Within the last week alone a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of British Columbia, Hawaii and Alaska received Tsunami warnings, and hurricane-turned-Superstorm Sandy claimed over 100 lives. Are you prepared for something like this?
The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is hosting its second REDMOND READY DAY on Saturday, November 17, 2012 at Overlake Christian Church (9900 Willows Road NE) from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm.
The City’s “Redmond Ready” campaign encourages citizens to be trained in three areas: 1) First Aid, 2) CPR, and 3) Personal preparedness. Redmond Ready Day provides training in all three areas mentioned above with the only cost being a discounted rate of $14 for first aid and CPR training, regularly costing much more. The two-hour personal preparedness class is free. Knowing these skills can make the difference between life or death while in the jaws of disaster. Read More >>
This article helps to summarize many of the frustrations that can often be prevented IF you are prepared properly: www.cnn.com/2012/11/02/us/tropical-weather-sandy/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 . In a large scale event, there are many factors that will dictate where first responders (Police and Fire) are dispatched—with 50,000 residents (double that during the work day) and a few hundred first responders total, they will be dispatched to where the most lives are at stake—IF they can get there (tree down, bridge down, road collapse means they can’t get to you)…IF they are alive to come into work (first responders aren’t immune to these disasters, they have homes/families just like you do)….IF they don’t have to wait for assistance to come from across the state or nation. Response in a major event can take hours, days, or even weeks. That’s why it’s so important to be prepared rather than relying on others.
Seats are limited so register today at www.redmondready.org . If you have questions, call 425-556-2251. Make plans to attend and remove the need for the “IFS” mentioned above. Splish, SplashFor those who have participated in our annual Polar Plunge, the next one is scheduled a little later than normal. Mark your calendars for Redmond’s next Polar Plunge on Saturday, March 16, 2013. All proceeds benefit Special Olympics of Washington. Even if you don’t take the plunge, plan on stopping by for some fun. More information coming soon. Take the Money and Run
This is an interesting video about RFID chips in credit cards. It’s out of Indianapolis, but this has been widely publicized. With ever-changing technology, it’s important to stay up on potential crime “potholes” that you can fall into: http://youtube.googleapis.com/v/lLAFhTjsQHw%26sns=em
You’re the One that I Want (ew, ew, ew)
We have not had any incidents like this, but a dating scam to be aware of courtesy of the FBI: http://www.ic3.gov/media/2012/121023.aspx
Baby, Don’t Forget My Number
Another FBI alert about malware targeting mobile devices and safety tips to protect it: http://www.ic3.gov/media/2012/121012.aspx
Janie’s Got a Gun
One of the many misperceptions about police work is that officers often use guns or deadly force (thanks to movies, cartoons, and TV shows). However, it’s actually very rare. Use of deadly force is a police officer’s last resort. An agency in Oregon produced the following video to educate residents on this topic:
Article: www.policeone.com/officer-shootings/articles/4909678-New-video-combats-public-myths-about-police-shootings Video (viewer discretion advised): http://lcpubw04.lanecounty.org/information/yourlanevideos/LaneCountyDistrictAttorney_and_LawEnforcementAgencies.wmv Take This Job and Shove It: If you’ve ever considered a job in law enforcement (either as a commissioned officer or not), RPD has several openings: Entry Communications Dispatcher, Entry Police Officer, Legal Advocate, Police Support Officer. By Jim Bove Redmond Police Community Outreach Facilitator
The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is hosting its second REDMOND READY DAY on Saturday, November 17, 2012 at Overlake Christian Church (9900 Willows Road NE) from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm.
The City’s “Redmond Ready” campaign encourages citizens to be trained in three areas: 1) First Aid, 2) CPR, and 3) Personal preparedness. Redmond Ready Day provides training in all three areas mentioned above with the only cost being a discounted rate of $14 for first aid and CPR training, regularly costing much more. The two-hour personal preparedness class is free. Knowing these skills can make the difference between life or death while in the jaws of disaster. Read More >>
This article helps to summarize many of the frustrations that can often be prevented IF you are prepared properly: www.cnn.com/2012/11/02/us/tropical-weather-sandy/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 . In a large scale event, there are many factors that will dictate where first responders (Police and Fire) are dispatched—with 50,000 residents (double that during the work day) and a few hundred first responders total, they will be dispatched to where the most lives are at stake—IF they can get there (tree down, bridge down, road collapse means they can’t get to you)…IF they are alive to come into work (first responders aren’t immune to these disasters, they have homes/families just like you do)….IF they don’t have to wait for assistance to come from across the state or nation. Response in a major event can take hours, days, or even weeks. That’s why it’s so important to be prepared rather than relying on others.
Seats are limited so register today at www.redmondready.org . If you have questions, call 425-556-2251. Make plans to attend and remove the need for the “IFS” mentioned above. Splish, SplashFor those who have participated in our annual Polar Plunge, the next one is scheduled a little later than normal. Mark your calendars for Redmond’s next Polar Plunge on Saturday, March 16, 2013. All proceeds benefit Special Olympics of Washington. Even if you don’t take the plunge, plan on stopping by for some fun. More information coming soon. Take the Money and Run
This is an interesting video about RFID chips in credit cards. It’s out of Indianapolis, but this has been widely publicized. With ever-changing technology, it’s important to stay up on potential crime “potholes” that you can fall into: http://youtube.googleapis.com/v/lLAFhTjsQHw%26sns=em
You’re the One that I Want (ew, ew, ew)
We have not had any incidents like this, but a dating scam to be aware of courtesy of the FBI: http://www.ic3.gov/media/2012/121023.aspx
Baby, Don’t Forget My Number
Another FBI alert about malware targeting mobile devices and safety tips to protect it: http://www.ic3.gov/media/2012/121012.aspx
Janie’s Got a Gun
One of the many misperceptions about police work is that officers often use guns or deadly force (thanks to movies, cartoons, and TV shows). However, it’s actually very rare. Use of deadly force is a police officer’s last resort. An agency in Oregon produced the following video to educate residents on this topic:
Article: www.policeone.com/officer-shootings/articles/4909678-New-video-combats-public-myths-about-police-shootings Video (viewer discretion advised): http://lcpubw04.lanecounty.org/information/yourlanevideos/LaneCountyDistrictAttorney_and_LawEnforcementAgencies.wmv Take This Job and Shove It: If you’ve ever considered a job in law enforcement (either as a commissioned officer or not), RPD has several openings: Entry Communications Dispatcher, Entry Police Officer, Legal Advocate, Police Support Officer. By Jim Bove Redmond Police Community Outreach Facilitator
1 comment:
I honestly have to say that I used to really hate it whenever we have some kind of emergency drills - earthquake, fire drill, health activities, etc.. Most of the time, I think that they wouldn't be much of use, but, with a lot of warnings like those tsunami, earthquake, etc. lately, I'm seeing that people in different industries should really have that kind of training. One way to be prepared of untimely disasters.
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