Monday, October 29, 2012

Reflections 2012 is a National PTA and cultural arts program

PTSA Reflections 2012

"Reflections" is a National PTA and cultural arts competition. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for students to use their creative talents by expressing themselves through their own original works. This year's title is "The Magic of a Moment" The categories are Literature, Music Composition, Photography, Visual Arts, Film/video, and Choreography/dance.

Redmond High school has a great tradition of entering Reflections but perhaps we had our best year last year with 6 of our students work judged good enough to go onto the state level, (more than any other LWSD High school!) and then 3 of our students won Awards of Excellence at the State level.
So if you want to be a part of is what you do.....

Redmond High school is obviously in the Senior division but new this year is a division for Special Artists. There are guidelines for each arts category and for the special artist division, are in the RHS library along with your entry form. Our lovely librarians will show you where they are and then they will also collect your finished art piece ( told you they were lovely!)

If you want even more details, go to  website. You can download your forms from here BUT the forms in the library have all the PTSA info already filled for you.

DEADLINE is November 2nd 2012. You do not have to leave it till the last minute, get creative now! I am here to help; email is the best way to contact me, I look forward to seeing your creations and the best of luck!

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