Saturday, November 19, 2011

Redmond Chamber announces a new Vision, Mission. Participates in "Redmond One" economic development association

Greater Redmond
Chamber of Commerce
16210 NE 80th Street
Redmond, WA 98052
Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
The Greater Redmond Chamber of Commerce exists to retain, expand and recruit new business; promote community involvement, connect Eastside businesses, and advocate for a vibrant business community.
Our mission is to help the Redmond business community prosper through advocacy, networking and collaborative community involvement.
"Redmond Chamber votes unanimously to participate in the creation of  "One Redmond",  By Chair Tom Martin, Evergreen Healthcare.  Newsletter article.

Join the Greater Redmond Chamber of Commerce (GRCC), grow your business, enhance the business community.  November Newsletter
•Contribute to the Redmond community.
•Expand your network.
•Build your business.
•Influence government decisions
•Get Involved - Your business will benefit!

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