Friday, June 25, 2010

'Neighborhood Meetings' Will Be Required In Redmond For Some Land Use Projects

Have you ever felt left-out of the land use review process or wanted to learn more about a development in Redmond?  Good news! 

This week, Redmond City Council  approved a new land use law that will require the developer hold a "neighborhood meeting" to meet with citizens about the project, listen to constructive input, and address citizen concerns and suggestions.  A city representative is required to be present to register participants and guarantee the review process.

For years neighborhood meetings have been suggested but not required -- usually leaving citizens hung out to dry.  No longer.   Effective in the Spring off 2011, one neighborhood meeting is required for all Preliminary Plats (10 or more lots) and smaller Short Plats (Type II) that meet any of the following criteria: 
  • three or more lots
  • have critical areas on the site
  • are forested with 75% tree canopy. 
Under the old law, if a meeting was conducted it was usually held so late in the process that opportunity for any meaningful input with the developer was lost.   The new law says neighborhood meetings are required early in the process -- no later than 66 days past the project application.   In addition, the developer (or applicant) may hold the meeting prior to submitting his land use application.

You may wonder why a neighborhood meeting wasn't required for a the Evergreen Redmond Medical Plaza development.  Good question!  Any thoughts?   But, for now we can give thanks to the Code Re-Write Commission with a shout-out to Sue Stewart and Robert Pantley for recommending this code!  

Opinion By Bob Yoder

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad to see this law. With the proposed growth in Redmond over the next 10-20 years it is important to have this information presented. Now, the trick is getting people to actually attend these required meetings.