Wednesday, April 27, 2022

COVID Cases Rising in King County

COVID cases are rising a tad in King County.   DEFCON YELLOW!

Pam and I were vaccinated yesterday for a second Modera booster!😇 (Read KIRO'S article.)  After the shot, I read immunity is strengthened in the first four months but then wanes by the eighth month. This was disappointing, especially after having a reaction. (mild fatigue and achiness for a day.)  Pam was fine.  I'm happy having the shot and not as concerned about masks.  

Getting vaccinated is much easier now. Our hassle-free appointment for our Modera was quicker than the first; less paperwork, shorter waits, and still time to ask questions.  

-- Bob Yoder, 4/25/2022

SEATTLE — COVID cases are again on the rise in King County. It’s pushed King County from the “green” to the “yellow” zone – meaning the county is back in the CDC’s medium COVID-19 community level.

It takes more than 200 new cases per 100,000 people to be in that medium range.

Currently, King County is seeing about 500 cases per day, which is triple the low seen a few weeks ago, but still falls far short of the 6,500 cases per day the county saw during the omicron peak in January.

Still, the relatively small surge in cases has Public Health Seattle-King County urging caution.

“All ages are trending up recently, but the highest rates continue to be in young adults,” said Dr. Jeff Duchin, King County’s public health officer. “We should see this yellow traffic lights as a slow-down and use this opportunity to lower our risk,” he said during a press Zoom session that was live-streamed on Facebook Monday.

-- Excerpt

1 comment:

James Johnston said...

Well, it's up to 0.5% infected again. Unsurprisingly there is a surge now that masks appear to be gone, and people are congregating.

Hospital admissions are up 113% week over week, that's a pretty steep increase, only mitigated by the fact that it was very, very low until mask rules ended.

That links to the actual health department statistics, so yes, the surge is a bit worrisome. At this point the vaccination is thorough enough that the breakthrough cases appear to be in those who are susceptible for other reasons, but we see that go up more before it settles down, I fear.

Mid March there were 165 new cases, today 700some, so yes, there is in increase in rates.
Looking at you can see that chances are 1 of every 200 people you meet may be positive (actually, it's a bit worse than that, that doesn't count silent cases and pre-symptomatic cases).
We shall see. I still am quite certain dropping mask requirements was a bad idea.
Right now, in terms of cases per 100K, King County is the second worst county in Washington State.

The good news is that deaths continue to drop. Vaccination does seem to protect against death, increasingly so.

[This comment was copied from the Chat Cafe FB Group on 4/27/2022]