Thursday, July 1, 2010

Redmond entrepreneur speaks: "Building for Smart and Sustainable Growth"

Hi Bob,
One month ago I got back from Entrepreneurial Masters Program (EMP) at MIT. It has been an amazing experience and every day I think about what I’ve learned. I’m amazed by the other 64 entrepreneurs in my class and humbled to be a part of this group. When my class graduates, we’ll be the 20th class to have completed this program. There have been some very impressive individuals that have gone through this program, like Michael Dell (just to name one).

A few of the thinkspace members suggested that I share what I’ve learned and discuss what I’m implementing in my business from the EMP program. So next week, on Thursday, July 8th at noon, I’m going to give you guys a quick overview and give you a few takeaways that can help you grow your business.
 For thinkspace, my goal is to build a company that will last. This program is certainly shining a light on what I don’t know. I’m also seeing that it doesn’t matter what size your company is whether you’re a fairly new startup or a $500M company, we’re all going through similar types of problems and without having a peer group it can be kind of scary and lonely. The program focused on strategic planning, top grading, hiring your #2, BHAG’s, core values, etc. (I’ll explain why there’s a gazelle on the cover later…)

Building for Smart and Sustainable Growth

· Strategy

· People

· Outcomes

When: Thursday, July 8th

Time: noon to 1pm

Where: 1st floor conference room
If this sounds interesting to you and think it might help your business grow, please RSVP by emailing  by Tuesday, July 6th. I’ll have my team order up some pizza for lunch too!

Have a fun and safe Fourth of July Weekend too.

Peter Chee

p: 425-629-6201
f: 425-629-6301

" is the people who figure out how to work simply in the present, rather than the people who mastered the complexities of the past, who get to say what happens in the future." - Clay Shirky

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Government waste
July 6, Redmond and King county have approx 10 people looking at a sink hole on 236th NE near Sunbreak Way in Trilogy. How many people does it take to solve the problem? I don't mind paying taxes, but this is ridiculous.
LK Redmond WA