Friday, September 27, 2024

PART FIVE: Miguel Llanos, Redmond Historical Society / 25th Anniversary Celebration

Miguel Llanos

Miguel Llanos is seen orchestrating a "Redmond Historical Society (RHS) Speaker series" event / photo Yoder

I first met Miguel Llanos during the 2008 Perrigo Woodland (Ashford) Trail neighborhood demonstration march through the Perrigo Heights preliminary plat to save its woodlands from development. Council was inspecting the safety of the 40% steep slope sewer line at the time. Miguel set up an exhibit to educate citizens on the history of the woodlands.  

Llanos is an extraordinary Redmond community member.  Among his many roles, he was a co-founder of the Redmond Historical Society, editor of the Redmond Recorder newsletter, a commissioner of Redmond's Landmarks and Heritage Commission, on the Design Review Board, and the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee.  He played a big part in the founding of the Redmond Library. 

Miguel was sworn into the Landmarks and Heritage Commission after Rep. Ross Hunter's Town Hall meeting.  The commission meets when an owner of one of the 16 properties listed as historic by the city wants to make a change. or when a property owner wants to have their property added to list.

Miguel was a strong advocate for preserving Old Town and its 2-block row of historic "Perrigo Plat" Craftsman bungalow houses on 164th Street.  The old Brown Bag Cafe bungalow on 164th was once owned by long-time Mayor Bill Brown (1913-1948) and did not meet the commission's historic criteria.  [Same for the E.A. Walcher House, a 102+ year Craftsman-style bungalow on 8117-166th Ave. NE, also once owned by Bill Brown.]

Miguel currently lives in Los Angeles with his family.  He's in town for the Redmond Historical Society's 25th Anniversary Celebration and Social where he will give a 30-minute slide show. The Celebration is Saturday, September 28 at the new Senior & Community Center, 3:30 - 5:00.  Check it out!  Come one, come all!   

Bob Yoder
Updated 9/27/2024

See a Video of city attorney Jim Haney swearing in Miguel to the Landmarks & Heritage Commission. 🙂 

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