Sighting report of 3/08:
"A neighbor snapped this photo of a Bobcat in my backyard last week. I had never seen one in Redmond/Woodinville. I hear they're usually skittish of people. Yes, it is beautiful. At first
they thought this was a mangy cat.
The nearest intersection to the sighting is Avondale and 132nd. My backyard
backs up to the Bear Creek green space and is mostly natural. I've heard and
seen coyotes, deer, rabbits and geese. But 30 feet from that cat is my
neighbor's play structure for his kids."
-Reported by Pamela G.S., Greater Redmond
According to "Wikipedia," Bobcats only eat rabbits, insects, rodents, and birds.
Not kids :).
Another story about a Bobcat sighting in Perrigo Heights Woodlands can be found in this blog by using the search engine. I wonder if the same woodland Bobcat migrated from the clear-cut forest of Perrigo Heights along the Bear Creek corridor to this northern creek location? Hmmmm. A Bobcat's range is about 1 cat for every 5 square miles.
The photo on the right is of a Bobcat drinking water in Tucson.
I spotted two deer near Perrigo Heights on Sunday, March 30. They were moving away from the noise of the water pump, that was just starting up and making a loud noise. Fortunately, my herding dog did not see the deer. So there was no running chase in the woods!
A bobcat was spotted in my neighborhood today. I live in Canterbury South off of Redmond Falls Road (near Alcott Elementary). This is the second time one has been spotted this week.
A visited a couple that live off of NE 116th St & 172nd Place near the Camwest Development's Pearce plat of 73 homes. The couple showed me photos of healthy Bobcats, deer w/fawn, and coyote. When the hundreds of trees are cut down from this 17 acre parcel, I'm not sure where they will go. The PSE Power Trail is a primary corridor, but to where? There's not much habitat left but near Bear Creek and native growth easements. Bob
We have seen a lot of Bob cats up off of Avondale and Mink Road.
One took one of my Jack Russell's a few weeks ago.
Sunday, July 13th-We live just off of Paradise Lake Road, near the Cottage Lake Safeway. We had guest's over this afternoon. They watched in horror from our patio as the Bobcat leapt into the bushes carrying our cat. We were unable to find the Bobcat or our kitty. We saw the Bobcat prior to the 4th and hoped the noise would move him to a new location. This Bobcat is BRAZEN! We had a patio full of adults and a rather large dog. He didn't mind a bit...We're talking within twenty feet or so. Yikes! Please be careful with your small pets.
Just yesterday I saw a young and healthy looking bobcat in my backyard. It played for about half an hour (chasing frog) and then left. I live in Woodinville (between Lake of the Woods and Woodinville-Duvall Rd) and it is second time in last year when I saw a bobcat in my yard. I warned my neighbors to keep pets at home in case the cat(cats) come back, which wouldn't surprise me knowing how much their habitat has shrank in this area.
Friday night Aug 1, 2008 I spotted a bobcat in my yard. He came and sat under the bird bath at dusk. It is the second time I have seen one in the past year. We have had coyote and a rabid racoon also this year. Interesting since I am one block out of downtown Woodinville just off Woodinville-Duvall rd.
Nancy Mueller
14914 ne Wdvl-Dvl rd.
Interesting. The local bobcats appear to like birdfeeders! Be on the lookout for Black Bear coming your way from Redmond! A lot of our larger, urban forests have been removed for housing and these critters are searching for a new home!
Bob Yoder, Education Hill, Redmond
I live 1/2 mile from Leota JH just over the county line near where 166th becomes 85th. I've seen a bobcat in the area for the last five years or so. We've also had a bunny explosion the last two years. Today my dark was barking with sincerity and I looked out my kitchen window to see a huge coyote in my backyard. I live on wetland so it isn't surprising to see wildlife. Still, my neighbors have small children and I have cats and dogs so I don't like meat eaters in my yard!!!
Saw a large bobcat this morning in the backyard of our apartment complex - the Lodge at Redmond Ridge. I had just let my little dog out to use the bathroom and FORTUNATELY there was no bobcat breakfast to be had! But, I will definitely let the rental office know to alert the residence to keep their housecats and small dogs inside or on leashes at all times. Lesson learned on my part w/out a tragedy occuring. I just hope the tenants will heed the warning and not let their pets wander.
My husband spotted a good sized bobcat in our backyard just this morning. We live on 264th AVE NE off Union Hill Road, down from the Fire Station, and near the Broadhurst neighborhood off Ames Lake Road/Red-Fall Road.
This morning in my front yard in Woodinville I spotted a large healthy bobcat walking in the snow. I live in Hollywood Hills area. Near corner of NE 165th St and 158th Ave NE. I think it was after one of the wild rabbits. Beautiful animal. Wish I had gotten a photo.
We had a large bobcat sighting this afternoon, 6/1/09, on 85th Street, between Union Hill and Novelty Hill. We also have several coyotes, and now a barn cat missing. The coyotes and bobcat don't seem to be afraid of people, or even our barking dog.
A large bobcat calmly walked across our lawn on Christmas morning, stared at us for a while through the window, and continued sauntering on to search for breakfast. The bobcat did not seem to be afraid of people at all. We live about 1/2 mile away from Leota Jr High School. Be careful with your animals and small children.
We saw a bobcat today near Woodinville/Duval Rd and 204th. It just sat and staired at us from 20 feet away.
Bobcat literally walking on my back deck this afternoon in the Bear Creek Highlands just off Mink Road. My dog scared it away by jumping on the door.
I saw one crossing Redmond/Woodinville road from the eastside to the west, into the new contstruction at NE 106th street.
We had what we think was a bear push down the 4ft wire fence, bend a 2 inch galvanized metal pole at a 90 degree angle at the ground and destroy our bird feeder on Friday May 22, 2010. This happened in the night. The pole was approx 8ft tall. The animal had to be pretty strong, my husband couldn't even bend the pole back. 47th and 272nd AVE NE on Union Hill Rd near Ames Lake.
My wife and I saw a bobcat on Saturday May 15 at about 9 pm in our Marymoor Hill neighborhood, that's NE 50th Way/Street and West Lake Sammamish Parkway.
It was definitely a bobcat - about 3X as big as a house cat, long legs with circular color bands. We saw a similar one in eastern Washington a few years ago. Never thought we'd see one on our street!
We also have a pack of resident coyotes that howl at the moon.
nice information thank you for your share.kiralık bobcat hizmeti
Yesterday, on Tuesday, August 8, my husband and another man saw a bobcat on the western bank of the Sammamish River from the trail halfway between NE 124th Street and NE 145th Street.It appeared to have tried to attack a heron,which was flying around, squawking. They observed the bobcat for several minutes before it retreated into the brush.
Bobcat walking along the fence in my back yard yesterday, about 8 o'clock in the morning, I got a couple pictures but not real sharp. I live on 84th St on Education Hill.
Yesterday, September 16th, there was a large Bobcat walking the fence in my back yard. This was at 8 o'clock in the morning. I have a couple of pictures but taken through a screen so not real sharp.
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