Friday, May 28, 2010

UPDATED ON JUNE 7: Evidence of Bear damage to birdfeeder and fence is reported on Novelty Hill Road

Evidence of  bear foraging on Union Hill Rd. near Ames Lake was reported on May 28, 2010.  (Awaiting further reports.)   This photo was allegedly taken on May 19 and may, or may not, be the same bear.

"Here's a nice picture of a bear (and broken bird feeder) allegedly taken by a neighbor on May 19, 2010 on Near NE 80th and 245th Way NE (about a mile from Redmond Ridge)."

A popular place to report bobcat and other wildlife sightings has been on this page.  When reporting, if you don't want to leave your name,  please send me an email  so I can update our Readers and guests with your news. Unverified comments and updates will be posted anonymously under "comments"  Documented news will be posted on this page.

Tracy Stein said...on June 7
My daughter and I were riding our horses at the neighbors on Monday June 7th and saw a black bear. Location is 50th and 260th Ave NE close to the fire station. The same neighbor allegedly saw a bear last night, June 10, 2010 three houses down on 260th Ave NE and 50th.

Anonymous said...on May 28, 2010 10:58 AM  
We had what we think was a bear push down the 4ft wire fence, bend a 2 inch galvanized metal pole at a 90 degree angle at the ground and destroy our bird feeder on Friday May 22, 2010. This happened in the night. The pole was approx 8ft tall. The animal had to be pretty strong, my husband couldn't even bend the pole back. 47th and 272nd AVE NE on Union Hill Rd near Ames Lake.

 Anonymous said...May 22, 2010 11:31 PM
I saw one (bobcat) crossing Redmond/Woodinville road from the eastside to the west, into the new construction at NE 106th street.

Any documented news of the possible May 28 bear sighting on Novelty Hill  Road will be posted here:
Anonymous said...on 5/28/10

Here's a nice picture of a bear (and broken bird feeder) allegedly taken by my neighbor on May 19 on Near NE 80th and 245th Way NE (about a mile from Redmond Ridge).


Anonymous said...

We live on 233rd pl ne Redmond Ridge and someone has posted they spotted a bear at the end of the road today.

Anonymous said...

Here's a nice picture of a bear (and broken bird feeder) taken by my neighbor on May 19 on Near NE 80th and 245th Way NE (about a mile from Redmond Ridge).

Cathy said...


(This sighting has not been verified)

I wanted you to know that my son saw a bear in the Redmond Watershed on May 23. He entered the watershed at the trail located in the Hedges neighborhood.

The bear took off and ran off, luckily.


Tracy Stein said...

BLACK BEAR SIGHTING, JUNE 7. My daughter and I were riding our horses at the neighbors on Monday June 7th and saw a black bear. Location is 50th and 260th Ave NE close to the fire station. The same neighbor saw a bear last night, June 10, 2010 three houses down on 260th Ave NE and 50th. By Tracy Stein

Anonymous said...

Black Bear mama and cubs sighting, July 5. My family and I were driving on Novelty Hill, heading into Redmond. Just past Trilogy Golf Course and on the trail under the power lines, I saw a big black bear with two cubs, near the pile of rocks. We pulled back around to get a closer look since no one believed what I saw so near to the road. They were walking away from Novelty Hill but when the mama saw us, she turned our way. The cubs ran into the bushes so she followed but glad they weren't too close.

Bob Yoder said...

A neighbor reported a recent black bear sighting up by Rosa Parks school. The report was anonymous and without photos or address so I cannot verify the report.