When I read the following "Redmond Reporter" headlines on May 2, I never laughed so hard!
"City asks citizens to help prioritize next budget"
"Public input will help drive city spending for 2011-12."
Why is this so funny?
Only two public budget meetings were conducted by the John Marchione Administration and only 18 total citizens showed up! Six attended the March 1 meeting and twelve attended the May 3 meeting -- both held on a Monday close to the dinner hour. Could you pick a worse day?
Redmond has a night-time, resident population of ~50,000 citizens and only 18 residents turned up? This year's "Budget By Priority" process is more than a belly laugh, it's much worse. Six of the 18 residents were lobbying a special interest. Businesses were invited but none registered. Six citizens were hand selected by the Mayor to participate in the process with staff, but never engaged with the Public.
John Marchione's "Budgeting for Priorities" process asks four basic questions"
1. What priorities matter most to our citizens?
2. How much revenue will we have and what price of government will we charge our citizens?
3. How much should we spend to achieve each priority?
4. How can we best deliver each priority to achieve the results the citizens expect?
What citizens? (Read more).
When you compare the 0.0004% citizen turnout to the Reporter's headlines, it's apparent citizens weren't empowered by the "Budget By Priorities" process. The program didn't have legs -- certainly, not enough legs "to help drive city spending and prioritize the next budget".
This is just one example of why I write this blog....to disclose a truthful perspective and cut the P.R.
OPINION By Bob Yoder
News and Opinion on Neighborhoods, Schools and Local Governments of Redmond, WA.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
The City stalls on landscape maintenance at Camwest's "Perrigo Heights" development.
Updated 2/28/19: Trees and shrubs were planted by Group Health for off-site mitigation from their development project. Irrigation was installed. Everything's grown up, it's all green and you can't see the vault now!
Opinion: The cement box photos show a "wet vault" (tagged with graffiti). Vaults are designed to remove stormwater sediment and polluting chemicals. This vault was built by Camwest Development, Inc. over two years ago as part of a 24-home "Perrigo Heights" urban forest housing project in Redmond. The vault was tagged with red graffiti in mid-January of this year. This small photo was taken from the popular Ashford PED-BIKE Trail that connects 6 neighborhoods and two parks to three nearby schools.
VAULT SCREENING: The city removed the graffiti (right photo) four weeks after it was reported to Mr. Fischer, a city development planner. The deciduous saplings planted next to the vault by Camwest (see photo) will give no visual screening seven months of the year. Furthermore, small deciduous trees create no physical barrier to graffiti vandals. In response to citizen feedback, the city administration established a vague plan to install evergreen screening, as follows:
City Planner Steve Fischer said in a February email:
"I am working with other city staff to implement the planting of some evergreens between the trail and the vault. The response that I have received has all been positive so I am hopeful that that we can enhance the screening of the vault. This is still early on in the process so I do not have information about quantity or type of plant materials or when planting might take place. I am hopeful that I can begin to obtain answers to those questions in the coming weeks." February 10, 2010.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Test drive a Ford this Saturday and raise funds for Redmond High athletics!

Ford will donate $20 for every test drive given! There will be other prizes given away as well. If you are looking for a new car or interested in seeing the newest line of Ford cars, come to Redmond High School this Saturday and help benefit the football program by test driving a car!
The NW Mustang Club will be showing off their cars from 11:00 to 2:00 as an added attraction.
Joe KirschPresident - Redmond Jr. Mustangs
facebook.com/driveone4urschool Submitted By Paige Norman
Education Hill neighborhood
Monday, May 31, 2010
Redmond students whip up healthful dishes
Redmond students whip up healthful dishes
Inside the commercial kitchen at Redmond Junior High on Wednesday, kids wearing aprons and tall paper chef's hats wrangled mangoes, toasted tortas and, under the sharp eyes of food- service employees, rushed past each other with hot pans....more.
By Nicole Tsong
Seattle Times Eastside reporter
Posted by Yoder
Seattle Times News Partner
Brothers Cole, center, and Blake Roberts make a family favorite, the Monte Cristo sandwich, for a competition at Redmond Junior High to prepare nutritious meals.
Redmond junior-high students competed Wednesday to see who could make the healthiest and tastiest food in a cooking competition called "So You Think You Can Cook."Inside the commercial kitchen at Redmond Junior High on Wednesday, kids wearing aprons and tall paper chef's hats wrangled mangoes, toasted tortas and, under the sharp eyes of food- service employees, rushed past each other with hot pans....more.
By Nicole Tsong
Seattle Times Eastside reporter
Posted by Yoder
Seattle Times News Partner
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Constantine extols farm-fresh produce available in 41 King County neighborhoods
"Constantine extols farm-fresh produce available in 41 King County neighborhoods. May and June signal King County farmers market season kicking into gear.
Locating fresh, healthy, locally-grown produce is becoming easier and easier for King County residents.
In fact, two new farmers markets are opening in King County in 2010, bringing the total to 41. That is roughly 30 more than were available in the county only a decade ago."
Posted By Yoder
Photo By King County
Index for: Neighborhood Farms, Farmer's Markets, Harvest Schedule, Farm Recipes
Have you been to the Redmond Saturday Market? Lots of entertainment now. Find out what's up? Redmond Saturday Market Newsletter
Friday, May 28, 2010
Washington State Dept. of Ecology tracks State assistence in deepwater Gulf of Mexico spill
This Washington State Ecology site has been established to track what's happening in the Gulf of Mexico and provide information on how Washington State is providing assistance:
GO TO: Washington Department of Ecology's Deep Water Gulf Spill page - find incredible photos
What can we do?
Posted By Yoder
Photo By AP Photo/Gerald Herbert
UPDATED ON JUNE 7: Evidence of Bear damage to birdfeeder and fence is reported on Novelty Hill Road
Evidence of bear foraging on Union Hill Rd. near Ames Lake was reported on May 28, 2010. (Awaiting further reports.) This photo was allegedly taken on May 19 and may, or may not, be the same bear.
A popular place to report bobcat and other wildlife sightings has been on this page. When reporting, if you don't want to leave your name, please send me an email so I can update our Readers and guests with your news. Unverified comments and updates will be posted anonymously under "comments" Documented news will be posted on this page.
Tracy Stein said...on June 7
My daughter and I were riding our horses at the neighbors on Monday June 7th and saw a black bear. Location is 50th and 260th Ave NE close to the fire station. The same neighbor allegedly saw a bear last night, June 10, 2010 three houses down on 260th Ave NE and 50th.
Anonymous said...on May 28, 2010 10:58 AM
We had what we think was a bear push down the 4ft wire fence, bend a 2 inch galvanized metal pole at a 90 degree angle at the ground and destroy our bird feeder on Friday May 22, 2010. This happened in the night. The pole was approx 8ft tall. The animal had to be pretty strong, my husband couldn't even bend the pole back. 47th and 272nd AVE NE on Union Hill Rd near Ames Lake.
Anonymous said...May 22, 2010 11:31 PM
I saw one (bobcat) crossing Redmond/Woodinville road from the eastside to the west, into the new construction at NE 106th street.
Any documented news of the possible May 28 bear sighting on Novelty Hill Road will be posted here:
Anonymous said...on 5/28/10
Here's a nice picture of a bear (and broken bird feeder) allegedly taken by my neighbor on May 19 on Near NE 80th and 245th Way NE (about a mile from Redmond Ridge).
"Here's a nice picture of a bear (and broken bird feeder) allegedly taken by a neighbor on May 19, 2010 on Near NE 80th and 245th Way NE (about a mile from Redmond Ridge)."
Documentation: http://www.flickr.com/photos/50666115@N07/4651436571/A popular place to report bobcat and other wildlife sightings has been on this page. When reporting, if you don't want to leave your name, please send me an email so I can update our Readers and guests with your news. Unverified comments and updates will be posted anonymously under "comments" Documented news will be posted on this page.
Tracy Stein said...on June 7
My daughter and I were riding our horses at the neighbors on Monday June 7th and saw a black bear. Location is 50th and 260th Ave NE close to the fire station. The same neighbor allegedly saw a bear last night, June 10, 2010 three houses down on 260th Ave NE and 50th.
Anonymous said...on May 28, 2010 10:58 AM
We had what we think was a bear push down the 4ft wire fence, bend a 2 inch galvanized metal pole at a 90 degree angle at the ground and destroy our bird feeder on Friday May 22, 2010. This happened in the night. The pole was approx 8ft tall. The animal had to be pretty strong, my husband couldn't even bend the pole back. 47th and 272nd AVE NE on Union Hill Rd near Ames Lake.
Anonymous said...May 22, 2010 11:31 PM
I saw one (bobcat) crossing Redmond/Woodinville road from the eastside to the west, into the new construction at NE 106th street.
Any documented news of the possible May 28 bear sighting on Novelty Hill Road will be posted here:
Anonymous said...on 5/28/10
Here's a nice picture of a bear (and broken bird feeder) allegedly taken by my neighbor on May 19 on Near NE 80th and 245th Way NE (about a mile from Redmond Ridge).
"Drugstore Cowboy", James Fogle, arrested in Redmond, WA pharmacy.
Movie Trailer "Drug Store Cowboy", with Matt Dillon
James Fogle — whose life of crime and addiction became the basis for an acclaimed film, "Drugstore Cowboy" — is back in jail again.
James Fogle — whose life of crime and addiction became the basis for an acclaimed film, "Drugstore Cowboy" — is back in jail again.
By Christine Clarridge
Seattle Times staff reporter
Seattle Times staff reporter
James Fogle — who immortalized his life of crime and addiction in a book that became the basis for an acclaimed film, "Drugstore Cowboy" — is back in jail again.
Fogle and another man, 45-year-old Shannon Benn, were arrested on Tuesday while attempting to rob a Redmond pharmacy, according to police
He's 73 years old and this is probably the only thing he knows," said Jim Bove, a spokesman for the Redmond Police Department.
Read More
Do you know what Redmond pharmacy Fogle allegedly tried to rob?
Posted by Bob Yoder
Seattle Times News Partner
Do you know what Redmond pharmacy Fogle allegedly tried to rob?
Posted by Bob Yoder
Seattle Times News Partner
Thursday, May 20, 2010
5/2012: OPINION: Mayor Marchione sits on 20-day Notice from Washington State Liquor Board
This post is dated
OPINION: Updated, 6/1/2012: As you travel on Redmond Way, just past Key Bank in the center of town, you'll see Redmond's new State liquor store - a beautiful, large brick building with high beam ceilings, built in the 1920's by Mayor Bill Brown. It's a city Landmark.
Passing the liquor store, you can't miss the loud, large red signs that stick out from all angles. Even Mayor John Marchione agreed during Tuesday's Council meeting saying the "sign is ugly". Mayor Marchione explained the signage by stating:
I asked John Redal if a call from Mayor Marchione would have made a difference. He said the Mayor never called but "because no lease was signed at the time of the letter" he could probably have given some consideration to a change in sign color. Mr. Redal went onto say, "In hindsight, I wish I'd known because green colors on signs were a possibility." I don't recall if Redal commented on options for number of signs, their size or design.
Mr. Redal said that one Contract Liquor store location "was changed due to community concerns with the location being too close to a school." He went onto say, "As a responsible retailer we are, we would always consider the communities input, prior to the location being established, thus the reason for our notification process".
Mayor John Marchione summarized, in council chambers: "The History of Redmond is colorful because Mayor Brown DID own liquor stores and saloons. So, I actually find it kind of an inside joke that his garage became a liquor store. As Councilmember Myers says, it's the use that counts..."
Opinion By Bob Yoder
Photos by Yoder
6/1/12, Rev. for clarity.
Sources: Redmond Council Meeting, 5/18 2010. (scroll to minute 10 to watch audience comments) This meeting tape is in city archives.
Agency Policy #680 "Siting Liquor Stores"
Washington State Liquor Control Board "achieving a 95% compliance record on sales to minors"
"Old is the New Green" City of Redmond campaign connects green house gases to historic preservation.
Redmond Historical Society
"Redmond Reflections: from settlers to software", with over 800 images, by Naomi Hardy
(click to order)
Passing the liquor store, you can't miss the loud, large red signs that stick out from all angles. Even Mayor John Marchione agreed during Tuesday's Council meeting saying the "sign is ugly". Mayor Marchione explained the signage by stating:
"Like any other developer, they pushed back the letter of the law without having to make any other expense."I spoke 4 minutes to the Mayor and council about how upset I and some of my neighbors were with the signage and it's location in a city Landmark building. It surprised me a State could relocate a liquor store and not give public notice or allow comment. Unbeknown-st to the public, John Redal, Dir. of Retail Operations, State Liquor Control Board said "Mayor John Marchione received a 20-day written notice on October 21, 2009 from the State Liquor Control Board." (click photo to enlarge the complete letter). The notice said:
"....This new store (on 16839 Redmond Way) is tentatively scheduled to open in January of 2010.... If you wish to comment on the proposed location, please notify us within 20 days from the date of this letter, along with a statement of your concerns."At the council meeting (starting on minute 10), Mayor Marchione admitted: "I did receive a letter giving me 20 days about the location of the liquor store, only asking if it was a good site or not." The Mayor commented: "I did not respond because it's an appropriate use of the building". The Mayor never called the Liquor Board to ask for signage considerations or ask for a location different from the 90 year old Landmark.
I asked John Redal if a call from Mayor Marchione would have made a difference. He said the Mayor never called but "because no lease was signed at the time of the letter" he could probably have given some consideration to a change in sign color. Mr. Redal went onto say, "In hindsight, I wish I'd known because green colors on signs were a possibility." I don't recall if Redal commented on options for number of signs, their size or design.
Mr. Redal said that one Contract Liquor store location "was changed due to community concerns with the location being too close to a school." He went onto say, "As a responsible retailer we are, we would always consider the communities input, prior to the location being established, thus the reason for our notification process".
Mayor John Marchione summarized, in council chambers: "The History of Redmond is colorful because Mayor Brown DID own liquor stores and saloons. So, I actually find it kind of an inside joke that his garage became a liquor store. As Councilmember Myers says, it's the use that counts..."
Opinion By Bob Yoder
Photos by Yoder
6/1/12, Rev. for clarity.
Sources: Redmond Council Meeting, 5/18 2010. (scroll to minute 10 to watch audience comments) This meeting tape is in city archives.
Agency Policy #680 "Siting Liquor Stores"
Washington State Liquor Control Board "achieving a 95% compliance record on sales to minors"
"Old is the New Green" City of Redmond campaign connects green house gases to historic preservation.
Redmond Historical Society
"Redmond Reflections: from settlers to software", with over 800 images, by Naomi Hardy
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Bond issues alone wouldn't solve LWSD growth problems:
Local News Growth forces Lake Washington School District to shuffle students Seattle Times Newspaper:
"The district will likely try to pass another bond issue or a levy to accommodate the growth, but wants to have public forums, most likely this fall, to figure out what type of ballot measure is most likely to win support, Reith said.
And a bond issue wouldn't solve the underlying problem: that the junior highs and high schools in the west end have low enrollments, while the east-end schools are crowded.
The district receives impact fees from developers when new homes go up, but those fees account for less than half the amount the district needs to build new schools for the students who will move into those houses, Reith said.
For example, the developers of Redmond Ridge, in unincorporated King County, must pay the district $7,040 for each new home they build, Reith said. But the district estimates it would need to collect almost $20,000 for each new home to make up for the cost of constructing a new school to accommodate the development's students.
Read Complete Article
Katherine Long: 206-464-2219 or klong@seattletimes.com. News researcher Gene Balk contributed to this report."
"The district will likely try to pass another bond issue or a levy to accommodate the growth, but wants to have public forums, most likely this fall, to figure out what type of ballot measure is most likely to win support, Reith said.
And a bond issue wouldn't solve the underlying problem: that the junior highs and high schools in the west end have low enrollments, while the east-end schools are crowded.
The district receives impact fees from developers when new homes go up, but those fees account for less than half the amount the district needs to build new schools for the students who will move into those houses, Reith said.
For example, the developers of Redmond Ridge, in unincorporated King County, must pay the district $7,040 for each new home they build, Reith said. But the district estimates it would need to collect almost $20,000 for each new home to make up for the cost of constructing a new school to accommodate the development's students.
Read Complete Article
Katherine Long: 206-464-2219 or klong@seattletimes.com. News researcher Gene Balk contributed to this report."
Making bike connections from Fremont to Redmond | Seattle Times Newspaper
Seattle Sketcher Making bike connect
In the summertime, Caitlin Kehoe enjoys commuting from Fremont to Redmond taking bike trails around Lake Washington. But most days she does a combination of bike and bus commute, riding 3.5 miles to Montlake Freeway Station on the west side of the S520 bridge and continuing her journey on the 545 bus.
"At peak times there are a lot of people waiting," said Kehoe, 24, when I caught up with her at the stop Wednesday morning. She said sometimes it can take half an hour until a bus with empty bike racks arrives.
Read More
Seattle Sketcher
An illustrated journal of life in the Puget Sound region by Times artist Gabriel Campanario
Illustration used with permission of The Seattle Times
In the summertime, Caitlin Kehoe enjoys commuting from Fremont to Redmond taking bike trails around Lake Washington. But most days she does a combination of bike and bus commute, riding 3.5 miles to Montlake Freeway Station on the west side of the S520 bridge and continuing her journey on the 545 bus.
"At peak times there are a lot of people waiting," said Kehoe, 24, when I caught up with her at the stop Wednesday morning. She said sometimes it can take half an hour until a bus with empty bike racks arrives.
Read More
Seattle Sketcher
An illustrated journal of life in the Puget Sound region by Times artist Gabriel Campanario
Illustration used with permission of The Seattle Times
Queen of Jordan and scores of CEO's at Microsoft campus May 19
Queen of Jordan and a number of corporate titans are on Microsoft campus today, Wednesday
So a queen, a secretary and a salesman walk into a conference room ... and how does the rest of it go?
Seattle Times Technology reporter

More than a hundred chief executives will find out Wednesday, at Microsoft's 14th annual CEO Summit in Redmond. (Photo: Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer)
The attendee mix includes the Queen of Jordan Rania Al Abdullah, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and a number of corporate titans: Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffet, Amazon.com CEO Jeff Bezos, Wal-Mart Chairman Rob Walton, J.P. Morgan Chase CEO James Dimon and IAC CEO Barry Diller. Read More.....
Report By Sharon Pian ChanSeattle Times Technology reporter
Redmond, WA. is the fourth largest employment center in Puget Sound.

Nintendo is not the only one to feel that way. Last year, DigiPen University announced they will develop their new school facility in the Redmond Willows Road area and it will open for classes this fall. Group Health located its Eastside clinic in the newly opened River Park complex and Swedish and Evergreen Hospitals are both building emergency, diagnostic and medical facilities in Redmond.
As the fourth largest employment center in the Puget Sound region, Redmond’s businesses contribute a great deal to the area by pumping annually almost $8 billion of salary into the local economy. City officials are working hard to ensure this statistic will continue to grow in the years to come.
Source: City of Redmond, WA. press release
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
American Heart Assoc. endorses Nintendo - a first for video games
American Heart Assoc. endorses Nintendo, a first for video games
Sorry, couch potatoes, but video games are becoming a full-body activity. As evidence of that trend, Nintendo of America today scored an endorsement that would have been almost unthinkable five years ago.
Nintendo and the American Heart Association announced a new partnership that aims to promote video games, and specifically Nintendo's motion-based Wii system, as a way to help people become more active and healthy. Read More.
By Todd Bishop
Tech Flash
Did you know the Redmond Senior Center has two Wii games? See how they work to help your heart!
Sorry, couch potatoes, but video games are becoming a full-body activity. As evidence of that trend, Nintendo of America today scored an endorsement that would have been almost unthinkable five years ago.
Nintendo and the American Heart Association announced a new partnership that aims to promote video games, and specifically Nintendo's motion-based Wii system, as a way to help people become more active and healthy. Read More.
By Todd Bishop
Tech Flash
Did you know the Redmond Senior Center has two Wii games? See how they work to help your heart!
Lake Washington School District parents plan to rally against boundary changes - Kirkland Reporter
Lake Washington School District parents plan to rally against boundary changes - Kirkland Reporter:
"A group of Lake Washington School District parents concerned about the district's recent decision to change school feeder patterns plan to rally against the redistricting during a public meeting May 20 at Bell Elementary." Read More
Kirkland Reporter
Carrie Wood, Editor
Superintendent Kimball
Photo courtesy of LWSD
"A group of Lake Washington School District parents concerned about the district's recent decision to change school feeder patterns plan to rally against the redistricting during a public meeting May 20 at Bell Elementary." Read More
Kirkland Reporter
Carrie Wood, Editor
Superintendent Kimball
Photo courtesy of LWSD
Monday, May 17, 2010
Redmond High Students Visit Puget Sound Energy's Wild Horse Wind Farm
"During my visit, the rotor blades took five seconds to complete a full rotation. There was a dramatic swooshing sound as the blades carved through the air."
AP Students Visit Puget Sound Energy’s Wild Horse Wind Farm
On April 23, 100 Advanced Placement Environmental Studies students from Redmond High School and International Community School took a field trip to the Wild Horse Wind Farm in Ellensburg, Wash. This wind farm provides approximately the annual energy requirements of 69,000 homes. Students also learned what careers are available for work on a wind farm. Lake Washington Schools Foundation funded the bus ride.
See a fascinating technical review of how wind farms look as described on the Redmond Library Blog.
Posted by Bob Yoder
Sources: LWSD press release & Library Blog
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
OPINION: Mayor to Proclaim National Historic Preservation Month" at May 18 Council Meeting
Updated: Citizens in Redmond will join thousands of individuals across the country to celebrate National Historic Preservation Month this May. I will post a Special Report this week on Brown's garage, the city's 1920 landmark building and now our new liquor store.
Historic preservation is inherently green (in more ways than one.) The construction, operation and demolition of buildings accounts for 48 percent of the United States’ greenhouse gas emissions. Historic preservation is a good thing for our environment. See "Old is the New Green"
Join the Historic walking tour of the Downtown, including five landmark buildings on Sunday, May 16 at 1pm sponsored by the Redmond Historical Society (see www.redmondhistoricalsociety.org/RHS/index.php )
These five landmarks were once the Bill Brown saloon, Brown’s garage, Redmond Hardware, Wiley home and the Odd Fellow Hall. Today they have been remade into the Matador Restaurant, Redmond Liquor Store, Gerk’s Ski and Cycle, Stone House Restaurant and Odd Fellows Restaurant.
Editor's Note:: Brown's garage has been a subject of controversy ever since it was leased by the State Liquor Control Board. Councilman Richard Cole commented in the last Council Meeting about the loud red signage suggesting the city do something to protect our 14 Landmark buildings. Various readers have posted concerns and comments on Redmond Neighborhood Blog, in an earlier story about the signage. The window-dressing with historical artifacts was installed by request of the City.
Stay tuned for my Special Report this week. Watch Tuesday's public comments on City TV - Channel 21.
Opinion By Bob Yoder
Sources: Redmond Blog readers, Council meetings, Redmond Historical Society, City Press Release, State Control Liquor Board.
Historic preservation is inherently green (in more ways than one.) The construction, operation and demolition of buildings accounts for 48 percent of the United States’ greenhouse gas emissions. Historic preservation is a good thing for our environment. See "Old is the New Green"
Join the Historic walking tour of the Downtown, including five landmark buildings on Sunday, May 16 at 1pm sponsored by the Redmond Historical Society (see www.redmondhistoricalsociety.org/RHS/index.php )
These five landmarks were once the Bill Brown saloon, Brown’s garage, Redmond Hardware, Wiley home and the Odd Fellow Hall. Today they have been remade into the Matador Restaurant, Redmond Liquor Store, Gerk’s Ski and Cycle, Stone House Restaurant and Odd Fellows Restaurant.
Editor's Note:: Brown's garage has been a subject of controversy ever since it was leased by the State Liquor Control Board. Councilman Richard Cole commented in the last Council Meeting about the loud red signage suggesting the city do something to protect our 14 Landmark buildings. Various readers have posted concerns and comments on Redmond Neighborhood Blog, in an earlier story about the signage. The window-dressing with historical artifacts was installed by request of the City.
Stay tuned for my Special Report this week. Watch Tuesday's public comments on City TV - Channel 21.
Opinion By Bob Yoder
Sources: Redmond Blog readers, Council meetings, Redmond Historical Society, City Press Release, State Control Liquor Board.
Joint Pilot Project designed to enhance safety on Sammamish River Trail
This May, King County and the City of Redmond begin a joint pilot project designed to enhance safety on the Sammamish River Trail. Over the last several years, conflicts due to congestion have increased among the various trail users (walkers, skaters, cyclists, etc) along portions of the trail through downtown Redmond. The pilot study area is between NE Leary Way to just north of NE 90th Street.
The year-long study will bring several changes to the trail in this area. In the next couple of weeks, a dashed yellow stripe will be painted down the center of the trail to encourage users to keep to the right, vegetation will be cleared further from the trail to improve sight distances and trail etiquette signage will be added.
Having been a heavy bicycle user of the Sammamish River Trail when training for the STP I can vouch for the value in this pilot program, particularly the yellow stripe for safety and to slow traffic. What do you think about the changes?
The County also plans to install another kiosk just south of the NE 90th Street trail access point that will hold the Share the Trail brochure along with the Regional Trails in King County Map and additional Regional Trails System information. King County will also open portions of the West Sammamish River Trail in 2010. This unpaved trail on the west bank of the river should have access points at NE 90th Street, the PSE Powerline Trail Bridge and NE 116th Street. Use of this alternative trail by pedestrians is intended to help relieve congestion along the Sammamish River Trail.
By Bob Yoder
Source: City Press Release
"Neighborhood Network" program launched
Redmond, WA – Thursday night, nearly 20 Grass Lawn residents gathered at Rose Hill Junior High to discuss their neighborhood with City of Redmond Planning staff. The City initiated the meeting as part of the pilot Neighborhood Network program. One objective of the program is to check-in with residents regarding their neighborhood’s plan.
Mayor John Marchione opened the meeting by reminding residents of his vision of a connected and supportive community. Mayor Marchione sees neighborhoods connecting physically through completed sidewalks and trails, but also connecting at gathering places where neighbors can exchange ideas and celebrate their successes.
In addition to providing an opportunity for neighbors to discuss additions and priorities for their neighborhood plan, residents shared concerns and ideas on such topics as housing, traffic, open space and public safety.
In October, a second Neighborhood Network meeting will take place in the Education Hill neighborhood to discuss their neighborhood plan. After these two meetings, the program will be evaluated for further connection with all of Redmond’s ten neighborhoods in 2011 and beyond.
The Grass Lawn neighbors who attended the meeting at Rose Hill Junior High considered the evening a success. They left with a better understanding of what the neighborhood plan is and how its implementation will continue to enhance the area.
I've asked Kimberly Dietz, Senior Planner running the Neighborhood Network program for an interview at Grass Lawn Park, one of the premier parks in Redmond. Do you have questions for her?
By Bob Yoder
Source: City Press Release
Mayor John Marchione opened the meeting by reminding residents of his vision of a connected and supportive community. Mayor Marchione sees neighborhoods connecting physically through completed sidewalks and trails, but also connecting at gathering places where neighbors can exchange ideas and celebrate their successes.
In addition to providing an opportunity for neighbors to discuss additions and priorities for their neighborhood plan, residents shared concerns and ideas on such topics as housing, traffic, open space and public safety.
In October, a second Neighborhood Network meeting will take place in the Education Hill neighborhood to discuss their neighborhood plan. After these two meetings, the program will be evaluated for further connection with all of Redmond’s ten neighborhoods in 2011 and beyond.
The Grass Lawn neighbors who attended the meeting at Rose Hill Junior High considered the evening a success. They left with a better understanding of what the neighborhood plan is and how its implementation will continue to enhance the area.
I've asked Kimberly Dietz, Senior Planner running the Neighborhood Network program for an interview at Grass Lawn Park, one of the premier parks in Redmond. Do you have questions for her?
By Bob Yoder
Source: City Press Release
Friday, May 14, 2010
Redmond beats Skyline 6-2 for KingCo 4A title / Baseball
Mason Kelley's High School Sports Blog
WOODINVILLE — When in doubt, hit a few out.
After struggling out of the gates in the KingCo 4A title game Thursday night, Redmond took advantage of three home runs to claim a 6-2 win over Skyline at Woodinville High School.
"They're all big," Redmond coach Dan Pudwill said of the homers. "When you win 6-2, we'll take them all."
Read More
By Mason Kelly
Seattle Times
Mason Kelley's High School Sports Blog
WOODINVILLE — When in doubt, hit a few out.
After struggling out of the gates in the KingCo 4A title game Thursday night, Redmond took advantage of three home runs to claim a 6-2 win over Skyline at Woodinville High School.
"They're all big," Redmond coach Dan Pudwill said of the homers. "When you win 6-2, we'll take them all."
Read More
By Mason Kelly
Seattle Times
King County Council passes motion supporting federal health care reform
May 10: King County Council passes motion supporting federal health care reform:
The Metropolitan King County Council today recognized the benefits of federal health care reform with its approval of a motion supporting the recently adopted landmark federal legislation.
“It is time to reform our health care system,” said Council Chair Bob Ferguson, prime sponsor of the legislation. “The Health Care Act isn’t perfect, but it will help provide access to basic health care for the more than 150,000 King County residents who are currently uninsured.”" Read More
Source: King County Council Web Page
The Metropolitan King County Council today recognized the benefits of federal health care reform with its approval of a motion supporting the recently adopted landmark federal legislation.
“It is time to reform our health care system,” said Council Chair Bob Ferguson, prime sponsor of the legislation. “The Health Care Act isn’t perfect, but it will help provide access to basic health care for the more than 150,000 King County residents who are currently uninsured.”" Read More
Source: King County Council Web Page
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Local News | Seattle Times announces more local news partners
Local News Seattle Times announces more local news partners Seattle Times Newspaper:
Seattle Times announces more local news partners
The Seattle Times is expanding its partnerships with local news Web sites with the addition of four more sites today. That brings the total number of partner Web sites to 26. (See the complete list, along with their latest headlines.)"
Posted by Bob Yoder
Redmond Neighborhood Blog
Seattle Times News Partner
Seattle Times announces more local news partners
The Seattle Times is expanding its partnerships with local news Web sites with the addition of four more sites today. That brings the total number of partner Web sites to 26. (See the complete list, along with their latest headlines.)"
Posted by Bob Yoder
Redmond Neighborhood Blog
Seattle Times News Partner
Girls Lacrosse State Championships this weekend. Boys and Girls Brackets.
Local Girls Teams in the hunt: Overlake, Lake Sammamish, Eastside Catholic, Issaquah
Local Boys Teams in the hunt: Redmond (5/15), Lake Washington (5/14), Sammamish (5/14)
Posted by Mason Kelley, Seattle Times Sports Reporter
Here is a press release on this weekend's girls lacrosse state championships at Eastside Catholic High School and Boys and Girls Brackets
SEATTLE – The 2010 Washington Girls High School State Championships for lacrosse takes place, Saturday, May 15 at the Eastside Catholic School in Sammamish.
The Division II title game gets underway at 11 a.m., while the Division I title game starts at 2 p.m. An exhibition Girls Under-11 youth game kick’s-off championship day at 9 a.m.
Quarterfinal girls state tournament action gets underway today with #8 seed Tacoma taking on the #1 seed and defending state champion Lakeside at 6 p.m. at the Lakeside School. #5 seed Lake Sammamish takes on #4 seed Mercer Island at 6 p.m. at Mercer Island High School. #6 seed Seattle Prep takes on #3 seed Snohomish at 6 p.m. at Harvey Air Field in Snohomish and #7 seed Bellevue takes on #2 seed and 2009 state runner up Bainbridge Island at 7 p.m. at Bainbridge Stadium.
On Tuesday, in Division II quarterfinal action, #8 seed Wenatchee takes on #1 seed and 2009 state runner up Issaquah at 7:15 p.m. at Issaquah’s Eastlake Community Field. #5 seed Lakeside takes on #4 seed Eastside Catholic at 6 p.m. at the Eastside Catholic School. #6 seed Ballard takes on #3 seed Overlake at 6 p.m. at the Overlake School and #7 seed and defending state champion Mercer Island takes on #2 seed Kenned at 6 p.m. at Kennedy High School.
Semi-final action takes place for Girls Division I play on Wednesday, May 12 and for Girls Division II play on Thursday, May 13.
The Washington Boys High School State Championships for Division I and II take place on Saturday, May 29 at Seattle’s Memorial Stadium. Boys state tournament play begins on Wednesday, May 19.
Girls Division I State Tournament Bracket: http://www.sportability.com/spx/Leagues/Playoffs.asp?LgID=23023
Girls Division II State Tournament Bracket: http://www.sportability.com/spx/Leagues/Playoffs.asp?LgID=23024
Boys Division I State Tournament Bracket: http://www.sportability.com/spx/Leagues/Playoffs.asp?LgID=22716
Boys Division II State Tournament Bracket: http://www.sportability.com/spx/Leagues/Playoffs.asp?LgID=22715
Posted on Seattle Times by Mason Kelly
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Bill Gates, The Lusty Lady and other top stories of the month
Bill Gates, The Lusty Lady and other top stories of the month:
"It was another busy month here at TechFlash. In case you missed out, here are the top 10 stories of the month in terms of page views. Thanks again to everyone for reading."
Read the top stories
By John Cook
Tech Flash
May 1
"It was another busy month here at TechFlash. In case you missed out, here are the top 10 stories of the month in terms of page views. Thanks again to everyone for reading."
Read the top stories
By John Cook
Tech Flash
May 1
Monday, May 10, 2010
UPDATED: Bell Elementary parents question LWSD feeder school changes.
The following is breaking news and opinion from Kirkland Weblog.com about LWSD Bell El. feeder school changes:
Updated, 5/11 - "A lot of Bell Elementary parents in Kirkland are f-u-m-i-n-g right now."
On May 4th, the Lake Washington School District announced changes to the configuration of elementary, junior high and high schools along with a change to the feeder school for AG Bell and Audubon. The two changes are slated in 2012, as follows:
(1) schools will run K-5, 6-8, 9-12 (instead of current K-6, 7-9, 10-12) AND
(2) Bell students will go to Finn Hill Jr. High and Juanita HS (instead of Kirkland Jr. High and Lake WA HS) while Redmond's Audubon students will be coming to Rose Hill Jr. High and LWHS. These changes were initiated as a result of the need to address a boom in student enrollment.
Now to the fuming part....
Bell Elementary parents were notified via a memo in their children's backpack after the decision had already been voted on and passed. I've heard the principal didn't even find out until 4 hrs prior to the parents.
One Bell parent says,
So, here's what you can do:
This abridged posting is courtesy of the Kirkland Weblog Contact Kathryn Reith at LWSD or the Kirkland Weblog editor Jan Rabuchin to confirm meeting times. B. Yoder
Updated, 5/11 - "A lot of Bell Elementary parents in Kirkland are f-u-m-i-n-g right now."
On May 4th, the Lake Washington School District announced changes to the configuration of elementary, junior high and high schools along with a change to the feeder school for AG Bell and Audubon. The two changes are slated in 2012, as follows:
(1) schools will run K-5, 6-8, 9-12 (instead of current K-6, 7-9, 10-12) AND
(2) Bell students will go to Finn Hill Jr. High and Juanita HS (instead of Kirkland Jr. High and Lake WA HS) while Redmond's Audubon students will be coming to Rose Hill Jr. High and LWHS. These changes were initiated as a result of the need to address a boom in student enrollment.
Now to the fuming part....
Bell Elementary parents were notified via a memo in their children's backpack after the decision had already been voted on and passed. I've heard the principal didn't even find out until 4 hrs prior to the parents.
One Bell parent says,
"We were not included in meetings where this was discussed. This is a neighborhood filled with families who have specifically moved into the area to send their children to AG Bell, KJH, and LWHS but we were given no voice in this."Some are worried about their property values and are left wondering why their kids would have to walk by KJH in order to get bussed to Finn Hill JH. Bell students also already have friends and connections from their sports teams that align into the same feeder schools. Another Bell parent takes a hard stand stating,
"I expect as a tax paying citizen in this district that this decision will be revoked until the community has a chance to repeal with alternative solutions."Dr. Chip Kimball, LWSD Superintendent has stated,
“If we don’t make any changes, we will need over 100 portable classrooms at the elementary level and about 28 at the secondary level to house the expected enrollment and to provide space for all-day kindergarten in the next five years. Changing feeder patterns reduces the need at the secondary level."Dr. Kimball expressed great empathy when I asked him about this situation, but said with the way the population is spread and the overcrowding they are faced with, there just aren't any viable alternatives. He knows this is really tough and plans to be holding meetings at the impacted schools this month.
So, here's what you can do:
- Go ahead and comment/discuss here (http://www.kirklandweblog.com/) to share ideas and chat about it-
- Concerned families should attend the LWSD Regular Board Meeting on Monday, 5/17, 5:30pm. Location is: Redmond Town Center District offices: 16250 NE 74th St, Redmond. No Public Comments will be taken at this Meeting.
- OR watch the meeting LIVE (or archived the next day) at this link. (It's not necessary to download Silverlight. LIVE meetings sometimes begin up to 12 minutes late. Wait for the sign-in button)
- Affected families will rally on Thursday 5/20 at 6:30pm in the AG Bell Gymnasium/11212 NE 112th St, Kirkland
- Send a note to the communications office or to Dr. Kimball care of kreith@lwsd.org
This abridged posting is courtesy of the Kirkland Weblog Contact Kathryn Reith at LWSD or the Kirkland Weblog editor Jan Rabuchin to confirm meeting times. B. Yoder
Sunday, May 9, 2010
LW School District's Senior "Culminating Project" is revamped
Senior Lexie Yoder is downloading her "artifacts" to a school computer while teachers read her resume.
It's second semester in high school and time for all good Seniors to present their "Culminating Projects". Only this year it's totally different.
Lake Washington School District seniors are no longer required to put very long hours into a project that culminates into something "really big" and "really important". True, many culminating projects were successful and rewarding. (Read about the 2008 dodge-ball tournament.) But, time demands were often so large that some students would "fake it" just to so they could get through and graduate. So, away with the old.
"Graduation Presentations" have replaced Culminating Projects. Students stand up and speak about how high school has prepared them for the future. They present 14 school assignments (artifacts) and relate them to their personal attributes. They describe three jobs and three schools of interest; and submit a resume and cover letter for a possible part-time job.
Pam and I sat in on our daughter's presentation. Lexie wanted us to come. She described her top three growth assignments: her college essay, a skit in Mr. Anderson's class, and assisting Ms. Leonard's second grade class. I can't remember the last time I saw my child perform in a classroom setting, and was awestruck by how she had blossomed into a mature, young woman. We are deeply touched by Lexie's Graduation Presentation and it's gift. This was truly a culminating event for our entire family! We were lucky to have a flexible schedule to see our daughter. Should the school be more flexible for parents on tight schedules? This is a once in a lifetime moment.
This note from a friend about his daughter's presentation speaks for itself:
As the presentation went on, I was overcome with what my baby has become. Moments passed through my head of all the adversity...she faced and how amazing this graceful, smart and beautiful child has emerged. What I want to convey here is, not only to brag upon my child, but to let the community of Redmond know that there are many of these wonders within our midst.Entry by Bob Yoder
I-Phone photo by Yoder
Friday, May 7, 2010
Protecting girls from bullying | Patti Skelton-McGougan
Protecting girls from bullying | Patti Skelton-McGougan
Protecting girls from bullying
The recent tragic suicide of a Massachusetts teen as the result of bullying moves me to address a subject I’ve touched on before. Relational aggression is the term for the form of bullying favored by pre-adolescent and adolescent girl.
It’s nothing new and is very common in our schools. Read entire Column.
By Patti Skelton-McGougan
Belleuve Reporter Columnist
CEO, Youth Eastside Services (YES)
Protecting girls from bullying
The recent tragic suicide of a Massachusetts teen as the result of bullying moves me to address a subject I’ve touched on before. Relational aggression is the term for the form of bullying favored by pre-adolescent and adolescent girl.
It’s nothing new and is very common in our schools. Read entire Column.
By Patti Skelton-McGougan
Belleuve Reporter Columnist
CEO, Youth Eastside Services (YES)
Why are so many yellow signs littering our roadways?
Why do we see so many of these faded yellow signs all around town? This one was up over two years before the city finally removed it.
Last year, the city spent months on end writing a new sign ordinance to mitigate commercial sign pollution, but they do nothing about these old land use signs. Why? Do some of these signs bother you?
They serve a useful purpose to notify residents of a new project underway. But, seldom are they taken down once the project is over. We have to live with this "litter".
The city is so good at keeping our streets, parks and boulevards clean. So, what's gone wrong here? Part of the problem is the burden of removing land use signs is left to the developers. By city code they are supposed to remove the signs within two weeks after the project's "Final Decision". But, the developer isn't required to remove the signs within a reasonable time. We are left with the litter.
Personally, I don't mind the yellow and large white signs being up a little longer so we all can know "something is going on." But, to leave them up for months on end is "too much information". The sign in this photo was staked for years on RED-WOOD Road and NE 90th St. at the Bella Bottega entrance. It was finally removed after a citizen called Steve Fischer, in Planning and Community Development. Does this sign pollution bother you?
Opinion By Bob Yoder
Photo by Yoder
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Redmond Senior Center hosts community pet fair - for all ages!
The City of Redmond will host a pet fair, Whiskers, Wings & Wagging Tails, on Saturday, May 15 from 10am to 3pm at the Redmond Senior Center, 8703 160th Avenue NE. This event will be fun for all ages with stories and crafts for children as well as animals ready for adoption, a doggy fashion show and dog demonstrations including agility, canine freestyle and flyball races.
The King County Library system and the Delta Society will host the kids' corner while outside, Bellevue author Wendy Wahman, will participate in a story walk featuring her book, "Don't Lick the Dog." The Seattle Humane Society, King County Animal Control and Care and other local animal welfare organizations will bring a variety of animals for adoption.
"Pets have become an important part of the family over the last decade," stated Teri Burke, Program Coordinator at the City of Redmond. "This fair is designed to help all those interested in animals learn the best ways to look after and love their pet."
The event will also include information and advice for the animal owner, prospective animal owner or those who just love pets. Local trainers, boarding facilities representatives and veterinarians will be available. Redmond's newest pet store, Pet Pros will be on site with giveaways.
Well mannered, house trained pets on a six foot or shorter leash are welcome. For more information, contact the Redmond Senior Center at 425-556-2314 or tburke@redmond.gov
Posted by Yoder
City Website Senior Center Page
The King County Library system and the Delta Society will host the kids' corner while outside, Bellevue author Wendy Wahman, will participate in a story walk featuring her book, "Don't Lick the Dog." The Seattle Humane Society, King County Animal Control and Care and other local animal welfare organizations will bring a variety of animals for adoption.
"Pets have become an important part of the family over the last decade," stated Teri Burke, Program Coordinator at the City of Redmond. "This fair is designed to help all those interested in animals learn the best ways to look after and love their pet."
The event will also include information and advice for the animal owner, prospective animal owner or those who just love pets. Local trainers, boarding facilities representatives and veterinarians will be available. Redmond's newest pet store, Pet Pros will be on site with giveaways.
Well mannered, house trained pets on a six foot or shorter leash are welcome. For more information, contact the Redmond Senior Center at 425-556-2314 or tburke@redmond.gov
Posted by Yoder
City Website Senior Center Page
Swedish ER & ambulatory care center breaks ground in Redmond
News & Events Swedish Medical Center / Seattle:
"April 30, 2010 – After 18 months of planning, Swedish recently broke ground on a new freestanding emergency department and ambulatory care center in Redmond.
Excavation began April 12, and the facility is scheduled to be complete by the end of 2010. The site is located at 18100 Union Hill Road. A community groundbreaking ceremony will be held later this spring.
“The new facility will provide a vital service to a fast-growing area,” said Kevin Brown, Swedish senior vice president and chief administrative officer. “People who live and work in the Greater Redmond area can travel 15 to 30 minutes, sometimes in heavy traffic, for medical care in an emergency.”
The Redmond ER will be patterned after a highly successful model Swedish developed in Issaquah." Read More
Posted by Yoder
Source: Swedish Website
"April 30, 2010 – After 18 months of planning, Swedish recently broke ground on a new freestanding emergency department and ambulatory care center in Redmond.
Excavation began April 12, and the facility is scheduled to be complete by the end of 2010. The site is located at 18100 Union Hill Road. A community groundbreaking ceremony will be held later this spring.
“The new facility will provide a vital service to a fast-growing area,” said Kevin Brown, Swedish senior vice president and chief administrative officer. “People who live and work in the Greater Redmond area can travel 15 to 30 minutes, sometimes in heavy traffic, for medical care in an emergency.”
The Redmond ER will be patterned after a highly successful model Swedish developed in Issaquah." Read More
Posted by Yoder
Source: Swedish Website
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Evergreen Hospital levy increased 1.7% in 2009
Number of registered voters in District: 155,154. (5/7/2019)
SOURCE: Resolution No. 827-09, 11/13/2009
LEVYS: 2010 Regular PropertyTax Levy increased 1.7% over the 2009 Regular Property Tax Levy.
The 2010 Property Tax increased $280,056-- from $14,633,946 in 2009 to $14,914,002 in 2010.
The 2010 Excess Property Tax Levy approved by voters on May 18, 2004 is $9,239,943.
SOURCE: Resolution No. 827-09, 11/13/2009
LEVYS: 2010 Regular PropertyTax Levy increased 1.7% over the 2009 Regular Property Tax Levy.
The 2010 Property Tax increased $280,056-- from $14,633,946 in 2009 to $14,914,002 in 2010.
The 2010 Excess Property Tax Levy approved by voters on May 18, 2004 is $9,239,943.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
UPDATED: Lake Washington School District makes changes to three feeder schools to handle growth.

Dr. Kimball decides to change the District school configuration and shift three elementary school feeder patterns.
Lake Washington School District is growing, by the equivalent of one elementary school a year for the next five years. The district has looked at alternatives to house this boom in student population and made two decisions to use its current school building space more efficiently, effective 2012-13. The School Board last night approved Dr. Kimball's decision to: 1) change its school grade configuration and 2) shift three elementary school feeder patterns. Says Kimball:
“If we don’t make any changes, we will need over 100 portable classrooms at the elementary level and about 28 at the secondary level to house the expected enrolment and to provide space for all-day kindergarten in the next five years,” noted Dr. Kimball. “Changing feeder patterns reduces the need at the secondary level. I know it will be a difficult change for families who have expectations and connections to specific schools but we have to find the most efficient ways to use our current space and this is one of them. Changing the grade configuration will make another large difference.”
Three changes in feeder patterns are planned, to coincide with the 2012-13 grade configuration change:
Bell Elementary will feed into Finn Hill Junior High and Juanita High School, instead of Kirkland Junior High and Lake Washington High School.
Audubon Elementary will feed into Rose Hill Junior High and Lake Washington High School instead of Redmond Junior High and Redmond High School.
These changes effectively shift population westward, from Redmond High through Lake Washington High to Juanita High School. In addition, Einstein Elementary students will shift from Evergreen Junior High to Redmond Junior High but will still go on to Redmond High School."
The 2012 - 2013 grade reconfiguration will be: a change to K-5 elementary, 6-8 middle school and 9-12 high school. The reconfiguration will shift one grade out of the elementary schools where space is already tight and move the population to the secondary schools, where more space is available. In Dr. Kimball said at the May 3 School Board meeting he doesn't know how to accommodate the space needs of the high schools and listed three options - capital levys and capital bond and a portable re-design.
Read the entire LWSD website news release.
A link to this posting was published in the May 5 Seattle Times online edition under "Redmond Neighborhood News" (LOCAL).
Posted By Bob Yoder
Source: LWSD website on May 4
including the May 3, 2010 School Regular School Board Meeting video.
LWSD Slide Show
UPDATED: Evergreen Redmond Medical Plaza groundbreaking
Evergreen Public Hospital Commissioners at the April 28th Evergreen Redmond Medical Plaza groundbreaking
UPDATED, 5/8: Evergreen Hospital's Media Coordinator, Sherry Grindeland, announced in an April 29th press release: "Evergreen Hospital Medical Center Breaks Ground for Evergreen Redmond Medical Plaza at Bella Bottega." Yes, that's right! It's a Plaza. The location is at 8960 - 161 Avenue Northeast. The Plaza will be four stories tall and open for business in about a year.
"Evergreen Medical Plaza" will house a 16-room Emergency Department (ED) staffed by 75 ER physicians, trauma-trained nurses, social workers and support staff. It will be open 24/7, with ambulance service.
Two Redmond-based Evergreen Primary Care practices will be merged and integrated into the Plaza. More than 50 employees will staff the primary care center. Thirty-six primary care exam rooms will house the primary care department. Total Plaza staff is more than 125.
At the groundbreaking ceremony on Thursday morning, April 28, a Commissioner stated the Plaza is "like a mini-hospital". John Midtling, Medical Director for the Plaza Primary Care called it "a state of the art ambulatory care facility." There will be no in-patient beds. Comprehensive laboratory services, CT, MRI, Ultrasound, X-ray will be available. The plaza medical director was especially pleased to provide the District community better access to "Specialty Care" services.
Parking: Approximately 35 parking spaces within the building are reserved for patients. In earlier April email, Ms. Grindeland wrote, "the owners and managers of the shopping center have designated parking areas for employees which include an area behind QFC and a row of stalls between the movie theater and the mall stores." But, during the April 28 groundbreaking, two Evergreen executives pointed to the fenced staging area between he Plaza and Coho restaurant as a likely parking location.
Evergreen Healthcare originally announced availability of underground parking for patients. But, this week, staff confirmed patient parking will not be underground. Rather, patients will park at ground level in the first story. Emergency vehicles will access the Plaza from the patient parking level.
According to two City of Redmond planners, the project file, and Mayor Marchione, the medical facility was approved by the Design Review Board and Technical Committee originally for three stories but was later redesigned and approved (February) for four stories above grade. The top two stories (30 feet) of brick and signage will be visible from the adjacent roads (Red-Wood & NE 90th Street). This is one of three gateways to downtown Redmond.
Comments are welcome. Please send your Letters for publishing to redmondblog@gmail.com
Redmond Councilmembers John Stilin, Pat Vache', and Richard Cole attended the groundbreaking ceremony. The Mayor was not present.
By Bob Yoder
Photos by Yoder
Monday, May 3, 2010
Northwest Asian Weekly | Actor and martial artist opens kung fu club in Redmond |
"Robin Leong, who stands in front of young students at his new Ch’i Life Studio, has always dreamed of starting a kung fu school for kids. He realized his dream this year, with his first studio in the U.S. Read More
By Vivian Nguyen
"Northwest Asian Weekly"
Photo by George Liu/NWAW
Ch'i Life Studio (in Overlake, new building, near Home Depot across from the Silver Cloud)
2222 152nd Avenue Northeast
Redmond, WA 98052-5506
(425) 746-3838
Hours of operation: M-F, 11:30 - 7 pm / Saturday 12-4 / Sunday 1-4
By Vivian Nguyen
"Northwest Asian Weekly"
Photo by George Liu/NWAW
Ch'i Life Studio (in Overlake, new building, near Home Depot across from the Silver Cloud)
2222 152nd Avenue Northeast
Redmond, WA 98052-5506
(425) 746-3838
Hours of operation: M-F, 11:30 - 7 pm / Saturday 12-4 / Sunday 1-4
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Steelhead coalition banquet in Redmond | Outdoors - The News Tribune
Steelhead coalition banquet in Redmond - The News Tribune:
Published: 05/02/10, 12:05 am
The Wild Steelhead Coalition is holding its conservation award and fundraiser banquet on May 15.
The event begins at 6 p.m. and will be held at the Redmond Marriott Town Center, 7401 164th Ave. N.E., Redmond.
The night includes an auction. Among the items up for bid will be guided fishing trips, fishing equipment and artwork. The cost is $65. The deadline to register for the event is Friday, May 7.
You can register online at www.wildsteelheadcoalition.org/fundraiser
Compiled by Jeffrey P. Mayor, staff writer
The News Tribune
Published: 05/02/10, 12:05 am
The Wild Steelhead Coalition is holding its conservation award and fundraiser banquet on May 15.
The event begins at 6 p.m. and will be held at the Redmond Marriott Town Center, 7401 164th Ave. N.E., Redmond.
The night includes an auction. Among the items up for bid will be guided fishing trips, fishing equipment and artwork. The cost is $65. The deadline to register for the event is Friday, May 7.
You can register online at www.wildsteelheadcoalition.org/fundraiser
Compiled by Jeffrey P. Mayor, staff writer
The News Tribune
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Redmond Lacrosse Club is strong despite losing 12 players to the Kangs.
This 17 second clip is a ground ball skirmish near the Gig Harbor goal just before half-time. The Redmond Boys Lacrosse Club is 5 -5 regular season is almost over with one home game remaining on Tuesday, 5/4, 7:30 at Redmond High against Liberty. (Redmond beat Liberty earlier in the season 13-0.) Their last season game is away vs. South Kitsap on 5/8. (Redmond lost to So. Kitsap several weeks ago, 13-0.) The real fun begins after the season with tournament play.
Redmond Lacrosse were co-champs of Division II last year. But, they lost 13 Seniors this year. In addition, 12 players were lost to Jim Anderson's newly formed Lake Washington High team....of note, the Bernstein brothers. The Kangs are burning hot with an 11-0 record.
No question the split hurt Redmond Lacrosse, but the 'Stangs have a stable of six freshman and ten sophomores, some with 3-6 years playing experience Only four seniors are on the roster: Defenseman Brad Bomberry, Brain Davies, Joesph Mernaugh, and "D" Clement Signoretty.
Coach "JC" spoke highly of his players:
Coach "JC" spoke highly of his players:
"Our "D" is lead by senior co-captains Clement Signoretty (honorable mention last year) and Brad Bomberry. Both are long poles. Junior, and also co-captain, Niko Shewey stands tall between the pipes. He should receive all- conference recognition this year. So, yes, our defense is strong."
Redmond Lacrosse runs developmental teams ranging from 3rd to 8th grade. Coach Bill Hanaford coached the 7/8 team for several years. His son, Brett Hanaford #37 used his quick feet and stick skills to get open for the shot. Brett is a freshman. Casey Downey #9 was working out front with deft shots and passing.
Casey's dad, Mr. Downing says the after game BBQ that we put on for the traveling teams.is always a big hit with them -- and it’s great seeing young men locked in battle and then minutes after eating together celebrating the game.
The Redmond Lacrosse Club helped the city this winter during "Redmond Lights Festival". They volunteered to set-up and take down the light displays. Don't forget the game this Tuesday night, 7:15 at RHS!.
Casey's dad, Mr. Downing says the after game BBQ that we put on for the traveling teams.is always a big hit with them -- and it’s great seeing young men locked in battle and then minutes after eating together celebrating the game.
The Redmond Lacrosse Club helped the city this winter during "Redmond Lights Festival". They volunteered to set-up and take down the light displays. Don't forget the game this Tuesday night, 7:15 at RHS!.
Saturday's Detailed Prep Lacrosse Results - Seattle Times Sports Blog:
Redmond 13, Gig Harbor 1 (Joseph Mernaugh, R, 4 goals, 4 assists; Jacob Kappes, R, 3 goals, 8 ground balls; Nico Shewey, R, 5 saves; Cody Olson, GH, 1 goal, 3 ground balls; Ricky Chenoweth, GH, 6 ground balls; Arron Wolfe, GH, 12 saves).
By Bob Yoder
Video Clip By Yoder
Legacy for Learning Luncheon raises $156,000 for schools
Dr. Chip Kimball, speaking at the Legacy for Learning Luncheon on the topic of “Future Ready in an Uncertain Future.”
The Legacy for Learning fundraiser just made a huge difference for our students and our schools. The Lake Washington Foundation raised $156,000 at the luncheon fundraiser held April 24 at Juanita High School. This is the most raised at a luncheon in the foundation's 5 year history. With help from the commuity and corporate sponsors, this event will fund critical programs for the Lake Washington Schools Foundation. Arny Leslie, 9th Grade Teacher at Redmond Junior High, and his students explain how high tech lab equipment helps students learn better. The "probware" demoed in this video cost $47,380, made possible by Lake Washington Foundation donors. My daughter was fortunate to take a class from Mr. Leslie.
By Bob Yoder
Photo and video from Lake Washignton Foundation Facebook Fan Page.
Click "Lake Washington School Foundation" Facebook for Dr. Kimball's keynote address and other video presentations by students and faculty.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Redmond Historical Society features developer Kemper Freeman on May 8
We are pleased to welcome developer and long time Eastside resident Kemper Freeman, Jr. Please join us on Saturday May 8, 2010, as he shares stories of growing up in what is now Marymoor Park, where he and his sister raised cattle. He is now one the eastsides' most successful developers transforming his families' strawberry farm into Bellevue Square. We will be meeting from 10:30 to noon at the auditorium of the Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center, 16600 NE 80th St located at the corner of NE 80th and 166th NE in downtown Redmond. PUBLIC INVITED.
Come See Patti Simpson Ward at the Saturday Market
Come to the Saturday Market opening on Saturday, May 1 and see our Board member and local artist, Patti Simpson Ward, and her poster, which is this years' adverstising poster for the market.
Come See our Display at the new Liquor Store
Our stated purpose as a society includes sharing and celebrating Redmonds's heritage, so we jumped at the chance to do so by showcasing our collection in the windows of the new state liquor store going into Bill Brown's Garage (previously Underhill's Furniture). Each of the five windows highlights a different theme: the Old Trading Company, mid 20th century homes, logging, Bill Brown's Legacy and a huge aerial shot of the city from the 1960's.
Please Click Here to Read our Newsletter [PDF]
Submitted by Redmond Historical Society
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