A world without newspapers: "David Schneiderman: In 1984, Rupert Murdoch thought he had seen the future. He summoned his top editors and publishers to a meeting in New York to learn about “electronic journalism” and the impending death of printed newspapers. After two days of spirited discussions and a primitive demonstration of an electronic Washington Post, the attendees declared that the demise of printed newspapers was inevitable." complete story
By David Schneiderman
former CEO of Villiage Voice
Seattle, WA.
Presented by Tech Flash
I'd like to thank you for your passionate participation and your comments on the recent school drug bust story. (commenting continues). Do you feel more a part of our community and closer to your family when we engage this way? Can you think of any other recent events or burning issues we can gather around and share? The school bond defeat? Local tagging or graffiti art? The Downtown Park? Parking? Others? In the comments section below, please type in the topics YOU want to talk about. Then, come back here to read and tell your neighbors what you think!
~B Yoder
"Redmond's Journey into new media"
News and Opinion on Neighborhoods, Schools and Local Governments of Redmond, WA.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
thinkspace Donates Office Space to The Redmond Foundation | thinkspace
by Alyssa Magnotti on December 14, 2009
This fall, Peter Chee, CEO of thinkspace, decided to start donating office space to The Redmond Foundation, which is being founded in honor of Redmond’s upcoming centennial in 2012. The Redmond Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to building a healthy, vibrant and engaged community in the city of Redmond.
I asked Peter a couple of questions as to why he chose to donate his space to The Redmond Foundation...more
Posted by Yoder
Friday, February 26, 2010
Supporters of Redmond Bike Park asked to speak up
Credit/ Bob Yoder |
Carolyn wants us to know the City Council will be asked to approve the site for the Redmond Bike Park on Tuesday, March 2 at 7:30 p.m. If you are committed to helping build or donate to the park in some way, your input at this March 2 meeting would encourage the Council.
The Council meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers in City Hall. Your comments (30 seconds - 3 minutes) are made at the start of the meeting. Bring your friends and parents.
The meeting agenda will be posted http://www.redmond.gov/insidecityhall/citycouncil/meetings.asp
If you didn’t already have a chance to review the Site Selection, it is provided here: http://www.redmond.gov/insidecityhall/parksrec/parksplanning/DirtJumps/pdfs/RedmondBikeParkSiteSelectionMemo.pdf
Thank you for your invovlement with this project!
Excerpted from Carolyn Hope's letter to bike park volunteers.
Carolyn Hope, Senior Parks Planner.
By Bob Yoder
BMX Bike Park volunteer
Photos By Yoder
Thursday, February 25, 2010
UPDATED: Bullying at Lake Washington High is brought to attention by KING-TV
Posted on February 25, 2010Updated today at 6:50 PM
KIRKLAND, Wash. - After years of being subjected to bullying at Lake Washington High School, 17-year-old junior Alex Morris is taking his story to the public. MORE
You are invited to join in on the commenting about the Mom who's family was hurt by her child's drug bust at Redmond High (two posts down)
Catherine Kelly, first lady wrestler in the history of Redmond High takes fourth in State.

More amazingly, Catherine Kelly is the first lady wrestler in the history of Redmond High School! Kelly made it to State as a sophomore and again as a junior this year. Expect another good run for the Title next year.
On the right is a picture of the coaching staff and the 3 members of the team who qualified for State. (Coaches Paul Mullen, Bob Kaneko, and Reed Risenmay. Wrestlers Catherin Kelly, Tyler Black, and Joe Glass). Glass and Kelly are juniors and will return to Redmond Wrestling next year. Black is a senior.
By Bob Yoder
Photos by the Mullens
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Updated: Eastside Basketball Club - State of the Art Basketball Training Facility opens!
Redmond Mayor John Marchione is in the middle holding the scissors. Jeffry Borgida, General Manager of Allied Waste Bellevue/Lynnwood is in the blue shirt to the left of the mayor and Edward Nettles, Founder and Executive Director is to the right. The other people in the photo are from the Eastside Basketball Club board of directors.
February 19 was a special day for me for a couple of reasons: I got to see my first "ribbon cutting" ceremony ever by a Redmond mayor. And, the Grand Opening event was all about basketball - a sports culture near and dear to my family and our daughter for over eight years!
The minute I walked into the arena I immeditely liked it. High ceilings, excellent lighting, the smell of freshly painted hard-court and super friendly owner - Ed Nettles. Many regional coaches and tournament directors of Select, FLIGHT, and AAU programs know Ed. It shouldn't take long for coaches to find his brand-new "Allied Court" facility and programs. A few offerings:
- Elite skill training for boys and girls (7-18): Professional trainers and coaches teach: ball handling, shooting, rebounding, footwork (post play), O & D skills, and low impact training.
- Boys and Girls AAU Spring League Team Tryouts - starting March 1-March 7.
- Gym rentals, camps, clinics and one-on-one training available throughout the year.
- Football Conditioning (March-June) featuring guest trainer, a current Seahawk -Lawyer Milloy. Space is limited with Lawyer. Make your reservation now at: Knettles@Eastsidebasketballclub.org
The facility, Allied Court, is named in recognition for Allied Waste's generous Title donation. Allied Waste currently services all of Bellevue's garbage waste needs and it shares services with Waste Mangaement for Kirkland. Eastside Basketball Club is a nonprofit, 501(c) (3) organization so all donations are tax deductible. Platinum Sponsorships qualify organizations wishing to post their banner.
The court and training facility is a must see. The address is 17455 NE 67th Court, Suite 160. Allied Court is in the vicinity of the Black Raven Brewery near the eastern entrance of Marymore Park. 425-861-8800. info@eastsidebasketballclub.org . Website: http://eastsidebasketballclub.org/ Say hi to Ed!
By Bob Yoder
Photo by Leah Motz
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Marine from Redmond killed in Afghanistan
Marine from Redmond, Wash. killed in Afghanistan
The Department of Defense has announced the death of a Marine from Redmond, Wash.
Lance Corporal Eric L. Ward died Sunday while supporting combat operations in Helmand Province, Afghanistan.
He was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, Second Marine Expeditionary Force, based out of Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.
by KING 5 News
Posted on February 23, 2010 at 12:09 PM
The Department of Defense has announced the death of a Marine from Redmond, Wash.
Lance Corporal Eric L. Ward died Sunday while supporting combat operations in Helmand Province, Afghanistan.
He was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, Second Marine Expeditionary Force, based out of Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.
by KING 5 News
Posted on February 23, 2010 at 12:09 PM
Rain Gardens

A workshop will be held in Redmond on Februrary 25 and in Bothel on March 18. Workshop participants will receive a rain garden handbook and other useful materials. They will also be invited to participate in several full scale rain garden installation workshops scheduled later in the spring and summer.
Call (206) 292-9875 or email sg@stewardshippartners.org and visit http://www.stewardshippartners.org/ for times and locations of the Redmond, Bothel, Bellevue, and Mercer Island workshops
By Stacey Gianas
Programs Assistant
Stewardship Partners
(206) 292-9875
Did you know the City of Redmond is planning Rain Gardens for the Overlake Neighborhood? Look closely at the rain garden picture. Do you see where a ditch or depression is?
Monday, February 22, 2010
Community Digest, February 22
COMMUNITY DIGEST (excerpt from 'Mustang News')
LAUGH ON: A COMEDY NIGHT. Originally scheduled for February 26, now March 5! The Old Fire House's first Comedy Night, hosted by Redmond High School's Mr. Noteboom and featuring stand-up comedy from Matt Eisenmann, Gary McConahay, Max Smith-Holmes, Josh Shepard, Kyle Svancarek, and more. 8pm, $7.
EASTLAKE HIGH SCHOOL BAZAAR. Don't miss the bazaar, featuring arts, crafts, and much more! It will be held on Saturday, March 20th from 9:30-3:30 at Eastlake High School - 400 228th Avenue NE, Sammamish, WA 98074.
VOTE ON IDYLWOOD ART! The Idylwood Beach Guard Shack is going to get a face lift, and the City of Redmond Parks Department needs your opinion! The Redmond Arts Commission has selected the artists who will be creating a mural on the building, and now we just need to pick the design. Click here to see the designs and vote for the one you like! Voting deadline is March 1st - and be sure to click all the way through to access the survey so that your vote will be counted. Thanks for being part of the process!
FREE TUTORING. Study Zoneat the Redmond, Kirkland, and Kingsgate Libraries offers help with homework and test preparation.
SCIENCE FAIR. Students in grades 9-12 may register by March 10 for the Central Sound Regional Science and Engineering Fair, March 20 at Bellevue College.
By Mary Bourguignon, Editor of 'Mustang News'
'Mustang News' is published by the Redmond High School PTSA. To subscribe, please contact rhs.ptsa.news@gmail.com . For more information about the PTSA, please visit our web site at www.redmondhsptsa.org.
LAUGH ON: A COMEDY NIGHT. Originally scheduled for February 26, now March 5! The Old Fire House's first Comedy Night, hosted by Redmond High School's Mr. Noteboom and featuring stand-up comedy from Matt Eisenmann, Gary McConahay, Max Smith-Holmes, Josh Shepard, Kyle Svancarek, and more. 8pm, $7.
EASTLAKE HIGH SCHOOL BAZAAR. Don't miss the bazaar, featuring arts, crafts, and much more! It will be held on Saturday, March 20th from 9:30-3:30 at Eastlake High School - 400 228th Avenue NE, Sammamish, WA 98074.
VOTE ON IDYLWOOD ART! The Idylwood Beach Guard Shack is going to get a face lift, and the City of Redmond Parks Department needs your opinion! The Redmond Arts Commission has selected the artists who will be creating a mural on the building, and now we just need to pick the design. Click here to see the designs and vote for the one you like! Voting deadline is March 1st - and be sure to click all the way through to access the survey so that your vote will be counted. Thanks for being part of the process!
FREE TUTORING. Study Zoneat the Redmond, Kirkland, and Kingsgate Libraries offers help with homework and test preparation.
SCIENCE FAIR. Students in grades 9-12 may register by March 10 for the Central Sound Regional Science and Engineering Fair, March 20 at Bellevue College.
By Mary Bourguignon, Editor of 'Mustang News'
'Mustang News' is published by the Redmond High School PTSA. To subscribe, please contact rhs.ptsa.news@gmail.com . For more information about the PTSA, please visit our web site at www.redmondhsptsa.org.
Hopelink asking for new volunteers. Volunteers from 12 years to over 16 years receive orientation training.
Hopelink relies upon hundreds of volunteers to fill such needs as sorting food in its food banks; providing child care and homework tutoring to children in our housing facilities; delivering food to homebound clients; or answering phones and helping with administrative tasks. Hopelink’s newest center, Kirkland/Northshore, is in particular need of food sorters and shelf stockers for its grocery store-style food bank. Many other volunteer tasks are available; bi-lingual language skills are a plus for many of these tasks.
Hopelink asks new volunteers over age 16 and volunteers between the ages of 12 and 16 with parent/guardian supervision to register to attend a mandatory orientation. To register, please visit www.hope-link.org/takeaction/volunteer or call (425) 869-6066. Registration for orientation is necessary as space is very limited; seating is first-come, first-served so please arrive promptly.
By Denise Stephens
Public Relations Specialist
Office: 425-869-2440
Sunday, February 21, 2010
UPDATED: OPINION: Redmond High Drug Bust - KIRO & KOMO TV reporting
11 Redmond High Students Arrested In Drug Bust - Education News Story - KIRO Seattle:
UPDATED: "REDMOND, Wash. -- Eleven Redmond High School students were arrested Friday morning as part of a drug investigation, said Jim Bove of the Redmond Police Department.
Some of the students were arrested in front of their classmates. “Four cops straight up walked into my classroom, told him to stand up......." Complete KIRO 7 TV report (including video)
By KIRO Seattle TV
Updated Comment/Opinion: Reporters from KOMO 4 and KIRO 7 TV stations made heavy use of the school's barbed-wire fence (on NE 104th Street) for a backdrop. KOMO 's 4 barb-wire footage is so severe that Redmond High took on the appearance of a juvenile detention center. (Scroll down for KING 5's less sensational clip).
What do you think about the TV coverage of this unfortunate school event? Was it that bad?
By Bob Yoder, 2/22. (Disclaimer: Fischer Communications publishes a Redmond and Kirkland news site).
UPDATED: "REDMOND, Wash. -- Eleven Redmond High School students were arrested Friday morning as part of a drug investigation, said Jim Bove of the Redmond Police Department.
Some of the students were arrested in front of their classmates. “Four cops straight up walked into my classroom, told him to stand up......." Complete KIRO 7 TV report (including video)
By KIRO Seattle TV
Updated Comment/Opinion: Reporters from KOMO 4 and KIRO 7 TV stations made heavy use of the school's barbed-wire fence (on NE 104th Street) for a backdrop. KOMO 's 4 barb-wire footage is so severe that Redmond High took on the appearance of a juvenile detention center. (Scroll down for KING 5's less sensational clip).
What do you think about the TV coverage of this unfortunate school event? Was it that bad?
By Bob Yoder, 2/22. (Disclaimer: Fischer Communications publishes a Redmond and Kirkland news site).
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Two-minute video of Redmond High students describing drug arrests.
King 5 News, 2/19
Comment: Youth Eastside Services (YES!) provides counseling for students and parents dealing with substance abuse. Contact YES today to resolve problems in your family. Call 425-586-2309. To learn more about Youth Eastside Services: YES is hosting a breakfast in Bellevue on March 3, 7:30-8:30. Ask Wendy at 425-586-2309 for details or email: WendyC@YouthEastsideServices.org
Redmond High Principal Jane Todd emails students to explain the drug bust.
Redmond High School principal Jane Todd sent this email out to parents this morning regarding yesterday's eleven drug arrests:
I wanted to inform you that today Redmond Police Department concluded a months' long undercover operation which resulted in the arrest of a few students. The arrests occurred during a planned lock down drill, and were without incident. We then had a very unplanned fire drill which resulted from ineffective use of a microwave. Although I am bound by confidentiality with regard to specifics on any students involved, I would be happy to answer any other questions you have. Please feel free to e-mail me.Posted By Bob Yoder
Friday, February 19, 2010
Fatima expresses despair over relocating from Redmond Square
Listen to Fatima's story about her relocation from Redmond Square.
Fatima is one of several business owners dislocated from Redmond Square Shopping Center to make room for the City's planned three-acre Central Park. Fatima has operated her Custom Tailoring and Contract Sewing shop here for 20 years. She is known for her quality workmanship at a reasonable price. I can vouch for that. Contact Fatima at 425-827-7202 Listen to Fatima and where she is moving.
By Bob Yoder
Video by Yoder
11 Redmond High students arrested in drug bust
11 Redmond High students arrested in drug bust
Redmond, WA – The Redmond Police Department arrested and charged 11 Redmond High School students today for Violation of Uniform Controlled Substance Act (VUCSA).
During the operation, officers purchased marijuana, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, MDMA, and a variety of prescription medications. All students were underage at the time of the violations and included two 15-year-olds, six 16-year-olds, and three 17-year-olds. All arrests are based off drugs being purchased from students. The operation was a collaborative effort with the Redmond High School administration and part of a long-term undercover operation targeting the use, possession, and distribution of illegal substances on and off campus.
“We hope families use this as a learning opportunity and have conversations with their children, know who their friends are, and educating them on the negative effects of using controlled substances,” remarked Redmond Police spokesperson Jim Bove. “This school is a large and positive part of our community and we share in the school’s no-tolerance mission. This in no way reflects the overall student body.”
By Jim Bove
Spokesperson for Redmond Police
Redmond, WA – The Redmond Police Department arrested and charged 11 Redmond High School students today for Violation of Uniform Controlled Substance Act (VUCSA).
During the operation, officers purchased marijuana, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, MDMA, and a variety of prescription medications. All students were underage at the time of the violations and included two 15-year-olds, six 16-year-olds, and three 17-year-olds. All arrests are based off drugs being purchased from students. The operation was a collaborative effort with the Redmond High School administration and part of a long-term undercover operation targeting the use, possession, and distribution of illegal substances on and off campus.
“We hope families use this as a learning opportunity and have conversations with their children, know who their friends are, and educating them on the negative effects of using controlled substances,” remarked Redmond Police spokesperson Jim Bove. “This school is a large and positive part of our community and we share in the school’s no-tolerance mission. This in no way reflects the overall student body.”
By Jim Bove
Spokesperson for Redmond Police
Thursday, February 18, 2010
70 turn out for the Education Hill Crime Prevention Meeting.
Over 70 citizens turned out for Education Hill neighborhood crime prevention meeting tonight, including Councilmembers Cole and Stilin. The meeting was quiet. But, a couple of things stood out. A poll was taken on how many police patrol the city at any one time. Most citizens guessed between 15 and 30. In actuality, usually 4-5 police patrol the city in a shift. I'm guessing the number on patrol goes up during the day when the population rises to over 90,000 per day. According to the police patrol speakers, the police receive over 500 calls/week.
Two patrol policepersons rattled through a slide program on car prowl, robbery, and burglary prevention. The crime statistics were interesting. In 2009, 205 car prowls, 42 burglaries, and 4 robberies were reported on Education Hill. So far this year, 40 car prowls and 5 burglaries were reported on the Hill. Thus, the crime trend is up year over year.
My wife and I heard some anecdotal crime stories: A block watch captain reported a multiple tire slashing incident and two burglaries in her neighborhood. A van posing as a landscaping company burglarized a house. Last month five cars were broken into at Redmond Junior High during an athletic event. Five purses were stolen. A neighbor rubber-banded a boy scout payment envelope to his front door to pay for Christmas tree removal. The check was stolen and forged.
The following police advice was given: When in doubt, call 911. Don't be a hero. Remove all possessions from your car when it's parked. GPS devices are the #1 car prowl target. Only one business has a "peddler's license" at this time. (TrueGreen). Say NO to solicitors. Leave an exterior house light on all night.
I'd heard much of the lecture from my Block Watch training; so my wife and I left half way through the Q&A. It was difficult to hear the speakers. To verify and learn all the facts, will you please contact Jim Bove of the Redmond police: jbove@redmond.gov? Ask him for has event handout, too. They were in short supply.
By Bob Yoder
Photo by Yoder
Kathy Lambert's Newsletter
King County Councilmember Kathy Lambert's Newsletter
February 2010
In Kathy's newsletter:
• Budget trivia question
• New Council committee assignments
• Animal control
• Solid waste planning
• Zoonotics regulations
• Regional Transit Task Force
• Retired van donations
• Pasture management workshops
February 2010
In Kathy's newsletter:
• Budget trivia question
• New Council committee assignments
• Animal control
• Solid waste planning
• Zoonotics regulations
• Regional Transit Task Force
• Retired van donations
• Pasture management workshops
Woman discovers front door forced open; electronics, skis stolen.
'Bove says': Don't forget the crime safety forum tonight (2/18) at Redmond Junior High, 7 p.m.
Burglary, Residence, Forcible Entrance 13:47:36 02/17/2010
GRASSLAWN NEIGHBORHOOD 7000 block of 150 AVE NEA Redmond woman returned home from work and discovered her front door forced open. Items taken include a television, Xbox, Wii, seven controllers, cameras, computer monitor, new skis and boots. Latent prints were recovered and submitted.
-- Jim Bove, Redmond Police Spokesperson
Best Selling Novelist Stephanie Kallos Speaks at Overlake School
Novelist Stephanie Kallos, author of the best-selling "Broken For You" and "Sing Them Home," speaks at The Overlake School, 20301 NE 108th St., Redmond at 7:30 p.m., March 4, in Discovery Hall. The free public lecture caps the school's annual Writer's Symposium. For more information, visit http://www.overlake.org/ or call 425-868-1000.
Kallos' short fiction received a Raymond Carver Award and a Pushcart Prize nomination. "Broken for You" (2004) was a "Today Show" book club selection, and won the Washington State and PNBA Book Awards. Her second novel, "Sing Them Home" (2009) is a Pacific NW Independent Booksellers bestseller and was named one of the 10 Best Books of 2009 by Entertainment Weekly. You can read more about her at http://www.stephaniekallos.com/ .
By Claire Tuohy-Morgan
Communications Manager
The Overlake School
(425) 868-6191, Ext. 615
http://www.twitter.com/ /OverlakeSchool
Novelist Stephanie Kallos, author of the best-selling "Broken For You" and "Sing Them Home," speaks at The Overlake School, 20301 NE 108th St., Redmond at 7:30 p.m., March 4, in Discovery Hall. The free public lecture caps the school's annual Writer's Symposium. For more information, visit http://www.overlake.org/ or call 425-868-1000.
Kallos' short fiction received a Raymond Carver Award and a Pushcart Prize nomination. "Broken for You" (2004) was a "Today Show" book club selection, and won the Washington State and PNBA Book Awards. Her second novel, "Sing Them Home" (2009) is a Pacific NW Independent Booksellers bestseller and was named one of the 10 Best Books of 2009 by Entertainment Weekly. You can read more about her at http://www.stephaniekallos.com/ .
By Claire Tuohy-Morgan
Communications Manager
The Overlake School
(425) 868-6191, Ext. 615
http://www.twitter.com/ /OverlakeSchool
Census 2010: Why we count (and what it means)
Census 2010: Why We Count
The U.S. Census counts every resident in the United States, and is required by the Constitution to take place every 10 years. The 2010 Census will help communities receive more than $400 billion in federal funds each year... read more
By Loren
Redmond Library blog
The U.S. Census counts every resident in the United States, and is required by the Constitution to take place every 10 years. The 2010 Census will help communities receive more than $400 billion in federal funds each year... read more
By Loren
Redmond Library blog
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Mayor Marchione and Chamber President to cut ribbon for new basketball court.
I wanted to share some information about an event coming up in your neighborhood. The Eastside Basketball Club at Park Center, Marymoor (17455 NE 67th Court, Suite 160, Redmond) will be celebrating the dedication and ribbon cutting of a brand-new basketball court on Friday, February 19th. from 11:30 - 1 p.m. The new basketball court will be named "Allied Court" in appreciation for it's new sponsor, Allied Waste Services.
Eastside Basketball Club Founder and Executive Director Edward Nettles will kick off the ribbon-cutting program with comments about the program and its impact on the community. Additional guests and speakers include the President of the Greater Redmond Chamber of Commerce as well as Redmond Mayor John Marchione. Mayor Marchione will be on hand to cut the ribbon and kick off the dedication of the brand new “Allied Court.”
Allied Waste is sponsoring the new court as part of their community support programs and initiatives. We’d be happy to host you at the event and would really appreciate your help in getting out this good news. Please let me know if you have any questions, I’d be happy to share any additional information I can.
Leah Motz
206 323 3733
Eastside Basketball Club Founder and Executive Director Edward Nettles will kick off the ribbon-cutting program with comments about the program and its impact on the community. Additional guests and speakers include the President of the Greater Redmond Chamber of Commerce as well as Redmond Mayor John Marchione. Mayor Marchione will be on hand to cut the ribbon and kick off the dedication of the brand new “Allied Court.”
Allied Waste is sponsoring the new court as part of their community support programs and initiatives. We’d be happy to host you at the event and would really appreciate your help in getting out this good news. Please let me know if you have any questions, I’d be happy to share any additional information I can.
Leah Motz
206 323 3733
Chilly Hilly

With chilly February weather and 2,675 feet of Hilly climbing, the name says it all!
Chilly Hilly has been kicking off the cycling season in the Northwest for the past 36 years. The 33-mile route around Bainbridge Island starts with an early morning ferry ride across Puget Sound from Seattle or you can join the crowd directly on Bainbridge Island
Join us on Sunday, Feb. 28 for the ride Bicycling Magazine named "One of Four Classic Rides" in the nation! Guaranteed to be hilly, chilly and a heck of a lot of fun. Sponsored by the Cascade Bicycle Club. event details
- Cascade Bicycle Club
Posted By Bob Yoder
Comment: I entered this event about 25 years ago with a 3-speed. Couldn't keep up with my friends and had to drop out. The ferry ride was memorable. Bikes everywhere. Cold. Lots of fun. You going? B.Y.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Free Emergency Dental Care in Redmond - one day only
Free emergency dental care
On February 26th Redmond Family and Cosmetic Dentistry will open its doors to any child or adult in need of free emergency dental care. This is an annual event for those unable to afford needed dental care. They will be limiting care to extractions and fillings.
All patients will be seen on a first come first serve basis. Registration will begin at 9am and we will continue to treat patients until 2pm . A Spanish translator will be available. (el traductor español estará en el sitio)
Redmond Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, 8350 164th Ave NE Suite 100, Redmond , WA 98052
(425) 883-1253
By Beth Angelo
Chairperson for the LWSD PTSA Special Needs Group
On February 26th Redmond Family and Cosmetic Dentistry will open its doors to any child or adult in need of free emergency dental care. This is an annual event for those unable to afford needed dental care. They will be limiting care to extractions and fillings.
All patients will be seen on a first come first serve basis. Registration will begin at 9am and we will continue to treat patients until 2pm . A Spanish translator will be available. (el traductor español estará en el sitio)
Redmond Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, 8350 164th Ave NE Suite 100, Redmond , WA 98052
(425) 883-1253
By Beth Angelo
Chairperson for the LWSD PTSA Special Needs Group
A few businesses to be forced out by Redmond Central Park | KING 5 TV | Seattle News, Local News, Breaking News, Weather | News
Some businesses to be forced out by Redmond Central Park KING 5 TV Seattle News, Local News, Breaking News, Weather News:
"REDMOND, Wash. - The City of Redmond is moving ahead with plans to build a new downtown Central Park but it will displace some businesses that had intentions of sticking around a while." read complete article / see clip
Submitted By a neighbor
Posted By Bob Yoder
"REDMOND, Wash. - The City of Redmond is moving ahead with plans to build a new downtown Central Park but it will displace some businesses that had intentions of sticking around a while." read complete article / see clip
Submitted By a neighbor
Posted By Bob Yoder
City Council approves $21,150 to fund Redmond's Recycling Program.
Tonight, the City Council approved up to $21,150 to fund Redmond's Recycling Program. In return, the Department of Ecology will contribute up to $63,450 towards Redmond's Recycling Program. Maximum eligible expenditure under this grant for 2010 - 2011 is $84,600 -- 25% of which would come from the City.
The $63,450 Ecology grant allows the city to go ahead with the following:
Recycling & Collection Events:
The City will print and mail announcement brochures for six events in 2010-2011 and distribute as an insert in “Focus on Redmond.” The City will purchase signage, protective clothing and equipment, and food and beverages for event staff and volunteers.
Commercial Organics Composting:
To increase the composting of food and organic wastes by businesses, the City will recruit new participants within city limits. New commercial customers will be assisted with implementation, and existing commercial customers will be offered assistance to continue with the program and increase their diversion. The organic materials will be hauled off-site by the City’s waste hauler for composting.
Commercial Recycling Outreach and Technical Assistance:
The City will help businesses in Redmond reduce waste and recycle mo:re through outreach and technical assistance, such as, news articles, site assessments and recommendations, training, educational materials, and sharing success stories.
Do you think this is money well spent? Would you like to see some funding for residential composting?
Source: City Council Consent Agenda, 2/16
By Bob Yoder
Logo from Google images
The $63,450 Ecology grant allows the city to go ahead with the following:
Recycling & Collection Events:
The City will print and mail announcement brochures for six events in 2010-2011 and distribute as an insert in “Focus on Redmond.” The City will purchase signage, protective clothing and equipment, and food and beverages for event staff and volunteers.
Commercial Organics Composting:
To increase the composting of food and organic wastes by businesses, the City will recruit new participants within city limits. New commercial customers will be assisted with implementation, and existing commercial customers will be offered assistance to continue with the program and increase their diversion. The organic materials will be hauled off-site by the City’s waste hauler for composting.
Commercial Recycling Outreach and Technical Assistance:
The City will help businesses in Redmond reduce waste and recycle mo:re through outreach and technical assistance, such as, news articles, site assessments and recommendations, training, educational materials, and sharing success stories.
Do you think this is money well spent? Would you like to see some funding for residential composting?
Source: City Council Consent Agenda, 2/16
By Bob Yoder
Logo from Google images
Monday, February 15, 2010
90 Spanish and French exchange students coming to Redmond!
90 Spanish and French exchanges students are coming to Redmond for 3-4 weeks this summer! We are looking for host families to open their hearts and homes to these delightful kids. The students can go on field trips and to school during the day and hang out with you in the evenings and on weekends. This is an experie...nce that is bound to touch your hearts forever. Contact Kris at Bennettbunch@aol.com if you would like more information.
By Kris Bennett, Education Hill
By Kris Bennett, Education Hill
Attend a Town Hall Meeting with our Legislators, Saturday, February 20.
Attend a Town Hall Meeting Sat. 20th with Our Legislators:
Letter by Byron Shultz, Redmond
The 32nd, 45th & 48th District legislators are hosting Town Hall Meetings for us on Saturday, Feb. 20, (11-1) at Crossroads Community Center and invite you to share your comments, questions and concerns about topics related to the Washington state Legislature. The events are free and open to all constituents.
The gatherings are an opportune time for education advocates - Legs have just 3 weeks left in the Session and are close to final decisions on advancing K-12 ed reforms, the budget, and other important votes for kids.
Those who show up drive their agenda - even if for just 15 minutes! Parents must show, say & play - plenty of vocal folks are asking for their interests to be served first before the kids'. Bringing just 1 question can make a difference! (And we'll hear more about: The State Budget, Hwy 520 project, Sound Transit through Bellevue to Redmond.)
The 48th's Town Hall: Sen. Rodney Tom and Reps. Deb Eddy & Ross Hunter; the 48th includes parts of Bellevue, Redmond, Kirkland, Issaquah, and all of the Points Communities.
Saturday, Feb. 20, 11:00 a.m - 1:00 p.m.
Crossroad Community Center at 16000, NE 10th St., Bellevue
(behind the old Circuit City building on the east south-east side of Crossroads Mall, at the end of the drive past the retirement center).
Letter by Byron Shultz, Redmond
The 32nd, 45th & 48th District legislators are hosting Town Hall Meetings for us on Saturday, Feb. 20, (11-1) at Crossroads Community Center and invite you to share your comments, questions and concerns about topics related to the Washington state Legislature. The events are free and open to all constituents.
The gatherings are an opportune time for education advocates - Legs have just 3 weeks left in the Session and are close to final decisions on advancing K-12 ed reforms, the budget, and other important votes for kids.
Those who show up drive their agenda - even if for just 15 minutes! Parents must show, say & play - plenty of vocal folks are asking for their interests to be served first before the kids'. Bringing just 1 question can make a difference! (And we'll hear more about: The State Budget, Hwy 520 project, Sound Transit through Bellevue to Redmond.)
The 48th's Town Hall: Sen. Rodney Tom and Reps. Deb Eddy & Ross Hunter; the 48th includes parts of Bellevue, Redmond, Kirkland, Issaquah, and all of the Points Communities.
Saturday, Feb. 20, 11:00 a.m - 1:00 p.m.
Crossroad Community Center at 16000, NE 10th St., Bellevue
(behind the old Circuit City building on the east south-east side of Crossroads Mall, at the end of the drive past the retirement center).
Sunday, February 14, 2010
The Amazing Race: New season includes a Microsoft employee
The Amazing Race: New season includes a Microsoft employee:
"Microsoft employees will be rooting for one of their own in the new season of 'The Amazing Race,' which debuts Sunday night on CBS. The competitors include Microsoft enterprise sales specialist Joe Wang, 42, based in Southern California, who teams with his wife, Heidi, in the show's 16th season." complete story.
By Todd Bishop (photo by CBS)
Sunday, Valentine's Day, 2/14
"Microsoft employees will be rooting for one of their own in the new season of 'The Amazing Race,' which debuts Sunday night on CBS. The competitors include Microsoft enterprise sales specialist Joe Wang, 42, based in Southern California, who teams with his wife, Heidi, in the show's 16th season." complete story.
By Todd Bishop (photo by CBS)
Sunday, Valentine's Day, 2/14
UPDATED: Some recent Crimes on Education Hill
UPDATED: Jim Bove, Redmond police spokesperson, reports recent Education Hill crime activity. Don't forget Jim's upcoming neighborhood forum on local crime. THURSDAY, February 18, 7PM. at Redmond Junior High.
>14:01:20 02/08/2010
EDUCATION HILL10000 block of 166 AVE NE
The Redmond Police School Resource Officer working at Redmond Junior High School was involved in an investigation that resulted in two students being arrested for possession of prescribed medication without a prescription. The students were booked and later released to their parents. The investigation will be continued at this time.
>Marijuana - Misd Possession 10:10:47 02/08/2010
EDUCATION HILL 10000 block of 166 AVE NE
The Redmond Police School Resource Officer working at Redmond Junior High School was involved in an investigation that resulted in two students being arrested for possession of prescribed medication without a prescription and another student being arrested for possession of marijuana L/T 40 grams. The students were booked and later released to their parents. The investigation will be continued at this time
DUI Alcohol or Drugs02:11:26 02/11/2010
Redmond Police stopped a vehicle for a traffic infraction. The driver was found to be driving under the influence and was arrested.
Theft of Automobile 22:50:10 02/09/20
AVONDALE18600 block of NE 59 CT
Redmond Police responded to the report of a stolen vehicle at a local apartment complex. Unknown suspect(s) stole vehicle from the parking lot of an apartment complex.
Theft-From Mtr Vehicle-Misd16:57:28 02/10/2010
AVONDALE 17700 block of NE 76 ST
Redmond Police responded to the report of a car prowl at a local hardware store. Unknown suspect(s) broke a window and stole a brief case, laptop and tools.
>14:01:20 02/08/2010
EDUCATION HILL10000 block of 166 AVE NE
The Redmond Police School Resource Officer working at Redmond Junior High School was involved in an investigation that resulted in two students being arrested for possession of prescribed medication without a prescription. The students were booked and later released to their parents. The investigation will be continued at this time.
>Marijuana - Misd Possession 10:10:47 02/08/2010
EDUCATION HILL 10000 block of 166 AVE NE
The Redmond Police School Resource Officer working at Redmond Junior High School was involved in an investigation that resulted in two students being arrested for possession of prescribed medication without a prescription and another student being arrested for possession of marijuana L/T 40 grams. The students were booked and later released to their parents. The investigation will be continued at this time
DUI Alcohol or Drugs02:11:26 02/11/2010
Redmond Police stopped a vehicle for a traffic infraction. The driver was found to be driving under the influence and was arrested.
Theft of Automobile 22:50:10 02/09/20
AVONDALE18600 block of NE 59 CT
Redmond Police responded to the report of a stolen vehicle at a local apartment complex. Unknown suspect(s) stole vehicle from the parking lot of an apartment complex.
Theft-From Mtr Vehicle-Misd16:57:28 02/10/2010
AVONDALE 17700 block of NE 76 ST
Redmond Police responded to the report of a car prowl at a local hardware store. Unknown suspect(s) broke a window and stole a brief case, laptop and tools.
Three Lake Washington School District wrestlers going to State
Tyler Black crushes his opponent in 2nd match
Redmond Mustang Tyler Black (watch Tyler wresting) is going onto State in Tacoma this month! Tyler is a Senior in the 215 pound weight class. He won two of three matches in the Region II Wrestling Tournament in Federal Way by pinning: Brandon Barcelona (Todd Beamer HS) and Ricky Manz (Rogers HS) Tyler lost to all-state Skyline football player Anthony DeMatteo in an 8-2 decision. He denied the pin once again.
According to parent Mike Glass, Tyler has only been pinned once in his career. Mike's son Joe Glass (189 pound weight class) took 5th and is State alternate. (watch Joe wrestling). Abraham Herrera in only his first year wrestling for the Stangs made it to the Region II. He lost in the pigtail match.
Lake Washington HS took top spot for KingCo 4A and 5th overall with 96th points. Dylan Ultery (140) by decision and Inrahim Khifeh (189) 2nd place to Matt Steed of Emerald Ridge. Both are going to State.
KingCo 4A Region 11 team scores are: Lake Washington 96, Roosevelt 42, Newport 40, Issaquah 40,Woodinville 39.5, Skyline 38, Redmond 26, Inglemoor 22, Bothell 10, Eastlake, 10, Garfield 0, Ballard 0.
The 2010 Mat Classic XXII State Championship event is in the Tacoma Dome, February 19-20. Wrestling begins at 10 a.m. Tickets are $10 for students and seniors, $14 adults. http://www.wiaa.com/
Story By Bob Yoder
Photo & Video by Bob Yoder
See related story in Seattle Times Newspaper, 2/14.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Sounders Head Coach Sigi Schmid to speak at YES! "Invest in Youth Breakfast".
Sounders Head Coach Sigi Schmid to speak at Youth Eastside Services (YES!) Breakfast
Sounders Head Coach Sigi Schmid will bring his passion and leadership to the YES Invest in Youth Breakfast on March 3rd at the Hyatt Regency in Bellevue.
Coach Schmid will be the keynote speaker as the Eastside community comes together to support Eastside youth. He is recognized as one of the most successful coaches in Major League Soccer history. We hope you'll join YES and Coach Schmid as we celebrate kids, families, courage and hope.
So what's on the Breakfast Plate?
Ask: Wendy at WendyC@YouthEastsideServices.org or call (425) 586-2309.
What is YES?
Redmond Police to hold Education Hill forum on car prowls & burglaries
"A high number of car prowls and residential burglaries have occurred the Education Hill area over the last month. While the number of crimes is not out of the ordinary (in fact, most are down from last year), we realize this can be alarming. As always, we want to educate you on how to stay safe, how to avoid these crimes, how you can help the Redmond Police Department and answer your questions.
We are holding an Education Hill Community Meeting next Thursday, February 18th at 7:00 p.m. at Redmond Junior High in the Commons Area. We look forward to answering questions and concerns and providing you information that will keep you safer in the future. No RSVP, just show up and bring your neighbors."
By Jim Bove
Spokesperson, Redmond Police Department
Community Outreach
Office (425) 556-2545
We are holding an Education Hill Community Meeting next Thursday, February 18th at 7:00 p.m. at Redmond Junior High in the Commons Area. We look forward to answering questions and concerns and providing you information that will keep you safer in the future. No RSVP, just show up and bring your neighbors."
By Jim Bove
Spokesperson, Redmond Police Department
Community Outreach
Office (425) 556-2545
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Cub Scouts restore Redmond forest.
Cub Scouts James, Nathan, and Alec with parents in Hartman forest
What a fun time we had in the forest today! Pictured are three Cub Scouts and their parents (Anne, Dale, Jeannie). Are they hard workers!
Lots went on behind the scenes to pull of the event. City Maintenance crews provided the trees and tools. Norah Kates from Cascade Conservancy showed us how to use the tools and be safe. Volunteeer Land Steward, Doug Schmidt coached the cubs on how to plant and mulch the trees. We planted 17 trees!
The Cubs were industrious and could have planted more. But, environmental education is part of the Den Leader Jeannie's mission. So after a snack, Land Steward Doug took us on a tour through the forest to look for invasive (bad) plants. Doug is highly trained with a Master's in restoration. We found English Ivy, Himalayan Blackberries, Stinkweed, and a giant Holly Tree. Doug said these plants aren't from here and are bad. They grow fast in sunlight and smother the forest floor. The Cubs did a great job digging out these weeds before they planted their trees.
As we walked through the forest, we saw giant Cedars, Hemlocks, and Maples. The Cubs know that some of the trees they planted may one day grow that tall! If they decide to plant again next year, they'll see how fast their trees have grown. The link shows the forest area we worked is: http://tiny.cc/0j5Xd.
Lots of forestry restoration work remains. If you want to schedule a forestry work party contact Norah Kates at: norahk@cascadeland.org. or me. If you are a larger organization we have plenty of big jobs to in this forest. To learn more about our GreenRedmond Partnership visit: http://www.greenredmond.org/. By Bob Yoder
GreenRedmond Volunteer
Redmond Chamber announces renewing members
Greater Redmond Chamber of Commerce Newsletter announces renewing members:
Gold 20 - 29 Years (1980 – 1989)
Gold 20 - 29 Years (1980 – 1989)
The Effectiveness Institute 1981
Emerald Heights 1989
Silver 15 - 19 Years (1990 – 1994)
Bronze 10 - 14 Years (1995 – 1999)
World Inspection Network 1997
Enterprise Rent A Car 1998
Resource Management Inc. 2001
Redmond Back & Neck Pain Clinic 2004
The Redmond Mac Store 2006
Xtreme Consulting Group, Inc. 2006
The Loan Source 2007
Firestone Complete Autocare 2008
Thinkspace 2008
Alcyone Dental Care 2009
Integrated Solutions 2009
The Villas 2009
and a little bit more...
My Great Uncle and Aunt lived in Emerald Heights - they loved the pool, gardening, bocce ball, putting and trails. We loved the food.
Pam & I just joined the R.A.C. and I love the spinning classes. So many vibrant group activities,
I joined the Chamber after opening a home inspection business. W.I.N. won!
I still hold a life-time warranty for tire alignment service at Firestone.
ThinkSpace builds green buildings; I sent comments to the planning commission in support.
Cascade Water Alliance has water conservation tips and will someday supply water to Puget Sound cities.
[The R.A.C., Emerald Heights and Cascade Water Alliance are hyperlinked, as part of a promotional roll-out. Interested parties can Contact Bob for details, redmondblog@gmail.com, 425-802-2523]
Cascade Water Alliance has water conservation tips and will someday supply water to Puget Sound cities.
[The R.A.C., Emerald Heights and Cascade Water Alliance are hyperlinked, as part of a promotional roll-out. Interested parties can Contact Bob for details, redmondblog@gmail.com, 425-802-2523]
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Redmond triplets remember their selfless mother
Redmond triplets remember their selfless mother
Story By Mason Kelley
Seattle Times staff reporter
REDMOND — For Alex and Katie Whitaker, the basketball court provides a temporary escape.
It is an escape from grief.
It is an escape from heartache.
It is an escape from the reality that their mother is gone
The complete Seattle Times story is posted on http://redmondbasketball.com/ and the Title link.
Triplets Ben, Alex and Katie Whitaker, and their dad Mickey stand together for Senior Night ceremonies at Redmond High School. Sally Whitaker died of ovarian cancer on Jan. 25. Ben, left, is a golfer. Alex and Katie play basketball for Redmond. Story By Mason Kelley
Seattle Times staff reporter
REDMOND — For Alex and Katie Whitaker, the basketball court provides a temporary escape.
It is an escape from grief.
It is an escape from heartache.
It is an escape from the reality that their mother is gone
The complete Seattle Times story is posted on http://redmondbasketball.com/ and the Title link.
Note from Bob Yoder/Seattle Times Partner: My daughter Lexie, has been friends with Katie, Alex and Ben since pre-school. My wife Pam, sat in the bleachers with Sally for seven years watching Katie and Lexie play Mustang basketball. We attended Sally's Celebration Memorial on January 30 with ~500 others from the "Whitaker Community". I was too emotionally involved to report on this and told Mickey I wished to show my respect for our beloved Sally with silence.Tuesday, February 9, 2010
UPDATED: ELECTION RESULTS: LWSD Bond measure looks unlikely to pass.
Lake Washington School District Levy and Bond election results
King County Library Proposition 1 levy election results
"But an important $234 million bond measure in Lake Washington School District looked unlikely to pass, as just 53.5 percent of counted ballots were for approval. Bond issues need 60 percent approval.
The bond issue would address overcrowding by converting the district's high schools from three-year schools to four-year schools.
"It looks like our voters are saying this is not the time," said Kathryn Reith, district spokeswoman."
Excerpt from Seattle Times article, 2/9 9:15 PM
Lake Washington School District Levy and Bond election results
King County Library Proposition 1 levy election results
"But an important $234 million bond measure in Lake Washington School District looked unlikely to pass, as just 53.5 percent of counted ballots were for approval. Bond issues need 60 percent approval.
The bond issue would address overcrowding by converting the district's high schools from three-year schools to four-year schools.
"It looks like our voters are saying this is not the time," said Kathryn Reith, district spokeswoman."
Excerpt from Seattle Times article, 2/9 9:15 PM
Chandler Jones named a Seattle Times High School Star of the Week
High School Sports Seattle Times Stars of the Week Seattle Times Newspaper
Chandler Jones
Chandler Jones
Redmond basketball
Jones, a senior guard, connected on eight three-pointers and scored a season-high 33 points in a victory over Ballard.
Redmond High students help people of Haiti.
"Redmond High School Students Help People of Haiti"
Anand and Ashwin Raghuraman of Redmond High School organized a fundraiser for the people of Haiti. They went around their neighborhood in Sammamish asking families and friends to donate for the cause. Everyone was very supportive of their cause and in two weeks, they collected a total of $1200. Last Friday, they went to the local chapter of Red Cross in Seattle and donated the money. The staff at the Red Cross was very happy that Redmond High School students were getting involved for these international efforts to help the people of Haiti. Photo: Anand and Ashwin Raghuraman with American Red Cross staff."
By Shannon Parthemer,
Community Relations & Communications Coordinator, LWSD
(425) 702-3300
Anand and Ashwin Raghuraman of Redmond High School organized a fundraiser for the people of Haiti. They went around their neighborhood in Sammamish asking families and friends to donate for the cause. Everyone was very supportive of their cause and in two weeks, they collected a total of $1200. Last Friday, they went to the local chapter of Red Cross in Seattle and donated the money. The staff at the Red Cross was very happy that Redmond High School students were getting involved for these international efforts to help the people of Haiti. Photo: Anand and Ashwin Raghuraman with American Red Cross staff."
By Shannon Parthemer,
Community Relations & Communications Coordinator, LWSD
(425) 702-3300
Monday, February 8, 2010
Redmond's first school bell rings out for your vote
Bob Yoder
Redmond's first school bell was mounted on a one-room school house in 1892. Today it rings for you to vote this Tuesday, Februrary 9th. Don't be late for class! The "final bell" rings for all 52 Lake Washington School District Schools this Tuesday at 8pm when ballots must be postmarked.
Here's your homework: Read your Cliff Notes on the funding measures. Answer all three True-False questions correctly. I hope you have a quality teacher and adequate classroom size. It could determine whether you pass or fail.
By Bob Yoder
"Redmond's first school was a simple log cabin built in 1875. Between 1888 and 1892 classes were in the Congregational Church. It wasn't until 1892 that a new one-room school was built at what is now Anderson Park. It was at this school that Redmond mounted it's first school bell, seen here. The Fact that a small community comprised mostly of small farmers and loggers raised money to purchase a bell for the schoolhouse demonstrated the pride and importance placed on schooling early in our city history."
The bell is now mounted on the west side of the Public Safety Building.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
PTA mom tours Juanita High School infrastructure - gives startling report
LETTER: Voters in the Lake Washington School District now have the opportunity to pass a bond that would modernize Juanita High School three years ahead of schedule.
Curious about the needs of the school and having some experience in assessing school infrastructures, I recently toured Juanita HS in the company of Associate Principal Timothy Hupperten and Head Custodian Les Richey. I immediately observed that the staff and students at Juanita keep their hallways, bathrooms, cafeteria, and classrooms clean and free of graffiti.
Further along, I saw that the facilities are way too small for the growing needs of the students. Everywhere I visited, I saw that teachers and students have been very resourceful in making good use of tight space.
But most important of all, I realized that Juanita High School has serious deficiencies in many essential operating systems, including those for heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, electrical, and plumbing. And the roof leaks. For example:
• Even though five portables are in daily use, classrooms are still crowded, averaging 32 students per class with little space for storage, computer stations, or small group meetings.
• The limited science labs were built with lab benches meant for six groups of four students (24 student capacity). The hands-on experience of 32 students in the chemistry class is limited in this setting.
• The school’s electrical capacity is limited. Teachers curb their use of electrical devices to avoid blowing fuses. Students have lost their computer work when overloaded circuits popped.
• The school would clearly like to increase its technology capacity. But adding new wiring means drilling through the thick concrete pad that supports the building to access the underground wiring system.
• The girls do not have enough bathrooms. Over 500 girls rely on just 13 toilets in the girls’ two main bathrooms, only one of which is wheelchair-accessible.
• The roof is flat. Despite repeated repairs, water perennially pools on the roof and leaks into Juanita’s classrooms, hallways, library, theater, gymnasium, locker rooms and offices, causing expensive damage.
• The gas-powered boiler is too small to properly heat a building that has 18-foot tall ceilings. Not all HVAC ducts properly align with the classrooms. As a result, some classrooms are always too hot in the warm months, and too cold in the winter.
These are costly problems that no amount of elbow-grease and can-do spirit can solve. They affect the education of our children in very profound ways. Our children deserve better. I dearly love the Juanita HS community. Although I don’t have children at the school, I am a Juanita PTA member and have attended many sporting events, plays, and graduation ceremonies. I can personally attest to the spirit, pride and warmth that the students, teachers, principal, building staff and parents all feel about their school.
So, I voted YES for the bond and hope you do the same. Will you?
By Barb Billinghurst
Kirkland, WA.
Fast Facts on 2010 Levy and Bond Measures.
Curious about the needs of the school and having some experience in assessing school infrastructures, I recently toured Juanita HS in the company of Associate Principal Timothy Hupperten and Head Custodian Les Richey. I immediately observed that the staff and students at Juanita keep their hallways, bathrooms, cafeteria, and classrooms clean and free of graffiti.
Further along, I saw that the facilities are way too small for the growing needs of the students. Everywhere I visited, I saw that teachers and students have been very resourceful in making good use of tight space.
But most important of all, I realized that Juanita High School has serious deficiencies in many essential operating systems, including those for heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, electrical, and plumbing. And the roof leaks. For example:
• Even though five portables are in daily use, classrooms are still crowded, averaging 32 students per class with little space for storage, computer stations, or small group meetings.
• The limited science labs were built with lab benches meant for six groups of four students (24 student capacity). The hands-on experience of 32 students in the chemistry class is limited in this setting.
• The school’s electrical capacity is limited. Teachers curb their use of electrical devices to avoid blowing fuses. Students have lost their computer work when overloaded circuits popped.
• The school would clearly like to increase its technology capacity. But adding new wiring means drilling through the thick concrete pad that supports the building to access the underground wiring system.
• The girls do not have enough bathrooms. Over 500 girls rely on just 13 toilets in the girls’ two main bathrooms, only one of which is wheelchair-accessible.
• The roof is flat. Despite repeated repairs, water perennially pools on the roof and leaks into Juanita’s classrooms, hallways, library, theater, gymnasium, locker rooms and offices, causing expensive damage.
• The gas-powered boiler is too small to properly heat a building that has 18-foot tall ceilings. Not all HVAC ducts properly align with the classrooms. As a result, some classrooms are always too hot in the warm months, and too cold in the winter.
These are costly problems that no amount of elbow-grease and can-do spirit can solve. They affect the education of our children in very profound ways. Our children deserve better. I dearly love the Juanita HS community. Although I don’t have children at the school, I am a Juanita PTA member and have attended many sporting events, plays, and graduation ceremonies. I can personally attest to the spirit, pride and warmth that the students, teachers, principal, building staff and parents all feel about their school.
So, I voted YES for the bond and hope you do the same. Will you?
By Barb Billinghurst
Kirkland, WA.
Fast Facts on 2010 Levy and Bond Measures.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
UPDATED: Seattle Times debt is restructured - local partnerships alive and growing.
Dear Readers and Guests:
UPDATED: As you may know, The Seattle Times has partnered with my blog and 18 others in the Seattle area to bring exciting, hyper local news to our communities. In just two weeks time, my partnership with the Seattle Times has changed the landscape of my work as a Citizen Blogger. More neighbors and businesses are approaching me. My credibility has skyrocketed and as long as I report with accuracy, clarity, on topic, with good sourcing and judgement, I'm confident you will read and recommend my journal.
The Seattle Times recently sponsored my participation in the annual Associated Press Managing Editors (APME) editor's training workshop. It was held in Tacoma this year at the News Tribune. Besides filling my yellow pad with notes on the values and tools of journalism, many of the participants embraced my effort. I now have the resources I need to create a new platform rich in content. I'll carry a modest tool box to build news-generating social media and engage YOU with your neighbors, schools, businesses and city!
Thank you for your patience while I get up and running. As you read my journal you will see the changes, but not overnight. Expect fewer stories through the Spring. And, I'll be connecting more with local businesses. So hang in and know I'm working hard for you.
This sea change in my approach to reach out to you would probably never occur without The Seattle Times partnership. I am forever grateful to the TIMES organization. And I am also very happy to report exciting news today that the TIMES is financially sound and we can look forward to the long future together.
Thank you for your readership and to those who have contributed with comments, a photo, a story or idea! And for John Reinke correcting an embarrassing spelling error!
By Bob Yoder
UPDATED: As you may know, The Seattle Times has partnered with my blog and 18 others in the Seattle area to bring exciting, hyper local news to our communities. In just two weeks time, my partnership with the Seattle Times has changed the landscape of my work as a Citizen Blogger. More neighbors and businesses are approaching me. My credibility has skyrocketed and as long as I report with accuracy, clarity, on topic, with good sourcing and judgement, I'm confident you will read and recommend my journal.
The Seattle Times recently sponsored my participation in the annual Associated Press Managing Editors (APME) editor's training workshop. It was held in Tacoma this year at the News Tribune. Besides filling my yellow pad with notes on the values and tools of journalism, many of the participants embraced my effort. I now have the resources I need to create a new platform rich in content. I'll carry a modest tool box to build news-generating social media and engage YOU with your neighbors, schools, businesses and city!
Thank you for your patience while I get up and running. As you read my journal you will see the changes, but not overnight. Expect fewer stories through the Spring. And, I'll be connecting more with local businesses. So hang in and know I'm working hard for you.
This sea change in my approach to reach out to you would probably never occur without The Seattle Times partnership. I am forever grateful to the TIMES organization. And I am also very happy to report exciting news today that the TIMES is financially sound and we can look forward to the long future together.
Thank you for your readership and to those who have contributed with comments, a photo, a story or idea! And for John Reinke correcting an embarrassing spelling error!
By Bob Yoder
Friday, February 5, 2010
Swedish slated to open Redmond Ambulatory Care and E.R. end of 2010.
Swedish Moves Forward on Redmond Ambulatory Care and Emergency Facility
Local Health Guide - Seattle Times
REDMOND, WASH., Feb. 5, 2010 – Swedish Health Services announced today development of an innovative ambulatory care and freestanding emergency room (ER) in Redmond. A building permit application is under review by the City of Redmond and an exterior rendering of the structure has been completed. The current schedule anticipates construction to begin in March 2010 and be completed by end of the year.
Designed to be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Designed to be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, Swedish will lease 55,000-square-feet of space for clinical programs including an ER with 18 exam rooms, advanced diagnostic imaging (including X-ray, ultrasound, CT scan and MRI), on-site laboratory services, as well as primary and specialty care offices.
The facility is planned on a 6.5-acre parcel at 18100 Union Hill Road, next to the Microsoft campus.
Released by Ed Boyle
Local Health Guide - Seattle Times
REDMOND, WASH., Feb. 5, 2010 – Swedish Health Services announced today development of an innovative ambulatory care and freestanding emergency room (ER) in Redmond. A building permit application is under review by the City of Redmond and an exterior rendering of the structure has been completed. The current schedule anticipates construction to begin in March 2010 and be completed by end of the year.
Designed to be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Designed to be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, Swedish will lease 55,000-square-feet of space for clinical programs including an ER with 18 exam rooms, advanced diagnostic imaging (including X-ray, ultrasound, CT scan and MRI), on-site laboratory services, as well as primary and specialty care offices.
The facility is planned on a 6.5-acre parcel at 18100 Union Hill Road, next to the Microsoft campus.
Released by Ed Boyle
Redmond Police arrest man for indecent exposure
This report just in from Jim Bove, Spokesperson for the Redmond Police:
Redmond Police arrested a man last night in Grasslawn Park for indecent exposure. We believe he may be linked to at least three previous cases with a similar suspect description over the last six months. He walked out to the trail exposing and touching himself. The victim who saw him ran to the parking lot to borrow someone's cell phone to call 911. Officers responded immediately and the victim flagged down one of the officers as he arrived and pointed out the area where the victim was.
Mr. Bove said, "This was not only an important arrest because of the circumstances, but just as important that the victim kept her wits about her and responded exactly how she was supposed to--calling us with a description and location of the man."
By Jim Bove
City of Redmond Spokesperson
9:27 AM, 2/5/2010 - first reported
Redmond Police arrested a man last night in Grasslawn Park for indecent exposure. We believe he may be linked to at least three previous cases with a similar suspect description over the last six months. He walked out to the trail exposing and touching himself. The victim who saw him ran to the parking lot to borrow someone's cell phone to call 911. Officers responded immediately and the victim flagged down one of the officers as he arrived and pointed out the area where the victim was.
Mr. Bove said, "This was not only an important arrest because of the circumstances, but just as important that the victim kept her wits about her and responded exactly how she was supposed to--calling us with a description and location of the man."
By Jim Bove
City of Redmond Spokesperson
9:27 AM, 2/5/2010 - first reported
Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month: Hanna's Story
Dear Bob,
When Hannah first came to YES she favored skinny jeans, ballet flats and as much make-up as she could get away with in an effort to look like a 16 years old, rather than the 14 year old that she was. 'I used to tell my Mom everything would be okay with my boyfriend Brad if she would just butt out,' she says. 'But things were far from okay.'
Brad was showing the classic signs of an abuser - isolating Hannah from friends and family, telling her he was the only one who truly understood her, pressuring her to have sex, and using anger to threaten and control. 'He was 17 and had dropped out of high school. He seemed like such a grown up. He wanted me to quit school too. He talked about starting a family.'
One night Hannah came home crying and bruised after a fight, which tripped alarm bells for her parents. But Hannah wasn't ready to let go. Hannah's mother turned to YES, insisting on counseling for Hannah. Hannah began learning about healthy relationships and both Hannah and her parents were given the tools to empower Hannah to safely stand-up to, and eventually leave Brad.
'I thought I loved Brad and nothing was going to change that. But I was in the dark. So many girls like me need to learn about healthy relationships. Without YES I'm certain I would have been another high school drop-out, teen mother or victim of domestic violence.
This month is National Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. In honor of kids like Hannah, I'd like to thank you for being a part of a community that cares about girls at-risk for teen dating and domestic violence and for all the kids and families who get the help they need from YES.
National Teen Dating Violence Website: http://www.teendvmonth.org/
By Patti Skelton-McGougan
Executive Director, YES!
Youth Eastside Services
(with drop-in centers at Redmond's Family Resource Center, Crossroads, Kirkland, and Sammamish)
When Hannah first came to YES she favored skinny jeans, ballet flats and as much make-up as she could get away with in an effort to look like a 16 years old, rather than the 14 year old that she was. 'I used to tell my Mom everything would be okay with my boyfriend Brad if she would just butt out,' she says. 'But things were far from okay.'
Brad was showing the classic signs of an abuser - isolating Hannah from friends and family, telling her he was the only one who truly understood her, pressuring her to have sex, and using anger to threaten and control. 'He was 17 and had dropped out of high school. He seemed like such a grown up. He wanted me to quit school too. He talked about starting a family.'
One night Hannah came home crying and bruised after a fight, which tripped alarm bells for her parents. But Hannah wasn't ready to let go. Hannah's mother turned to YES, insisting on counseling for Hannah. Hannah began learning about healthy relationships and both Hannah and her parents were given the tools to empower Hannah to safely stand-up to, and eventually leave Brad.
'I thought I loved Brad and nothing was going to change that. But I was in the dark. So many girls like me need to learn about healthy relationships. Without YES I'm certain I would have been another high school drop-out, teen mother or victim of domestic violence.
This month is National Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. In honor of kids like Hannah, I'd like to thank you for being a part of a community that cares about girls at-risk for teen dating and domestic violence and for all the kids and families who get the help they need from YES.
National Teen Dating Violence Website: http://www.teendvmonth.org/
By Patti Skelton-McGougan
Executive Director, YES!
Youth Eastside Services
(with drop-in centers at Redmond's Family Resource Center, Crossroads, Kirkland, and Sammamish)
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Evergreen Hospital Names Interim CEO
Evergreen Hospital Names Interim CEO:
"Kirkland, WA – Lowell Johnson of Seattle has been selected by the Board of Commissioners to serve as interim chief executive officer at Evergreen Hospital Medical Center in Kirkland. He will be in charge of the healthcare organization’s day-to-day operation while a national search is conducted to replace Steve Brown." complete story
By Sherry Grindeland
Media Relations Coordinator, Evergreen Hospital
"Kirkland, WA – Lowell Johnson of Seattle has been selected by the Board of Commissioners to serve as interim chief executive officer at Evergreen Hospital Medical Center in Kirkland. He will be in charge of the healthcare organization’s day-to-day operation while a national search is conducted to replace Steve Brown." complete story
By Sherry Grindeland
Media Relations Coordinator, Evergreen Hospital
Lake Washington Schools Foundation Co-President asks you to renew an irreplaceable investment.
Our district has an enviable record of publicly involving the community in budget decisions, and for being transparent. The Lake Washington volunteer School Board and district administration have also demonstrated state-wide leadership in fiscal accountability. As the 6th largest district in Washington, LWSD ranks #2 out of the largest 15 districts on dollars per pupil spent on teaching while also being 2nd best at spending the least for central administration per student.
Local community leaders in every arena and industry, many of whom publicly endorse the school levies (readers can check with their organizations of choice for their outlook), join in asking your readers to renew an irreplaceable investment by us, each local voter, for our own futures by voting “Yes” to approve all three Lake Washington school measures on the Feb. 9th ballot.
Byron C. Shutz, Jr.
Co-President 2009-2010, Lake Washington Schools Foundation
Redmond, WA 98052
Local community leaders in every arena and industry, many of whom publicly endorse the school levies (readers can check with their organizations of choice for their outlook), join in asking your readers to renew an irreplaceable investment by us, each local voter, for our own futures by voting “Yes” to approve all three Lake Washington school measures on the Feb. 9th ballot.
Byron C. Shutz, Jr.
Co-President 2009-2010, Lake Washington Schools Foundation
Redmond, WA 98052
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Microsoft's self-powered TV remote, no batteries required
Microsoft's self-powered TV remote, no batteries required
The days of scouring the couch cushions for batteries may be numbered. Researchers from Microsoft's lab in Cambridge, England, have created a media remote control called "Peppermill" that converts the twisting motion required to use it into the energy needed to power it. complete story
By Todd Bishop
Tech Flash
The days of scouring the couch cushions for batteries may be numbered. Researchers from Microsoft's lab in Cambridge, England, have created a media remote control called "Peppermill" that converts the twisting motion required to use it into the energy needed to power it. complete story
By Todd Bishop
Tech Flash
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
“Farewell to Chapple Gym” at Lake Washington High - Lake Washington School District
“Farewell to Chapple Gym” at Lake Washington High - Lake Washington School District:
"Kirkland, Wash. – Chapple Gymnasium at Lake Washington High School has been the site of many high school games, dances and other momentous events. It was even the site of Doug and Emmary Chapple’s wedding in 1993. The gymnasium was named for Chapple in 1992, when he retired from coaching. This year is the last for Chapple Gym since it will be demolished in May as part of the modernization of Lake Washington High School.
On February 5, one week before the last official basketball game in Chapple Gym, Lake Washington High School alumni and friends are invited to say “Farewell to Chapple Gym.” In addition to JV and Varsity Boys and Girls basketball games versus Bothell, there will be a chance for alumni to reconnect and to say hello to Doug Chapple. Doug will be honored between the girls’ Varsity game and the boys’ Varsity game, which begins about 8:00 p.m." read complete story
By Kathryn Reith
LWSD Director of Communications
"Kirkland, Wash. – Chapple Gymnasium at Lake Washington High School has been the site of many high school games, dances and other momentous events. It was even the site of Doug and Emmary Chapple’s wedding in 1993. The gymnasium was named for Chapple in 1992, when he retired from coaching. This year is the last for Chapple Gym since it will be demolished in May as part of the modernization of Lake Washington High School.
On February 5, one week before the last official basketball game in Chapple Gym, Lake Washington High School alumni and friends are invited to say “Farewell to Chapple Gym.” In addition to JV and Varsity Boys and Girls basketball games versus Bothell, there will be a chance for alumni to reconnect and to say hello to Doug Chapple. Doug will be honored between the girls’ Varsity game and the boys’ Varsity game, which begins about 8:00 p.m." read complete story
By Kathryn Reith
LWSD Director of Communications
Monday, February 1, 2010
COMMENT: The City of Redmond is looking for new commissioners and citizen advisers - again!
At last count, they need four Arts Commissioners, two Parks and Trails Commissioners, one Planning Commissioner, one youth advocate for the Arts Commission, and a citizen advisor for SE Redmond Neighborhood. So don't be shy!
I happened to glance at the Sammamish Reporter (1/22) to read the following snippet from an article "Commissioners will shape future of Sammamish".
The front page headline of the Sammamish Reporter proclaimed "citizens mobilize for a stronger voice with city". hmmm. Why are their citizens so engaged and active?
If you want to apply for one of Redmond's nine vacancies, don't be shy, contact the Mayor John Marchione's office at mayor@redmond.gov. He's the one who appoints the commissioners.
By Bob Yoder
At last count, they need four Arts Commissioners, two Parks and Trails Commissioners, one Planning Commissioner, one youth advocate for the Arts Commission, and a citizen advisor for SE Redmond Neighborhood. So don't be shy!
I happened to glance at the Sammamish Reporter (1/22) to read the following snippet from an article "Commissioners will shape future of Sammamish".
"The city council went into an executive session behind closed doors to deliberate on which of the 14 candidates it would appoint to four vacancies."Holy! How does Sammamish so successfully attract and empower their commissioners? What are they doing that's so right? What could Redmond be doing to stampede applicants to the Mayor's office? Does the city need leadership training classes? What's up?
The front page headline of the Sammamish Reporter proclaimed "citizens mobilize for a stronger voice with city". hmmm. Why are their citizens so engaged and active?
If you want to apply for one of Redmond's nine vacancies, don't be shy, contact the Mayor John Marchione's office at mayor@redmond.gov. He's the one who appoints the commissioners.
By Bob Yoder
DigiPen gets new campus, teaching kids game development
DigiPen gets new campus, teaching kids game development
DigiPen Institute of Technology, the Redmond college dedicated to training game developers, is about to get bigger.
The privately owned school is creating a new campus in a former Microsoft building on Willows Road in Redmond with more than 100,000 square feet of space. It's announcing the plan Friday, moving in the summer and starting classes there in the fall.
DigiPen is planning to use the new space to expand its degree programs and the science and technology education programs it offers to high school students in the region." more
By Brier Dudley
Brier Dudley's Blog
Seattle Times Newspaper
DigiPen Institute of Technology, the Redmond college dedicated to training game developers, is about to get bigger.
The privately owned school is creating a new campus in a former Microsoft building on Willows Road in Redmond with more than 100,000 square feet of space. It's announcing the plan Friday, moving in the summer and starting classes there in the fall.
DigiPen is planning to use the new space to expand its degree programs and the science and technology education programs it offers to high school students in the region." more
By Brier Dudley
Brier Dudley's Blog
Seattle Times Newspaper
Letter: School District should be happy with Juanita HS and not think of tearing it down.
Redmond Neighborhood Blog: Editorial: Three smart reasons to vote YES on L.W. School District levy and bond measures.
LETTER: Anonymous said...
Proposition No. 3 on the February 9, 2010 ballot authorizes the Lake Washington School District to "modernize" Juanita High School. To me, "modernize" means to remodel, but to the District, "modernize" means to tear down and rebuild. We have been told that it would cost more to remodel than to rebuild. I find this hard to believe. When the economy was doing well, voters approved bond measures to replace the oldest schools and build new schools to ease overcrowding. At some point the District decided that the normal life of a school is 30-40 years and set up a schedule to replace all school buildings within the district. By the District's definition, Juanita High School, at age 39 is at the end of its useful life.
Juanita High School is located in Kirkland near Juanita Bay. It has two large buildings: a 129,000 sq.ft. school building and a 74,000 sq.ft. field house that contains a gym and a pool. Both buildings were constructed in 1971. The pool and the portable near the east side of the building may have some major maintenance issues, but otherwise, both main buildings appear to be in good condition. School districts around the country would love to have a 39-year-old building like Juanita High School and wouldn't think of tearing it down. When did we become so extravagant to think that JHS is too old and useless?
According to the District's "Capital Facilities Plan 2009-2014", Juanita High School has 52 standard classrooms and 8 portable classrooms that can hold 32 students each. Using 60 classrooms with 32 students per class, Juanita High School can accommodate 1920 students (although the District assumes utilization of each class at 70% to account for teacher planning areas.) Even with the teacher planning areas, JHS can hold 1350 students and that's more than enough room for the additional 300 ninth graders who will be included when the school is converted to the 9-12 grade model.
The main argument I've seen to justify tearing down Juanita High School is so that it will be as new as Redmond High School (2003) and Lake Washington High School (2011). Can we keep spending and building so that everyone is going to a new school? Did the last decade with our "building boom" condition us to believe that we had to tear down and rebuild because everything wasn't brand new or the configuration wasn't quite right? We need to see some more creative problem-solving from the District that doesn't automatically require tear-downs.
I do support Propositions 1 & 2, but I cannot justify approving $234,000,000 for Proposition 3, most of which will be spent to destroy a perfectly good building and then rebuild it. I will be voting: Prop1:YES, Prop2:YES, Prop3:NO
By Anonymous
February 1, 2010 11:14 AM
LETTER: Anonymous said...
Proposition No. 3 on the February 9, 2010 ballot authorizes the Lake Washington School District to "modernize" Juanita High School. To me, "modernize" means to remodel, but to the District, "modernize" means to tear down and rebuild. We have been told that it would cost more to remodel than to rebuild. I find this hard to believe. When the economy was doing well, voters approved bond measures to replace the oldest schools and build new schools to ease overcrowding. At some point the District decided that the normal life of a school is 30-40 years and set up a schedule to replace all school buildings within the district. By the District's definition, Juanita High School, at age 39 is at the end of its useful life.
Juanita High School is located in Kirkland near Juanita Bay. It has two large buildings: a 129,000 sq.ft. school building and a 74,000 sq.ft. field house that contains a gym and a pool. Both buildings were constructed in 1971. The pool and the portable near the east side of the building may have some major maintenance issues, but otherwise, both main buildings appear to be in good condition. School districts around the country would love to have a 39-year-old building like Juanita High School and wouldn't think of tearing it down. When did we become so extravagant to think that JHS is too old and useless?
According to the District's "Capital Facilities Plan 2009-2014", Juanita High School has 52 standard classrooms and 8 portable classrooms that can hold 32 students each. Using 60 classrooms with 32 students per class, Juanita High School can accommodate 1920 students (although the District assumes utilization of each class at 70% to account for teacher planning areas.) Even with the teacher planning areas, JHS can hold 1350 students and that's more than enough room for the additional 300 ninth graders who will be included when the school is converted to the 9-12 grade model.
The main argument I've seen to justify tearing down Juanita High School is so that it will be as new as Redmond High School (2003) and Lake Washington High School (2011). Can we keep spending and building so that everyone is going to a new school? Did the last decade with our "building boom" condition us to believe that we had to tear down and rebuild because everything wasn't brand new or the configuration wasn't quite right? We need to see some more creative problem-solving from the District that doesn't automatically require tear-downs.
I do support Propositions 1 & 2, but I cannot justify approving $234,000,000 for Proposition 3, most of which will be spent to destroy a perfectly good building and then rebuild it. I will be voting: Prop1:YES, Prop2:YES, Prop3:NO
By Anonymous
February 1, 2010 11:14 AM
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