Friday, September 27, 2019

Earthquake Preparedness In LWSD

Lake Washington School District (LWSD) works with all its schools to ensure that earthquake response plans are in place. Our buildings are built to seismic codes, and older buildings have been retrofitted. All natural gas lines have seismic shut-off valves. The district has a Safety Advisory Committee that meets monthly to discuss emergency planning and safety. As part of those plans, the district follows guidance from the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and currently recommends “drop, cover and hold” as the state-approved response to earthquakes. Students practice this method during earthquake drills. LWSD will also participate in the Great Washington ShakeOut on October 17 at 10:17 a.m. This is a state-wide earthquake drill.

Source:  LWSD Connections

What is EvergreenHealth doing to retrofit their buildings?.... many of them built to 1968 - 2010 standards.  The $345M August, 2019 bond was intended to provide seismic retrofits. It failed. To date, their leadership has lacked transparency - not providing solutions to how they will be earthquake ready.  

On another note, the Redmond fire department is retrofitting their stations.  

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