Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Lake Washington District schools excel in State Board of Education rankings

The Annual WPC Public School Accountability Index was released in February and Lake Washington School District (LWSD) passed with flying colors!   LWSD has 15 schools rated "Exemplary," 13 schools rated "Very Good," 16 schools rated "Good," only 4 rated "Fair," and 2 are "Struggling."

The WPC Public School Accountability Index rates the quality of more than 2,075 public schools across the state.  The Index is based on data compiled by the State Board of Education’s 2011 Achievement Index, using results from the 2010–11 school year.

LWSD met or exceeded index ratings from 871 schools sampled.   Our district exceeded schools rated: "Exemplary" by 18%,  "Very Good" by 12%, "Fair" by 26% and "Struggling" by 4%.   The district equalled the sample's "Good" ratings;  34% of schools were rated "Good."   

For a complete list of LWSD school ratings go here.  The list is organized by District, Rankings, and Schools.  To name a few school ratings:  Exemplary:  LW High, Eastlake High, Redmond Junior, Audubon, Rockwell and Juanita El.; Very Good:  Inglewood Junior, Redmond High, Evergreen Junior, Einstein, Carson; Good:  Juanita High, Kamiakin Junior, Alcott, Bell, Keller, Dickenson;  Fair:  Finn Hill Junior, Sandburg El, Community, Struggling:  Best Sr., Futures. 

The purpose of the "Accountability Index" is to determine whether and to what extent school officials are fulfilling their paramount duty to provide a quality education for every child residing within the borders of the state. The Legislature stated:  Read More >>

The Legislature says, "The State Board of Education has responsibility for implementing a statewide accountability system that includes identification of successful schools and districts, those in need of assistance, and those in which state intervention measures are needed...."

The Public School Accountability Index grades Washington public schools on a scale of one to seven, measured by income and achievement indicators and five outcomes.

The five outcomes are student test scores in reading, writing, math and science, plus each school’s graduation rate. Using these measures, schools were placed in one of five categories: Exemplary, Very Good, Good, Fair or Struggling.

Washington Policy Center's study is based on research by the State Board of Education. For more information explaining how the rankings for each school are generated, click the "Achievement Index" tax on the State Board of Education's website.
If you have any questions about the Public School Accountability Index please contact Liv Finne at 206-937-9691 or
Reported By Bob Yoder

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