Wednesday, June 1, 2022

UPDATED OPINION: Redmond's Building Designs / 2050

Woodinville is designing some attractive buildings and open places for pedestrians and bicycles. These buildings are next to City Hall.  

Opinion:  A few, but not many, architectural designs of downtown Redmond buildings are "inspired by history." Unlike Woodinville, our City doesn't have an overarching design theme. Redmond's use of history for design is sporadic and unsupported by code. As a result, buildings don't always use the most appropriate materials and aren't visually connected. Wood, stone veneer and building art are uncommon. (Green scaping is more prevalent and welcome!)  The proposed RTC and Nelson Villages' are remaining places where an overarching design theme can be implemented.

Designs of the following projects were "inspired" by Redmond's past: 

"The Osprey" The applicant has a solid start in the design concept acknowledging the history of the region’s indigenous populations with its strong roof forms, reminiscent of the Haida house across the street in Dudley Carter Park, the City’s early timber industry with its choice of wood and stone material, and the City’s future as a modern technology hub with the building’s irregular shape and significant glazing."  (DRB)

"18th & 164th" project:  "The architectural design was inspired by the Cascades and the Nokomis Library of the early 1900's.  How the book stacks were organized and how books can be arranged on the shelf was inspirational to the Applicant in designing elevations." (DRB)

Will Redmond have an overarching design theme to build character into Town Center?  Is the theme underpinned with choices of required elements?   Below, find Woodinville's approach to design code describing their theme and underpinning elements.  


The following analysis of Woodinville's Building Design and Details was found in their Design Review Committee Planning Commission memo:  

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Senior and Community Center Groundbreaking Ceremony June 2nd! Read All About It!

 enlarge this video

Join your neighbors and our elected at the Senior & Community Center groundbreaking ceremony June 2, 8:30 a.m. - 10 a.m.  Mayor Angela Birney will be holding the golden shovel!  After the ceremony community members are invited to meet up at City Hall.

Find anything and everything about the Centers HERE.

Source:, 5/31/2022

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Detention Tanks Safeguard Sammamish River, WLWB Exit Dangerous

In this image, notice the beginning of  the West Lake Sammamish Blvd. exit off of SR-520.  Do you see the beginnings of  light rail construction on the right?  The train will run right over the exit ramp. 

This exit was one of the most dangerous for me in Redmond for a while, especially at night.  The "fake" stop light, further down the sharp ramp was very misleading. Did this exit frighten you too?  Finally, it's fixed.

The video shows two points of interest.  

1)  As you drive east on SR-520, notice how close the rail is to the highway.  

2)  Orange stormwater detention tanks are densely massed together for a good reason; the Sammamish River is immediately below the filthy construction site.  Detention tanks "filter" contaminated sediment from construction runoff. 

Sound transit is a steward of our environment.  

--Bob Yoder, opinion/ Video Yoder, 5/29/2022

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Redmond Square Apartment Construction In-sync With Light Rail

Once complete, Redmond Square Apartments will offer 1,2,3 and 4 room apartments, rooftop activities and many other amenities.  

The two new 6 story buildings with approximately 623 dwelling units will be split by a narrow street (woonerf.)  The site is approximately 3.47 acres.  The Downtown light rail station is a block or two away.  Incredibly convenient.  

Approximately 30,120 square feet of commercial space is  proposed at the street level along Redmond Way, Cleveland Street and 166th Avenue NE. 

Legacy Partners partnered with a Chinese corporation to develop the project. 

Video / Yoder, 5/26/2022

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

King County Property Taxes Rise At 'Unprecedented' Rates; 2023Tax Hikes Likely

Property Value Data Released 5/13/2022

 "King county hasn’t yet determined next year’s 2023 property tax bills, but the hottest local housing markets are likely to see “a double-digit increase,” said King County Assessor John Wilson."

"The local market has taken off since early in the pandemic, spurred by a combination of few houses for sale, a flood of buyers taking advantage of low mortgage-interest rates, and a continuing influx of highly paid workers with stock options. That has driven up home prices across the region and worsened housing affordability. The median sale price for a single-family house in King County hit nearly $1 million last month."

-- By Heidi Grover, Seattle Times business reporter, 5/13/2022 (excerpted, edited)

Friday, May 20, 2022

Twin Six-story Apartment Building With "Pouch Porch" and "Woonerf"

Location:  AMLI:  Redmond Way & Avondale Way.  Adjacent McDonalds and Anderson Park; in the old Value Village mall

The applicant proposes the construction of two adjacent buildings, referred to as the “West” building and the “East” building respectively. The project includes a "pouch porch" dog run with space for hop scotch, 4-square and living green walls.  The applicant is proposing a woonerf on Avondale Way to safely connect the buildings.

Plantings and a green wall element were added along the ground level to enhance the pedestrian experience along the Redmond Central Connector. Two variations for the integration of planters and vertical green wall trellises are proposed to create visual interest along the concrete wall. 

The west building is a mix of residential and retail uses and varies in height ranging from five to seven-stories. 11,070 sf of commercial retail uses located along Redmond Way. On levels two through seven, there are 249 residential units. 237 internal parking stalls are also provided at ground levels B1 and subterranean levels L1

The east building is six stories and is a multi-family apartment building. Residential amenity space is provided at the ground level. On levels two through six, there are 127 residential units. 205 internal parking stalls are also provided at ground levels B1 and subterranean levels L1. 

A future elevated rail line is proposed south of the project as a part of the Sound Transit Downtown Redmond Link.

-- Design Review Board, April 2022

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Message From The Mayor Of Woodinville: Development Continues Downtown

Mayor Angela Birney's monthly "Let's Connect" videos are well done, with staff interviews and a brief comment from the Mayor herself. Her last video was on sustainable gardening. 

The Mayor should consider a "Let's Connect" series on growth, infrastructure and development, as well. We need her compass.

The Harvest / Courtesy of the City of Woodinville

"Development Continues In Downtown Woodinville" by Mike Millman, Mayor

Woodinville Weekly, April 14, 2022

Three large developments:  Harvest, Eastrail Flats, and Molbak's Garden + Home

Two boutique hotels, 42-mile pedestrian trail, living roof surrounding greenhouses, restored Woodin Creek, bike lanes, 206 residential units, 63 for-sale townhomes, retail, grid roads.

King County Tax Increase Proposed To Preserve 65,000 Acres

The price of preserving 65,000 acres of natural lands, trails, farmlands, and urban green space in King County averages $22.00/year/ $700,000 assessed property. 
Photo, Seattle Times, 5/19/2022

Tax will also restore full funding of Conservation Futures
West Seattle Blog, May 19, 2022

OPINIONKing County proposed property tax increase ‘tone deaf’ against incredibly high cost of living facing families. 

King County Councilmember Reagan Dunn on Thursday issued the following statement in response to a proposal from Executive Dow Constantine that would raise property taxes across King County:

“We cannot again raise taxes on King County residents who are already struggling to make ends meet. A new property tax in particular would raise costs for homeowners and renters alike, even as so many are more vulnerable than ever to losing their housing. Meanwhile, every King County resident is already feeling the financial pain of record-level inflation and the massive rise in gas prices — and there are many economic unknowns on the horizon including the significant risk of a recession. To add to this mounting list of financial burdens at this time is tone deaf.”

-- Press Release, May, 2022

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Council Approves Mayor Birney's Director Appointments

 Redmond Appoints New Directors of the Parks and Recreation and Public Works Departments

Loreen Hamilton, City of Redmond Parks and Recreation Director
Loreen Hamilton, Parks and Recreation Director

Redmond, WA – At last night’s meeting, the Redmond City Council approved Mayor Angela Birney’s appointment of Loreen Hamilton as the City of Redmond’s new parks and recreation director and Aaron Bert as the new public works director. 

“Loreen and Aaron are knowledgeable, energetic, and compassionate team players,” said Mayor Angela Birney. “Both have a passion for public service and leadership skills that will create positive outcomes for our Redmond community.”

Hamilton will immediately begin her new role as the Parks and Recreation Department director. She joined the City of Redmond in 2019 as the Events and Marketing Administrator and, in 2020, was promoted to deputy parks director. She has 12 years of experience working in the nonprofit sector as an executive director for The Salvation Army. Hamilton’s experience encompasses executive leadership, strategic planning, budget management, event and program planning, staff training, capital project management, and facility management. Director Hamilton holds a master’s degree in social work and a bachelor’s degree in political science.

Updated, 5/29: ATTENTION TREE HUGGERS: Council To Act On Neighborhood "Tree Regulations Update," June, 7th

Twenty-eight inch Significant tree too close to our house / photo Yoder

Redmond City Council will make a decision on the proposed "Tree Regulations Update," Tuesday, June 7, 2022 at 7:00pm, City Hall. If you can't make it to their meeting to give testimony (4 minutes) email your comments to: 


Most of the improvements from the proposed updates are directed to large developments. For example, penalties are tripled for topping trees in native growth easements. And, replacement tree requirements for landmark removals are increased three-fold. Single Family Homes receive few benefits from the update. I've included some resources for assistance in sending comments to Council. Email:


1) Tree Replacement requirements for Single Family Homeowners:  For every "landmark tree" removed (MINIMUM 30 INCHES DIAMETER) three replacement trees are required. For every "significant tree" removed (6 inch diameter) one replacement tree is required. Minimum sizes for replacement trees shall be two-and-one-half-inch caliper for deciduous trees and six feet in height for evergreen trees.  

2) City of Redmond Residential Tree Removal Application. One heathy landmark tree may be removed every 365 days by deviation request and/or two "significant" trees may be removed every 365 days on a 10,000 sf lot.

Enforcement: All single family home permits are "enforceable" but are not enforced;  They have no teeth.  No fines, no penalties, no off-site planting or fee-in-lieu alternatives.   

3) Single Family Homeowners support the Tree Canopy Strategic Plan by monitoring canopy changes against a citywide target of 40% coverage over 30 years. 

Redmond's Tree Canopy by neighborhood:  January 2019  (dated, over three years ago.)

Rose Hill/Willows:  49.9%, Idylwood: 40.3%, Education Hill: 40%, Bear Creek: 38.5%, Grass Lawn:  37.6%, North Redmond, 36.5%, Overlake:  31.7%,  Downtown: 19.3%, Sammamish Valley: 17.2%, SE Redmond:  15.3%, Major deforestation in North Redmond. 

4) "The Director of Planning & Community Development may consider smaller-sized replacement trees if:  the applicant is a single-family homeowner applying for a tree removal permit and the homeowner will plant the replacement tree(s) versus hiring a contractor. In this case, the homeowner may request a waiver as part of the tree removal permit to have the size at installation of a deciduous replacement tree reduced to five-to-ten gallon sized trees. There is no waiver for size at installation for evergreen trees. The minimum size for evergreen replacements is six feet tall."

When is a tree removal permit required?

City of Redmond Residential Tree Removal Permit:  No permit fee.

-- Bob Yoder, 5/18/22


Contact Cathy Beam, Principal Planner


Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Light Rail Construction Impacts Redmond Natural Areas

Light rail penetrates Bear Creek forested wetlands near Overlake Urgent Care.

Light rail crosses a mere *3-5 feet over Bear Creek, keeping low to pass under the SR 520 ramp. Raft was for tagging salmon.

Denuded riparian trees and vegetation will be enhanced and fully restored.  

Photos by Yoder, 5/14/2022

*quote by Emily Flannigan, Senior Environmental Engineer.

UPDATED: Human Services: 1) Redmond Community Court 2) Nonprofit Funding With Construction Taxes

Council discussed human services programs at their Committee of the Whole  meeting on May 17, 2022

Brook Buckingham, Manager of Human Services, said "it's difficult to receive one-time money to fund nonprofits because you don't want to scale up gaping and in operations, then be back in two years needing more funding."  Brook said she didn't want to invalidate the funding but it was a challenge.  Planning Director Carol Helland, agreed saying it was difficult to use the $2.5 million and suggested greater stability through budgeting.  One-time money is collected from taxes on construction.


Community court participants must not have any violent felony convictions in the last five years; any pending violent felony charges; or a sex offender history.

A community court is an alternative problem-solving court. It differs from traditional court in that it seeks to identify and address the underlying challenges of court participants that may contribute to further criminal activity. Its goal is to build stronger and safer neighborhoods and reduce recidivism.

Having court hearings in a safe, neutral and community-centered location (such as the Redmond library encourages the participants to stay engaged and removes the stigma associated with the courthouse. 

A community resource center is an integral component of community court. The specific services available at each community resource center vary by city. Examples of services available to court participants and all other community members, include:

  • Substance Use Disorder Assessment/Support
  • Mental Health Assessment/Support
  • Public Assistance Support
  • Housing Assistance

One westbound lane on Redmond Way will close for month

Tomorrow, Wednesday May 18, construction will begin in the westbound lanes of Redmond Way. One westbound lane will be closed for approximately one month. Expect major delays – alternate routes are highly recommended. (Facebook)

Regional growth over the last ten years has caused increased traffic demand on Redmond Way and East Lake Sammamish Parkway. The signalized intersection of these two arterials experiences high traffic volumes, long queues, and delays during the peak hours. To address this, the City of Redmond is redesigning this intersection in order to improve vehicle operations, add pedestrian and bicycle connectivity to each approach, and enhance safety for all modes.

The project will realign the travel lanes around this intersection to allow better bicycle connectivity and more functional phasing operations, rebuild the traffic signal to provide better visibility to all users, and allow large trucks to have the room to turn through the intersection without traveling over adjacent lanes. 

Work will include:

  • New channelization for each approach to the intersection
  • Enhanced bicycle and pedestrian facilities
  • Curb and sidewalk modifications 
  • Modification to the traffic signal equipment, phasing, and timing

Monday, May 16, 2022

Proposed 8-story Mixed-use Building on ARCO Site Touts a "Dog Park"

The project proposes an eight-story mixed-use building with 217 residential dwelling units above 1,010 square feet of ground floor retail, three live-work units and residential amenities, as well as 220 below grade parking spaces.

It includes a dog park, a community bike repair, community co-work area, and wi-fi plaza open to the public. The design features a terraced residential courtyard with seating areas, seat steps for gathering, a barbeque area and yoga lawn.

Do you think an 8-story building should be shoe-horned into a 5-story neighborhood?   A water feature in the plaza a tiny "dog park" and other public spaces provided "benefit" for a height bonus of two levels. The architect was inspired by the historic Nokomis library.  The park is towards the end of the video.  

The maximum height is five stories in this district without the use of the Green Building Incentive Program (GBP). 

Looking south towards Leary Way
164th Avenue is left

Sunday, May 15, 2022

$1,308,150 Overtime Costs From Nine Firefighters Refusing Vaccination.


Quarterly Overtime Report January 1, 2021 Through March 31, 2022 

Citywide overtime costs are 130.3% of budget versus a 62.5% target for the biennium largely due to unanticipated overtime related to the Fire and Police response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Excluding unbudgeted costs that are fully reimbursable (i.e., related to the pandemic and development agreements), citywide overtime costs are 117.6% of budget. 

Fire Department Overtime costs are 145.1% of budget versus a 62.5% target for the biennium primarily due to the following: 

Extraordinary or Unanticipated Events: 

o COVID-19 Pandemic: $561,903 in unbudgeted overtime costs related to the staffing of vaccination programs and testing sites. These costs are fully reimbursable by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Washington State Patrol, King County Public Health, and Microsoft. 

o February 2021 Snow Event: $12,809 in unbudgeted overtime costs. 

o December 2021 Snow Event: $37,860 in unbudgeted overtime costs.

 o Vaccination Mandate: An estimated $1,308,150 in unbudgeted overtime costs to backfill for 9 positions that opted to not get vaccinated. 

Friday, May 13, 2022

COVID-19 Vaccination Data For Washington State

COVID-19 Dashboard:  May, 9, 2022:

74.4% of 5-year-olds-and-up in Washington State have completed the "primary  series." (fully vaccinated, not boosted.) 

81.8% of 5-year-olds-and-up in Washington State received at least one dose.  


Vaccination Data Summary, May 11, 2022

Unvaccinated 12-34 year-olds in Washington are:

• 1.5 times more likely to get COVID-19 compared with 12-34 year-olds who have completed the primary series. (fully vaccinated, not boosted.)

4.2 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 compared with 12-34 year-olds who have completed the primary series. (fully vaccinated, no boost.) 

Recap of Recent COVID-19 News and Updates, 5/12/22

Washington State Department of Health

Recap of Recent COVID-19 News and Updates

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Contact: Public Information Desk

Statewide Response Updates

Newest numbers. The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) reported a total of 1,524,078 confirmed cases as of 11:59 p.m. on May 10. There have been 12,724 COVID-19 deaths in Washington.

Data note (Wednesday, May 11)Due to a technical issue in our data systems, the Hospital Use data may be incomplete.

For the most recent number of cases by county, demographics, and more, visit the Department of Health's dashboard.

[7-day count of hospital admissions in King County is 514. (4/28 - 5/4) Trend is up.]

[Cumulative cases in King County are:  40,736 cases, 11,712 hospitalizations, 2,754 deaths.]  5% hospital beds occupied by COVID patients; case trend is up.]

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Redmond Senior and Community Center Tour / Groundbreaking June 2nd

Join the architect in a walking tour throughout the Senior & Community Center.

Community Invited to Celebrate Groundbreaking of the New Redmond Senior & Community Center

REDMOND, WA – The City of Redmond invites community members to celebrate the commencement of the construction for the new Redmond Senior & Community Center during a groundbreaking ceremony on Thursday, June 2. Brief remarks from Mayor Angela Birney and Parks and Recreation Interim Director Loreen Hamilton will begin at 8:30 a.m. at the site of the new center, 8703 160th Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98052, followed by an open house inside the lobby of City Hall. 

“We are excited to see all of the planning and community engagement coming to fruition during the construction phase,” said Interim Director Hamilton. “A new community center with dedicated space for seniors, as well as additional recreational opportunities is the culmination of years of work and collaboration across the City, including input from a wide variety of stakeholders and Redmond seniors.”

The new Redmond Senior & Community Center will be a 52,000 square foot state-of-the-art facility, with a total project budget of *$48 million. The building will utilize LEED-certified materials, efficient energy-conserving systems, and rooftop solar panels which will provide 50% of the building’s electricity. The City of Redmond began outreach for the project in 2020, which confirmed Redmond’s need for a larger center to serve the senior population while also serving the entire community with cultural arts, events, and multigenerational recreation experiences and gathering space.

"Woodinville Weekly": Carnation Takes First Glance At Economic Development


Carnation City Hall / photo "Woodinville Weekly"

By Madysen McClain, "Woodinville Weekly," 5/4/22

Residents and city officials in Carnation are brainstorming ways to preserve the city’s small-town feel, while also encouraging economic growth.

Ricardo Noguera, an expert in economic development, was hired by the city as a consultant in April 2022. According to the city, he was brought on board to provide administrative support and guidance for using funds from the American Rescue Plan Act.

For over two decades, Noguera has helped communities with economic development in cities like Tacoma and Los Angeles, Calif.

Noguera visited Carnation in April 2022 for a “fact-finding mission,” he said. He toured the city and spoke to stakeholders such as the Carnation Chamber of Commerce and business leaders. From there, he compiled notes and recommendations for the city to pursue economic development. 

He shared his findings during a council meeting on April 19. Residents and business owners showed overwhelming support to preserve and enhance the small-town character of Carnation, he said.  

He said constituents also want to increase tourism dollars spent in the city by developing an inviting space for visitors to experience local farms, parks, restaurants and shops. 

“You do not want to be Duvall. You do not want to be a bigger city,” he said.

UPDATED, 1/4/2024: Molbak's Shares Vision For 20-acre "Garden District" -- Developer Pulls Out Of Deal

  December, 2024 Seattle Times article on Molbackl's closure.  What a loss to the eastside community!

"Gardens District," a 20-acre downtown Woodinville development. "A city within a garden." Phase One (of three) will include 250,000 sf commercial space, 220 unit apartment, and structured parking.  Molbak's Garden to occupy part of the commercial space. Built green,  Breaking ground ~ late 2022. 


"Mobak's Shares Vision for "Garden District" 

Molbak’s Garden + Home plans to transform its 20-acre property in downtown Woodinville into a “city within a garden,” according to CEO Julie Kouhia. 

The company will break ground on the new development, aptly named the Gardens District, in less than a year.

Molbak’s unveiled its vision for the project during a Woodinville Chamber of Commerce luncheon at 21 Acres on Thursday, April 21.  

“We have a current location that we love, but we recognize that it's getting old and it's going to need improvement,” Kouhia said. “We decided we didn't want to just rebuild.”

The construction site will be located between Northeast 171st Street and Northeast 175th Street. Construction is expected to begin in late 2022 or early 2023, depending on permitting. 

Molbak’s is expected to celebrate the grand openings of its new store in 2025, Kouhia said. Until then, the original store will remain open.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

OPINION: Redmond Council Approves $7.5 million Homicide Settlement

Message from Chief Lowe on Settlement with Churna Family

Chief Darrell Lowe

Dear Redmond Community,

At a special meeting on Tuesday, April 26, 2022, Redmond City Council approved a $7.5 million settlement to the family of Andrea Thomas Churna, who was shot and killed by a Redmond Police officer on Sept. 20, 2020.

The original Redmond Police Department news release on Sept. 21, 2020, included an error, stating, "During the interaction, she confronted officers with a handgun, multiple shots were fired, and the subject was struck several times." 

While Churna was armed with a handgun earlier in the encounter with Redmond officers, when she was shot and killed in the hallway just outside of her apartment, Churna was unarmed. Following the shooting, the officers found Churna’s gun on the balcony of her apartment. I apologize to Andrea Thomas Churna's family and loved ones for the inaccurate statement made regarding the circumstances surrounding her death.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

The Challenge And Sorrow Of Cutting Down My Tree

 The city is updating their tree regulations soon. City council is reviewing the tree permit and considering community donations to a "Tree Fund" for tree planting events. 

Pam on Landmark tree stump in our front yard.
UPDATED: 04/2022  As much as I love trees, it was time to remove this Doug fir from our front yard. With the high winds and rain we get the tree was hazardous being only 20 feet from our house.  So, after much thought and some pain I filed for a city tree removal permit and hired Rudy Schulze of "Top Notch Tree Service" to do the work. Removing the tree was a heartbreak.

When we moved into our "East Firs" Burnstead home 25 years ago, the tree was maybe half the size?  But in the last 7-10 summers the tree sucked up every drop of water around it, killing a small tree, some shrubs and our lawn.  Acidic cones, needles and branches dropped like rain on the roof.  Our street appeal was suffocating.  

           My double-trunked fir on the left was removed
after getting a permit from the city.
Pam and I wanted to salvage one of the forked  trunks, but Rudy and one of his arborists said no, that felling only one trunk would be like pruning more than 50% of the tree. Rudy called it out as a hazardous Landmark and removed the entire tree and checked it off on the permit.  **Not an Exception since hazardous. 

Some tips:  Be careful of Evergreen arborist companies(s). IMO only one is professional, the others not so much.  A few aren't  arborists and over-cut to raise their profits. One quoted over $2,500 for the tree.  I paid Rudy from Top Notch, $950 and a tip.  He dropped the trunks and limbs next to my vine maple and house with precision.  The very next day, Rudy's partners hauled away all the wood for free and offered affordable stump grinding services. I also highly recommend Paul Harvold, 425-748-4649. Visit the International Society of Arboriculture website to find an ISA certified arborist.

Redmond requires a permit for removing "significant trees" and Landmark Trees. There's no fee. I  heard about the permit by word-of-mouth.  You're allowed  to remove up to two healthy or hazardous "significant" trees (six - to less than 30 inches in diameter) or **one healthy, non-hazardous Landmark every 365 days with a permit.  

found the permit hereRead it carefully. For every tree removed you're required to replace it in your yard with small native trees even if there's no space for it. Arborists don't tell you.  If this is a hardship in any way, and you love trees, please know, the City Council is updating their tree regulations and considering a neighborhood "Tree Fund" for community Park planting events. 

** Principal planner Kathy Beam says all Landmark removals require an Exception form. 

Photos & Story By Bob Yoder, 03/2011
Updated:  4/29/2022, 7:30am

Councilmembers value your input.   If  you want to donate to a community "Tree Fund" for tree planting events send council your wishes by emailing or email customer service at  Your feedback will make a huge difference. 

Redmond's Threatening Spills Reported To Ecology

An excerpt from Redmond's Environmental Sustainability Action Plan Implementation Update


 • The City of Redmond and other agencies investigated 164 illicit discharge (spill) reports in 2021. Of these, 55 calls came through the City Spill Hotline.

• 46 of the spills were located within City rights-of-way. 25 of the spills we responded to were determined to “constitute a threat to human health or the environment” and were reported to the Department of Ecology. Four discharges resulted in water quality impacts to receiving waters and were also reported to the Department of Ecology.

• One City response was related to an illicit connection (associated with new construction) discovered by City staff.

• One hundred percent of the MS4 has been checked for illicit connections since the permit became effective (August 2019). These checks are integrated into biennial catch basin inspections.

-- Council Committee Of The Whole Memo, 4/27/2022

COVID Cases Rising in King County

COVID cases are rising a tad in King County.   DEFCON YELLOW!

Pam and I were vaccinated yesterday for a second Modera booster!😇 (Read KIRO'S article.)  After the shot, I read immunity is strengthened in the first four months but then wanes by the eighth month. This was disappointing, especially after having a reaction. (mild fatigue and achiness for a day.)  Pam was fine.  I'm happy having the shot and not as concerned about masks.  

Getting vaccinated is much easier now. Our hassle-free appointment for our Modera was quicker than the first; less paperwork, shorter waits, and still time to ask questions.  

-- Bob Yoder, 4/25/2022

SEATTLE — COVID cases are again on the rise in King County. It’s pushed King County from the “green” to the “yellow” zone – meaning the county is back in the CDC’s medium COVID-19 community level.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Tesla STEM High School Top School in Washington


Tesla STEM High School in Redmond is the top school in Washington, according to a new national ranking by U.S. News and World Report. This year's list of best high schools evaluated more than 17,800 schools nationwide, including hundreds in the Evergreen State.

The 2022 ranking of best high schools is intended to show how well the nation's public schools serve all students, regardless of achievement level, by teaching them basic skills and preparing them for college-level work, according to a news release from U.S. News.

-- Lucas Combos, PATCH, 4/26  (Abridged)  

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Small Business Holds Fundraiser For Ukrainian Relief Efforts


Redmond Councilmember Steve Fields sponsored a Ukrainian art fundraiser April 16 at "Down Pour Coffee Bar," a small business owned by his wife Roni. The event was a heart throb; yet so cheerful and fun!  The art was created and sold by Ukrainian locals, music played, and the weather was great.  On first count, the Ukrainians and their friends outnumbered the supporters when I was there.   

Julia, the Ukrainian event organizer advertised,  "All proceeds go directly to Ukrainian relief efforts."  Good to know!  So, I doubled down on my art purchases and enjoy our kitchen nook that much more. 

Mr. Fields invited Margo Shiromyama, Special Projects for OneRedmond to test the waters. Steve thinks the event could be a good model for other small businesses.  He remarked he's presently having good discussions with OneRedmond.

I met a lady who finds support and resources for local Ukrainians. (Her family's in this picture.) She says Ukrainian refugees have yet to arrive in numbers but it's only a matter of time.  Afghans are first in line for now.  Washington state has at least 6,200 Ukrainians, behind only California and New York.  

The Ukrainian population in Washington State is high because their social networks and our human services are more attractive than California and other states.  Redmond ranks 49th of cities with the highest percentage of Ukrainians in Washington State.  When the door opens to Ukrainian refugees many will find their families here.     

-- Bob Yoder, 4/24/2022 

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Our Stories | Redmond Police / April 2022

Have you ever seen the city police team patrolling the downtown on their bicycles?  

Friday, April 22, 2022

PATCH: Silver Cloud To Temporarily House Refugees

King County will temporally use Redmond's Silver Cloud Hotel to house refugees from Afghanistan and elsewhere.  The county plans to welcome the first guests to the hotel by the first week of May and will host them through September. 

King County Constantine's office said temporary use of the hotel will not impact the timeline for transforming the hotel into a supportive site for people experiencing long-term homelessness

-- Lucas Combos, PATCH, 4/21/2022  (excerpted and edited.)

Read the complete PATCH article here.