Monday, September 30, 2019

Join Redmond Fire Department For An Open House

Image result for Redmond fires Department imagesRedmond, WA – The Redmond Fire Department is joining the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) in observing national Fire Prevention Week, October 7 – 12. This year’s Fire Prevention Week campaign is “Not Every Hero Wears a Cape. Plan and Practice Your Escape!” The campaign works to educate everyone about the small but important actions they can take to keep themselves and those around them safe.
The Redmond Fire Department will host a series of open houses at local fire stations throughout Fire Prevention Week. The open houses provide an opportunity for residents to make a home escape plan, meet Sparky the Fire Dog, tour a local fire station, try on bunker gear, and climb aboard the fire engines that Redmond Fire uses to serve the City.
NFPA statistics show that in 2017, U.S. Fire Departments responded to 357,000 structure fires. These fires caused 2,630 fire deaths and 10,600 fire injuries. On average, seven people died in a fire in a home per day during 2012 to 2016 in the United States.
“Home fires continue to be a serious risk, but planning and preparation improves safety and saves lives,” said Redmond Fire Chief Tommy Smith. “Fire Prevention Week is a great opportunity for community members to meet their local firefighters and learn about fire safety.”
For the complete schedule of fire station open houses and to read more about Fire Prevention Week, visit

Friday, September 27, 2019

Earthquake Preparedness In LWSD

Lake Washington School District (LWSD) works with all its schools to ensure that earthquake response plans are in place. Our buildings are built to seismic codes, and older buildings have been retrofitted. All natural gas lines have seismic shut-off valves. The district has a Safety Advisory Committee that meets monthly to discuss emergency planning and safety. As part of those plans, the district follows guidance from the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and currently recommends “drop, cover and hold” as the state-approved response to earthquakes. Students practice this method during earthquake drills. LWSD will also participate in the Great Washington ShakeOut on October 17 at 10:17 a.m. This is a state-wide earthquake drill.

Source:  LWSD Connections

What is EvergreenHealth doing to retrofit their buildings?.... many of them built to 1968 - 2010 standards.  The $345M August, 2019 bond was intended to provide seismic retrofits. It failed. To date, their leadership has lacked transparency - not providing solutions to how they will be earthquake ready.  

On another note, the Redmond fire department is retrofitting their stations.  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

UPDATED: A small opportunity for affordable housing?

Open green space on 83rd and 166th

About a half a year ago I posted a photo of  the downtown "pocket park" on 83rd and 166th Ave. It obviously isn't a park but for the downtown it seemed a pleasant patch of green "open space."

I explored the place and counted 9 trees on the property, some of which appeared dangerous so I contacted the code enforcement officer.  It took quite a while to hear back because the city real estate division was trying identify the owner.  Well, wouldn't  you know -- the city owns the property! (Currently the city is assessing the trees for safety.)

So what are the possible uses of this open space?  The above photo  was taken at 10:30 a.m. today and we see it's filled with parked cars....perhaps construction worker's cars.  Personally, I don't think parking is best use.  Affordable housing is a huge need in the city. Why not build "tiny houses" here or even a small pod multi-family apartment building?

If you think tiny houses or some other use is a good idea write city council at:  I just asked the Council to consider an apodment.

(An "apodment" is a separately rentable bedroom-bathroom suite in an apartment, with use of the apartment's kitchen, in a building full of such units. A typical apodment has 150 - 275 square feet of private space, not including shared kitchens, hallways, stairs, and entries)

-- Bob Yoder

Monday, September 23, 2019

Gull Feasting On Huge Salmon - Sammamish River

Gull with Chinook salmon
At first I thought it must be a log or a piece of driftwood.  However, as I drew closer to it, I could see that it was actually a large dead Chinook salmon – indeed, one of the biggest I have ever seen.  It had likely been on its way back to breed at the Issaquah Hatchery, when it somehow met its demise.
It was clearly a male, as evidenced by the noticeable ‘kype’ located at the tip of the lower jaw.  This is a hook-like secondary sex characteristic which develops in some male salmonids prior to the spawning season.  I estimated its size as about three feet in length.
As I drew closer, I noticed a couple of gulls circling overhead. One landed in the water and swam over to the salmon.  After inspecting it for a few moments, it sank its beak deep into the eye socket area, as I snapped off a few photos.
The gull appeared to me to be an immature glaucous-winged gull.  This species is very common in our area and takes four years to become an adult.  In the immature phase, the feather coloration is an admixture of cream-colored white and a mottled tan, with a black beak. 
The gull continued to paddle along beside the salmon and occasionally peck at it.  After observing the two for a while longer, I finally decided to continue on my way, leaving nature to take its inevitable course.

Story and Photos by John Reinke

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Young Mink Spotted On Sammamish River

Young mink spotted on Sammamish River across from the fishing pier at Luke McRedmond Landing
The mink is scampering into the grasses
During a break in the rain showers on Monday afternoon, I went for a stroll south along the Sammamish River Trail.  I started from the promontory located opposite the Opportunity Building, near the Ben Franklin store.
After a few minutes, I passed underneath Redmond Way and entered the park area known as the Luke McRedmond Landing.  Continuing southward, I bypassed the short concrete walkway that branches off and descends to the river’s edge, where anglers sometimes cast for fish.
Glancing directly across the river at that point, I thought I saw some movement on a small ‘island’ of tangled logs and branches up against the opposite bank.  Slowing my stride, I took a closer look.  Sure enough, I spotted what I quickly realized was a young mink, dark brown in color.  It was much smaller than the otters which I have also occasionally seen in here the river.  I would guess it was about 15 or 16 inches in length.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Success For Every Student

King County Councilmembers Aim To Provide Relief To The People Of The Bahamas

Image result for King County logoToday, King County Councilmembers Reagan Dunn and Larry Gossett introduced a motion that would provide relief to the people of the Bahamas in the wake of Hurricane Dorian.

This legislation aims to allow County employees to donate their vacation time in the form of a cash donation to victims of natural disasters. Additionally, it requests research into other ways that King County could provide disaster relief to the Bahamas, such as by providing personnel, technical expertise, or medical supplies to aid relief efforts.

“It is the American way to give generously when we see others in need,” Dunn said. “This donation program gives King County employees a means to help Bahamian families and communities who have a long recovery ahead.” A part of King County code allows for the conversion of vacation time into donations to nonprofits.

“King County and our employees have a long history in helping people around the world and in the US in the face of devastating natural disasters,” Gossett said. “I hope our employees will give generously to the people of the Bahamas in their time of need and in their efforts to rebuild their communities and their country.”

Hurricane Dorian was a Category 5 hurricane that devastated the Bahamas when it struck the islands of Great Abaco, Grand Bahama, and others on September 1. The hurricane was one of the strongest Atlantic storms on record. As of Thursday, September 12, the Bahamas Health Minister has confirmed that 50 people have died as a result of the storm, and thousands of people are still missing. Officials estimate that approximately 70,000 people are left without homes.

The legislation will be presented to the King County Council on Wednesday, September 18.

Perhaps the City of Redmond Councilmembers could follow suit.

Scooter Safety

Welcome to San Diego -- Don't mind the scooters

"... scooter safety has become a big issue. A three-month study published in May from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Public Health and Transportation departments of Austin, Texas, found that for every 100,000 scooter rides, 20 people were injured. Nearly half of the injuries were to the head; 15% of those showed evidence of traumatic brain injury."

-- Erin Griffith, 9/5/2019

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Puget Sound Vision 2050

Based on forecast data prepared by Puget Sound Regional Council, the region is expected to grow by 1.8 million people by 2050 and reach a total population of 5.8 million. An anticipated 1.2 million more jobs are forecast by 2050. VISION 2050 is intended to provide a framework for how and where development will occur and how the region will support efforts to manage growth.

Redmond City Council memo, 9/10

Kathy Lambert, King County Councilmember, September 5th:

"Vision 2050 report comment period ends Sept 16. My concerns are that rural areas seem to be undervalued and that local comprehensive plans are being held hostage to transportation funding. The sustainability of unincorporated areas has no clear agreed path to how that can happen after 30 years of not being implemented. The school districts came in to talk about the need for more rural schools and the push back was that they should be in urban areas and that pits unincorporated area students on longer and longer bus rides ðŸšŒ when there are students for to a full school. The other comment was that the schools should use eminent domain inside the cities pitting cities against school districts. Lots of big and important decisions."

-- Kathy's Facebook site

Friday, September 6, 2019

Major Upheaval Of LWSD General Leadership Team

In looking at Superintendent Dr Jane Stevam's new Organizational Chart major changes have been made to the structure, titles and names of the General Leadership Team.  Progress!

The General Leadership members are described here.  Find many new faces.

Some of the notable changes are:

Matt Gillingham, Student Services has been promoted to Associate Superintendent of Student and Community Services.  A new position he oversees is Gloria Henderson, Director of  Opportunity, Equity and Inclusion.

The four Learning Community Directors have been broken into two Elementary Education Directors and two Secondary School Directors - no change in personnel.  Susan Ann Sullivan is a Director of Elementary Education.  Previously, her title was Director of Redmond Learning Community.

Director Dr. Traci Pierce -- past Superintendent -- has been removed from the chart.

Mike Van Orden's title has changed to Associate Superintendent of Teaching and Learning and he has assumed greater responsibility.  Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum Matt M. isn't on the chart.

Source:  School Board packet and district website

Collective Bargaining Unit Raises Select LWSD Salaries 4-17%

The current Service Employees International Union (“SEIU”) Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) ran from August 2016 through August 2019. Bargaining for a successor agreement started in April 2019 and recently concluded. The District and SEIU reached a tentative agreement on a successor CBA. 

The SEIU represents Instructional Assistants, Extended Day Instructional Assistants, Technical Support Specialists, Headstart Assistant Teachers, Headstart/Readystart Teachers, and Family Support Specialists. The settlement is within the parameter discussed with the board earlier this year. 

Duration: August 16, 2019 – August 15, 2022 (three-year agreement). 

Wages: 2019-20: Employees will receive pay increases between 4% and 17% on a restructured salary schedule. This includes the state determined inflationary adjustment, which is 2.0%. These increases were based on comparable salaries from neighboring Districts and allows our District to maintain our ability to attract and retain high quality staff. 

Source:  September 9, 2019 Board memo 

Senior Center Temporarily Closed

Redmond, WA – The Redmond Senior Center (RSC), located at 8703 160th Avenue NE recently underwent an exterior building evaluation in preparation for long term maintenance and repairs outlined in the City’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). RSC’s mechanical systems, roof, and building exterior are scheduled to be replaced in 2021. This evaluation conducted by a contracted structural engineering firm confirmed extensive structural damage to the exterior walls and substantial impact to both the lateral and gravity systems.
To allow for the ongoing investigation of the building interior and roof, the building has been vacated and will have limited entry for building inspectors and engineers to conduct further assessment. Programs, rentals, and events will be relocated to alternative locations with the goal of minimal impact to service.
“We will continue to keep the community informed and we are working to minimize impact to services,” said Parks and Recreation Director, Carrie Hite.
The Redmond Senior Center (RSC) was constructed in 1991 and serves an estimated 45,000 visitors per year. The center provides a variety of classes and activities for active adults age 50 or better throughout the day. In the evening and weekends, the center offers multi-generational programs and rentals for gathering and events.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

City Of Redmond Hires New Police Chief And Human Resources Director

Redmond, WA – At last night’s meeting, Redmond City Council approved Mayor John Marchione’s appointment of Darrell Lowe as the City’s new Chief of Police and Cathryn Laird as the new Human Resources Director.
Chief Darrell Lowe
Darrell Lowe
“Both Darrell and Cathryn bring great knowledge, leadership skills and professional expertise to their new roles at the City of Redmond,” states Mayor John Marchione. “Darrell’s years of experience at the City of Santa Monica provide us a valuable asset as we manage a changing city. Cathryn has a proven track record at the City and I’m confident she will continue to be successful as the new Human Resources Director.”
Darrell is a 27-year veteran of the Santa Monica Police Department with experience as Division Commander, Executive Officer, and Captain. Darrell has a master’s degree in Emergency Services Administration from California State University Long Beach, and a bachelor’s degree in Sociology from California State University Northridge. He has designed training courses that are now the state standard for California, he is a contributing author of Department of Justice guidebooks, and he is an adjunct professor at two California colleges.
“I am humbled and honored to join the fine women and men of the Redmond Police Department as their Chief,” said Darrell Lowe. “I am also excited to join the City’s collaborative executive team as we continue to provide exceptional service to the citizens of Redmond.”
Cathryn has over 20 years of Human Resources management experience. Her experience includes three and a half years with the City of Redmond, most recently as Deputy Human Resources Director, and Acting Human Resources Director since February 2019. Cathryn has a Communications degree from Western Washington University, with a minor in Business Administration. She has her Professional Human Resources (PHR) certification from the Society of Human Resources Management.
“I am honored and excited to be appointed as the City of Redmond’s Human Resources Director,” said Cathryn Laird. “I look forward to supporting our dedicated HR team and continuing to invest in the City of Redmond staff.”

LWPTSA Welcoming Event For All New And International Families

According to the City of Redmond 61% of elementary students and middle school students are people of color; 40% of high school students are people of color.  

Lake Washington PTSA (LWPTSA) Council, in partnership with Lake Washington School District, welcomes all new and international families to our community. New and International Families are invited to a Welcome Event on Saturday, September 21 from 9:30 am – 12:00 pm at the Lake Washington Resource Center in Redmond Town Center.  Participants will learn about: navigating the LWSD school system, resources, and support available from the district, PTSA and how to get involved, the Pacific Northwest culture and activities, relocation challenges, as well as how to support students through transition.

This event is free however registration is requested. RSVP here:

Translation or interpreting services are available on request. Please email and indicate your name and choice of language.

What: LW PTSA New & International Family Welcome Event
When: Saturday, September 21 from 9:30am – 12:00pm
Where: Lake Washington Resource Center, 16250 NE 74th St, Redmond, WA 98052
Questions? Contact Danit Erlich at

Friday, August 30, 2019

Bike Share Parking Lot Dump In Seattle - Eastside Next?

Getting around and through Seattle’s transportation mess, you learn to give up asking questions about the darndest things. Empty Sound Transit-subsidized SDOT streetcars crawling through the International District. Utility workers digging up the busiest streets at the worst times. Speeding electric skateboards with oblivious ear-budded riders slaloming through pedestrians on thronged sidewalks. And perhaps most annoying, the scourge of bike-shares making obstacle courses out of our urban landscape.
But nothing quite prepared me Saturday when I stumbled into what appears to be the Ground Zero of Bike Share, a jammed junkyard-style parking lot outside a nondescript warehouse at 8thAve NW and 46th in Ballard.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

King County Council Passes New Authority To Address Countywide Need Of 244,000 Affordable Housing Units

Image result for King County imageToday by a unanimous vote the King County Council passed legislation that allows King County to directly access approximately $100 million in funding for affordable housing (2019‑0354 and 2019‑0355) over the next 20 years. 

The legislation uses new authorization granted by the state legislature in 2019 to receive a portion of the state’s sales and use tax for construction, operations and maintenance of new affordable housing serving persons with income at or below 60% area median income (AMI). This funding that would otherwise have gone to the state general fund. There is no increase in the sales tax to consumers.

In addition to the County funding of $100 million, cities around the region are expected to take action to implement this new authority. Preliminary estimates indicate that combined the jurisdictions in King County will be able to invest over $200 million in affordable housing, permanent supportive housing, and rental assistance over the next 20 years. 

Investments authorized by this legislation will be used to help meet the immense need in King County for more affordable housing. In 2018, The Regional Affordable Housing Task Force, a collaborative effort between King County and cities which was co-chaired by Councilmember Claudia Balducci, concluded that 244,000 new units of housing are needed in King County by 2040 to address the affordable housing crisis.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Environmental and Adventure School's Yearly Campout

This sailing trip is part of the Environmental and Adventure School's yearly campout at Bowman Bay at Deception Pass State Park where students focus on teamwork, environmental studies, service learning through a stewardship project with park staff and outdoor skills development.

- LWSD site

Friday, August 23, 2019

Overlake 7-Story Office Building With Three Levels Of Underground Parking


Project Overview

The project incorporates a 7-story office building with 3-levels of underground parking 
For more information on this project:  Notice of Application Project Details (PDF)

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

658 Homes In Esterra Overlake - 5, 6 And 8 Story Towers

Esterra Park Blocks 5, 6A, 9 Concept Drawing

Project Overview - Under Construction

Lincoln Properties is designing three multifamily buildings on blocks 5, 6A and 9 of Esterra Park. Building “6A” on block 6A is proposed at six stories with 215 homes. Building “A” is proposed as an eight-story building with 212 homes that straddles blocks 5 and 9. Building “B” is also on blocks 5 and 9. It is proposed as two buildings connected by enclosed walkways, with heights of five and six stories and 231 homes. The north portion of Building “B” faces the Park at Esterra Park.

Monday, August 19, 2019

6-Story 330-Home Esterra Building In Overlake

Esterra Park Block 8 - Avalon Bay Apartments Concept Drawing

Project Overview - Under construction

Avalon Bay Communities is designing a six-story, 330-home building on block 8 of Esterra Park. Block 8 is across NE Turing Street from the Park at Esterra Park site. The design for the building includes a ground-level courtyard that opens to the side facing the park.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Council Considers Significant Stormwater Improvements Off Education Hill

The Council Committee is considering permitting "Pond C" to improve stormwater run-off from Education Hill.  The cost is estimated at $330,000.  Below, is the description of the project as found in the Council Committee memo of 8/13/2019:

"A NE 90th Street Stormwater basin is about 230 acres of predominantly residential and commercial land use. Much of the basin development was prior to modern stormwater standards. The basin originates in the uplands of Education Hill and extends southwest to discharge into the Sammamish River at NE 90th Street.

There is an existing stormwater wetpond located just upstream from the outfall. The existing pond is believed to infiltrate untreated stormwater into the aquifer, the project will stop untreated stormwater from infiltrating at this location. This project will also improve water quality in the Sammamish River through the retrofit design of a stormwater wetpond at NE 90th St in the City of Redmond. The design will focus on the removal of total suspended solids (TSS) to the Sammamish River by increasing stormwater runoff treatment."

This pond provides significant habitat for birds and fish. 

Reported by Bob Yoder

Friday, August 16, 2019

The Downtown Park Cost $41.2 Million To Develop

Image result for redmond downtown park imageProject Costs to develop the Downtown Park:


$0.6M Acquisition and relocation
$20.9M Demolition and restoration
$0.75M Design and construction
$18.9M Total $41.2M Revenues
General fund $6.3M Real estate excise tax
$7.7M Impact fees $15.2M
Business tax $7.5M
WA Dept of Commerce grant
$2.95M Miscellaneous (County levy, rent, etc.) $1.55M

Total Project Cost: $41.2 million

Source: Redmond Document Center

Reported by Bob Yoder

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Mackey Creek Restoration And Enhancement

A small stream in a wooded area

Project Overview - Project Completed

Mackey Creek is a spring-fed, perennial creek that is about 2.65 miles long. It passes east to west through the middle of Farrel-McWhirter Park, joining Bear Creek a half mile to the east. Multiple issues related to the health of the stream were identified, including barriers to fish migration, bank erosion from high stream flows, deposits of sediment causing the creek to flow out of its channel, the growth of invasive plants that have exacerbated flooding, and lack of in-stream woody debris.

Project Work

The project work, which restored and enhanced Mackey Creek within Farrel-McWhirter Park, was funded in part by King Conservation District (KCD). Work included:
  • Stabilizing stream channel and improving stream habitat
  • Removing fish barriers
  • Reducing flooding and sediment problems
  • Controlling invasive plants, and planting native plants
Get information about all projects.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Image result for summer lake images

The New "Esterra Neighborhood" Of Overlake Urban Center

And, we think the Downtown is sprouting 6-story multi-family mixed-use buildings ... Don't discount the 988 home "Esterra Neighborhood" of the Overlake Urban Center just up the hill.
  • Two 6-story buildings are under construction totaling 545 apartments ("homes")
  • An 8-story tower with 212 "homes" under construction; hotel
  • 5 and 6-story buildings totaling 231 homes under construction
  • 7-story Office building with 3-levels of underground parking.
  • Park 
  • And this is just the beginning - 13 buildings in all
I'll be posting a description of each building next week, including sketches.  If you can't wait, check out the city's "Project" page here.  

-- Bob Yoder

Rockin' On The River - Final Performance

The final  performance of city-sponsored "Rockin' on the River" was held at the Senior Center on Thursday, August 8th, 6-8 p.m.  Emerald Heights also sponsors the event.  The Kiwanians grilled hot dogs and hamburgers.  The "Eagle Eyes" band performed; the week before it was the Beatnicks. This is a very popular event and usually draws 400 - 500 residents. According to the City:

Eagle Eyes is a tribute band to the legendary music of the Eagles. They have taken great care and dedication in recreating and capturing the live true magic in the harmonies that make the eagles renowned. 

Hailing from Southern Vancouver Island, BC, the four members of Eagle Eyes have over 120 years of combined experience as professional touring musicians.  

Photos by Reinke