Tuesday, November 29, 2011

LETTER: Area businesses fighting city stormwater regulations designed to protect drinking water

By chance, last Sunday, from 12 midnight to nearly 1 am on Ch 75, I watched the Nov 22 meeting of the City Council on the topic of "Stormwater Infiltration Assessments" - a topic I knew nothing about and had never heard of before.

It seems that city staff have become concerned about surface water leakage from our stormwater runoff system, into the groundwater aquifer layer where we get our drinking water. So they want to have mostly SE Redmond industrial businesses spend big bucks (through a new permitting process) to treat their stormwater runoff before it gets carried away into the runoff system.  According to business leaders, the overall cost could amount to $4-8 million

The affected businesses (known as "TAG") are fighting this and hired an outside expert to put forth a case arguing against a serious runoff pollution problem.

I found it quite interesting, and most of the councilmembers wanted to know more about potential dangers. They mostly struck me as smart, reasonable persons.

Today I learned of the existence of the Washington Stormwater Center (http://www.wastormwatercenter.org/  Evidently it was mandated last year by the state legislature.. A press release said that the Boeing Corp. very recently donated $85K to the Center, to help it aid small businesses in complying with new state stormwater permitting requirements.

I guess this stormwater runoff issue is a whole lot more serious and complicated than I thought!
By John Reinke
Education Hill, Redmond.

What's behind the Puget Sound's ER building boom? | LocalHealthGuide

What's behind the Puget Sound's ER building boom? -- Seattle Times Seattle/LocalHealthGuide:

"What’s behind the ER building boom?" — Seattle Times
LocalHealthGuide November 27, 2011

Hospitals in the Puget Sound region are in the midst of an emergency room building boom, and in today’s Seattle Times health reporter Carol Ostrom explains the economics–and controversy's–behind the construction.

“Hospital-industry leaders say they’re doing what patients want and what makes good business sense,” Ostrom writes, but critics say the free-standing emergency rooms are “cash cows for hospitals, strategically built in affluent areas to lure busy, well-insured patients and collect fat reimbursements."

Hospitals say the new ERs will streamline care and help reduce costs, but Ostrom points to research that suggests the opposite:

Read "Seattle Times" reporter Carol Ostrom's article here >>

Last year, the "Center for Studying Health System Change," a national research group, noted concerns that increased competition around Seattle could increase overall costs. It found hospitals invading one another’s turf with free-standing ERs and vying to provide big-ticket specialty procedures in cardiac, cancer and orthopedic care.

Read all RNB stories on Redmond's free-standing Emergency Rooms (ER) here!  

Monday, November 28, 2011

LETTER: What are the School Board's requirements for their superintendent?

LETTER:  Does the Lake Washington School District have a list of the minimum requirements for the next superintendent?

The LWSD website listed the results of the survey and how people ranked the importance of instruction, operations management and management style;  but those were just opinions of the survey respondents based on predetermined survey questions.

What are the exact REQUIREMENTS that the superintendent candidate must meet in order to be considered for the position?

We need to know what the school board is really looking for so that we'll know if they're truly looking for the best candidate or have simply already decided on someone from within the district and are just pretending to conduct an internal search.

--By a Reader's comment to RNB story:  LW School District board looking for "internal" superintendent candidates.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

UPDATED: Costs of the "The Redmond Central Connector" linear park and open space.

You may have seen the BNSF railroad rails stripped from their beds along Redmond Town Center this summer. Soon thereafter, a large stormwater trunk line was buried under the rail bed.  Next will be an expensive one mile linear trail and initial 10 acre downtown park installation.  The costs? 

In 2010, the City purchased four miles of former BNSF Railroad right-of-way in Redmond for $10 million.   In 2011, the City identified a phased approach to building a regional trail and linear park called the "Redmond Central Connector Master Plan."

Phase I of the Connector is a 1.1 mile regional trail from the junction of of East lake Sammamish Trail/Bear Creek Trail to the Sammamish River Trail. In addition, initial development of 10 acres of park space in the heart of Downtown Redmond is planned.

On June 21, 2011, City council approved the following expenditures for Phase I of the Central Connector:
  • $395,000. LEGAL: *Stoel Rives, JD. for acquisition, easement agreements with King Cty, Sound Transit and Puget Sound Energy; DOT Surface Transportation Board meeting, possible BNSF Corridor litigation claims.
  • $870,000 PROJECT MANAGEMENT, LANDSCAPE DESIGN: The Berger Partnership. (Includes $119,600 contingency)
  • $90,000: CITY ADMINISTRATION: City of Redmond
  • $115,000, John Flemming for Artistic Services (approved 12/2011)
  • `$2.5 million for 1.1 mile of the four mile, $10 million corridor acquisition. [purchased earlier]
  • _____________ cost of 10 acres open space (Downtown Park).  est.  $20 -30 million.
$3,855,000:  COSTS OF PHASE I, not including (1) open space land acquisition or other expenses.

The cost of 10 acres of downtown park space is significant, but unknown at this time.  I'll update this post, or another, when the figure's available.  Acquisitions and demolition of the Brown office building, Redmond Bicycle Shop, Quesnos, and small shops will be expensive.  Nonprofit  "Realize Redmond" is charged with raising downtown parkland funds.  Does anyone want to estimate the final cost for this "Master Plan" project?

(1)  "The Redmond Central Connector is on the former BNSF rail corridor that the City purchased for multiple city infrastructure projects including the nearly complete downtown stormwater trunk line, NE 161st Ave NE extension (complete), NE 164th Ave Extension (construction planned in 2012), and a future Avondale Way Extension.  The purchase price for the [four mile] corridor in 2010 was $10M."

Read about the project, see the consultant renditions here.

*Ref: AM NO. 11-128 (C.12)
Salvaging the Rails of the Redmond Central Connector, By Berger Consultants.
Central Connector City Site.
(1) Carolyn Hope, Senior Park Planner and Project Manager

By Bob Yoder
Updated, 12/15/2011

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Eastside Symphony performs traditional free Holiday Performance, features LWSD teacher Linda Vogt

Eastside Sympony's Holiday Celebration

Sunday, December 4, 2011, 3:00 p.m.

The Eastside Sympony's holiday performance will be held at the Redmond Performing Arts Center, Redmond High School, 1772 NE 104th Street, Redmond, WA.
Linda Vogt- concertmaster
Teaches for LWSD
Our traditional FREE holiday concert.
  • Haydn: Trumpet Concerto (1st mvt), Mark Baker, trumpet
  • Monti: Czardas, Linda Vogt, violin; concertmaster
  • Tchaikovsky: Excerpts from The Nutcracker and Sleeping Beauty
  • Anderson: The Typewriter
  • Anderson: Festival of Carols (sing-along)
  • Anderson: Sleigh Ride (with Santa)
About Linda Vogt:    In addition to teaching for the LWSD Plateau Orchestra Program and teaching privately, Linda performs with several quartets, freelances, and plays in a contemporary rock/folk group with her husband, Bob. They are the proud parents of two sons, Ryan (23) who is currently attending college while serving in the Marine Corps, and Chris (17) who is a senior at Eastlake High School, and an Issaquah police explorer with hopes of becoming a police officer.

For more informtation, contact:  Valentina Giovannetti, (206) 334-2055  valentinagio@comcast.net

Friday, November 25, 2011

Ross Hunter proposes billion dollar levy changes to K-12 funding

K-12 Funding Proposal – Local Levy Swap
"I’m stepping outside my role as Ways and Means chairman to put out a personal proposal for comment. The idea described below is a big one, moving around about a billion dollars in property taxes that are used for the support of public schools."  Read More >>
Excerpts from Ross's proposal: 
  • "would no longer need “levy equalization”;  hundreds of millions that we use to correct for the fact that some districts don’t have the property base to collect similar amounts of levies. These districts will be better served by increased state funding and less reliance on levies."
  • "we should make local school levies more reliable, since they are likely to be a significant part of school funding well into the future. Instead of voting to renew levies every 4 years we should amend the constitution to allow voters to approve levies that would stay in place until the district wants to increase them." 
Comments?  Comment here or on Ross's blog

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

LETTER: Lake Washington Institute of Technology relies on international students.

LETTER:  In the face of higher education budget cut decisions due out of Olympia before the end of the month, this is an ideal opportunity to highlight the value of our higher education institutions not only to residents, but also our economic partners abroad. Our schools rely on a balance of international students.

Three percent of Lake Washington Institute of Technology's (LWIT) students are international students, who each pay three times the resident tuition.  Five international students provide the funding to add an additional class to our programs that can serve 25 students, and for every $1 in tuition an international student pays, they contribute $7 to the local economy in room, board, travel, expenses, entertainment, etc. What’s more, these international partnerships allow us to send faculty abroad (thus saving a job) when budget cuts dictate elimination of faculty positions at the school.

--By Jen Boyer, Communications Specialist, LWIT

Armed Key Bank robber gobbles up money

Armed Key Bank robber gobbles up money

Redmond, WA –Key Bank on the 15100 block of NE 24th Street was robbed shortly after 10:40 a.m. this morning.

The suspect was wearing a dark colored ski mask and carrying a semi-automatic handgun.  He jumped the counter and stole an undisclosed amount of money before fleeing eastbound on foot.  There were no injuries.  

Evergreen Hospital Board approves 2012 Budget; refunds taxpayers $476,799.

Evergreen Hospital Commissioners
at 2010 Redmond ER Medical Center plaza ground-breaking
UPDATED:  The Evergreen Hospital District #2, Board of Commissioners approved the 2012 budget and levies during a Special Public Meeting and Hearing on 7:00AM, November 11, 2011.  Superintendent Bob Malte submitted the budget for approval.  As a citizen-journalist, I attended and spoke at the Hearing. 

READ MORE about the tax increase and capital bond refund to taxpayers >>

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

UPDATED: Letters: Delaying impact fees is a bad deal, except for builders.

LETTERS:  I recall that in the late-70s, early-80s, interest rates rose to nearly 20% and nobody could afford to buy a house. Entire housing developments that had been built were moth-balled for 6 or 7 years because there were no buyers. (Example: Forest Rim in Issaquah) From 1978-1983, inflation caused prices of most commodities to double and triple. The price of a pound of hamburger went from $.69 to $1.49 in less than a year.

If builders are allowed to postpone their impact fees for many years, will the impact fees be indexed to inflation? The price of building roads, sidewalks, sewers, parks and schools will continue to increase, while the impact fee will be set when the builder first applies for the permit. The school impact fee for a single family residence today is about $3,000. If a building permit is issued today, and the house isn’t completed and sold until 9 years from now when school impact fees have increased to, say, $15,000 per house, will the builder be required to pay $3,000 or $15,000? Allowing builders to pay impact fees when the house finally sells sounds like a bad deal for everyone, except the builders.
--By RNB Reader, 11/22
--submitted to RNB by comment under "Council considering impact fees to time of closing."


from the desk of Councilmember John Stilin, Ombudsman for the month of November, 2011.

"....The scenario your letter writer [above] presented may be the case in Issaquah.  But here in Redmond impact fee amounts are calculated on the day the fee is paid, not the date the permit is issued.   If impact fees increase after a house is built and the fees have not been paid, the builder will need to pay the higher fee.  So in some cases, it might behoove the builder to pay the fee early to avoid a fee increase..."
  --Councilmember John Stilin, 11/22

Sunday, November 20, 2011

"Fall Run," By Reinke


Taken on the meandering sidewalk that goes past La Petite Academy, a short distance from the Tully's Bella Bottega.  The sidewalk continues opposite the Redmond Library.  J.R.

Redmond Firefirghers Union - Santa's Christmas Tour

Santa’s Christmas Tour - 2011

Redmond, WA – The Redmond Firefighters Union - Local 2829, IAFF, will be assisting Santa Claus again this year as he makes his tour through our Redmond Community sharing Christmas cheer and holiday joy. Santa will be transported in the Union’s antique Fire Truck with his very colorful helper, Buddy. Once again, the volunteers on the truck will be accepting non-perishable food donations and unwrapped toys for Hopelink. The Firefighters Union will also match cash donations, up to $500.00, for Hopelink. Please join us, out on your street or driveway as we pass through your neighborhood, and consider a donation for those in need this season.

Below is Santa’s intended schedule; however he reserves the right to reschedule due to inclement weather.

Dec 4 (Sun): Grasslawn East - east of 148th
Dec 5 (Mon): Redmond Ridge
Dec 6 (Tue): Viewpoint South - Station 12 area
Dec 7 (Wed): Viewpoint North - Station 12 area
Dec 8 (Thu): Village at Overlake Station
Dec 9 (Fri): Grasslawn West - west of 148th
Dec 10 (Sat): Rose Hill South
Dec 12 (Mon): Union Hill
Dec 13 (Tue): SE Redmond - behind Station 16
Dec 14 (Wed): East Education Hill
Dec 15 (Thu): West Education Hill
Dec 16 (Fri PM): Central Education Hill
Dec 17 (Sat PM): North Education Hill
Dec 18 (Sun): Make Up
Dec 19 (Mon): Make Up
On behalf of your Redmond Firefighters we wish you a safe and Happy Holiday Season.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

UPDATED ON JANUARY 12: LW School District Board considering internal candidates for superintendent.

Pres. Jackie Pendergrass
and school board to decide.
Lake Washington School Board outlines next step for superintendent search

Opinion Updated 1/25:  The School Board will introduce their preferred candidate, Traci Pierce, to the community during "Meet and Greets" (M&G) this January.   Parents and the community are invited to give input to Board members.  Send your feedback to the Board by February 22 at board@lwsd.org and if you have your own preferred candidate let them and your neighbors know!   I like Traci a lot, but prefer Principal Jane Todd, Redmond High for her known community Leadership skills.  

UPDATED OPINION:  At their December 5 meeting the Lake Washington School Board will decide if they want to put forward an internal candidate for Superintendent. 

According to the Administration in a press release,  "the district is in the middle of a major initiative - changing its grade configuration - which will affect every school in the district."   Grade reconfiguration - along with growth pains from the new Stem School, RHS wing, and EHS wing and other immediate challenges - could benefit from "consistent leadership" of an internal candidate.  "Knowledge and experience of these ongoing challenges also favor the consideration of internal candidates," says the Administration.

The Board will evaluate all candidates based on criteria gathered from the online survey ("read more") and interviews with staff and community members.  If they can't decide on an internal candidate, they'll look outside.
Do you think an internal candidate is appropriate considering what we're facing for the next few years?  Is an interim Superintendent  an option?   A couple of names that come to mind are Deputy Superintendent of Instructional Services, Dr.Traci Pierce, and Redmond High Principal Jane Todd.  Do you have any recommendations or favorites?   I think Deputy Superintendent Janine Fogard is most effective staying where she is, as Chief Operating Officer.  She knows the district "plumbing" better than anyone.  Ms. Fogard, as Director of Finance, has an excellent business services finance team led by Barbara Posthumus.  Read More>>

Redmond Chamber announces a new Vision, Mission. Participates in "Redmond One" economic development association

Greater Redmond
Chamber of Commerce
16210 NE 80th Street
Redmond, WA 98052
Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
The Greater Redmond Chamber of Commerce exists to retain, expand and recruit new business; promote community involvement, connect Eastside businesses, and advocate for a vibrant business community.
Our mission is to help the Redmond business community prosper through advocacy, networking and collaborative community involvement.
"Redmond Chamber votes unanimously to participate in the creation of  "One Redmond",  By Chair Tom Martin, Evergreen Healthcare.  Newsletter article.

Join the Greater Redmond Chamber of Commerce (GRCC), grow your business, enhance the business community.  November Newsletter
•Contribute to the Redmond community.
•Expand your network.
•Build your business.
•Influence government decisions
•Get Involved - Your business will benefit!

Friday, November 18, 2011

UPDATED: Evergreen Hospital District Board of Commissioners to hold Public Hearing on Redistricting Plan

Laurene Burton
Administrative Director
Public Records Officer
"Notice is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of King County Public Hospital District No. 2 will, on December 6, 2011, at 6:45 p.m., hold a Public Hearing on the Redistricting Plan for Internal Commissioner Districts (“Plan”) based on the 2010 federal decennial census."

If you can't make the Hearing the Board may accept comments for the record by email to Laurene Burton, lhburton@evergreenhealthcare.org

According to Evergreen Hospital attorney Mr. Fitzgerald and Administrative Director Laurene Burton, if the "Plan" is approved, the following "votes" will be redistributed based on 2010 federal census: 19,000 votes will be redistributed from Comm. Kempf’s district. 10,000 will be redistributed to Comm. DeYoung’s district and 9,000 will be redistributed to Comm. Hirt’s district.

Two Evergreen Hospital commissioners terms will end in 2013.  Ms. Jeanette Greenfield (member at large) Seat #5 and Ms. Rebecca Hirt (Kirkland/Kenmore) Seat #2.  If you are planning to run for one of these offices contact lhburton@evergreenhealthcare.org for information.  To challenge Ms. Hirt you must reside in the Kenmore/Kirkland District #2.  There are no residency requirements for Seat #5.   Read More >>

City Council considers defering "impact fees" to time of closing

Off -site capital inmprovements are paid by builders as "impact fees"
Local lending institutions are tightening up on builder's and it's hurting our local economic recovery according to city council consensus in their last public meeting.   It's especially difficult for builders to get loans covering their "soft costs" like impact fees.  Impact fees pay for sidewalks and other off-site capital improvements.   Master Builder spokesman, David Hoffman told council that impact fees average $15,000 for new single family homes, causing a serious cash flow problem for builders.  Read More >>

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Have you ever called your state Education Ombudsman for help?

In my three years of covering LWSD school board meetings I watched, with anguish,  five Hearings for parents with children, disciplined for alleged cheating.  The Washington State Education Ombudsman's resources might have made all the difference for some of these families.  [Print this page]  B.Y.

Washington State Office of the Education Ombudsman

OEO Website:  "The Office of the Education Ombudsman (OEO) resolves complaints, disputes, and problems between families and elementary and secondary public schools in all areas that affect student learning.  Read More >>

Redmond suspect arrested in alleged ATM skimming at south Everett bank.

Suspect arrested in alleged ATM skimming at south Everett bank

By Rikki King, Herald Writer

EVERETT -- Police here have arrested a man suspected of stealing $185,000 in ATM skimming operations in three states. The latest case involved stealing bank card information from more than 70 people in south Everett.  Read More >>

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

UPDATED: Over 30 "Supporters of Midwifery at Evergreen" demonstrate, address Board of Commissioners.

Some great news to share:   On Friday, January 6th, two representatives of the group attended a meeting at Evergreen Hospital with members of their administration and staff. During the meeting it was learned that steps are already being taken on the part of Evergreen.... more to come!  Read their Facebook Page, below for all the news and details!
"Support Midwifery at Evergreen" demonstrators/FACEBOOK
Recently, three of Evergreen's five contracted midwives (not hospital employees) were let go.  Regional supporters of midwifery organized, sending letters to the Administration and circulating a website and Facebook Page.  Kay Taylor, Evergreen's Communication and Marketing Director responded favorably to the activists, writing:
"We are evaluating whether we could provide 24-hour midwifery care again in the future. While we are working diligently, the process may not be completed until the end of January."
But this didn't stop their planned demonstration.  Over 30 women, men and children demonstrated outside of Evergreen Hospital yesterday afternoon.  They peacefully carried home-made signs telling Evergreen to bring full service midwifery care back to Evergreen.   About 13 attended the 6:30PM Board of Commissioners meeting (including Minutes) where two midwifery advocates addressed the Board.  Read More >>

Redmond's Grass Lawn Park wins regional award.

Redmond's Grass Lawn Park wins regional award for "the best playground in Puget Sound."

Grass Lawn Park won the Golden Teddy Award as "the best playground in the Puget Sound region", according to results from a reader poll in Seattle-based ParentMap Magazine.  Mayor Marchione made the announcement at the beginning of last night's council meeting.  The ParentMap website also recognized the SecondStory Repertory on their "Best of Seattle" list.  Read More >>

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

City expects to alter Bear Creek channel this summer

Aerial View of Redmond Town Center, Bear Creek and SR520 - before widening
Historic Bear Creek 100-year Flood Plain in blue (Macy's is red box)

In 2008 WSDOT decided to widen SR520 from 4 lanes to 8 lanes.  The widening occurred in 2009 on the northside of SR520 towards Bear Creek.  The impact to Bear Creek and Redmond Town Center's flood plain was significant enough to warrant realigning (relocating) the creek away from the widening project. 
Earlier, Councilmembers Richard Cole, Kim Allen, and Nancy McCormick traveled to Olympia to request funding to relocate the Creek.  State Finance Chair Ross Hunter allocated $8 Million towards the project.  The City Department of Natural Resources and WRIA (watershed agency) funded another $2 Million.  The project has been held up by the Army Corps of Engineers. 

Yesterday, Roger Dane, Redmond Natural Resources wrote:
"The City continues coordination with the Army Corps in order to secure permit approvals. We believe the agency and their partners are working towards approval, and at this point we expect to be under construction in summer 2012."
Bear Creek is a protected  "Shoreline of the State."   Chinook, a federally-protected Endangered Species live and spawn in it's channels and backwaters.  According to local experts, the salmon run was poor this year.  If you have any questions or suggestions for the city, contact Roger Dane at rdane@redmond.gov.  Word has it the funding is contracted for 5-years before it expires.

The aerial flood plain photo is courtesy of Susan Wilkins, a citizen-geologist.  Sue published  the photo in  her "OPINION: THE SR520 EXPANSION BETWEEN THE SAMMAMISH RIVER BRIDGE AND REDMOND WAY - From 4 lanes in 1992 to 8 lanes in 2008. But at what cost? "

Monday, November 14, 2011

UPDATED - Point - Counterpoint on support of midwifery at Evergreen

Neil Anderson, C.O.O.
Evergreen Healthcare
from the desk of Neil Anderson, C.O.O. Evergreen Hospital  (Neil's letter was sent to those who wrote letters to the Administration in support 24/7 midwifery at Evergreen.)

Thank you for contacting us about your concerns regarding the change in midwifery services available through physicians on the medical staff at Evergreen. I/We appreciate hearing from those we serve.

We, too, appreciate the services the midwives associated with The Center for Women’s Health provide our patients and families. All midwifery services offered at Evergreen have in the past been provided by a private-practice group and recently, this practice made a decision to evaluate their midwifery staffing model. This resulted in the reduction of the number of midwives in their group from five to two.  Read More >>

City of Redmond passes 2010 Annual State Accountability Audit with flying colors.

2010 State Audit of City of Redmond, WA. - Report on Accountability

FROM THE WASHINGTON STATE AUDITOR'S OFFICE:  "We appreciate the opportunity to work in cooperation with your City to promote accountability, integrity and openness in government. The State Auditor’s Office takes seriously our role to advocate for government accountability and transparency and to promote positive change."

Results: "In the areas we examined, the City’s internal controls were adequate to safeguard public assets. The City also complied with state laws and regulations and its own policies and procedures in the areas we examined."  

Audit History: "We audit the City annually. The past six audits of the City reported two findings. The 2006 audit reported a weakness in internal controls over financial reporting. The 2007 audit reported a weakness involving compliance with state bid laws. Both issues [occured the Mayor Rosemarie Ives Administration and] have been resolved."  Read More >>

Chinese Vice Minister of Education to Visit Lake Washington Institute of Technology

Chinese Vice Minister of Education to Visit Lake Washington Institute of Technology, Kirkland, WA:

Dr. Xin Lu, China’s Vice Minister of Education for the country, will visit Lake Washington Institute of Technology (LWIT) tomorrow morning, Nov. 15, 2011, 8 AM with a Chinese delegation to research workforce and technical training programs for use in China.

“This is an extreme honor for the school, and our region on a whole,” said Lin Zhou, associate dean of extended learning at LWIT who helped arrange the visit. “LWIT is the only school Dr. Lu is visiting on this trip to the United States and it is the policy her department creates that dictates higher education structure throughout China. What she learns here could have significant bearing on how the Chinese provide workforce and job skills training.”  Read More >>

Rally in Support of Midwifery Services at Evergreen

Since this November 8, 2011 Press Release, the Evergreen Administration has released letters to explain misunderstandings and clarify their position.   RNB will post these letters and  answering letters from "Support Midwifery at Evergreen."   B.Y.

Rally in Support of Midwifery Services at Evergreen Hospital

Organization: Support Midwifery at Evergreen Hospital, Kirkland, WA.   11/8/2011
Contact: Anna Starikov
Phone: 425.681.3813
Website: www.SupportEvergreenMidwifery.org

Cuts to the only midwifery program affiliated with Evergreen Hospital have outraged Eastside families who support an in-hospital midwifery program.

Families and birth professionals plan to rally in front of the Evergreen Family Maternity Center on Tuesday, November 15th at 4 pm to show their support for midwifery at Evergreen. They also plan to attend the Board of Commissioner’s meeting that evening at 6:30 pm to voice their concerns in the Physicians and Surgeons Building, Tan 200. 

The organizations Facebook is www.Facebook.com/SupportMidwiferyAtEvergreen and has over 614 members as of November 14.  Read More >>

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Redmond Girls Finish 3rd Place at State Cross Country Meet

Redmond Girls Cross Country Team finish 3rd Place in State Meet, Pasco, WA.
Head Coach Denis Villeneuve has been managing the program 21-years
Redmond Girls Finish 3rd Place at State Meet

Sunday, November 6, 2011 --The Redmond Girls Cross Country Team, led by Senior Captains: Holly Young and Allie Nichols caps an amazing season with a 3rd Place finish at State Meet! Megan Legresley (5th) and Kelsey Dunn (9th) qualify for BorderClash race on November 20th.

The girls raced a 5,000 meter course on Sun Willows Golf Course, Pasco, WA, finishing with 100 points.  Tahoma was first with 88 points; Bellaremine Prep 2nd with 99.   
A young boys team, led by Captains Max Dunn & Lex Mundell, finishes 11th ahead of Skyline. Complete Results posted on athletic.net.
This YouTube Video gives you a sense of what makes this team so successful: teamwork and the support of friends, family and coaches. Thank you to those Superfans who made the trip to Pasco! More pictures and memories can be found on the RHS XC Facebook Page.

Redmond Mustang SUPERFANS are #1

Posted by Kate Dunn on RHS XC Facebook Page
Team photo by Heather Young

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Redmond High Principal Todd writes parents about the power of community in addressing drug abuse

Principal Jane Todd, Redmond HS writes in the November issue of the "Mustang Messenger"

"....I know the world has changed.  As an example, as I write this, on October 31, 2011, we are projected to reach 7 billion people worldwide today. In the 60's, the world population was 2 billion. But I also know that people are pretty much the same, albeit a bit more harried. I experienced the power of community growing up, but I have also experienced the power of community time after time as an adult.  Read More >>

LWSD - PTSA presents "Anxiety and ADHD," By Chris McCurry

Tuesday, November 22, 7 – 9 pm
LWSD Resource Building,16250 NE 74th St, Redmond 98052 (Redmond Town Center)  
"Anxiety and ADHD:  Too Many Hands on the Wheel"
Presented by Dr Chris McCurry

About 1 in 4 children with an ADHD diagnosis will meet criteria for an anxiety disorder and 1 in 4 children with an anxiety disorder will meet diagnostic criteria for ADHD. This lecture will explore the role of attention in childhood anxiety disorders. We will look at the origins of attention and anxiety problems in a child’s biology (temperament), thinking and language development, and early social and academic experiences. We will discuss parent strategies for effectively managing stressful and anxious situations by managing attention in the moment.

Christopher McCurry, Ph.D., is a clinical child psychologist in private practice. He is a clinical assistant professor in the departments of psychology and at the University of Washington in Seattle, WA. He specializes in the assessment and treatment of children who are experiencing behavioral and emotional problems including anxiety disorders, attention deficit disorder, organization difficulties and underachievement in school, social deficits and differences; and defiant & explosive behavior in children. He has recently completed his first book entitled, “Parenting Your Anxious Child with Mindfulness and Acceptance: a powerful new approach to overcoming fear, panic, and worry using acceptance and commitment therapy”. For more information about his work & book, please go to http://chrismccurry.com/my-book/

from the desk of Julie Shalaby, LW PTSA - Special Needs

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Redmond City Council approves backyard chicken code

 Council approves Animal Husbandry (backyard chicken) code 6-2 (Carson and Cole voting NO).  A noted requirement is convenents will be honored and supercede the animal husbandry code.

Redmond City Council held a final study session November 7 on "Small Animal Husbandry" - commonly known as "Backyard chickens."  Their normal Tuesday meeting was cancelled for the Election.  Council plans to adopt  "Backyard chicken policy and code" on December 6, without any further study sessions.

After thorough discussion, Council consented to Chicken regulations.  The ordinance is expected to include the following code: 
  • Mandatory registration.  (Permits, subject to land use requirements, are not required.
  • Maximum allowable chickens decided by Residential zoning only.  Lot size is irrelevant.
  • One Acre (R-1) and 1/2 acre (R-2) lots are allowed a maximum of 10 chickens (hens only).
  • R-4 fand R-5 lots are the most common SFH lots in Redmond.  (4-5 lots/acre).  R-4 lots allowed a  maximum of 4 hens, R-5 allowed a maximum of 3 hens.  R-6 maximum 3 hen
  • In R-8 lots chickens won't be allowed.
  • Setbacks:  15' setbacks for adjacent property required with exceptions.
  • Slaughter:  May slaughter 1 chicken per day on site.  More than 1 chicken must be slaughtered off-property in a slaughterhouse, farm, non-residential area. 
  • Predators:  sturdy coop required
  • City Small Animal Husbandry Code will not supersede Homeowners Associations (HOA). 
  • No roosters
Councilmember Kim Allen was the proponent.  She ran the meeting and drove consensus.  Councilmember Hank Margeson had experience in Tacoma with backyard hens in his yourth and was considered a council 'expert.'  Hank suggested "no more than a handful of chickens," except for 1/2 acre lots.  He said "chickens should only supplement food, not feed a family of four year-round."  Councilman Myers suggested keeping the rules simple saying too many regulations will keep people from participating.  Councilmember Carson said his wife (who's a real estate agent) would immediately get chickens if she knew the ordinance was adapted.  Carson owns a 9,000 SF lot and  two dogs and two cats.  Margeson owns a horse and raised 3 hens as a kid living in Tacoma.  Mayor Marchione was present and quiet throughout the discussion.

Cole, Stilin, and Vache were openly concerned about chicken owners who mistreat or mis-manage their poultry.  Code enforcement was their big issue.  Apparently, the history of chicken neglect and nuisance in other cities is very low.  Cole ended the discussion stating he won't endorse backyard chickens on the basis of:  smell, noise, real estate, disease, predators, potential for harm to the animals.  His property is governed by HOA rules. 

Councilmember Hank Margeson refered to Sustainable Redmond for their help in getting the word out and educating Redmond citizenry. 

Reported By Bob Yoder

Lake Washington School Board President Pendergrass ran unopposed after Hudson withdrew - takes 55.38% of vote

School Board Pres. J.  Pendergrass
Jackie Pendergrass, a longtime board member and  board president won 55.38% of the votes.  She ran unopposed, though the Voter's Pamphlet published Cynthia Hudson as an opponent.  Cynthia withdrew from the race this summer but Ms. Hudson still got a surprisingly large vote of 44.24%. 

Ms. Pendergrass will continue to hold her District #1, Board of Directors seat.  District #1 includes Kirkland, including Juanita.  

The three Lake Washington School district board of directors races were also unchallenged, but one of the school board member positions will be filled by Education Hill's  Siri Bliesner, a Redmond resident. Ms. Bliesner will replace Ravi Shahani, District position #5.  Ravi didn't file for re-election after serving 10 years in the position.

Mr.Chris Carlson, PhD, of Kirkland, ran unopposed taking 99.06% of the ballots cast.  Newcomer Ms. Siri Bliesner took 98.90%., as of November 8. 

The levy bond failure limiting capital funding for remondernization of Juanita H.S.and longer distance to the eastside STEM school didn't appear to influence the vote for Carlson.

The reported election result quotes are preliminary, as of the 11/8/2011, 8:15 PM count. 

Who is Siri Bliesner?

The King County Election Results link:  http://redmondcity.blogspot.com/p/2011-election-voting-guide.html
City of Redmond Election Results link: http://your.kingcounty.gov/elections/elections/201111/respage44.aspx

Reported By Bob Yoder