction Highlights:
  • This summer we will begin site prep at SRA. This includes clearing at both the building site and along the path.
  • We plan to lay utilities along the SRA path from West Lake Samm. Pkwy to the building site.
  • Turn-lane construction will begin this winter.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

2010 Movies in Marymoor Park


Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs
Wednesday 7/21
7 p.m.  (dusk ~8:30)

The Blind Side
Wednesday 8/4
7 p.m.

The Neverending Story
Wednesday 8/11
7 p.m.

Star Trek (2009)
Wednesday 8/18
7 p.m.

The Princess Bride
Wednesday 8/25
7 p.m.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Derby Days 2010

Redmond Derby Days Summer Festival July 9 and 10

Redmond, WA— This summer, Redmond will celebrate the 70th Annual Redmond Derby Days Summer Festival. The festival begins on Friday, July 9 from 6 to 10pm and continues on Saturday, July 10 from 10am to 10pm at Redmond City Hall Campus, 15670 NE 85th Street.
Back by popular demand is the free multi-band concert, Friday Night Live. The first group on the Nintendo sponsored stage is Gentleman GaGa, an Old Firehouse Classic Rockathon finalist, followed by The Daily Flash, playing classic 60’s rock. The headliner is the area’s premier Beatles tribute band, The Nowhere Men. They play all the Beatles classics, sounding just like the original Fab Four. Food vendors are on hand for dinner or a snack and the beer and wine garden, sponsored by Black Raven Brewery, provides a great spot for both people and band watching.
New this year is the REI Friday Night Poker Ride, benefitting Little Bit Therapeutic Riding Center. The 22.5 mile ride through Redmond and Issaquah begins at the Redmond REI store from 5 to 7pm and ends at City Hall Campus, where riders will pick up prizes and enjoy the entertainment, food and drinks. Participants can register at
Saturday begins at 10am with the Derby Days Kids Parade, the longest running kid’s parade in the nation. Children and families decorate their “wheels” and themselves in one of the many parade categories. Parade sign-in begins at 9:15am in the Redmond Medical Center parking lot, with the parade beginning at 10am. Arriving early is strongly recommended in order to sign-in before the parade starts.

The Grand Parade immediately follows the Kids Parade. Best viewing of the bands, drill teams and floats is at the corner of NE 85th Street and 161st Avenue NE and along 85th to City Hall.

The Criterium, the nation’s longest running bicycle race, starts at 1:15pm with the last race at 7:15pm. Race spectators can enjoy the fast paced race from the Black Raven Brewery Beer and Wine Garden, located just off the first corner. The beer and wine garden opens at 1pm and offers a prime view seat.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Microsoft is pruning more jobs

Microsoft is pruning more jobs.

Microsoft is preparing to make a new round of job cuts as early as tomorrow, according to people with knowledge of the situation, but the unconfirmed numbers we're hearing are relatively small in the scheme of things -- far less than the thousands of jobs cut by the company last year.  Complete article

By Todd Bishop
Tech Flash

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Redmond entrepreneur speaks: "Building for Smart and Sustainable Growth"

Hi Bob,
One month ago I got back from Entrepreneurial Masters Program (EMP) at MIT. It has been an amazing experience and every day I think about what I’ve learned. I’m amazed by the other 64 entrepreneurs in my class and humbled to be a part of this group. When my class graduates, we’ll be the 20th class to have completed this program. There have been some very impressive individuals that have gone through this program, like Michael Dell (just to name one).

A few of the thinkspace members suggested that I share what I’ve learned and discuss what I’m implementing in my business from the EMP program. So next week, on Thursday, July 8th at noon, I’m going to give you guys a quick overview and give you a few takeaways that can help you grow your business.

Redmond Derby Days Kids Parade is 10 a.m. and starts at Redmond Medical Center

Hello  -

I wanted to see if you would possibly consider an article on the Redmond Derby Days Kids Parade. It is Saturday July 10th - Sign up starts at 9:15 at the Redmond medical Center Parking lot - with the actual parade starting at 10.  (Before the adult parade).  The children sign up for one of 10 categories- everything from Toons and tales to Red White and Blue- Each child receives a goodie bag from their group and upon completion of the parade if the child still is wearing their helmet they receive 2 golden dollars. I would love to chat with you if you are interested in an article.   It's a FREE event and children must wear a helmet. 

Thank you,


Sunday, June 27, 2010

"Sustainable Redmond" to hold booth at Derby Days; launches new website

Sustainable Redmond is hosting its first in a series of public events, beginning on July 22nd from 7-9 pm, at the Redmond Library, in Meeting Room 2. Cecile Andrews will talk about “Living Sustainably: Simpler, Slower, Smaller.” Cecile is the author of three books related to sustainability and voluntary simplicity: the recently released “Less is More”, along with “Slow is Beautiful” and “The Circle of Simplicity”.

Attendees will also have an opportunity to learn more about Sustainable Redmond - a grassroots organization focused on local sustainable actions. A group of dedicated Redmond-area citizens have been meeting since November to form Sustainable Redmond, which is part of the Sustainable Communities All Over Puget Sound (SCALLOPS) network ( Some of the current group members come from a variety of other local organizations related to sustainability, such as the Audubon Society, Redmond Parks and Trails Commission, Water Tenders, Green Redmond, Redmond Pedestrian and Bike Advisory Committee, and the Marymoor Community Garden.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Many Faces of Ananda Mela - The Joyful Festival of India

Slides of Ananda Mela Festival, Saturday, at Redmond City Hall Campus.  

There's one more day of fun - Sunday 6/27, from 12 - 9 p.m.   The music, art, crafts and vendors are great!    

Photos by Yoder

Friday, June 25, 2010

Do you know you need a city permit to remove trees from your property?

Do you (and your neighbors) know that a city tree cutting permit is required to fell trees on your property?   Single Family Homeowners on lots < 10,000 sf are allowed to remove 2 healthy, "significant" trees per year.  A "significant" tree is defined as 6 inches to 30 inches in diameter.  In addition, diseased and/or dangerous trees may be removed with a city permit. 

A city permit is required to remove any significant tree or any tree over 30 inches.   Take a picture of the trees you want removed and map out the tree's location before heading down to the City Hall Permit Center (2nd floor).  A certified arborist should be able to help you with the permit. 

Summer is a good time to remove large, diseased trees growing dangerously close to your home.  Winter storms can easily knock down large trees.  If you confirm a neighbor is felling trees without a permit, contact the authorities.   For more information on tree-cutting visit this City of Redmond web page:

Opinion By Bob Yoder

Commuting out of Redmond on SR 520 will be easier, 6/25 WSDOT Report

REDMOND – Commuters out of Redmond will be using a new lane on State Route 520 Monday morning. Over the weekend, WSDOT and contractor crews will move barrier and open the new westbound lane between SR 202 and West Lake Sammamish Parkway. A newly rebuilt off-ramp to West Lake Sammamish Parkway will open Monday morning.

Two Fun Cultural Events This Weekend Put On By Redmond Citizens!

7730 Leary Way NE
Redmond, WA 98052
Saturdays 9:00 - 3:00
May 1 - Oct 30

City Hall Campus
Saturday - Sunday, June 26 - 27
12 NOON - 9 p.m.

'Neighborhood Meetings' Will Be Required In Redmond For Some Land Use Projects

Have you ever felt left-out of the land use review process or wanted to learn more about a development in Redmond?  Good news! 

This week, Redmond City Council  approved a new land use law that will require the developer hold a "neighborhood meeting" to meet with citizens about the project, listen to constructive input, and address citizen concerns and suggestions.  A city representative is required to be present to register participants and guarantee the review process.

For years neighborhood meetings have been suggested but not required -- usually leaving citizens hung out to dry.  No longer.   Effective in the Spring off 2011, one neighborhood meeting is required for all Preliminary Plats (10 or more lots) and smaller Short Plats (Type II) that meet any of the following criteria: 
  • three or more lots
  • have critical areas on the site
  • are forested with 75% tree canopy. 
Under the old law, if a meeting was conducted it was usually held so late in the process that opportunity for any meaningful input with the developer was lost.   The new law says neighborhood meetings are required early in the process -- no later than 66 days past the project application.   In addition, the developer (or applicant) may hold the meeting prior to submitting his land use application.

You may wonder why a neighborhood meeting wasn't required for a the Evergreen Redmond Medical Plaza development.  Good question!  Any thoughts?   But, for now we can give thanks to the Code Re-Write Commission with a shout-out to Sue Stewart and Robert Pantley for recommending this code!  

Opinion By Bob Yoder

5K Derby Days Dash supports cancer research

old story - 2010
The Dr. John McCormick Foundation is organizing a 5K Race Walk called the Derby Days Dash that will run on July 11. The goal is to raise funds and awareness to support pancreatic cancer research.   John, a 22-year resident of Redmond  lost his battle to pancreatic cancer in 2007 at the age of 56.  Dr. McCormick left behind his wife, Ann, and  four children--Kinsey, Kerry, Johnny, Meghan.  

Redmond Town Center Mall
Bear Creek Pkwy & Leary Way
Redmond, WA.
July 11, 2010 at 09:00 AM

John received his undergraduate degree from Stanford University, and graduated from USC Medical School. After moving to Redmond in 1985, John practiced orthopedic surgery on the Eastside for  for over two decades while raising four children with his wife, Ann. 

John McCormick's son, Johnny is organizing the event and is excited about your participation and any support you can give!   Brian and Elizabeth Hansford of  Zephyr 47  is supporting the event with promotions and registration.  They have also helped organize the PTSA Hawk Run/Walk. 

Cancer Resources:
Swedish Pancreatic Cancer Web Page
Evergreen Hospital general cancer patient information
Overlake Hospital Cancer Center patient resources

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Redmond Pool at Hartman Park will remain closed to evaluate and make repairs

The Redmond Pool at Hartman Park will remain closed while City staff work with contractors to evaluate the situation and make repairs.

All 70 pool filters require replacing. They are ordered, but the City has been informed they are on back-order and will be available for installation in about three weeks. The City hired a plumbing contractor to work on the deck drains, gutters and other pool equipment. In addition, two pumps for the main pool drain will be replaced.

The pool ventilation system was evaluated and is in need of major service including parts replacement. City facilities staff is power washing the concrete deck and restrooms and will also be performing repairs to the pool deck.