Saturday, May 1, 2010

Redmond Lacrosse Club is strong despite losing 12 players to the Kangs.

This 17 second clip is a ground ball skirmish near the Gig Harbor goal just before half-time.  The Redmond Boys Lacrosse Club is 5 -5 regular season is almost over with one home game remaining on Tuesday, 5/4, 7:30 at Redmond High against Liberty.  (Redmond beat Liberty earlier in the season 13-0.)   Their last season game is away vs. South Kitsap on 5/8. (Redmond lost to So. Kitsap several weeks ago, 13-0.)  The real fun begins after the season with tournament play. 
Redmond Lacrosse were co-champs of Division II last year.  But, they lost 13 Seniors this year.  In addition, 12 players were lost to Jim Anderson's newly formed Lake Washington High team....of note, the Bernstein brothers.  The Kangs are burning hot with an 11-0 record.  
No question the split hurt Redmond Lacrosse, but the 'Stangs have a stable of six freshman and ten sophomores, some with 3-6 years playing experience  Only four seniors are on the roster:  Defenseman Brad Bomberry, Brain Davies, Joesph Mernaugh, and "D" Clement Signoretty.

Coach "JC" spoke highly of his players:
"Our "D" is lead by senior co-captains Clement Signoretty (honorable mention last year) and Brad Bomberry. Both are long poles. Junior, and also co-captain, Niko Shewey stands tall between the pipes. He should receive all- conference recognition this year. So, yes, our defense is strong."  
Redmond Lacrosse runs developmental teams ranging from 3rd to 8th grade.   Coach Bill Hanaford coached the 7/8 team for several years.  His son, Brett Hanaford #37 used his quick feet and stick skills to get open for the shot.  Brett is a freshman.  Casey Downey #9 was working out front with deft shots and passing.

Casey's dad, Mr. Downing says  the after game BBQ that we put on for the traveling always a big hit with them -- and it’s great seeing young men locked in battle and then minutes after eating together celebrating the game.

The Redmond Lacrosse Club helped the city this winter during "Redmond Lights Festival". They volunteered to set-up and take down the light displays.   Don't forget the game this Tuesday night, 7:15 at RHS!.

Saturday's Detailed Prep Lacrosse Results - Seattle Times Sports Blog:
Redmond 13, Gig Harbor 1 (Joseph Mernaugh, R, 4 goals, 4 assists; Jacob Kappes, R, 3 goals, 8 ground balls; Nico Shewey, R, 5 saves; Cody Olson, GH, 1 goal, 3 ground balls; Ricky Chenoweth, GH, 6 ground balls; Arron Wolfe, GH, 12 saves).

By Bob Yoder
Video Clip By Yoder

Legacy for Learning Luncheon raises $156,000 for schools

Dr. Chip Kimball, speaking at the Legacy for Learning Luncheon on the topic of “Future Ready in an Uncertain Future.”
The Legacy for Learning fundraiser just made a huge difference for our students and our schools.  The Lake Washington Foundation raised $156,000 at the luncheon fundraiser held April 24 at Juanita High School.  This is the most raised at a luncheon in the foundation's 5 year history. With help from the commuity and corporate sponsors, this event will fund critical programs for the Lake Washington Schools Foundation.

Arny Leslie, 9th Grade Teacher at Redmond Junior High, and his students explain how high tech lab equipment helps students learn better.  The "probware" demoed in this video cost $47,380,  made possible by Lake Washington Foundation donors.  My daughter was fortunate to take a class from Mr. Leslie.

By Bob Yoder
Photo and video from Lake Washignton Foundation Facebook Fan Page.

Click "Lake Washington School Foundation" Facebook for Dr. Kimball's keynote address and other video presentations by students and faculty.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Redmond Historical Society features developer Kemper Freeman on May 8

We are pleased to welcome developer and long time Eastside resident Kemper Freeman, Jr. Please join us on Saturday May 8, 2010, as he shares stories of growing up in what is now Marymoor Park, where he and his sister raised cattle. He is now one the eastsides' most successful developers transforming his families' strawberry farm into Bellevue Square. We will be meeting from 10:30 to noon at the auditorium of the Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center, 16600 NE 80th St located at the corner of NE 80th and 166th NE in downtown Redmond.  PUBLIC INVITED.

Come See Patti Simpson Ward at the Saturday Market

Come to the Saturday Market opening on Saturday, May 1 and see our Board member and local artist, Patti Simpson Ward, and her poster, which is this years' adverstising poster for the market.

Come See our Display at the new Liquor Store

Our stated purpose as a society includes sharing and celebrating Redmonds's heritage, so we jumped at the chance to do so by showcasing our collection in the windows of the new state liquor store going into Bill Brown's Garage (previously Underhill's Furniture). Each of the five windows highlights a different theme: the Old Trading Company, mid 20th century homes, logging, Bill Brown's Legacy and a huge aerial shot of the city from the 1960's.

Please Click Here to Read our Newsletter [PDF]

Submitted by Redmond Historical Society

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Redmond girls golf streak marches on | Seattle Times Newspaper

"It took a tiebreaker, but the Redmond girls golf team pushed its unbeaten streak in KingCo to 74 on Tuesday after edging Eastlake.
Playing at Sahalee, a course coach Jake Crowley joked his players had only competed on virtually -- playing the Tiger Woods video game -- the Mustangs finished their round tied with Eastlake at 235." Read More
By Mason Kelly
Seattle Times High School Sports Blog
Photo By Dean Rutz, Seattle Times

Jeff Bezos, Michael Dell and Drew Carey back health care startup founder Jeff Bezos, Dell Computer founder Michael Dell and comedian Drew Carey are among the new investors in Qliance Medical Management, a Seattle startup that's trying to shake up the health care industry by delivering high-quality and affordable primary care to patients by eliminating insurance companies from the process.  Read More

Jeff Cook
Tech Flash

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A head-on collision on East Lake Sammamish sends woman to Harborview.

Redmond Police reports:  We had a head on collision yesterday about 3:00 p.m. in the 6400 block of East Lake Sammamish that closed the road for about 90 minutes.

A Land Rover driving northbound swerved into the southbound lane hitting a truck. The driver of the Land Rover, a 40 year old Sammamish female, was rushed to Harborview with injuries to her head. She was in critical condition last night and in intensive care today. The driver of the truck and her daughter did not sustain major injuries. The cause of the collision is still under investigation, however, speed does not appear to be a factor.

The important message in this one is that the driver rushed to the hospital was not wearing her seatbelt, which may have prevented serious injuries."
By Jim Bove
Redmond Police

Redmond Council confirms Ron Gibson for City Police Chief

At its April 27 meeting, the Redmond City Council confirmed Mayor John Marchione's choice for City Police Chief, Ron Gibson, currently the Deputy Chief of Colorado Springs, CO (population 418,076).

"Throughout the interview process, Ron displayed the characteristics and traits required of a director on my management team," stated Mayor Marchione. "His leadership and management skills, along with excellent interpersonal skills, will make him a valuable addition to the City's Police Department and the community."

Councilmember Dave Carson said,  "The thing I took away from our first meeting was you are just personable and I think people really want to see that.... We were just really impressed with your demeanor your skills and background....and your personality."

Councilmember Hank Margeson said, "This police force you are about to take over is one of the elite, in my mind, not only in the state but in the nation.  I couldn't think of a better candidate to help lead those many, many leaders that we have on the streets making critical decisions every day...."

Councilmember John Stilin said:  "I like to make things pretty personal for me, and I would want to work for you.  When I heard you talk about how you would grow people -- it's something that I heard from a former boss that I had.  He called it "Sandbox Theory":  you give people a place to play, you tell them to kinda go and do the best they can do and you come up with solutions and you let them run."

Councilmember Pat Vache' appreciated Ron's "inclusiveness, openness, and getting community involved -- I think that matches well with the department we have now... and  learning how to get continuously better."

Councilmember Hank Myers is Chair of the Public Safety Committee and will interact with Chief Gibson extensively over the next 20 months. Mr. Myers commented about Gibson's "history of interaction with the community, human service agencies,  non profits,  civic agencies community agency to help  broaden the appeal and the cooperation between police department and community."

After the Council confirmation, Richard Cole, City Council President remarked, "The process to hire a new Police Chief took just over one year and has been well worth the time."

Mr. Gibson holds a Bachelor's degree in Sociology from Colorado State University, a Masters of Criminal Justice from the University of Colorado and is a graduate of the FBI National Academy and the Center for Creative Leadership.   Mr. Gibson will relocate to Redmond and begin his position as Redmond's Police Chief in June.

By Bob Yoder
Source:   Council Meeting tapes & city press release

Tent City 4 | Kirkland | moves into location on the Kirkland-Redmond border.

Tent City 4 moved to its new location Friday, April 23 at Lake Washington United Methodist Church on a busy street (132nd Ave. N.E. on the Kirkland-Redmond border). Some neighbors have voiced concern for Tent City 4 residents being in such an exposed location.  Read More.

By Matt Phelps
Kirkland Reporter

Tent City 4 | Kirkland | Focus Northwest - Photos of move-in to TC-4 on April 23 - 26
By Chad Coleman, 4/27/2010
Photo Journalist for Focus Northwest

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sammamish River Trail closes May 3-14 near Marymoor Park for emergency repairs

April 27: Sammamish River Trail closes May 3-14 near Marymoor Park for emergency repairs:

"Sammamish River Trail closes May 3-14 near Marymoor Park for emergency repairs. A portion of Sammamish River Trail just north of Marymoor Park needs repairs, and King County is closing that stretch of the trail May 3-14 to ensure continued trail user safety.

The trail, which runs along the river from Marymoor Park to Bothell, will be closed to all access between Leary Way and Northeast Marymoor Way near Redmond at the Marymoor Park west entry, as crews rebuild the 200-foot-section of the trail, including repaving.

There is no viable detour route, so trail users who commonly use Marymoor Park for parking will need to use alternative access. Trail users can access the Sammamish River Trail north of Leary Way Northeast via Redmond’s Bear Creek Trail, which runs alongside Redmond Town Center.

The Sammamish River Trail can also be accessed at other points along the Sammamish River in the Redmond and Woodinville area, including Sixty Acres Park at Northeast 116th Street near Woodinville Redmond Road Northeast.

There will be no direct trail access from the East Lake Sammamish Trail via the Marymoor Connector Trail through Marymoor Park."ce


Redmond Lacrosse Club hosts "all day game day" on May 1

Redmond Lacrosse Club is hosting an all day game day for grades 3-12 at Redmond High school stadium this Saturday, May 1st from 10-7.

The 5/6 grade team plays from 11-12
7/8 grade team  plays from 1-2,
3/4 grade team plays from 3-4
 9-12 grade team plays from 5-6.
Please check out our website: .

The first four high school games are: 

Wed. 4/28   7:00 p.m. Redmond at Sammamish (Interlake High School)
Sat. 5/1       5:00 p.m. Gig Harbor at Redmond (Redmond High School)
Tues. 5/4     7:15 p.m. Liberty at Redmond (Redmond High School)
Sat. 5/8      3:00 p.m. Redmond at North Kitsap (North Kitsap High School)

By Mike Downey
Redmond Lacrosse Club
Public Relations

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Graffiti art in "Edge Skate Park"

A few slides show a chipped "Free Wall" with about an inch of graffiti paint!  The wall has been painted over so many times that you can find layers of paint dating back 15 years.  The walls you see have been painted more than once in the last month.  

Graffiti art has been painted on the “Free Walls” of Redmond’s downtown Edge Skate Park from the day it was dedicated, over 15 years ago.  Anyone is free to paint graffiti on the walls.  These walls are special not only for their art, but for mitigating unwanted graffiti tags from migrating into the skate arena itself.

The skate board and BMX community and neighborhoods have great pride in Edge Park. Skaters say the creative graffiti art usually lasts on the Free Walls for 2-4 weeks before it has to be painted over again.  An unidentified community of passionate graffiti artists re-paint the walls.  According to Ken Wong of the Teen Center, the graffiti artists aren't managed by the City.

Redmond's one-of-a kind Edge Skate Park is located a stone's throw from the downtown Fire station and Metro Bus Park & Ride on 8420 161st Ave. NE.  The Free Walls facing the Park & Ride usually have the best graffiti art. Their tags are probably painted over more often owing to their visibility to commuters.  The paint thickness shows it.

Redmond Parks Operations Manager, Dave Tuchek, says the Park was conceptualized in the mid-1995's by Nick Lovell of the Redmond Police Department.  It was built during the Rosemarie Ives Administration. Dave says, periodically - less than 5-6 times/year - obscenities or graffiti are tagged in the concrete skating arena by outsiders.   Dave says, if the tags aren't removed within about 24 hours it gets worse and spreads.  He takes pictures of the tags for the police report.  Police and Fire have presence too; their refueling station is next door.  

By Bob Yoder
Seattle Times Communities Partner
Photos by Yoder (35 photos)

The Seattle Times graffiti story (4/26) is here 

Saturday, April 24, 2010

OPINION: April, 2010: The city's new liquor store -- you can't miss it.

OPINION:  Look at the loud signage of the new liquor store on Redmond Way - smack in the middle of downtown Redmond on Redmond Way near Cleveland Avenue.  The liquor store is moving into this beautiful, brick building, a 1920's historic landmark known as mayor "Bill Brown Garage".

According to Rob Odle, City Director of Planning and Development "the Comprehensive Plan does not get down to describing the specific location of specific uses. Liquor stores are not singled out for special consideration and are considered to be general retail."  

Longtime resident Andrea Quenneville wrote city council and the mayor complaining about the large, tacky signs in front of the building, saying the signs were "offensive, 'ghetto' looking, and loud", and that "it doesn't present a good image for downtown Redmond".  She wrote "do we not want a clean, pleasant image for the city of Redmond since it's and right down the street from the park-to-be?". 

Jim Roberts, the city staffer in charge of  economic development replies:
"Believe me, we were disappointed about the proposed location right in the heart of downtown in a very prominent historic building. What a great restaurant site it could have been. I have no information about the lease arrangements. We're trying to get them to put historic information about the town in the store windows to make them more interesting for pedestrians than booze ads. Any other ideas of what could go in the windows would be appreciated. I'm not sure we can make it happen, but we could try." 
According to Landmarks commissioner Miguel Llanos, a city planner from the Landmarks Commission asked the Redmond Historical Society if they would display some artifacts in the windows and the Society happily obliged.  The Bill Brown Garage was built in 1920 and used to be a 20-car repair shop.  Brown was Redmond's longest serving mayor (1919-1948).

I wonder if other cities have been able to influence the State Liquor Board on site location or signage.   Any thoughts on  Redmond's downtown signage? 

Opinion and story by Bob Yoder
Photos by Yoder

Friday, April 23, 2010

Tiny Redmond Pianist Wins Big Competition

Redmond fourth-grader Alex Lu, 10, plays the piano in his stocking feet in order to operate the pedal-extension box.
Tiny Redmond Pianist Wins Big Competition

Because he's just 10 years old, Alexander Lu's legs are too short to reach the piano pedals, and his hands are too small to play the chords in many classical music pieces. But he does have a secret weapon: his eyebrows.

When he plays, Alex gets so wrapped up in the music that his whole body moves expressively with the piece, weaving and swaying (see video).  Read More 

By Katherine Long
Seattle Times Eastside Reporter
Video and Photography By Ken Lambert, Seattle Times
Posted By Bob Yoder, Seattle Times Communities Partner

"Last Saturday" Special Needs Matinee

On the last Saturday of each month, the North Bend Theatre is proud to offer a Special Needs Movie matinee for families with children with special needs.  The next matinee is Saturday, April 24, 11 am - 1pm. 

The lights in the auditorium will be on and the volume will be lowered to make this an event the entire family can enjoy.  $5.00/person. Location: North Bend Theater, 125 Bendigo Boulevard North, North Bend. Phone: 425.888.1232

By Beth Angelo
Chairperson, LWSD PTSA Special Needs

Four vehicles involved in crash on Novelty Hill

This video from Air 4 shows a dump truck, pick-up truck, and two cars in a crash on Novelty Road this Tuesday, April 20. Two people had to be freed from their cars. Amazingly, no one was seriously injured. The video shows one person being loaded onto a stretcher.

The accident occurred just east of Redmond on Novelty Hill Road near the W. Snoqualmie Valley Road intersection.

Fischer Communicatons

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Windows saves the day, but the rest of Microsoft business is mostly blah.

Microsoft's strong earnings report today was fueled by solid sales of Windows 7, but digging deeper into the numbers, it's clear that many of the company's businesses have seen better quarters. Despite a a big in advertising revenue, increased expenses pushed the company's online business ever deeper into the red. And Microsoft's business-software units continued to show the effects of sluggish corporate spending.
Here's a division-by-division breakdown of the results...Read More

By Todd Bishop
Tech Flash

Garbage and recycling resumes

Waste Management Service interruption

For Friday April 23, 2010 - Garbage and recycling service will  resume Friday on a normal schedule. Customers that were not serviced on Wednesday or Thursday should bring in your materials from the street. You may put out up to twice the regular amount on their next scheduled collection day.  Questions?  Call:  1-800-592-9995.  

Posted on

Important Budget By Priorities Open House is Monday evening, May 3.

Budget By Priorities Open House for residents and businesses is Monday evening, May 3.

Redmond, WA – The City of Redmond is hosting an open house for residents and businesses to tell City officials and staff what programs, services or projects they would like to see either added or deleted to the City budget. The meeting is on Monday, May 3 beginning at 7pm in the Redmond City Hall Council Chambers, 15670 NE 85th Street.

Members of the six *priority teams will present guidelines for developing budget proposals. This information will guide City staff in determining what programs and services to request for the 2011/2012 budget. Following the presentations, those present will have time to discuss their budget preferences. The suggestions made at this meeting will be distributed to appropriate staff to evaluate alongside additional budget proposals.

City Press Release

Note:  * "priority teams" is probably another name for "results teams".

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Notes on last night's Evergreen Hospital Public Commission meeting.

OPINION:  Last night, I attended and spoke at the Regular Public Meeting of Evergreen  Hospital.   Many citizens don't know that Evergreen is a King County Public Hospital and district residents pay taxes to Evergreen Hospital. 
The most exciting news from the meeting came at the very end when our elected commissioners formally approved and announced their new CEO, Bob Malte.  (see my press release story).  Mr. Malte is replacing the popular Evergreen CEO Steve Brown.  Malte will start permanently May 10, though he will be attending the black-tie Evergreen Gala fundraiser on May 1.  According to the Evergreen website, the Gala is sold out. 
My favorite part of the meeting was Dr. Wechin's update on Resolution 1000 the "Death with Dignity Act."   Evergreen campus hosts a Hospice Center with family support services.  I attended their support classes when my mother passed from a prolonged battle with three cancers and congestive heart failure.  The support classes are taught by experienced volunteers.  It's advisable to seek professional help if your sadness turns to depression, which was my case. 
Dr. Wechin said 70% of  patients choosing to die under the Act are cancer victims.  20% have ALS, and 10% have heart failure.  The common reasons for their choice are:  1) loss of autonomy, 2) lost of dignity, and 3) loss of ability to participate and enjoy life.   My mother died in Florida.  I'm not sure about the Florida law at that time, but she died a tortuous, tramatic death, almost impossible for our family to endure.  After prayer and without hesitation, I voted for the Act in Washington.  
Less than 1% of Evergreen's hospice patients (10) were dispensed phenobarbital medication last year and 10 died.  So far this year, 6 patients were dispensed medication and 4 died.  Prescriptions cannot be ingested on hospital property.  Most choose to die in their homes.
In my public talk,  I introduced myself as a citizen-journalist and hospital district taxpayer of 32 years.  I explained my public service mission of  "Open Government", bringing government closer to the People.  In light of health care reform (driving higher numbers of insured to hospitals), I questioned the hospital's need for taxes.  A brief chat with a commissioner and staffer afterwards was a helpful start for dialogue.     
We the People (and taxpayers!) are invited to speak to the commissioners at Evergreen Hospital on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. The board of five elected-commissioners are receptive and friendly, though their experience with the Public and government reporters appears quite limited, so be patient.  (Disclaimer:  Use of recording devices for accurate reporting by the public and media are not allowed; this policy is under study .)

By Bob Yoder

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

High School Sports | Redmond girls risk golf win streak

High School Sports Redmond girls risk golf win streak:   Seattle Times Newspaper

By Ron Newberry
Special to The Seattle Times

The Mustangs have won 71 consecutive dual matches against KingCo teams.

REDMOND — Jake Crowley hasn't been sleeping well lately.

Any thoughts of sustained sleep ended when Crowley's newborn son, Elijah, arrived March 27. But that's not all that's kept the Redmond High School girls golf coach's mind a bit scattered recently. More.

Robert Malte Named CEO at Evergreen Hospital


Bob Malte was formally appointed CEO during the Hospital Commission's Regular Public Meeting on 4/20.  It was announced he would be attending the Evergreen Gala event on May 1 in Marymoor Park. 

Kirkland, Washington – Robert (Bob) Malte of Littleton, Colorado, has been named CEO at Evergreen Hospital Medical Center in Kirkland. A committee that included the hospital board, physicians, and community members picked Malte after extensive interviews. More than 125 people applied for the position. He will begin May 10.

Malte most recently was president and CEO at Exempla Lutheran Medical Center in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Prior to that he served as senior vice president at ThedaCare and CEO at Touchpoint Health Plan in Appleton, Wisconsin. He earned a Master of Business Administration at The University of Chicago Graduate School of Business in 1982 and bachelor degree in economics at Ripon College in Wisconsin.

“Many qualified candidates were considered but Bob stood out as the best fit for Evergreen,” said Al DeYoung of Woodinville, president of the Evergreen board. “We are pleased with his leadership expertise, experience and dedication to the community.”

Malte has a strong commitment to community service. He has been a board member of the Colorado Hospital Association since 2007, and serves on the YMCA of Denver Metro board as well as a number of other organizations.

He is married and has two children, 14 and 12. His interests include skiing, long distance cycling, tennis and

Malte replaces Steve Brown who left in February to become President/CEO of the Mount Nittany Medical Center in State College, Pennsylvania.

Evergreen Hospital Press Release
By Sherry Grindeland
Photo By Local Health Guide Online
Photo, Subtitle and Evergreen Gala announcement posted By Yoder

Monday, April 19, 2010

UPDATED: Notes on tonight's school board meeting

OPINION:   I walked into the School Board Chambers tonight to walls decorated with creative, colorful art drawn by elementary students from Benjamin Franklin Elementary in Kirkland.   The Principal and her staff gave glowing reports.

Award-winning Mike Town was on the agenda but couldn't make it.  His video was played. 

Three citizens spoke during the "Public Comment" period -- a Co-Chair of Lake Washington School Foundation advertising his Legacy Luncheon fundraiser, a new Council PTSA officer and myself.

Updated:  I urged the School Board (five elected officials) to work harder at selling the Capital Improvement Bond next time.  The few times Directors actively campaign are when they run for office and sell district funding measures to constituents.  Based on my observations at 4 input sessions, over 5 Work Sessions, and 4 Board meetings, the Board majority didn't appear to work hard or smart in selling the bond.  They relied heavily on a Levy Committee phone bank, chaired by Board President Pendergrass.  With the exception of Ravi Shahani and possibly Pendergrass, it appears from my polling of the Administration, that several dropped the ball.  Ravi assertively and effectively addressed the City of Redmond Council and Mayor.  He also attended a community input meeting at Redmond Junior High, though did not participate.   Clearly, Ravi demonstrates he cares about the District in which he lives - Education Hill, Redmond, WA. -- better than most.  Pendergrass met with the Levy Committee twice/month for several months.  I asked President Pendergrass to try to "speak as One Voice" in the next election (and work harder in their home-district).  Hopefully, the Board will write a joint Letter to local newspapers, attract TV media and hold a public forum.  What do you think they could do better?   Or, is something else needed?

Next, the Board reviewed an internal report on "governance process".   The results were hard "to read" and generated little enthusiasm.  However, one item kindled the Board to think about organizing additional constituent groups into a 2-way dialogue with the Board. 
Superintendent Chip Kimball gave insight into the District's budget needs.  The district will collect about $4.5 million more in the 2010-11 school year, based on the levy authorized in February’s election. That increased local levy revenue will restore the $3.5 million in state revenues lost and about $800,000 lost in federal Title I dollars. The result is a flat budget for next year.
Even though the District could collect an additional 1.5% next year from taxpayers if they wanted, Dr.Kimball recommended against it owing to survey results and the economy.  Dr. Kimball and his School Board made a prudent decision.  The City of Redmond had a similar choice last year but raised their taxes by 1% (the maximum) under the prodding of Mayor John Marchione.  Comments? 
Opinion by Bob Yoder

UPDATED: Mike Town celebrates his NEA award at Redmond High.

Redmond High teacher Mike Town receiving award from Phillipe Cousteau

UPDATED:  Excitement abounded at Redmond High School this morning.  The Performing Arts Center overflowed with students and citizens as dignitaries from the state and around the country were on hand to recognize and award Mike Town for his NEA Green Prize in Public Education.

The NEA Foundation presented Mr.  Town a $25,000 award and national recognition for his Cool School Challenge curriculum.  In addition to the NEA award, it was announced Mike won a 1-year Fellowship to work in Washington D.C. under the National Science Foundation.  His absence will be noticed in the Pacific Northwest community next year.

Through Cool Schools Challenge and Wild Sky Wilderness efforts, Town has developed strong relationships with Congressman Jay Inslee and Governor Gregoire.   A Keynote speaker, Phillipe Cousteau commented that Mike has an ability to reach out to legislatures.  "In talking to Mike last night, he knew more about congressmen and staffers than I did", said Cousteau drawing a chuckle from the audience.  Phillipe lives in D.C. and frequents the Hill.   Phillipe is Correspondent for Green Planet and the grandson of Jacque Cousteau.

Town competed with 38 applicants for the award.  Town's Cool School Challenge curriculum has helped students, teachers, and school districts from over 150 schools nationwide reduce over 1.5 million pounds of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions.  Through infrastructure changes and the students' work, Redmond High School has saved over $30,000 per year in electricity and waste costs and reduced their carbon dioxide emissions by over 200,000 pounds.

In addition to the success of the Cool School Challenge project, Town has the highest enrollment of an AP Environmental Science class in the state, with approximately half of every of the Redmond High School graduating class taking his course.  Town thanked Principal Jane Todd and acknowledged ex-Mayor Rosemary Ives for her support.    

Video clips of Mike and from Governor Gregoire were played.  Mike has always lived in small towns outside of cities.  He said "the single biggest point source for green-house gas is local high schools.  And, ""the best way of mitigating environmental problems has and always will be education."   Governor Gregoire praised Town for his work to reduce the carbon footprint at Redmond fire houses and she plans to take Mike's program to schools statewide.   

Congressman Jay Inslee will join Mike Town and other panelists in Bellingham, Saturday, May 15th to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Western Washington's Huxley College of the Environment.  Town is a graduate.  According to Manca Valum, Director of Development, Huxley is "probably the oldest college in the country with the sole purpose of studying the environment."  It was founded in 1969.  Ms. Vahum was in the audience.

The teaching curriculum can be freely downloaded from the Cool School Challenge web site.  It helps student teams gather data about the carbon footprint of each class and, based on their findings, create an action plan to reduce their impact.

Reported by Bob Yoder
Pictures by Yoder

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Redmond Chamber of Commerce members renewing in April

Greater Redmond Chamber of Commerce April Renewing Members
Platinum 30+ Years
Precision Press 1978
Western Industrial Tooling Inc.1978
Gold 20 - 29 Years (1980 – 1989)
Evergreen Healthcare 1980
Genie Industries 1982
Silver Cloud Inn - Redmond 1982
McDonald’s Book Exchange 1983
Overlake Christian Church 1988
Redmond Wekshop 1989
Silver 15 - 19 Years (1990 – 1994)
Family Resource Center 1993
B.E. Meyers & Co, Inc. 1994
Bronze 10 - 14 Years (1995 – 1999)
Strobe Data Inc. 1996
Julin & McBride, PS 1997
J E Cumming Corporation 1999
Redmond Endodontics 1999
Sound Mental Health 1999
Redmond Self Storage 2001
Habitat for Humanity East King Co.
US Healthworks 2002
Speedware Motorsports, LLC 2005
Edward Jones 2006
Send Out Cards 2007
Essential Moves Inc. 2008
White Coyote Technology 2008
Eakins Insurance Agency 2009
Express Employment Professionals
Heart of the Clutter, LLC 2009
Hilton Valve Inc. 2009
Rubbish Truck 2009
By Bob Yoder

Friday, April 16, 2010

"Lake Washington School District Will Not Cut Next Year’s Budget
More local levy dollars will fill in for state cuts

Redmond, Wash. – While the final state budget, adopted yesterday, includes cuts to state funding of K-12 education, Lake Washington School District has analyzed the impact to its budget and determined that expected cuts will not be needed for the 2010-2011 school year.

The legislature’s local levy authority package as enacted will allow the district to collect enough in local levy dollars to make up for those state cuts. Because the budget will be flat for next year, the district will not hold budget input meetings this spring.

“We’ve gotten a reprieve,” noted Dr. Chip Kimball, superintendent. “I’m relieved that cuts ended up being less than anticipated in the proposed budget packages. However, I’m concerned about the state’s increasing reliance on local taxpayers to pay for what the state should provide, and am concerned about the loss of federal stimulus dollars in another year.”"

Excerpt from LWSD press release

Green Redmond "Last Saturday" volunteers needed to restore local parkland forests.

Redmond, WA – The City of Redmond and the Cascade Land Conservancy joined together to form the Green Redmond Partnership. It is the Partnership’s goal to bring 1035 acres of Redmond’s forested parkland into active management over the next 20 years. Active management allows Redmond’s forests to remain an important element of the native ecosystem.

To ensure our forests stay healthy, volunteers are needed to work in the parks removing non-native invasive plants. The first work party of 2010 is Saturday, April 24 from 9am to noon at Viewpoint Park, 1840 NE 24th Street. No prior experience is necessary and tools and gloves are provided.

This event is part of a series of work parties – “Last Saturday” of each month through October. To plan ahead, following are the dates and locations for 2010:

May 29 – Westside Park, 5810 156th Avenue NE

June 26 – Grass Lawn Park, 7031 148th Avenue NE

July 31 – Farrel-McWhirter Farm Park, 19545 Redmond Road

August 28 – Idylwood Park, 3650 West Lake Sammamish Parkway NE

September 25 – Hartman Park, 17300 NE 104th Street   (near Redmond Bike Park)

October 30 – Idylwood Park, 3650 West Lake Sammamish Parkway NE

Thursday, April 15, 2010

BREAKING NEWS: LWESP bargaining unit overwhelmingly ratifies agreement.

LWESP bargaining unit agreement goes to LWSD administration on May 3 for school board approval.

 UPDATED:  The Lake Washington Educational Support Personnel (LWESP) bargaining unit met this afternoon at 4:30 p.m. in the Redmond High cafeteria and overwhelmingly voted to ratify the package agreement.

It didn't take long for the approximate 90 LWSD office managers and support personnel to discuss and vote on the agreement.  The union has 160 - 170 members.  The meeting lasted one and a half hours.    
Donna Lurie (left), chief negotiator for the LWESP bargaining team, stated "the ratified package agreement: 1) includes improvements to contract language, 2) clarifies procedures, 3) provides wage increases, and 4) resolves issues of the sick leave use on March 8." The agreement is retroactive to August 16, 2009. 
Ms. Lurie praised the mediator team of John and Carol Glaser.  "They were very skilled facilitators and helped create a safe environment.  They were enormously helpful, I think, to both parties."  The team was brought in several weeks ago.  Donna said "she was very thankful it's settled and we look forward to a more respectful and productive relationship in the future."   The agreement lasts three years, ending 8/31/2012.

Negotiations for LWESP started in February 2009 and came into loggerheads.  Ms. Lurie stepped in early January 2010 and moved the negotiations forward with tangible proposals, according to Kathryn Reith, LWSD Communications Director.  Donna Lurie has been negotiating for 28 years. She works out of the Bothell Washington Cascade office covering Shoreline, North Shore, and LWSD.
The tentative agreement is now in the hands of the District Management Team.  Deputy Superintendent Janene Fogard and Communications Director Kathryn Reith will recommend the agreement  on May 3 for ratification by the School Board.   
Photo by Yoder

High School Sports Blog | Redmond knocks off Bishop Blanchet

High School Sports Blog Redmond knocks off Bishop Blanchet Seattle Times Newspaper:

"Redmond's Matt Kimmel went 3 for 3 with a two-run homer and an RBI single to lead the Mustangs past the Braves, 11-5.

'He had been scuffling a little bit and struggling and getting a little bit anxious at the plate,' Mustangs coach Dan Pudwill said. 'We talked to him about being patient and getting his pitch and he really did a good job of that. We talked to him about hitting with two strikes and being great with two strikes and he was. He hit a ball over the right-field fence with two strikes. It was something else.'" Unabridged story here

By Mason Kelly
Seattle Times "High School Sports Blog"

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

PC shipments soar in first quarter

PC shipments soar in first quarter -Good news for Microsoft:

"Worldwide personal-computer shipments rose more than 24 percent in the first quarter, according to numbers released by the IDC research firm this afternoon, as the PC market continued to show signs of recovering from the economic recession.

Combined with strong quarterly results yesterday from industry bellwether Intel, the numbers are good news for Microsoft as the Redmond company prepares to report its quarterly earnings next week." Read more

By Todd Bishop
Tech Flash

Redmond High's MIke Town to Receive the Green Prize in Public Education

Mike Town to Receive the Green Prize in Public Education

Washington, DC (April 14, 2010) – The NEA Foundation will present Redmond High School Teacher Mike Town with the inaugural Green Prize in Public Education.   An award ceremony will take place at Redmond High School's Performance Arts Center on Monday, April 19th at 9:30 am.

Harriet Sanford, President and CEO of the NEA Foundation will be joined by Philippe Cousteau, CEO of EarthEcho International and Correspondent for Planet Green to present the award.

Mike Town was selected for the Green Prize for innovative efforts to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and spirit needed to be successful in the 21st century and to address the gauntlet of environmental challenges facing our planet. Mike will be awarded $25,000 and the recipients’ work will be shared with educators and students nationwide.

The NEA Foundation is an independent, public charity created in 1969 and sustained by contributions from educators, corporate sponsors and others. The NEA Foundation offers grants and programs that support educators' efforts to close the gaps in student achievement, increase classroom innovations, salute excellence in education, and provide professional development. Visit

Press Release
Posted by Bob Yoder

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"Adopt - A - Neighborhood" - A new city litter program?

I found this new sign today driving home from Bella Bottega Shopping Center.  It's on NE 98th Street up the hill a block from Red-Wood Road in the Education Hill neighborhood. Map.  At first, I thought it was a city sign and some kind of a new "neighborhood program" the city was starting.  It was professionally installed; a locator service was used.  
But, where is the City logo?   Could this be a home-made sign?  I phoned a city neighborhood planner I know and sent her a picture.  It was news to her.  Come back soon.     
By Bob Yoder 
Photo by Yoder

City of Sammamish Schools Ranked Second in the U.S. for the buck by Forbes

City of Sammamish Ranked Second in the U.S. for Best Schools for Your Housing Buck

Forbes Magazine announced on Tuesday, April 6 that the city of Sammamish is ranked second in the United States for “Best Schools for Your Housing Buck.” To generate these ranking, Forbes worked with GreatSchools, an independent nonprofit,  to analyze 17,377 cities and towns from 49 states.  

The city of Sammamish ranked second, only behind Acton, Mass. in the $400,000-$599,999 median home price category. Here are the statistics from GreatSchools used in this comparison:· Number of Public Schools: 13 (eight in LWSD, five in Issaquah School District)

· Population: 35,242

· Education Quality Score: 95.88

· Median Home Price: $569,140

· Property Taxes as a % of Home Value: 0.81%

· Unemployment Rate: 5.9%

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Seattle Times earns Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News coverage of 4 officers' killings | Seattle Times Newspaper

Local News The Seattle Times earns Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News coverage of 4 officers' killings Seattle Times Newspaper:

"The Seattle Times won its eighth Pulitzer Prize in the newspaper's 114-year history on Monday, earning the top prize in journalism for coverage of the shocking murders of four Lakewood police officers.

The Pulitzer committee, in awarding the Breaking News prize, cited The Seattle Times' 'comprehensive coverage, in print and online,' of the killings — the worst act of violence against law enforcement in state history — and the 40-hour manhunt for the shooter, Maurice Clemmons." Read More

Seattle Times Staff Report
Posted By Bob Yoder
Seattle Times Communities Partner

I was talking to the Seattle Times Communities Manager when the Pulitzer Prize announcement hit the News Room.  ROAR!!  

Redmond Region Orchestra sets a Guinness World Record

Bob - Just wanted to let you know that String Jam '10 was a huge success!  392 musicians - met all the criteria for a Guinness World Record(TM) for the world's largest string ensemble playing the same tune under one roof.  (Juanita High Field House).
The Redmond Region Orchestra is composed of Redmond High, Redmond Junior, Evergreen Junior and invited community members.
For more information and pictures visit:    
By Mary Bourguignon
Redmond resident and community volunteer
Source:  "Redmond Neighborhood Blog"  Fan Page

The City and Code Rewrite Commission seeks public participation

As part of the City of Redmond’s effort to rewrite its zoning code, the City (and Code ReWrite Commisioners) will host a drop-in Open Office Event on Thursday, April 15 from 3 to 6:30pm in the Trestle Room on the first floor of Redmond City Hall, 15670 NE 85th Street. The purpose of rewriting the City’s zoning code is to improve the clarity, conciseness and predictability of the Municipal code for all users.

Drop-by the Trestle Room to tell City staff how regulations for Downtown, Overlake, land division, telecommunications, performance bonding and design standards can be improved. Ideas now being considered include:

■Update Downtown and Overlake street cross-sections to be consistent with transportation study outcomes

■Emphasize the relationship between buildings and the street in the Downtown and Overlake urban centers

■Clarify when design standards are required vs. when they are encouraged

■Consolidate and streamline performance bonding, telecommunications and land division regulations

City staff seeks your input prior to review of these sections of the zoning code by the Code Rewrite Commission, which will begin its review in May 2010.

If attendance to the event is not possible, provide all ideas either through  or by calling 425-556-2440. To subscribe to the weekly code rewrite e-newsletter, send an email to the above address. More information about the process is available at .
-City Press Release

COMMENT:  I participated.  I think I've been the only citizen who has participated, to date.  (Will confirm with public record request).  My total effort was 25 minutes of speaking during three commission visits.  I showed the commission a 15 minute slide presentation on Camwest's Perrigo Heights development - addressed land use public notice failures, final plat deficiencies, and poor maps.  The City would probably get more public participation if they gave more thanks to citizens for participating.
By Bob Yoder

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Redmond plans to hire urban designers for BNSF rail corridor

Redmond hiring for master plan


REDMOND — The city of Redmond plans to hire a team of urban designers, engineers and others to draft a master plan for its part of the BNSF rail corridor.

The city is buying a nearly 4-mile spur of the corridor, which bisects downtown. It wants to find a way to develop the corridor so land on both sides is reconnected. It's anticipated the corridor will have light rail, a recreation trail, utilities, new road crossings and pedestrian connections.  story link

Daily Journal of Commerce
Seattle, WA. 

Saturday, April 10, 2010

New study says 8.4% of jobs in Wash. state depend on Microsoft.

New study says 8.4% of jobs in Wash. state depend on Microsoft

"Microsoft's growth and the decline of other industries have pushed the Redmond company's economic impact in its home state to record levels, according to a University of Washington report released today. The study, funded by Microsoft, says the company..."  Read More

By Todd Bishop
Tech Flash

Friday, April 9, 2010

LWSD will not run the bond measure again this year

Community Survey Shows School District Support, Economic Concern - Lake Washington School District:

"In the February election, the Lake Washington School District bond measure reached a majority of yes votes but did not get the 60 percent supermajority needed to pass. As a result, the District commissioned a survey of district residents to explore concerns around the bond measure and attitudes about the school district. The good news is that those surveyed generally are impressed with the district. Residents cited concerns about the economy and taxes as the most likely causes for less support for the bond measure.
“Given the cost of running a bond or levy election, it’s critical that we know what our community thinks,” noted Dr. Chip Kimball (left), superintendent. “What we heard from district residents is that now is not the time to ask for money for school construction, even though in general residents are very positive about the district. As a result, we will not run the bond measure again this year but will look carefully at the most cost-effective alternatives for dealing with the student population that will be coming in the next few years.”"   Read full press release
According to an email by Kathryn Reith, LWSD Communications Director:  
400 LWSD residents were surveyed at random.  "Residents of the district were surveyed and we have many staff members who live in the district, so they may have been part of the survey but there is no way to tell.  It was done by an independent research company. Some of the questions in the survey are ones that this group has used over many years with other districts in the state while others are very specific to this situation, of course."
Is this 400 resident survey of value if it is not statistically significant?.  Almost 100,000 voters populate LWSD.  Was the taxpayer money spent on this survey worth it?  
By Bob Yoder
Photo by LWSD

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Redmond resident Andy Hill runs for State Senate

Andy Hill for State Senate -45th District   "'The only way to change government is to change the people we elect to represent us'

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I moved to Washington twenty years ago, and love the Pacific Northwest. But the state is headed in the wrong direction. After watching our government over the past few years, it’s apparent that our elected representatives have lost touch with the voters and their families. There is a fundamental disconnect between what the people want and need--- and how our legislators represent us."

Read Andy Hill's entire letter and website .

Multitasking on iPhone, at last

Multitasking on iPhone, at last:

"Multitasking on iPhone, at last. Down at Apple's Cupertino, Calif., headquarters this morning, CEO Steve Jobs announced something that many iPhone application developers have been waiting a long time for: Multitasking for third-party apps.

'Happy day,' said Bryan Trussel, the CEO of Redmond-based Glympse, when I called and told him the news. 'We’ve been lighting incense and worshipping at the altar of Apple to get that,' he joked." ....more

Todd Bishop
Tech Flash

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Environmental teacher Mike Town and Congressman Jay Inslee brief City Council on student energy projects


UPDATED:  A video of Redmond High School teacher Mike Town and U.S. Congressman Jay Inslee addressing Redmond City Council on April 6 is here
Mike (on left) briefed the Council about student energy assessment projects with Redmond schools and the city Fire Department.  Redmond High with a few other schools has saved $30,000/year in energy and waste compared to three years ago.  
Under the suggestion of Mayor Marchione, Mr. Town's students audited six Fire Stations, all competing for 1st Place in energy savings.  Town said our Governor is impressed and now wants all state buildings audited for energy consumption.  The Bellevue EPA building is the first state building to be audited  for energy consumption and savings and waste.  Mike Town's students have been given the task.  
Congressman Jay Inslee proclaimed: 
"Redmond has two natural resources that have made it world famous, and that is Microsoft and Mike Town and the Redmond Mustangs."
Congressman Inslee lauded Mike Town for recently winning a highly competitive National Science Foundation fellowship to advocate in D.C.  Inslee said "local CO-2 reduction is being replicated nationally." 
Watch the video to learn more about Town and Inslee's briefing, Inslee's response to Downtown Park funding and Councilmember Kimberly Allen's remarks on reducing the city's carbon pollution.

By Bob Yoder
Video by City of Redmond

UPDATED: Spicy Talk : stalking the Szechuan chef now in Redmond

Spicy Talk: Stalking the Szechuan chef now in Redmond

.... But early this year Cheng Biao Yang and his wife reappeared, quietly opening Spicy Talk Bistro at 16650 Redmond Way, in a Redmond strip-mall adjacent to Frankie's Pizza & Pasta. There, in addition to many of his signature dishes (plus a handful of Cantonese classics) he was serving -- gulp! -- sushi. That foray into exotic waters didn't last long, Hoang later explained, all but slapping herself upside her head for their momentary lapse of judgment.

A month in, it was out with the new (86 sushi!) and in with the old -- favorites, that is, albeit on a somewhat truncated menu offered every day but Tuesday. Two weeks ago, I got news of their whereabouts. And last week I high-tailed it to Redmond, where I treated myself to food every bit as good as I remember...

Read complete article

Posted by Nancy Leson
Seattle Times

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Evergreen Hospital announces new emergency department in Redmond's Bella Bottega shopping center

Evergreen's Redmond Medical Clinic and Emergency Department to be located in Bella Bottega
"Evergreen Hospital is pleased to announce it will open a freestanding emergency department in downtown Redmond in 2011.  Ground breaking for the three level, 48,000-square-foot facility is set for May of this year.  (Thirty-six underground parking stalls and nearby parking is planned to service patients and 50 staff.)   
The emergency department will be part of a new Evergreen medical complex that will be built in the Bella Bottega shopping center. The facility will also house lab services and advanced diagnostic imaging; it will also merge Evergreen's two Redmond-based primary care practices - Evergreen Medical Group Redmond and Family Medicine of Redmond.
When completed, the emergency department will have the capacity to provide care for 35,000 patients per year and will open with 16 emergency care exam rooms. Open around the clock, it will be staffed by a team of board-certified emergency room physicians, trauma-trained nurses and social workers.
"Evergreen Hospital has provided exceptional care to the communities in our public hospital district for the past 38 years," says Al DeYoung, president of the Evergreen Board of Commissioners. "We have a responsibility to our rapidly growing service area to provide access to the highest standard of health care, including emergency and primary care."
Evergreen plans to invest approximately $15 million in the project.  An estimated 50 staff members will work the new Emergency Department and clinic.  Underground parking for 36 cars is planned within the building.  For more information go to

Do you think there will be enough parking space for this facility and others around it? 

Posted and edited by Bob Yoder
Source:  Evergreen Hospital website

If you want to participate in the budget process, who do you contact?

Open Government: Collaboration, Transparency, and Participation in Practice

The next Budget by Priorities meeting is 7-9 p.m., Monday, May 3 at City Hall.   It may be the last.

The Budget Priorities and Results Team contacts are listed below.  (I had to fill out a  Public Records Request for this contact information).  The Mayor appoints the team members and Executives oversee them.  The Results Teams rank and screen citizen and staff proposals and make recommendations to the Executives and Mayor.  If you have a specific budget need or budget request, you can email the Results Team leads:

"I want a well-maintained city whose transportation and other infrastructure keeps pace with growth."

Joel Pfundt  (lead)  Traffic Planner,
Jamie Aspach, Human Resources
Carolyn Hope, Senior Parks Planner
two other low profile staff.
Dianne Needham (citizen)

"I want to live, learn, work, and play in a clean and green environment."

Dave Tuchek (lead)  Parks Operations Manager,
other four members are low profile staff
Kerry Smith (citizen) presently a Human Services commissioner

"I want a sense of community and connections with others."

Jean Rice (lead), city management analyst for parks,
Charlie Gorman, police lieutenant
other three members are low profile staff
Siri Bliesner (citizen)
       [Arne Tomac was the citizen on 2008 Results Team, past councilman, Bike Advisory Committee chair]

"I want to be safe where I live, work, and play"

Colleen Kelly (lead) Director of Human Services,
Nancy Chang, Teen Center
Kurt Seemann - Transportation planner.
other 2 members are low profile staff
Val Merrill (citizen)
    [Sue Stewart, was the citizen on 2008 Results Team, past Parks Commission chair, CRC commission]

"I want a diverse and vibrant range of businesses and services in Redmond"

Erika Vandenbrande (lead), Transportation manager,
Brain Coats - police
Jim Roberts - Development planner
other 2 members are low profile staff
Ralph Kleim (citizen)
     [John Stilin was the citizen on the 2008 Results Team, past Arts Commission chair, present councilmember]

"I want a city government that is responsible and responsive to its residents and businesses."

Kelly Wood (lead), Treasury Manager,
Ken Wong - Teen Center
other 3 members are low profile staff.
Ray Smalling (citizen)   newly appointed a parks and trails commissioner

You can also send feedback to:

Did this information help?   Do you or your neighbors have a budget need or want? 

Monday, April 5, 2010

March 22: Constantine signs order reaffirming public access to King County's public records

Open Government: Collaboration, Transparency, and Participation in Practice

March 22: Constantine signs order reaffirming public access to King County's public records:

"Update to Executive Policy designates a management sponsor for each department and reinforces citizens broad rights of access to public records

King County Executive Dow Constantine today signed a new Executive Policy that affirms public access to public records and commits the county to an open and transparent government. The policy update expands and details existing policy and incorporates model rules issued by the state attorney general.

Under the law, public records belong to the public,” said Executive Constantine. “This policy reaffirms my commitment to open government, transparency, and customer service, and provides guidance to our public records officers in support of their duties to respond to requests under the Public Records Act.”" read more


The focus of Open Government on this blog is on Lake Washington School District, the City of Redmond and Evergreen Public Hospital.
Is "open government" important to you?   Do you think you would ever need to send in a Public Records Request?  Do you know where to find the request forms?  .

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Bullying: case study of a 15-year old student

Dear Bob,

Judy and her husband were reluctant to move between states because it meant a new high school for their 15 year old daughter Emma at a sensitive time in her life. But with a stylish new haircut and the perfect pair of jeans, Emma did everything she could to fit in at her new school. Six months later she felt so alone and frustrated that she begged her parents to let her move back to her old town and her old school. "I finally found out that a group of girls were actively excluding and bullying my daughter because she somehow got on the wrong side of a very popular classmate," says Judy.

Emma's life took a turn for the worse when the group's cold shoulder treatment turned into more active bullying. Kids were calling her vile names in the hallways, via social network sites and in text messages. Some were even threatening physical violence.

"I felt helpless," says Judy. "She had great teachers but they couldn't do much either." Judy turned to Youth Eastside Services where Emma worked with a counselor to re-gain her self-esteem and learn techniques to safely stand-up to bullying. YES also introduced Emma to her local teen center so that she could widen her social circle.

"Inter-personal bullying is more of a problem than parents and even teachers suspect and the damage it does is far reaching. I'm so grateful to my courageous daughter for standing up to the bullies and to YES for helping her find her way."

Thank you for helping YES help kids like Emma.

Patti Skelton-McGougan
Executive Director,  YES