Wednesday, February 29, 2012

LWSD's new Director Siri Bliesner champions Dr. Traci Pierce as Superintendent

Director Sir Bliesner
This Monday evening, Deputy Superintendent Traci Pierce was hired by the School Board of Directors as LW School District's next Superintendent.  Dr. Pierce was promoted from one of the Administration's three Chief Officers to a Deputy Superintendent last year.  Traci's operative words in her short speech to the Board were: "to serve," and "committed."  General consensus by the Board, in part, is that Traci will be learning the Superintendent's position "on the job", she is intelligent, and a quick study.  (In her speech to the Redmond officials and residents, Traci emphasised her 16 years of District experience.)  

All Board members spoke highly of Dr. Pierce, but Director Siri Bliesner had the most to say. Ms. Bliesner is a Redmond resident and replaces Ravi Shahadi as the District's newest Board member. 

Before the vote, Director Siri Bliesner started off her positive assessment for Dr.Traci Pierce saying:
"Traci has a strong passion for Public Education and has been developing the necessary skills, attitudes and desire to develop potential in the LWSD to reach the vision of "every child future ready."  I am pleased with her leadership style as one of inclusion and collaboration. This is a vital skill, especially with that of competing interests that exist."
Dr. Pierce recognizes the importance of public, transparent processes that engage the community in a meaningful way -- early on, where input can have impact.   Read More >>
I greatly appreciated Traci's desire to extend outside the walls of the school district to better incorporate all stakeholders by developing strategies to encourage enhanced parent and community engagement.  And, building on our past strengths such as building on the budget process two years ago.  
One of my goals on the Board is to let the Public be a key player when it comes to policy decisions on large initiatives of the District and changes that impact the community and schools and most importantly our children." 
So, I look forward to working with Dr. Traci Pierce to ensure the District fulfills it's responsibilities to provide a quality education to all our children.
-- Spoken by Lake Washington School District's Director Siri Bliesner, District 5, resident of Redmond on February 27, 2012.  Ms. Bliesner's term expires, November, 2015. 

According Siri's LWSD BIO:   "Ms. Bliesner graduated from Stanford with a degree in human biology. Bliesner received a Masters in public health from the University of Washington. She speaks Spanish and currently works for Hopelink as the outcome and evaluation coordinator." Read her entire BIO.

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By Bob Yoder
Photo for District website.

1 comment:

Bob Yoder said...

Siri resides in the Redmond district of LWSD. Don't forget to say hi to Siri at the The Foundation Legacy luncheon next week - whether you live in Redmond or Juanita, Samammish or Kirkland...