Redmond hiring for master plan
REDMOND — The city of Redmond plans to hire a team of urban designers, engineers and others to draft a master plan for its part of the BNSF rail corridor.
The city is buying a nearly 4-mile spur of the corridor, which bisects downtown. It wants to find a way to develop the corridor so land on both sides is reconnected. It's anticipated the corridor will have light rail, a recreation trail, utilities, new road crossings and pedestrian connections. story link
Daily Journal of Commerce
Seattle, WA.
Where will the city get the money in the budget to pay for to hire this new team of urban designers and engineers who are planning for the BNSF rail corridor plan?!
I still can't figure out why the city insists on knocking down buildings to create a park when there is that beautiful strip of land where the Workshop Tavern used to be, which would connect all the new condos/apts they value so much with Town Center, which they also value so much. It's ridiculous and wasteful.
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