Monday, November 12, 2012

Charter Schools win in Washington state

Charter schools win in Washington state
November 12, 2012 
By Liv Finne
Saturday afternoon the Initiative 1240 campaign announced that voters have approved the charter school measure. Opponents refuse to concede until every vote is counted, but this morning the Secretary of State’s website shows that with 91% of the vote counted, Yes votes exceed No votes by 44,193, gaining over the numbers reported on Saturday.
Parents and those of us who care about public education have reason to celebrate. Washington will become the 42nd state in the country to allow charter public schools.

This is the result of the hard work of a broad coalition of people from both political parties, and of many independent people with no party affiliation. This broad coalition wants to help children trapped in failing urban public schools.

Now begins the hard work of making charter schools a reality. Although most of Washington’s 295 school districts will be unaffected, Initiative 1240 brings new hope to parents in communities underserved by existing inner-city schools. Charter schools are likely to open in places like Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Everett, Kent, Yakima, Tri-Cities and Bellingham.

No matter where they open, charter schools will give parents a way to provide a bright future for children eager to learn.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Opponents not conceding charter-schools ballot victory: Seattle Times

Opponents not conceding charter-schools ballot victory 

Charter-school supporters claimed victory Saturday, but opponents refused to concede in the face of a vote tally that remains too close to call.

Friday, November 9, 2012

NAMIWalk raises over $205,000

NAMIWalkers with Mariner Moose walked
to raise awareness for mental health in Kirkland
NAMI Eastside wants to thank all of our sponsors and you, for contributing your time, energy, and support to this year’s NAMIWalk. Eastside Donations are still coming in but so far total more than $205,000. The estimate of attendees for the Walk is between 850 – 1000. Regardless of how many people attended or what the final amount turns out to be, I consider the Walk a success. Thank you for helping us continue our important work. We truly wouldn’t be here without you. I will post additional information as I receive it.

NAMI Eastside is the East King County, WA chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). Our mission is to improve the quality of life of those persons affected by acute and chronic mental illness through support, education and advocacy.
Our members include families, friends, and people with mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder (manic depression), major depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, general anxiety disorder, ADHD, and others.
We sponsor free support groups and educational programs, and we advocate for improvements to our mental health delivery system in terms of access to care, standards of care, continuity of care, recovery, housing and rehabilitation.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Bear Creek's Honor Society food drive collects 8980 pounds.

Bear Creek Food Drive collects 8980 pounds.
Bear Creek’s Chapter of the National Honor Society
Collects 8,980 Pounds of Food for Hopelink

During the week of October 29 – November 2, The Bear Creek School’s
chapter of the National Honor Society (NHS) sponsored a food drive for Hopelink. NHS
members posted signs and placed bins near all the classroom doors and then collected the
donations each day and delivered the food to Hopelink’s food bank in Redmond. The students
also organized a “Trick-or-Canning” event on the Sunday before Halloween and many Upper
School students went “Trick-or-Canning” on Halloween night as well, accepting cans of food
instead of candy. Additionally, students collected donations from shoppers at QFC in Redmond
Ridge. In order to encourage donations, the NHS sponsored a contest to see which class could
bring in the most cans per capita.

This year, Bear Creek students collected an amazing 8,980 pounds of food (valued at $13,470),
even more than the 8,809 pounds of food donated during last year’s food drive. The freshman
class collected an incredible 83 items per student!

About The Bear Creek School

The Bear Creek School, a leader in classical education for preschool through grade 12 in the
Pacific Northwest, offers a rigorous college preparatory curriculum from a Christian worldview.
The Bear Creek School challenges students to reach their intellectual, emotional, and spiritual
potential through academics, athletics, fine and performing arts, community service programs,
and many other educational and social activities.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Computer virus grabs attention during busy school board meeting

I stumbled on the Lake Washington School District Board meeting running LIVE on Channel 26 at 7 pm last night.  (You can also watch it streaming online or in the district website archived recordings).  It was a full meeting with three principals presenting at the beginning.  Mead Elementary principal gave her overview as "the host school."  Principals from Eastlake and International recognized their National Merit scholar semi-finalists. 

A wicked computer virus circulating within and around the district computer system was the subject of the Superintendent's talk. It's called: GOBLIN MAL/xpadhg. The district has teams scanning computers and quarantining them. Progress was made over the weekend but "it's not clean yet" according to Pierce. Board member Carlson said infected thumb drives have become a huge reservoir of the virus. The district is issuing replacement storage thumb drives for the students and other alternatives.   Pierce said parents would be notified just as soon as the virus was eradicated. 

A 9th grader from Eastlake spoke up during Public Comment asking the Board to support American Sign Language (ASL) for the World Language Program.  Superintendent Pierce answered a survey is going out to parents asking them what languages they'd like see to expand current offerings. ASL is on the list.

Superintendent Pierce reported $92,230 in donations for the month of October.  Evergreen Healthcare gave $1300 to Juanita High for a white board.  LWSF made three donations to schools.  The PTSA's gave generously.

A Director from the Assistance League of the Eastside gave the Board and viewing public an update on "Operation School Bell" - a program that provides clothing to less fortunate students.  The Eastside chapter's program serves as a national role model throughout 22 states.  1500 LWSD elementary and middle school students are served.  The program started 20 years ago at Redmond elementary serving 60 students out of a portable.  It now partners with Fred Meyer serving 2400 students, including four North Shore schools and Bellevue School district.

The School Board conducted an informal First Reading of Executive Limitations (EL) revisions.  They were last reviewed about 10 years ago and a Second Reading is planned for their next Business meeting. 

By Bob Yoder

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Redmond Safety Alert, by Redmond Police Outreach

Within the last week alone a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of British Columbia, Hawaii and Alaska received Tsunami warnings, and hurricane-turned-Superstorm Sandy claimed over 100 lives. Are you prepared for something like this?

The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is hosting its second REDMOND READY DAY on Saturday, November 17, 2012 at Overlake Christian Church (9900 Willows Road NE) from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm.

The City’s “Redmond Ready” campaign encourages citizens to be trained in three areas: 1) First Aid, 2) CPR, and 3) Personal preparedness. Redmond Ready Day provides training in all three areas mentioned above with the only cost being a discounted rate of $14 for first aid and CPR training, regularly costing much more. The two-hour personal preparedness class is free. Knowing these skills can make the difference between life or death while in the jaws of disaster.  Read More >>

Friday, November 2, 2012

Pileated Woodpecker forages on apple in Education Hill

This Pileated Woodpecker was foraging on an apple in the backyard of a neighbor next to the Shaunhaessy
 Heights development on south Education Hill.  This uncommon bird is rarely seen in Redmond anymore.
Photo By KIM CASHON-SMITH, 11/2/2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Redmond City Hall Ballot Drop Box is Open!

Redmond City Hall  - Next to the Library -  15670 NE 85th Street

24-hour Ballot Drop Boxes Are Open Now!






There's another drop box at Crossroads Shopping Center, South Entrance
IF YOU MAIL:  One First Class stamp is required, postmarked by November 6.
Republished:  11/1/2012

Mayor Marchione proposes $3,122,000 in new "fire engines"

Mayor Marchone proposes replacing this Aerial Ladder Truck with
a new $1,200,000 Aerial Ladder Truck,  Council must approve.
Two shiny, new fire engines, a new aerial ladder truck, battalion vehicle, training vehicle, and two aid cars are in the mayor's proposed 2013-14 budget.  Total expenditures:  $3,122,000, not counting trade in value.

According to the fire chief and director of finance all the older equipment would be surplussed in storage behind the new vehicles except the Aerial Ladder Truck which the chief called "an anomaly" that would be sold in the aftermarket. 

Councilmember Myers asked if the reason for the request was owing to new technology or wear and tear?  The Directors were not very transparent in their answer but the Chief did say lowering maintenance cost and wear are the reasons.  Councilmember Tom Flynn asked if the existing vehicles had been fully depreciated; Director Mike Baily clarified by saying, "No." 

So, it looks like Fire personnel will have some shiny new equipment to use and show off in the community if Council gives the go ahead.  Costs are as follows: 

Aerial Ladder Truck - $1,200,000
Fire Engines (2) - $1,380,000
Aid Cars (2) - $430,000
Battalion vehicle - $64,000
Training SUV - $48,000

Do you think the community needs this new fire replacement equipment? 

Reported by Bob Yoder

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

UPDATED: Evergreen Hospital to hold budget hearing and educational session - Commissioners propose raising the 2013 Regular levy

UPDATED 11/13/2012:  Correction:  On November 9th, the Commission voted to approve a $154,982 (2.1%) Regular Levy increase totaling $15,822,629 for 2013. 

The Evergreen Health Hospital Budget Hearing and Educational Session will take place on Friday, November 9th at 7:00 a.m. in Tan 250 of the Physicians and Surgeons Building.  The Board of Commissioners will be approving the most recent allocation of General Obligation Bonds from King County which aligns with the most recent taxation.  According to Laurene Burton, Government Affairs, the Commisssion is not voting on any proposals or increases to the 2013 Regular Property Tax Levy itself.  The public is invited to sit in on the Educational Session and speak at the Budget Hearing.

The Hearing offers the public an opportunity to give input into how Regular levy dollars are allocated for expenditure and to learn where the hospital spends it's $15,285,968 levy funds to promote community health and wellness.   Currently, 74% of the regular levy monies are allocated to paying debt service for growth and 26% for "health and wellness."  The 24-hour nurse line is one program Evergreen provides - similar to many health insurer programs.   Some citizens want to see more funding for "hands-only" cardiac resuscitation. 

The Board will vote to fund the $9,242,180 General Obligation bond excess levy to pay down a $112.7M bond approved by voters on November 10, 2004.  The bond raises money to pay for Evergreen Hospital's Emergency Department in Kirkland and the Silver Tower surgical aftercare beds. 

The Board of Commissioners raised the Regular Property Tax Levy 1% in 2012,  2.1% in 2011 and 1.7% in 2010.  Commissioners Greenfield and Hirt are up for re-election in 2013.  The Commission accepts public comment on the 3rd Tuesday of every month in the Public Meeting Room, Tan #250. 

By Bob Yoder

King County Public Hospital District No. 2, was established in 1972 to serve citizens in north King and south Snohomish counties. Registered voters in District number 155,154 (2010). Serving more than 400,000 citizens every year and three school districts, the District operates a 290-bed hospital and a network of primary and urgent care centers. Evergreen Healthcare district boundaries include Bothell, Duvall, Kenmore, Kirkland, Redmond, Woodinville, part of Sammamish and parts of unincorporated northeast King County. The District’s specialties include a maternity center, a cancer center, hospice and home health care, 24-hour emergency care, a critical care unit, cardiac care and surgical services.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Redmond Historical Society member photo of first meeting in 1999.

1999 Redmond Historical Society holds its first meeting at the Redmond Library with 22 in attendance. Founders are Miguel Llanos (far right in front), Margaret Evers Wiese (fifth from left), and Naomi Hardy (center right in front)

Monday, October 29, 2012

Communications and city branding under review by Redmond council

City branding and communications were brief but important discussions by Redmond city council at their last study session.  Jeri Rowe-Curtis, newer city Communication and Marketing Administrator was at the table explaining her programs.  More importantly, the city council broadcast a  loud and clear message of Redmond's identity when Council Vice President Hank Margeson proclaimed:
"Redmond ought to be known throughout the world as the tech center of the universe and we ought to be building on that legacy."
Hank left it up to others with expertise to build the brand advising "there should be a coordinated communications plan to have a message that's carried forward; it adds transparency and insures no hidden agendas." 

Councilmember Allen agreed and encouraged "an outreach to the "creative" community to do some branding."

Hank Myers referenced the Puget Sound Business Journal's recent article on seven new technology companies in the Sound with two locating in Redmond.   Jeri Rowe-Curtis said she's paying attention to this Journal.  Some of her recent work is to get more robust programming on RCTV and AM 1650 and a social media push, especially U-Tube.  She's doing lunch 'n learns with staff for emergency prep and screens incoming calls of select citizens to filter the city information and shape the message.   

Her branding message for the city is currently:
"Realize Redmond's future as a City with two vibrant urban centers in downtown and Overlake, improve connections to our neighborhoods, and provide high quality services in partnership with an engaged community." 
By Bob Yoder

Reflections 2012 is a National PTA and cultural arts program

PTSA Reflections 2012

"Reflections" is a National PTA and cultural arts competition. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for students to use their creative talents by expressing themselves through their own original works. This year's title is "The Magic of a Moment" The categories are Literature, Music Composition, Photography, Visual Arts, Film/video, and Choreography/dance.

Redmond High school has a great tradition of entering Reflections but perhaps we had our best year last year with 6 of our students work judged good enough to go onto the state level, (more than any other LWSD High school!) and then 3 of our students won Awards of Excellence at the State level.
So if you want to be a part of is what you do.....

Redmond High school is obviously in the Senior division but new this year is a division for Special Artists. There are guidelines for each arts category and for the special artist division, are in the RHS library along with your entry form. Our lovely librarians will show you where they are and then they will also collect your finished art piece ( told you they were lovely!)

If you want even more details, go to  website. You can download your forms from here BUT the forms in the library have all the PTSA info already filled for you.

DEADLINE is November 2nd 2012. You do not have to leave it till the last minute, get creative now! I am here to help; email is the best way to contact me, I look forward to seeing your creations and the best of luck!

Friday, October 26, 2012

"ONE REDMOND" Chairman Bill Biggs gives progress report to Redmond city council

UPDATED:  Bill Biggs, V.P. Administrative Services for Group Health and Chair of Redmond Economic Development Association (REDA) gave Council a progress report on ONE REDMOND (OR) this Tuesday during their study session.  Mr. Biggs was introduced as the new Chair of OR. 

Biggs defined OR as an organization that "integrates community development, business retention, and business recruitment and choreographs how they connect and work together."   He said integration of the city into OR is important to land new businesses. 

Andrea Lachmann of PS Business Parks and Chair of the Greater Redmond Chamber of Commerce and Nancy McCormick, a Director of Realize Redmond (RR) and Past Redmond Council President were present and gave insight into how their organizations would fold into OR.  REDA, the Chamber and RR planned to finalize their recommendations for a OR work plan yesterday with a specific work plan expected by December, 2013. 

Chair Biggs said "assimilation of the Chamber of Commerce into One Redmond is going very well and this week we'll bring that to culmination." He said the legacy of the chamber is business retention and that chamber staff will be folded into OR.  Biggs said OR will keep the Chamber brand and maintain it's association with the Eastside and National Chambers.  On web searches it will be found rostered under ONE REDMOND. 

Andrea Lachmann wrote a thorough update on ONE REDMOND in the October 2012 Greater Redmond Chamber of Commerce newsletter.   I recommend you read it here. 

McCormick said Realize Redmond is aligned with OR in their mission to develop the community by focusing on:  a sense of place, community involvement, cultural attributes, cultural diversity, and quality educational system.  She said they've been involved with writing the By-Laws of OR during a quiet fundraising period. 

Councilmember Tom Flynn asked if Realize Redmond was still fundraising for the Downtown Park and McCormmick no, it's delayed.  Mayor Marchione said park construction isn't planned untill 2016-2017 with 2014 being a "design year" and 2013 a "community input year."  (write:

President Vache' said the $50,000 feasibility study showed the Downtown Park was not a top priority.  Chair Biggs said "the first park priority is what happens in and around the park, the buzz, and how it creates a sense of place and attraction to the people to visit here, work here, and live here."  He hadn't seen traction from the community side to see how the park would perform.  Read More >>

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Superintendent Pierce informs Wilder parents of her decision for temporary boundary changes - process will take months.

Superintendent Pierce recently wrote Wilder parents informing them of her decision to engage in a temporary boundary change involving Rosa Parks Elementary and Wilder Elementary. This boundary change will move some Rosa Parks students to Wilder. All Wilder students will continue to attend Wilder.

Dr. Pierce will take her recommendation to the school board in January. The goal is to have this process completed prior to kindergarten registration in February.  A temporary boundary committee will first meet on October 25 to process the reboundary. 

The committee will be made up of the principals from the two involved schools (Tina Livingston and Steve Roetcisoender), the director of school support from the Redmond Learning Community (Jon Holmen), staff members from business services, transportation and communications (Barbara Posthumus, Jeff Miles, Kathryn Reith). It will be led by an outside consultant, Bob Collard, formerly Assistant Superintendent both for Lake Washington and for Everett School District.

 At the end of November, the district will hold a public meeting to introduce possible boundary scenarios. At that meeting and through the website, the committee will gather parent feedback on the scenarios.

Current enrollment at Rosa Parks is 795 students, and district projections show enrollment growing to 1034 by the 2015-16 school year.  The district's long-term solution for this issue is to build a new school on district-owned property in Redmond Ridge East as part of a bond measure in February 2014. If that bond passes, a new school would open in the fall of 2016. 

In the meantime, however, Rosa Parks has filled ten portable classrooms and has no additional room to accommodate students while enrollment continues to increase.  Wilder Elementary has a current enrollment of 347 students, and projections show enrollment decreasing to 238 by the 2015-16 school year.

By Bob Yoder

WSDOT sponsors contest for students K-12 to name the SR99 "tunnel boring machine"

LETTER:  The Washington State Department of Transportation is sponsoring a contest for students grades K-12 to name the State Route SR 99 "tunnel boring machine" (TBM). It would be great if you could post this information about the contest to your website.

By Natalie Graves,Communications and Public Involvement, Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Program follows: 

Kids, it’s time to play…Name that tunneling machine! The Washington State Department of Transportation is sponsoring a contest for kindergarten through 12th grade students to name the State Route 99 "tunnel boring machine" (TBM), which is the largest-diameter boring machine built to date. In mid-2013, it will start tunneling beneath downtown Seattle, creating the replacement for the Alaskan Way Viaduct along the central waterfront.

The contest winner will have their selected name painted on the tunnel boring machine and will be invited to attend the dedication event next year in Seattle. This is a great opportunity for Washington state students to learn more about this massive infrastructure project and the advances in tunneling technology that make it possible. Be sure to visit our website to learn more about the project’s history and how a tunnel boring machine works.

Entries will be judged by a panel including Gov. Chris Gregoire and Washington Transportation Secretary Paula Hammond. If the winning name is submitted by more than one contest participant, the judges will determine the winner based on the essay. The winner will be announced in December, when project officials travel to Japan and Seattle Tunnel Partners takes ownership of the completed TBM.  Read More >> How to register >>

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

School board members recruited to oppose I-1240, the charter school reform initiative

School board members recruited to oppose I-1240, the charter school reform initiative

October 23, 2012
By Liv Finne, Washington

I was disappointed to hear that this week opponents of Initiative 1240, the charter school initiative, are trying to recruit school board members to sign a petition in opposition to the initiative.

This effort attempts to draw school board members into a larger political dispute which does not concern most of them. School board members are volunteers who stand for election in order to serve their schools and local communities. The vast majority of the 295 school districts in Washington will be unaffected by Initiative 1240 because this measure allows only 8 charter schools a year and a total of just 40 over five years, a tiny fraction of Washington’s 2,345 schools. Initiative 1240 says preference must be given to charter schools that serve at-risk students, so charter schools are likely to be limited to the few urban districts which serve large numbers of poor and minority children.

School board members are likely to avoid getting involved in Initiative 1240 for two reasons: 1) Initiative 1240 is a strong school reform measure, and 2) Washington state voters are likely to pass this measure. School board members will not enjoy being characterized as opposed to school reform at their next election for school board.

Polls show that voters across Washington recognize that Initiative 1240 is good for children because it will allow at-risk inner-city children the chance to attend a high-performing charter school.

Monday, October 22, 2012

City of Redmond gets passing grade on Washington State Auditor's Office "accountability audit"

Washington State Auditor’s Office 3, September 26, 2012

This report contains the results of the Washington State Auditor's Office independent accountability audit of the City of Redmond from January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011.

We evaluated internal controls and performed audit procedures on the activities of the City. We also determined whether the City complied with state laws and regulations and its own policies and procedures.

In keeping with general auditing practices, we do not examine every transaction, activity or area. Instead, the areas examined were those representing the highest risk of noncompliance, misappropriation or misuse. The following areas were examined during this audit period:
 Open Public Meetings Act
 Financial condition
 CAATS – information system review

RESULTS:  In the areas we examined, the City’s internal controls were adequate to safeguard public assets. The City also complied with state laws and regulations and its own policies and procedures in the areas we examined. 

The City of Redmond serves approximately 52,000 residents in King County. The City lies east of Lake Washington contiguous to the cities of Kirkland, Bellevue and Woodinville. The City provides services including fire, police, water/sewer/storm utilities, public works, community development and parks and recreation.

An elected, seven-member Council and independently elected Mayor govern the City. The Council appoints management to oversee the City’s daily operations as well as its approximately 668 full- and part-time employees. For the 2011-2012 biennium, the City operated on a budget of approximately $523 million.

Mayor Marchione's Vision for the Downtown core in 2030

According to October, 2012 *city-data: 2300 residents currently live in the Downtown Urban Center "neighborhood"; that's only 18% of the number of residents (13000) targeted to live in "the neighborhood" within 18 years.   

The following, is the John Marchione Administration's 2030 Vision for Redmond's Downtown Urban Center as found in his Preliminary Operating Budget 2013-2014.

"Downtown Redmond is a vibrant mix of businesses, residences, and open  spaces.  It's a destination where residents meet in their favorite bakery or take in an open-air concert at the Downtown Park.  Residents and visitors walk along the tree-lined streets from shop to shop, or along the Sammamish River Trail, or Central Connector Trail, for exercise and relaxation. 

The "Downtown Neighborhood" is an urban village with a sense of its own history.  The one square mile neighborhood houses approximately 13,000 residents and 12,400 jobs, providing support to the neighborhood's restaurants, shops, services, and cultural/entertainment venues. 

Downtown residents and workers rarely use their cars to get around the neighborhood, as light rail, convenient bus service, and friendly walking and bicycling environments provide fun, interesting and health transit options within "the neighborhood," as well as to Bellevue and downtown Seattle."

*Source:  Urban Center Element of the Comprehensive Plan link 

Redmond High PTSA Community Digest: Mustang Weekly

HALLOWEEN SHOW! Head over to the Old Fire House Teen Center on Friday, October 26th at 7 PM for the annual Halloween Show. Cost: $7
THRILL THE WORLD 2012.Your chance to be a zombie! Thrill the World is a Thriller zombie dance held at Redmond Town Center to benefit SecondStory Repertory. It will be held on October 27 at Noon, with registration beginning at 10:00.
Viewpoint Work Party
Day of the Dead - El Dia DeLos Muerotos
Eastside Holiday Bazaar
Watershed Preserve Work Party
Poultry Predictor Race
Redmond Lights Volunteers Needed
Ski Registration is open
Read More for details >>

Sunday, October 21, 2012

OPINION: Avodale Crest Development on 104th Approved by City - A Neighborhood Traffic Hazard

The sight distance downhill is only 209 feet - far too little for drivers heading downhill to have time to stop.  That's why they had the no left turn provision in the first place.  It was the City of Redmond, not the developer, that pushed for the left turns into and out of the development.
UPDATED:   Avondale Crest Development was approved by the City on October 5 and is currently under appeal by Susan Wilkins. 


No access from Avondale Road

By Susan Wilkins
Education Hill, Redmond

OPINION:  When the Avondale Crest housing development was first proposed in 2005, the City of Redmond told the developer that access to the site had to be along NE 104th Street even though the 2.85-acre property also bordered Avondale Road. (RCDG 20D.210.20-080*) The slope of the hillside created blind spots for drivers along NE 104th Street so the original plan prohibited traffic coming down the hill from stopping and turning left into the new development. It also allowed only right turns for cars leaving the development – no left turns out of the development were allowed. (See the attached site map.) Even with the turning restrictions, more than 25 residents wrote to the city expressing concern and even alarm at the proposed site entrance because it was in a blind spot on the hill.

(Note: When a housing development is created from a larger lot or group of lots, there are two parts: the PLAT and the PRD (Planned Residential Development). The PLAT subdivides the land into smaller residential lots with the necessary street(s) and lot boundary lines. The PRD defines the requirements within the new neighborhood including house sizes, sewer lines, street lights, tree retention, open space requirements, etc. Plats and PRDs are usually designed and developed simultaneously and depend on each other - as was the case with Avondale Crest.)

When the Avondale Crest PLAT was issued on October 17, 2006, it required the installation of a fixed radar system on eastbound NE 104th Street and it also required a Stopping Sight Distance of 450 feet along NE 104th Street meaning that cars traveling down the hill should be able to see the entrance to Avondale Crest from 450 feet uphill. The restriction on left turns into and out of the development had disappeared.

I appealed the Plat and a hearing was held on December 11, 2006. I presented photos showing that it was impossible to see cars turning into the Avondale Crest development from 400 feet uphill because the road bends while dropping vertically. I argued that the lack of visibility of cars stopped down-slope on NE 104th Street would create a dangerous rear-end collision hazard. The traffic engineer and the planner for the City argued that because the fixed radar system would be installed to slow cars down to 25 mph, the 450-foot sight distance had been mitigated. The Hearing examiner sided with the City and approved the PRD and denied my PLAT appeal. I appealed to the City Council asking that the restriction on the NO LEFT TURN INTO AND OUT OF THE DEVELOPMENT be reinstated. Redmond City Council declined to add that requirement although they left open the possibility of requiring it later.

The fixed radar system was installed in early 2012 and data recorded by the system shows that fewer than 25% of cars are traveling along at the posted speed limit of 25 mph and more than 5% travel at least 10 miles over the speed limit. The data also shows that the number of vehicles exceeding the speed limit has steadily increased indicating that almost all drivers have started to ignore the fixed radar system altogether. I have often driven behind cars that the system recorded at 40+ mph - which is too fast to stop for turning traffic at Avondale Crest.

The Avondale Crest Plat that was approved in 2007 finally expired this past spring (after the City had granted multiple extensions.) Prime Pacific Bank that acquired the property when the developer went bankrupt decided that they would act as a developer and reapplied for plat approval. Instead of re-evaluating the project with the new data from the fixed radar system – and requiring that the developer add turning restrictions on NE 104th Street, the City instead approved the plat. The previous 450-foot stopping sight distance from the Redmond Municipal Code was no longer used and instead the planning staff used a new sight distance calculation from the new Redmond Zoning Code that seems to have far shorter sight distances and stopping requirements.

We now have a fixed radar system that actually tells us that cars are going too fast down NE 104th Street to stop for turning traffic at the proposed Avondale Crest intersection. It is obvious in 2006 when the project was originally approved that the entrance to the development was difficult to see and extremely dangerous. The proposed intersection is currently marked with orange tape and chalk. Can you see the entrance when you drive down the hill? Will you be able to stop for turning cars or crossing pedestrians? Are you afraid that you’ll be in an accident at this intersection? I am.

What should be done? The Redmond City Council should vote to amend the Avondale Crest PRD – an amendment that they specifically agreed to consider in the future when they approved the PRD. They should do it now.


*During the past decade, the City of Redmond has allowed 3 other corner developments (PCC Market, Fairwinds Retirement Center and Aegis Living) to have direct access onto Avondale Road so it’s not clear why Avondale Crest was not allowed to have an exit and entrance onto Avondale, especially considering the acute danger presented by the sight distance limitations on the steep hill.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

SummerFest Generates $4,250 for Lke Washignton Students

Lake Washington Schools Foundation

SummerFest Generates $4,250 for Lake Washington Students

Redmond, WA, October 15 - While families and music and art lovers were having a great time at the August 10-11 Kirkland SummerFest, held in and around Marina Park, they were also helping out Lake Washington public school students. As the event beneficiary, the Lake Washington Schools Foundation received $4,250 which will help it support academic excellence and success for all Lake Washington students. Donations to the foundation go towards innovative classroom programs, the school district’s LINKS mentoring program and helping low-income students purchase school necessities.

The schools foundation was chosen as the event beneficiary to tie in with the festival’s theme of family. According to Butcher, choosing to partner with the foundation was an easy decision for the SummerFest organizers. It seemed a natural fit for Kirkland’s only free, family-centered summer festival, and Butcher and Sailor are planning to work closer with the Lake Washington School District to include more students in its 2013 SummerFest lineup. Proceeds from next summer’s festival will again benefit Lake Washington students through the foundation.

At the October 2 Kirkland City Council meeting, SummerFest co-chairs Rob Butcher and Michelle Sailor presented the Lake Washington Schools Foundation Executive Director LeeAnn Wood with a $4,250 check. Wood informed the council that the foundation serves all 51 Lake Washington District schools, almost half of which are located in Kirkland.

As an inaugural event, SummerFest organizers expected to host a crowd of about 10,000, while the beautiful weather, live music and art and food booths drew closer to 14,000. Drawing on this year’s success and adding music, art and entertainment by Lake Washington students to the 2013 event, crowds are expected to reach 30,000 people. This fun, community event looks like a new Kirkland tradition.
For more information about the Lake Washington Schools Foundation, please contact Executive Director LeeAnn Wood at (425) 936-1414,, or visit
About the Lake Washington Schools Foundation
The Lake Washington Schools Foundation is a partnership between parents, business and community leaders and local schools. Founded in 2005, the foundation’s mission is to support academic excellence and success for all students. The foundation has granted over $1 million for programs that have reached nearly all of our district’s 25,000 students. The foundation’s funding priorities are equal access to educational opportunities, quality teaching and leadership, and future ready skills. The Lake Washington School District serves students in Kirkland, Redmond, and Sammamish.


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Superintendent Pierce moves forward on temporary boundary option to relieve Rosa Parks overcrowding

This letter by Superintendent Pierce was emailed yesterday and did not specify the partner school, nor the number of students to be moved. 

Dear Rosa Parks parent/guardian:
On September 27, I met with the Rosa Parks community to discuss the long-range plan for Rosa Parks, and to seek feedback on potential short-term solutions that could be implemented in the 2013-14 school year to help address size concerns at the school. At the end of the meeting I shared that the team would be collating and analyzing your feedback, and that I would share your feedback back to you, along with next steps, by October 17.  
As you recall, two potential short-term options were presented: Option 1: Temporary Grade Level Move, and Option 2: Temporary Boundary. Over 250 parents took the time to fill out the feedback form. The Rosa Parks community clearly cares very deeply about their school. I realize that both options presented come with significant pros and cons, and it was not easy for parents to consider either option. 
That said, Option 2: Temporary Boundary emerged as the clear preference. The feedback received reflects that 77.34% agreed or strongly agreed with the temporary boundary option versus 13.28% who agreed or strongly agreed with the temporary grade level move option. The additional comments on the options presented also reflected that of the two options, the temporary boundary option is preferred.  
Some other options beyond the two presented were also suggested in the feedback. The team did review other options suggested by parents, and while there were some creative ideas suggested, no other options suggested emerged as viable given transportation feasibility, cost, and resulting enrollment impacts. The complete feedback report is attached for your information.  
Based on the feedback received, I have decided to move forward with a temporary boundary option for Rosa Parks Elementary School. As shared at the meeting on September 27, placing a limit on the number of all-day kindergarten classes at Rosa Parks also continues to be a possible option, which may be implemented in 2013-14 in conjunction with the temporary boundary. 
The next steps are to engage the schools involved in the temporary boundary and to develop a process for determining the temporary boundary. This process will involve more opportunities for parent input. 
Tomorrow you will receive another email from me with more specifics regarding the next steps in the process. In addition, given that the work to determine the temporary boundary must be complete prior to the start of the February kindergarten registration process begins, you will hear from me or other district staff on a regular basis between now and the end of this calendar year. Please make sure you read any emails on this subject, as they will likely contain both information and input opportunities such as survey links and meeting dates.
Thank you again for your feedback and participation in this important process.
Dr. Traci Pierce

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Invasive Species in our local Waterways

Invasive Species in our local Waterways
By John Reinke

Several species of invasive amphibians, reptiles, mollusks and mammals have established themselves in King County's lakes, rivers and streams. his piece discusses the three species that I've observed in the Sammamish River.   It is almost a certainty that they can also be found in Bear Creek, which flows into the Sammamish River.

The three species are: Asian clam (Corbicula fluminea), American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus), and the red-eared slider turtle (Trachemys scripta elegans)

credit: John Reinke
American Bullfrog
   The American bullfrog is native to the eastern United States, but has spread throughout the country. It is a voracious feeder, and will consume anything that can fit in its large mouth. Body length can be as long as six inches, with the legs adding as much as another ten inches. Very large bullfrogs can weigh almost two pounds.  I have seen and photographed them in and near the Sammamish River.

   It has proven easy to raise in ponds for commercial sale. Consequently, the species is now factory farmed in many parts of the world for food. According to the New York Times, more than two million bullfrogs are imported live into the San Francisco Bay Area every year. The problem is that they bring with them the deadly chytrid skin fungus, which has wiped out hundreds of frog species worldwide. (It is not harmful to humans.) A study of nearly 500 fresh-bought frogs from San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York found that 62 percent were infected with this fungus. A few manage to escape and thus help spread the fungus in the U.S.

   Locally, these bullfrogs outcompete (and also eat) native species, which are in decline partly as a result. Bullfrogs also consume ducklings, garter snakes, and even the native western pond turtle. That's why the King County environment website says: "If you catch one, feel free to eat it!"

Credit:  John Reinke
Red-eared Slider Turtle
   Like the American bullfrog, the red-eared slider is native to the eastern U.S. It is the most commonly sold pet turtle across the country. This has greatly contributed to its spread, as some escape into the wild and others are let go by owners who no longer want them.

   Their name comes from the distinctive red patch of skin around their ears. The "slider" part comes about from their ability to quickly  slide into the water from rocks and logs. Red-eared sliders eat a variety of animal and plant materials including fish, crayfish, tadpoles, snails, crickets, aquatic insects and numerous aquatic plants.

   Red-eared sliders have overwhelmed native western pond turtles to the extent that according to Wikipedia, the latter have not been found in the Puget Sound area since 2007.

Monday, October 15, 2012

EDITORIAL: The 8% Property Tax Revenue Contribution to the Mayor's Budget is Too High

EDITORIAL:   Property Tax contributes 8% to the the revenues of the Mayor's proposed 2013-2024 Budget.  The Mayor is asking Council to approve an additional 1% property tax increase over the next two year biennium.  This tax is inflammatory to the largest growing demographic group of citizens in Redmond - the over 60 bunch.  The City Council should not approve this tax increase. 

This is the third time Marchione is asking for his 1% tax increase, now in a budget year where he has a $9.8 million carry-over surplus.  He doesn't need it but just because he can get it without a citizen vote of approval he's asking Council.  Council should remain steadfast this year and not approve this  rate increase. 

The 2013-2014 Preliminary Budget says on page 159:
The high price of housing makes it difficult for many to live in Redmond.  A household with an income of $82,000, such as an office manager or bank teller with two children, earns about $50,000 too little to qualify to buy the average Redmond single-family home...45% of Redmond households are considered to be cost burdened or severely cost burdened with regard to housing costs.
Many longer-time residents in their 50's and 60's purchased a home when prices were affordable.  Now many are burdened with demands to support continued, school levies, library levies, and others at time when their incomes are declining owing to their age or the Recession.  Many of these 60 year olds don't have a reasonable personal income that can compete with Finance Director Mike Bailey's statistics for "Affordable Price of Government."

Asking neighborhoods to pay for the high cost of elaborate Overlake and Downtown Stormwater treatment facilities is burdensome, too.  The Mayor wants a 4% Wastewater increase this budget.  A wet vault the size of three City Halls in Overlake may help the large landowners like Group Health to develop their properties, but not on the backs please of the single family home property tax holders.  The Council should set up a separate utility district to pay for these gargantuan trunklines and vault systems. 

Yes, this budget is a two year step in a 20-year plan in large part to develop two urban centers - but the neighborhood roads and sidewalk developments are being put on the back-burner.  The 160th extension to Red-Wood Road, 166th Avenue lane conversion, NE 116th Ave and NE 95th Street sidewalks, Union Hill widening, the 172nd Ave NE Roundabout are all put on hold untill a later, undefined budget cycle.

Neighborhoods on the Hills are paying more than their fair share for Urban Center projects while those living in the Centers - mostly technology workers on Visas - don't pay property taxes nor are they registered voters.  The city tax burden is placed on our traditional neighborhoods rather than those who largely benefit from them. 

The 8% property tax contribution to the budget is too much.  Especially, when the Council has a  surplus this biennium and proposess unspecified efficiencies and carry-overs to "innovative funds" and "technology."

By Bob Yoder
cc: Council

NOTE:  Finally, the largest cost center of the General Fund (26%) are "salaries and benefits" which are budgeted to increase 6% - more than inflation. The average salary and benefit/employee in 2010 was $108,136, for 624 emplyees on the payroll. Benefits have exploded by a 17% increase in the Mayor's proposal.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Frequently Asked Questions about voting in the General Election - Ballots mailed this week

Ballot Drop Box at Redmond City Hall closes at 8PM November 6
Frequently Asked Questions about voting in the November 6, 2012 Election. 
Ballots will be mailed out 20 days prior to the November 6 Election by King County. 
(Your ballot should be delivered to your home mailbox by this Wednesday or Thursday.)

It's an all Mail Election; no voter booths.

Don't forget to sign your ballot.

QFC at Bella Bottega has two US Post mail-drops:  one just outside of their store and one in the parking lot. 

A "Ballot Drop Box" is located at Redmond City Hall.  You don't need a stamp and can drive through and drop it off from your car, rain or shine.  The Drop Box closes at 8PM on Election Day. 

Photo and report by Bob Yoder

Saturday, October 13, 2012

LETTER: Let the new apartment tax money pay for the improvements downtown

LETTER:  I feel that there are two Redmonds. There is the downtown Redmond with lots of new apartments, stores and transportation options that the city is showering with funds and amenities. And then there is the up-the-hill-neighborhood Redmond where the rest of us live. Up here, our infrastructure has been in place for years. And yet we're supposed to help pay for all the new parks and street development downtown. I doubt that I will use the "new" downtown very much so I really don't want to pay for it. With all the new apartment and commercial buildings downtown, the city will collect a lot more in property tax revenue each year. Let that new tax money pay for the improvements downtown. They shouldn't be taxing all of us to pay for the downtown Disneyland that they're building.

By Sue
Education Hill

Letter in response to "Mayor John Marchione presents his 2013-1014 Budget to Council"

Friday, October 12, 2012

Mayor John Marchione Presents his 2013-2014 Budget to Council

Mayor Marchione Presents his 2013-2014 Budget to City Council and the "Viewing Public"

UPDATED:  The Mayor gave a brief overview of his budget at Tuesday's Study Session with Council.  "Remember, this is a two-year budget but we're working towards a 20-year plan," said Marchione. 

Mayor Marchione stated "2012-2012 Revenue was just below budget, and expenses were 5% below."  The mayor commended staff  "for managing towards the bottom line" which created a net $9.8 million addition to the operating fund balance.

Marchione is proposing to re-invest this $9.8 million surplus into three areas:
  • capital improvements
  • technology
  • an "innovation fund" 
At the same time, Marchione is proposing the following budget actions:
  • a 1% property tax increase ($442,362)
  • 2%/4% water/wastewater utility increases
  • reduction of one employee (out of 620)
  • a 5% transfer from the general fund to the capital fund
  • focus on capital improvements in the urban centers
Marchione said "the good news is the city budget is growing slower than personal income of residents" and attributed this to "a way of being accountable to stakeholders (taxpayers)". 

Councilmember John Stilin encouraged citizens to come out to the two public Hearings on the budget, saying budget approval is the most important responsibility of their office and he sometimes "feels like the May Tag Man."   The Hearings are scheduled at City Hall on October 16 and November 20 at 7:30PM.  You can also send your comments to  

According to the Preliminary Operating Budget 2013-2014, "Total revenues over the biennium equal $581 million, including beginning fund balances and transfers; this is an approximate 7% increase [includes 1% property tax increase] over the 2011-2012 biennium."

Salaries and benefits account for the largest category of general fund expenditures (26%).   Property taxes contribute 8% to operating fund revenues with "Charges for Services" being the largest revene category at 21%.

The 2013-2014 budget is composed of an Operating General Fund and Capital Improvement Project  Fund.  Transportation (roads) constitutes the bulk of all Capital Improvements (67%) for the biennium.  Of Capital Improvement Projects 9% are "enhancements."  The remaining are either "maintenance" (28%) or "resolving deficiencies and service support" (47%). 

Only 66% of the biennium Budget for 2013-1014 goes to Infrastructure (42%) and Safety (24%).   The remainder goes to various programs as directed by a priority process: "Business Community (3%),  "Community Building" (5%), "Clean and Green" (9%), and "Responsible Government" (17%). 

By Bob Yoder

LETTER: Allowing charter schools would expand access to a good public education

Allowing charter schools would expand access to a good public education
By Paul Guppy
Vice President for Research
Washington Policy Center

The school bell rings, and rows of eager young faces turn expectantly to the front of the class as the teacher begins the day’s lesson. These students look forward to graduation day, when they hope to embark on a future made brighter by a good public education. Sadly, for nearly half the students at some public schools, that day will never come. They will drop out instead.

Why would loving parents tolerate a school that fails to educate their children? Often it is because they have no choice. District officials make school assignments and most families can’t afford private school tuition.
Initiative 1240 would help level the playing field and promote fairness by creating a modest charter school program within public education. The initiative would allow up to 40 public charter schools over five years within the state system of 2,345 schools, with up to eight new schools allowed each year. Priority would be given to charter schools that serve at-risk children or those attending low-performing schools.

Charter schools have existed for over 20 years, and today 41 states and the District of Columbia have charters, serving about two million children attending nearly 5,600 schools. A further 600,000 students are on waiting lists.

Charter schools are community based, tuition-free and open to all students. They must meet academic standards and provide the same equal treatment and public safety protections as other public schools.
Charter schools allow the principal flexibility in areas such as scheduling, teacher hiring, budgeting, curriculum and community relations. A charter school can offer longer instructional hours and be open to students on evenings and weekends, regardless of central district rules.

Charter school enrollment would be voluntary. If more families apply than spaces available, students would be chosen by lottery. Charter schools could not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, disability or other protected category. Like other public schools, charters could offer specialized programs for at-risk youth, foster children or students with special needs.

Several large-scale studies show charter schools perform better in educating hard-to-teach students than conventional public schools. For example, a Massachusetts study found that, “Charter Schools in Boston are making real progress in breaking the persistent connection between poverty and poor [academic] results.” Researchers found that in New York City, charter school students scored 31 points higher in math and 23 points higher in English than similar students in nearby schools.

Researchers at RAND found that charter middle school students who went on to a charter high school were seven to 15 percentage points more likely to graduate than those who attended a conventional high school. And students from a charter high school were eight to 10 percentage points more likely to go on to college.
Charter schools in other states are not controversial, but defenders of the status quo vigorously oppose allowing them here. Here are responses to the most common claims made by charter school opponents.

Claim: Charter schools drain money from public schools.
Response: Charter schools are public schools; they do not take money away from public education.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Tulley's at Bella Bottega closed this Sunday at 5PM

A work group huddles with computers around a table as loyal
Tulley's customers buy their last cup of mo-jo.

Tulley's at Bella Bottega to close this Sunday at 5pm

The doors of one of Redmond's most popular neighborhood gathering places will close this Sunday, October 14th at 5PM.  Four Bellevue stores, the Mercer Island store and Kirkland's franchise store will remain open on the Eastside for Tully's Coffee lovers.   
Jen Walsh, the Redmond store manager of two years and past Woodinville manager said, "It's just sad."  Walsh said today was the busiest day since the announcement with about 35 clients crowding the store at 2:30pm.   Profitable Tulley's stores will remain open and those unprofitable will close under Chapter 11.  Jen will be commuting from Woodinville to Tulley's Westlake store.  Lindsay, a co-worker will transfer to Westlake, as well.   
Tulley's at Bella opened it's doors 10 years ago, in advance of the Starbucks store across the street.  There are no known plans for the building at this time.   Tulley's stores at Redmond Town Center (closed Oct 7), Woodinville, Bothell, and Kenmore are closing.   
For FAQ about the closures go to Tulley's corporate website page here.
By Bob Yoder