Saturday, March 17, 2012

PHOTOS: City builds stormwater ponds and nature trail behind Safeway next to Bear Creek

City of Redmond builds stormwater ponds, a guided nature trail, salmon viewing sites, and plants native shrubs behind Safeway on Bear Creek trail.

Last year the city Department of Natural Resources constructed three stormwater ponds behind Safeway to treat dirty run-off from Bear Creek parking lot before it enters Bear Creek.  Salmon run in the Fall. Now is an great time to walk or bike the trail to see how it is handling the recent heavy rains!  
This Safeway stormwater facility cost several hundred thousand dollars and was funded mostly by grant money.  Bear Creek provides stream habitat and spawning grounds for Federally endangered Chinook salmon.  Slowing storm flows is critical towards protecting these fish.    

The city will install storm ponds, plant native shrubs and curve the banks from straight ditching done years ago.  On March 16th, Council approved $48,415 to study a plan to curve the creek and improve creek buffers further downstream. 

Reported by Bob Yoder
Photos by Yoder

Friday, March 16, 2012

"Suicide Prevention" forum at Evergreen Hospital

Nami-Eastside invites you to a forum on...

Kelly McDonald, MPH
Tuesday, March 20, 7 PM - 9 PM
Evergreen Hospital,
Physicians and Surgeons Building, Suite Tan 100 
Kirkland, WA 
Kelly McDonald, MPH has worked in suicide prevention for more than 10 years, including with the US Army at Fort Lewis and Kitsap County Health District.

She currently facilitates suicide awareness education and training for Washington State’s Youth Suicide Prevention Program and is providing support to community groups in King County and to schools in the implementation of peer-to-peer suicide prevention education.

In this presentation she will talk about suicide (facts, warning signs), the higher risk of gay, lesbian and bisexual youth, the relationship between suicide, bullying and depression. She will also offer information on how to help someone with suicidal thoughts and the resources available in the community.

Join us! This event is FREE and open to EVERYONE!

425-885-NAMI (6264)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Lake Washington Institute of Technology to offer aerospace manufacturing certificate

Lake Washington Institute of Technology 
Eleven community and technical colleges in Washington state are among the first in the nation to implement a new national program touted by President Obama as key to getting Americans back to work.  Lake Washington Institute of Technology will participate.

A certificate is earned in computer-numeric controlled machining and designed to meet employers’ needs by quickly getting them workers with the required knowledge, skills and abilities and to meet students’ needs by giving them employable skills now plus college credit, something they can build on in the future. 

“This is the first time we have a group of community and technical colleges all teaching the same curriculum, providing skills that are closely tied to employers’ needs and offering a nationally recognized certification,” Bredeson said. “Washington leads the way in aerospace manufacturing and now we’re leading the way in aerospace manufacturing training.”  Read More >>

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Lake Washington District schools excel in State Board of Education rankings

The Annual WPC Public School Accountability Index was released in February and Lake Washington School District (LWSD) passed with flying colors!   LWSD has 15 schools rated "Exemplary," 13 schools rated "Very Good," 16 schools rated "Good," only 4 rated "Fair," and 2 are "Struggling."

The WPC Public School Accountability Index rates the quality of more than 2,075 public schools across the state.  The Index is based on data compiled by the State Board of Education’s 2011 Achievement Index, using results from the 2010–11 school year.

LWSD met or exceeded index ratings from 871 schools sampled.   Our district exceeded schools rated: "Exemplary" by 18%,  "Very Good" by 12%, "Fair" by 26% and "Struggling" by 4%.   The district equalled the sample's "Good" ratings;  34% of schools were rated "Good."   

For a complete list of LWSD school ratings go here.  The list is organized by District, Rankings, and Schools.  To name a few school ratings:  Exemplary:  LW High, Eastlake High, Redmond Junior, Audubon, Rockwell and Juanita El.; Very Good:  Inglewood Junior, Redmond High, Evergreen Junior, Einstein, Carson; Good:  Juanita High, Kamiakin Junior, Alcott, Bell, Keller, Dickenson;  Fair:  Finn Hill Junior, Sandburg El, Community, Struggling:  Best Sr., Futures. 

The purpose of the "Accountability Index" is to determine whether and to what extent school officials are fulfilling their paramount duty to provide a quality education for every child residing within the borders of the state. The Legislature stated:  Read More >>

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Principal Jane Todd: preparations underway for Reconfiguration at Redmond High

Principal Jane Todd presents to the School Board
Dear Parents:
I have been having what I think are Reconfiguration dreams. I'll spare you the details, but they are dreams in which I lose something I value (I find it again), I lose my patience, I lose my bearings and I get lost. And sometimes, in the way of dreams, things don't make much sense. However, and this is the important part: All the way along in those dreams, there have been people there to help me - people to pay my way, people to help me find what I had lost, people to get me home. And I wake up smiling. I hope that will be as comforting to you as it has to me.

To update you on some Reconfiguration doings: 

Monday, March 12, 2012

Lake Washington Kangs snuff Bainbridge 11-10 in Lacrosse Opener

Lake Washington Spoils Bainbridge Island Opener, March 9.

BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, Wash. – Cody Bernstein connected on the go-ahead goal with 3:23 remaining in the game as Lake Washington hung on to down Bainbridge 11-10 to open the 2012 Washington state boys high school lacrosse season at Bainbridge Stadium  . Read More >>

Washington State Chapter of US Lacrosse announces 2012 schedules for boys and girls high school lacrosse

SEATTLE –The Washington State Chapter of US Lacrosse today announced the 2012 schedules for boys and girls high school lacrosse for its 34th season in Washington state.  Read More >>

If you think you like Washington State lacrosse or know you do, this site is THE Go-To place

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Topped Cottonwood Trees on 90th Street NE almost make you gag

Topped Cottonwoods - "roadside attraction" on NE 90th Street
OPINION:  Last year, the city Council designated Cottonwoods as urban "garbage trees" because they crack open sidewalks, drop debris and the white cotton puffs blow around.  In 2011, the City ripped out all the Cottonwoods along southern NE 90th and replaced them with "street trees" and new sidewalk.  It looks pretty good.

The problem is they girdled and  topped these Cottonwoods growing in a stormwater facility further down the road.  Wildlife habitat is abundant here.  I just about gag everytime I have to pass them.  Anyone driving to Comcast, the Eastside Gym, Vertical Club, or any number of office buildings has to look at it. 

The City is setting a painful example to citizenry and students of what NOT to do with  trees.  Comments? 

By Bob Yoder
Photo by Yoder

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Picture Story of Group Health Overlake Center Trees, by Max Feingold

Picture Story of Group Health Overlake Center

Posted on March 4, 2012 by Max Feingold publisher of Cat's Paw Images, Blog  "Exploring the Seattle Area Camera in Hand"

In 1871, Warren Wentworth Perrigo and Captain Luke McRedmond became the first white men to stake a claim and settle the land that would become the city of Redmond.  Read and See More >>

Photo and Story by Max Feingold

These pictures tell the story eloquently. Hopefully, they will help decision-makers realize what they’ve got in this urban jewel before it’s gone. Enough of paving paradise! We can have the transit-oriented village AND a good percentage of these beautiful trees; they are not mutually exclusive unless the only consideration is profit.  Thanks for all the work you put into this post.
-- Comment by Katheryn, Reader of  "Cat's Paw Images - Blog"

State Supreme Court rules that Local voters can't ban red-light cameras

Redmond councilmembers Cole, Margeson
and Stilin review citations during
the Red Light Safety Pilot Program.
State Supreme Court: Local voters can’t ban red-light cameras

Posted by Emily Heffter
"Seattle Times," Local News, March 8, 2012 at 11:06 AM

(Updated with Eyman’s comments.)

The Washington State Supreme Court has ruled that a 2010 Mukilteo ballot initiative banning red-light cameras is invalid.

The long-awaited ruling means initiative efforts in other cities around the state, including Longview, Bellingham, Monroe, Redmond and Wenatchee, are also invalid.

It’s a big loss for initiative king Tim Eyman, who had adopted the cause of banning the cameras and helped people in cities across the state fight to have them banned.  Read More >>

Redmond Police Report Incidence of Residential Burglaries and Vehicle Prowls and more

Smash and Dash - GPS most common target
Safety Updates from the Desk of Jim Bove, Redmond Police...

Residential Burglaries:  We have had approximately 26 reported in two months from January 1 – February 29.

Of those, just over half  had smashed windows, damaged doors and/or signs of forced entry….the rest gained entry through an unlocked door or window.

In fact, one had both – forced entry through the garage door only to find an unlocked door leading into the home. Most people are always certain to lock the main entry used to get into the house, but often forget side doors, garage doors, and other points of entry that are seldom used. Lock ‘em all! 

Vehicle Prowls:  From January 1 – February 29th, we have had approximately 62 vehicles prowled or parts stolen from them. Of these, at least 25 were left unlocked or had no obvious signs of forced entry.  Read More>>

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

PTSA Forum: Relationships, Social Concerns and Sexuality Issues

from the desk of Julie Shalaby, LW-PTSA Chair of Special Needs Group...

Relationships, Social Concerns and Sexuality Issues

Lake Washington School District
PTSA Special Needs Group Meeting
Tuesday, March 27th 7 – 9 pm
You are welcome to arrive at 6:30 PM to network

LWSD Resource Building
16250 NE 74th St, Redmond 98052 (Redmond Town Center)
 Relationships, Social Concerns and Sexuality Issues
Going through puberty and adolescence can be a confusing time for kids and parents both. This will be an opportunity for you to talk about your concerns about the social/sexual development of your family member. Robbie Rigby will lead a discussion on social skills, relationship development, sexuality, and personal safety as it relates to teens and young adults with special needs. Join us to talk about these topics-it’s sure to be lively!  Read More >>

A series on Redmond's emerging medical services - why are they here? how do we decide?

"Thanks for sharing this blog. Since there are tons of emergency care centers nowadays and it is hard what and where to choose I still do believe in some reviews since it is hard to select which one is telling the truth."
     -- Trixie, July 8, 2011 a Reader's comment under the post:  "Urgent Care vs. Emergency Care"

As of today, I'm starting an 8-part series on Redmond's booming new medical services to try to answer some of Trixie's concerns and provide facts and data to help you decide where to go for services.  Once every 2-4 weeks I'll post a story.  Hopefully, YOU will contribute a comment or personal experience to help our Readers or "bandage your wounds."  Read More >>

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

OPINION: Redmond's "Neighborhood Budgeting Forum"

Paige Norman
My experience and opinion of the City's  "Budgeting by Priorities"   Neighborhood Forum for Education Hill residents.

Irritated with the way our City government is run? Do you like the services and benefits our city has to offer? Let our City know.

On March 2, I attended one of the city’s “Budget By Priorities” neighborhood meetings held at Redmond City Hall, in the Bytes Café. Here’s how it works and what I think about it:  


Monday, March 5, 2012

UPDATED OPINION: Overlake Hospital and Clinics Sponsor Community Health Fair

UPDATED OPINION:  Periodically, I cover health events put on by local hospitals and clinics.  Overlake Urgent Care in Redmond and Overlake Medical Clinics ( may occasionally ask their physicians to lecture.  Below, is information on their Saturday, March 10th health fair held at nearby Westminster Chapel (directions here).  Evergreen Hospital of Kirkland seminars have already been posted because they are the Eastside's only community tax-supported hospital.  You'll continue to see Evergreen Healthcare District 2 fairs and classes updates.

Here's the scoop on the Overlake Senior Fair:  Read More >>

UPDATED: Hit and Run Accident Sends Redmond Man to Evergreen Hospital

Injury Hit and Run Accident Sends Redmond Man to Evergreeen Community Hospital and Medical Center.

Redmond, WA – Redmond Police Traffic Investigators are investigating a hit and run traffic collision at NE 85th St. and 164th Ave NE sending a 22 year-old Redmond man to Evergreen Hospital.

At 5:54 AM this morning a passerby called 911 reporting a man down, lying in the roadway at the location. Redmond Police and Medics responded and found the man in the roadway who appears to have been struck by a vehicle.  Read More >>

Friday, March 2, 2012

State education bill passes - addresses poor teacher and principal performance

Governor Christine Gregoire expected to sign bill soon .

Late last night, the House passed SB 5895 is an overwhelming 82-16 vote! It was a jubilant moment for the lawmakers and advocates who have pushed so hard over the last three years for a more meaningful way of evaluating the teachers and principals of our state. Gov. Christine Gregoire is expected to sign the bill soon.

Senator Tom says no legislation is ever perfect.  Lawmakers and advocacy groups will have to carefully watch implementation of the system by local school districts.  But under the bill, for the first time:
New teachers who are rated unsatisfactory will be prevented from getting tenure. Even more ground-breaking is that tenured teachers who are rated unsatisfactory two years in a row will be fired.
Washington will now join a growing number of states which include how much kids are actually learning in the classroom in teacher and principal evaluations. Districts will develop assignment and layoff policies that consider those evaluation results. Read More >>

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

LWSD's new Director Siri Bliesner champions Dr. Traci Pierce as Superintendent

Director Sir Bliesner
This Monday evening, Deputy Superintendent Traci Pierce was hired by the School Board of Directors as LW School District's next Superintendent.  Dr. Pierce was promoted from one of the Administration's three Chief Officers to a Deputy Superintendent last year.  Traci's operative words in her short speech to the Board were: "to serve," and "committed."  General consensus by the Board, in part, is that Traci will be learning the Superintendent's position "on the job", she is intelligent, and a quick study.  (In her speech to the Redmond officials and residents, Traci emphasised her 16 years of District experience.)  

All Board members spoke highly of Dr. Pierce, but Director Siri Bliesner had the most to say. Ms. Bliesner is a Redmond resident and replaces Ravi Shahadi as the District's newest Board member. 

Before the vote, Director Siri Bliesner started off her positive assessment for Dr.Traci Pierce saying:
"Traci has a strong passion for Public Education and has been developing the necessary skills, attitudes and desire to develop potential in the LWSD to reach the vision of "every child future ready."  I am pleased with her leadership style as one of inclusion and collaboration. This is a vital skill, especially with that of competing interests that exist."
Dr. Pierce recognizes the importance of public, transparent processes that engage the community in a meaningful way -- early on, where input can have impact.   Read More >>

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Emergency Response Team looking for volunteer "victims"

C.E.R.T. victim being prepared to be lifted
from the desk of Elizabeth Hansford, with encouragement from Councilmember Hank Myers..

The CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) class in Redmond is looking for volunteers to act as victims in either of our TWO final drills we have coming up on March 3rd (2-8pm) and 4th. (2-8 pm) Details on both opportunities are below. Volunteer hours are available making this a great opportunity for high school students, scouts, etc. You don’t have to be in school to volunteer though - we need victims of ALL ages.  Read More >>

LW Institute of Technology receives Four-Year Baccalaureate Accreditation

Lake Washington Institute of Technology (LWIT) Receives Four-Year Baccalaureate Level Accreditation

Includes Bachelor of Technology in Applied Design (BTAD) This program is geared toward people who work with technology (graphic designers, game artists, video production folks, architecture, mechanical/industrial design).

Kirkland, Wash.: Lake Washington Institute of Technology (LWIT) received accreditation at the baccalaureate level this month from the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU), the region’s authority on higher education accreditation. The new designation includes the college’s Bachelor of Technology in Applied Design (BTAD) degree and came in conjunction with the accreditation of LWIT’s associate degree level programs.  Read More >>

LWSD Board selects Dr. Traci Pierce as new superintendent

Dr. Traci Pierce
I've inserted the italicized paragraphs to Kathryrn Reith's press release for additional insight.  B.Y.

Dr. Traci Pierce, experienced educational leader to continue current initiatives

Redmond, Wash. – At its February 27 meeting, the Board of Directors of the Lake Washington School District unanimously voted to hire Dr. Traci Pierce, the district’s deputy superintendent, instructional services, as the district’s new superintendent. Pending the negotiation of a contract, she will replace the departing Dr. Chip Kimball, who becomes superintendent of the Singapore American School on July 1.

President Jackie Pendergrass reviewed the selection process as follows:  In September, Kimball announced he was leaving the District.  November 7th, the Board conducted a survey of parents, staff, and the community.  December 5th, the Board (with Ravi) after interviews unanimously announced Traci Pierce as their "preferred candidate."  "Meet and Great" meetings were held at Sammamish, Redmond, Kirkland and the District headquarters for staff.  (20-30 people showed up at each meeting).  Twenty-six people submitted comments. BY 

Board member Dr. Chris Carlson said he "believes in brevity" on this, saying he heard little "negative stuff."  BY  Read More >>

Monday, February 27, 2012

OPINION: "Avondale Villas" development calmed by speed feedback safety sign.

Orange tape marks the width and entrance to Avondale Crest's (Villa) road from NE 104th, photo (2007). 
This car didn't slow down and is already out of sight.
Avondale Villas development pays $12,000 towards cost of radar speed feedback sign on 104th - for traffic calming.

OPINION:  Have you noticed the new “radar feedback sign” on the NE 104th Street hill, just above the 184th Ave. NE intersection? It’s hard to believe the speed limit is 25 mph on this highly traveled arteriole.. Most cars, some of them students, zoom down the curved hill at 40 mph.

Since the radar sign was installed most cars are slowing down before they get to 184th, but not all. (Many thanks to the 6,000 citizens petitioning to eliminate red-light cameras.)

According to a Public Works planner, “the $30,000+ radar sign” wasn't just installed for traffic calming for the 184th intersection. The city required the sign as a condition for the project's approval.  This controversial 9-lot residential development was called “Avondale Crest.” (re-named Avondale Villas.) City Council approved the plat (6-1, Allen) after an appeal was defeated 4-3. 

Two project defects delayed permitting and is holding up the sale of Avondale Crest (Villas): Read More >>

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Redmond High PTSA Co-Presidents give KUDOS for school's community volunteerism

We all need help sometimes...

By Jan LaFond and Shelley Flores, Co-Presidents, RHS PTSA

We like to think of Redmond High as not only a great school for learning, but also an important member of a larger caring community. Our students, staff and volunteers actively support community organizations that help others and contribute to the greater good.  Read More >>

Riders took Metro buses to near record numbers in 2011 as economy strengthens

Rapid Ride B
Transit ridership in King County roars back as economy strengthens

Riders took Metro buses in near record numbers in 2011

A growing economy combined with improved transportation services to better meet the needs of riders led to a nearly 3 percent boost in Metro Transit ridership in 2011. In all, about 370,000 people hopped aboard a Metro bus each weekday for a total of nearly 113 million rides.

“A near-record number of people are experiencing first-hand the benefits of taking the bus, and I look forward to even more commuters getting on board with transit as the economy comes back,” said King County Executive Dow Constantine.

2011 was a big year for Metro. Ridership climbed to levels not seen since 2008, when employment was at its peak. Transit ridership even outstripped job growth by more than one percentage point, which suggests that more people are using transit to get to more places.

“With gas prices on the rise and more RapidRide lines coming later this year, we expect to see transit demand strengthen even further in the weeks and months to come,” Metro General Manager Kevin Desmond said.  Read More >>

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Social Skills and Anti-bullying Techniques

from the desk of Julie Shalaby, Chair LW-PTSA Special Needs Group...

"Social Skills and Anti-bullying Techniques"
Presented by Ben Wahl, MSW
LWSD Resource Building
Tuesday, February 28th, 7 - 9 p.m.
This Presentation will explore the ways in which social skills instruction can help special needs students from elementary school to young adult. Special consideration will be given to topics such as anti-bullying techniques,teaching flexibility and emotion regulation, building perspective-taking and preparing students for the young adult transition.

Ben Wahl has spent thousands of hours facilitating groups and working individually with students on these issues. The presentation will cover some of the unique lessons that Ben has learned from his group members. Students tell us what they need as they progress socially, they are just not always great at expressing it.  Read More >>