Sunday, August 18, 2019

Council Considers Significant Stormwater Improvements Off Education Hill

The Council Committee is considering permitting "Pond C" to improve stormwater run-off from Education Hill.  The cost is estimated at $330,000.  Below, is the description of the project as found in the Council Committee memo of 8/13/2019:

"A NE 90th Street Stormwater basin is about 230 acres of predominantly residential and commercial land use. Much of the basin development was prior to modern stormwater standards. The basin originates in the uplands of Education Hill and extends southwest to discharge into the Sammamish River at NE 90th Street.

There is an existing stormwater wetpond located just upstream from the outfall. The existing pond is believed to infiltrate untreated stormwater into the aquifer, the project will stop untreated stormwater from infiltrating at this location. This project will also improve water quality in the Sammamish River through the retrofit design of a stormwater wetpond at NE 90th St in the City of Redmond. The design will focus on the removal of total suspended solids (TSS) to the Sammamish River by increasing stormwater runoff treatment."

This pond provides significant habitat for birds and fish. 

Reported by Bob Yoder

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