Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Making bike connections from Fremont to Redmond | Seattle Times Newspaper

Seattle Sketcher Making bike connect

In the summertime, Caitlin Kehoe enjoys commuting from Fremont to Redmond taking bike trails around Lake Washington. But most days she does a combination of bike and bus commute, riding 3.5 miles to Montlake Freeway Station on the west side of the S520 bridge and continuing her journey on the 545 bus.

"At peak times there are a lot of people waiting," said Kehoe, 24, when I caught up with her at the stop Wednesday morning. She said sometimes it can take half an hour until a bus with empty bike racks arrives.

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Seattle Sketcher
An illustrated journal of life in the Puget Sound region by Times artist Gabriel Campanario
Illustration used with permission of The Seattle Times

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