Friday, April 30, 2010

Redmond Historical Society features developer Kemper Freeman on May 8

We are pleased to welcome developer and long time Eastside resident Kemper Freeman, Jr. Please join us on Saturday May 8, 2010, as he shares stories of growing up in what is now Marymoor Park, where he and his sister raised cattle. He is now one the eastsides' most successful developers transforming his families' strawberry farm into Bellevue Square. We will be meeting from 10:30 to noon at the auditorium of the Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center, 16600 NE 80th St located at the corner of NE 80th and 166th NE in downtown Redmond.  PUBLIC INVITED.

Come See Patti Simpson Ward at the Saturday Market

Come to the Saturday Market opening on Saturday, May 1 and see our Board member and local artist, Patti Simpson Ward, and her poster, which is this years' adverstising poster for the market.

Come See our Display at the new Liquor Store

Our stated purpose as a society includes sharing and celebrating Redmonds's heritage, so we jumped at the chance to do so by showcasing our collection in the windows of the new state liquor store going into Bill Brown's Garage (previously Underhill's Furniture). Each of the five windows highlights a different theme: the Old Trading Company, mid 20th century homes, logging, Bill Brown's Legacy and a huge aerial shot of the city from the 1960's.

Please Click Here to Read our Newsletter [PDF]

Submitted by Redmond Historical Society

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