Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Social Skills and Anti-bullying Techniques

from the desk of Julie Shalaby, Chair LW-PTSA Special Needs Group...

"Social Skills and Anti-bullying Techniques"
Presented by Ben Wahl, MSW
LWSD Resource Building
Tuesday, February 28th, 7 - 9 p.m.
This Presentation will explore the ways in which social skills instruction can help special needs students from elementary school to young adult. Special consideration will be given to topics such as anti-bullying techniques,teaching flexibility and emotion regulation, building perspective-taking and preparing students for the young adult transition.

Ben Wahl has spent thousands of hours facilitating groups and working individually with students on these issues. The presentation will cover some of the unique lessons that Ben has learned from his group members. Students tell us what they need as they progress socially, they are just not always great at expressing it.  Read More >>

Special needs students often need considerable support in building an understanding of social nuance, emotion regulation and friendship skills. Social skills groups,combined with academic support can help students grow and achieve their goals by teaching these skills and helping students improve communication with peer sand adults.
Ben has worked with children, adolescents and young adults for over fifteen years as the director of an outdoor education program and as a staff member in wilderness therapy programs and residential treatment centers. Under the supervision of Ryther CEO, Lee Grogg, Ben founded the Aspiring Youth Program in 2004. The Aspiring Youth program provides social skills groups, summer programs and young adult transition support to students with Autism, Aspergers, ADHD and other similar traits. Ben holds an MSW from the University of Washington.
Everyone Welcome!
To be added to thePTSA Special Needs Group email distribution list, please contact theChairperson, Julie Shalaby,  Being on this list allows you to get resource info, meeting reminders and summaries, as well as access to files on our LWSDPTSA Special Needs Group Yahoo! web site. This list is not shared with anyone.

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